Zimmerman gives TV interview yesterday July 18. Media ignores it

Is this about that thing with Hannity? That wasn't an interview. In a "normal" interview, they interviewer doesn't ask AND answer the questions with the other guy just saying "yes or no".
Exactly! All the lying bastard was doing was saying "Yes sir. No sir."

WTH calls Hannity "sir?!?"

Well, you wouldn't! :lol:

From all that I have seen of Zimmerman, he is verbally polite...and it comes automatically, as it should....sir.
lol...good one.
The corporate media has buried the whole trayvon-zimbo story since it no longer has any value as an anti-white male propaganda piece. When the story began the media said a 250 pound white man shot a 12 year old black kid. For weeks they showed that cute pic of trayvon in the red swweatshirt when he was 12. But the internet showed that tray was actually a 17 year old man well over 6 feet tall. And Zimbo was a 150 pound hispanic.

It's the Duke phony rape case all over. The press lies about everything.

Zimmerman should be glad the media didn't pay much attention. He probably dug himself in deeper. Especially that idiot statement that his shooting Trayvon was "God's Will".

His "it God's was plan" statement, jovial attitude, and smartly dressed appearance are getting tons of media attention. He appeared like a guy who had just won the lottery; perhaps to him, he did.

It's unfortunate that we live in a society where people think being on TV for something validates them. Especially when it's something that isn't so great. Unfortunately, Zimmerman has conflated the support from haters as validating what he did. He's going to be in for a rude awakening when he gets in front of a jury and realize what a hole he's dug for himself.
Zimmerman should be glad the media didn't pay much attention. He probably dug himself in deeper. Especially that idiot statement that his shooting Trayvon was "God's Will".

His "it God's was plan" statement, jovial attitude, and smartly dressed appearance are getting tons of media attention. He appeared like a guy who had just won the lottery; perhaps to him, he did.

Yeah.....he should have worn wife-beaters, shorts, and flip-flops.

What he ought to do is cop a plea, serve his time and shut up. And maybe if he keeps quiet, no one will shank him in prison.
His "it God's was plan" statement, jovial attitude, and smartly dressed appearance are getting tons of media attention. He appeared like a guy who had just won the lottery; perhaps to him, he did.

Yeah.....he should have worn wife-beaters, shorts, and flip-flops.

What he ought to do is cop a plea, serve his time and shut up. And maybe if he keeps quiet, no one will shank him in prison.

Would you cop a plea if you were sure you didn't do anything wrong? That would be pretty stupid!
Yeah.....he should have worn wife-beaters, shorts, and flip-flops.

What he ought to do is cop a plea, serve his time and shut up. And maybe if he keeps quiet, no one will shank him in prison.

Would you cop a plea if you were sure you didn't do anything wrong? That would be pretty stupid!

He killed a kid. An unarmed kid. Outside the kid's father's home.

Most places, that's considered wrong.

and, yeah, people cop pleas all the time because the evidence damns them and a jury would do far worse.
It's unfortunate that we live in a society where people think being on TV for something validates them. Especially when it's something that isn't so great. Unfortunately, Zimmerman has conflated the support from haters as validating what he did. He's going to be in for a rude awakening when he gets in front of a jury and realize what a hole he's dug for himself.
I agree with you Brother Joe, however, the hard reality is that being on tv...works. Whether for good intentions/purposes or bad ones. The exposure tends to benefit someone that is then able to capitalize on it. The saying, "there's no such thing as negative press" came about for a reason.

What he ought to do is cop a plea, serve his time and shut up. And maybe if he keeps quiet, no one will shank him in prison.

Would you cop a plea if you were sure you didn't do anything wrong? That would be pretty stupid!

He killed a kid. An unarmed kid. Outside the kid's father's home.

Most places, that's considered wrong.

and, yeah, people cop pleas all the time because the evidence damns them and a jury would do far worse.

In self defense....as far as we know.
If i knew i did something like this because i was afraid the kid was trying to kill me...i would have done the same thing! You, and I, don't know the whole story, and we may never REALLY know., But if the prosecution doesn't have the proof they need, he could very well walk away. So far everything looks to be in his favor...so he'd be an idiot to plea anything!
What he ought to do is cop a plea, serve his time and shut up. And maybe if he keeps quiet, no one will shank him in prison.

Would you cop a plea if you were sure you didn't do anything wrong? That would be pretty stupid!

He killed a kid. An unarmed kid. Outside the kid's father's home.

Most places, that's considered wrong.

and, yeah, people cop pleas all the time because the evidence damns them and a jury would do far worse.

Outside and down the path from his father's house....and his father, concerned parent that he is, just assumed his child, on suspension from school, was visiting friends for the night......did not even know anything was wrong when this happened "outside the kid's father's home".
Would you cop a plea if you were sure you didn't do anything wrong? That would be pretty stupid!

He killed a kid. An unarmed kid. Outside the kid's father's home.

Most places, that's considered wrong.

and, yeah, people cop pleas all the time because the evidence damns them and a jury would do far worse.

In self defense....as far as we know.
If i knew i did something like this because i was afraid the kid was trying to kill me...i would have done the same thing! You, and I, don't know the whole story, and we may never REALLY know., But if the prosecution doesn't have the proof they need, he could very well walk away. So far everything looks to be in his favor...so he'd be an idiot to plea anything!

I'm sorry, big ex-bouncer against teenage kid. Not seeing "self-defense" here. He picked a fight with a child, was getting a beat down and decided to kill him? Seriously?

I think with what the prosecution has now, they could get a conviction, and so do they. Of course, Zimmerman isn't doing himself any favors by going on TV begging for money and saying killing this kid was "God's Will".

My guess... he'll cop a plea in the next few weeks when he stops paying his lawyers.
Would you cop a plea if you were sure you didn't do anything wrong? That would be pretty stupid!

He killed a kid. An unarmed kid. Outside the kid's father's home.

Most places, that's considered wrong.

and, yeah, people cop pleas all the time because the evidence damns them and a jury would do far worse.

Outside and down the path from his father's house....and his father, concerned parent that he is, just assumed his child, on suspension from school, was visiting friends for the night......did not even know anything was wrong when this happened "outside the kid's father's home".

Who expects something like that?

Who expects to get shot up when watching a midnight movie?

A lot of things we don't expect.

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