Zimmermans First Appearance On Television Today. Looks More Hispanic Than White.

In my mind, you are a moron. Why do black men with no real power to do anything at all intimidate you so much?

In MY mind? *I* don't give a FUCK what you think race baiter.


Silly T, we all know you don't have a mind.
Have a rat in your pocket?
Obama is a white cracker too. He is half white. His upbringing was 100% white. White mom. White neighborhood. White schools.

The only thing "black" about him was his dead beat dad.

The entire rest of his life is the "white" culture upbringing.

Yet, he only claims "black".

Well first, just recently Meister has recently emphatically requested that these threads be put in the legal forum instead of politics. So this will probably rightfully be moved soon. . . . .

But. . . .a screen shot of Zimmerman when being arraigned:


If you knew nothing of this case and were seeing Zimmerman for the first time, what race would you assign to him? I am guessing a not-so-white Hispanic; possibly even a lighter skinned African American? What race would you assign to the cop or baillif to the right of Zimmerman? Is he Hispanic? Or is he African American? Skin tones are very similar, yes?

The fact that the media race baiters early on defined Zimmerman as a white Hispanic--I had never EVER previously heard a Hispanic person described that way--told me that this had nothing to do with concern for Martin or for justice or for anything else. It was just a vehicle to play the race card and keep race relations at the forefront and an issue to be exploited.

Meanwhile, I can't imagine how Zimmerman can now have a fair and impartial trial, but if he is guilty, so be it. Let justice be done.

And if he is innocent? How does he get his life back?

No,, early on they described him as white.. and accused him of killing Trayvon because he was black,, then they quickly tried to correct their idiocy by calling him a white hispanic.. and then they're astounded that anyone else would bring up race. :cuckoo:

Again, for the slow:

White: race
Hispanic: Ethnicity

God, this concept is just like second grade* for you, innit?

*long and hard

I made A's in biology. I know the technical definitions of race.

I also am well read enough to know that census demographics separate out non-Hispanic caucasians from Hispanics and treat Hispanics as a separate race for demographical purposes as opposed to not separating out the Italians, Greeks, and Irish who are also ethnic groups. In fact ethnic Italians, Greeks, and Irish can be even more identifiable than can "Hispanic" as an ethnicity since they throw Spanish, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Central and South Americans all into the same "Hispanic" pot and these are dramatically different ethnically. And the numbnuts AND politicians quickly scream "racism" if a Hispanic is criticized much more quickly than they do criticism of a person of Asian ancestry that can be considered a person of a minority race. Italians and Greeks get no racial protection or deference at all.

Of course some people need more than a second grade education to know that and more importantly, to understand it. So, we make allowances.

The fact that Zimmerman was identified as a WHITE Hispanic is profoundly significant in this case. I have never heard a Hispanic described that way ever until this case.

And it is race baiting.
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So Will Rep. Wilson rewrite her speech and claim that an Hispanic Male chased down Trayvon as if he was a rabid dog? she has already made a baffoon of herself when she accused a White Man of following Trayvon.
Maybe she was reading the police report that identified Zimmerman as a WHITE MALE, not once, but THREE TIMES.

Maybe she ought to get more current on her info before she opens her flapping gob, since everyone else in the frigging country has known he's Hispanic for two months now. Not, you understand, that it's appropriate for her or anyone else in government to be commenting on this AT ALL. We have institutions and systems in place to try the accused and determine their guilt or innocence, and they do not include the national media, loudmouthed politicians pandering for votes, or ignorant mobs of drooling protesters.
No,, early on they described him as white.. and accused him of killing Trayvon because he was black,, then they quickly tried to correct their idiocy by calling him a white hispanic.. and then they're astounded that anyone else would bring up race. :cuckoo:

Again, for the slow:

White: race
Hispanic: Ethnicity

God, this concept is just like second grade* for you, innit?

*long and hard

I made A's in biology. I know the technical definitions of race.

I also am well read enough to know that census demographics separate out non-Hispanic caucasians from Hispanics and regard Hispanics as a separate race for demographical purposes as opposed to not separating out the Italians, Greeks, and Irish who are also ethnic groups. In fact ethnic Italians, Greeks, and Irish can be even more identifiable than can "Hispanic" as an ethnicity since they throw Spanish, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Central and South Americans all into the same "Hispanic" pot and these are dramatically different ethnically.

Of course some people need more than a second grade education to know that and more importantly, to understand it. So, we make allowances.

The fact that Zimmerman was identified as a WHITE Hispanic is profoundly significant in this case. I have never heard a Hispanic described that way ever until this case.

And it is race baiting.
Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity | The White House
Again, for the slow:

White: race
Hispanic: Ethnicity

God, this concept is just like second grade* for you, innit?

*long and hard

At some point, you gotta just say "fuck it!"

AND...what then? What action do YOU propose?

Kick whitey's ass?!?!? WTF, is it really that hard to comprehend? You say fuck it and stop trying to educate you ignorant fools on the difference. :cuckoo:
September 29, 2011|By the CNN Wire Staff
Much of the 14 million increase in the white population -- 74% -- involved whites of Hispanic origin, as the census distinguished Hispanic ethnicity from race. For example, respondents could identify themselves as white Hispanics, black Hispanics or as Hispanics in any of the other racial categories.

White U.S. population grows but drops in overall percentage - CNN

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

:eusa_shhh: Don't let Ravi the Raving Lunatic hear ya. She's all-in on that 'Evil White Man kills Black Kid' stuff. Democrat loons. Waddayagonnado? :cuckoo:
I see where this is headed.

Cuban Hispanic
Illegal Hispanic
Mexican Hispanic
Tex-Mex Hispanic

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