Zimmermans First Appearance On Television Today. Looks More Hispanic Than White.

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

We've all been able to see this all along, and it hasn't stopped them. I can't imagine what ever made you think that truth, honesty, common sense, and reality had a single fucking thing to do with the liberal rabble-rousers and race baiters.

Watching this whole Zimmerman thing unfold makes me feel like we're living through the beginnings of the French Revolution, where innocence and guilt are decided by a frothing mob of ignorant peasants based on who they perceive you to be, rather than anything you actually did.

douche girl CeeCee now is projecting her inner turmoil on others. Nothing new here.
What the fuck is with this wild obsession you unspooled wingers have with ethnicity?

Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

paperview condones racism.
What the fuck is with this wild obsession you unspooled wingers have with ethnicity?

Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

Al Sharpton and his ilk couldn't take on a troop of girl scouts. The proper response to this is to laugh at their stupidity.
What the fuck is with this wild obsession you unspooled wingers have with ethnicity?

Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

Get it straight? YOU in thier mind ARE the Klan...
What the fuck is with this wild obsession you unspooled wingers have with ethnicity?

Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

paperview condones racism.

Willow promotes stupidity (her own and others).
No,, early on they described him as white.. and accused him of killing Trayvon because he was black,, then they quickly tried to correct their idiocy by calling him a white hispanic.. and then they're astounded that anyone else would bring up race. :cuckoo:

Again, for the slow:

White: race
Hispanic: Ethnicity

God, this concept is just like second grade* for you, innit?

*long and hard

At some point, you gotta just say "fuck it!"

which one?

Did any of you catch it around 1:40pm (a few minutes ago). First footage of Zimmerman in court. Looks like the trial may not begin till late May.
Now, did Zimmerman appear as that White Murderer that Black Leaders have painted him?

He was not "light skinned". if anything, far from it.
Let's see how much longer Blacks will accuse a white man of killing a black man now that the world will see that Zimmerman is more Hispanic than White.

We've all been able to see this all along, and it hasn't stopped them. I can't imagine what ever made you think that truth, honesty, common sense, and reality had a single fucking thing to do with the liberal rabble-rousers and race baiters.

Watching this whole Zimmerman thing unfold makes me feel like we're living through the beginnings of the French Revolution, where innocence and guilt are decided by a frothing mob of ignorant peasants based on who they perceive you to be, rather than anything you actually did.

douche girl CeeCee now is projecting her inner turmoil on others. Nothing new here.

CeeCee hates it when blacks buy property in her neighborhood. It brings down home prices.
Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

paperview condones racism.

Willow promotes stupidity (her own and others).

I'm not stupid enough to condone racism.. you and paperview however do condone racism.. it's a shame really,,
What the fuck is with this wild obsession you unspooled wingers have with ethnicity?

Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

Get it straight? YOU in thier mind ARE the Klan...

In my mind, you are a moron. Why do black men with no real power to do anything at all intimidate you so much?
No,, early on they described him as white.. and accused him of killing Trayvon because he was black,, then they quickly tried to correct their idiocy by calling him a white hispanic.. and then they're astounded that anyone else would bring up race. :cuckoo:

Again, for the slow:

White: race
Hispanic: Ethnicity

God, this concept is just like second grade* for you, innit?

*long and hard

At some point, you gotta just say "fuck it!"

AND...what then? What action do YOU propose?
Maybe the fact that Al Sharpton and his ilk are trying to gin up a race war out of this? Or is it your view that noticing and opposing attempts to create racial hatred is somehow "racist" itself? We're all supposed to pretend it's not happening? I guess by the same token, opposing the Klan during the 60s was "racist", too?

Get it straight? YOU in thier mind ARE the Klan...

In my mind, you are a moron. Why do black men with no real power to do anything at all intimidate you so much?

In MY mind? *I* don't give a FUCK what you think race baiter.

I'm not positive the Black Panthers have done anything but make idiotic threats against Zimmerman personally. Outrageous, Yes, but I must have missed the race war calls.

Really? You've really missed the attempts to turn this into a race war? Where have you been, under a rock somewhere? Or is it just that you don't WANT to see it, and therefore it doesn't exist?

Tell me, when before this have you EVER heard the term "white Hispanic" in the news? Or anywhere? No matter how many pictures of this guy we've all seen, how many times it's been pointed out that he clearly favors his Peruvian mother strongly, every news outlet in the nation persists in describing him as "WHITE and Hispanic". It's GOTTA be mentioned repeatedly - probably because no one would ever know just by looking - that this guy is half-white, and THAT'S the half we're supposed to identify him by. When's the last time you heard President Obama described as "white and black" or "white and African-American"? Never, that's when.

And how about the media persisting in printing pictures of Trayvon Martin that are years out-of-date, even though more recent pictures of him have been made available? You think the attempt to portray him as an innocent 12-year-old is accidental? How about news outlets deliberately editing Zimmerman's call to the cops to make it sound like his only concern about Martin wandering around his neighborhood is because he's black? They cut something like two full minutes of conversation out of those recordings just to make Zimmerman appear like he hates blacks. Did you miss that part? Just how willfully blind can one person be? If you're not paying any more attention than that, why are you even discussing this at all?

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