Zionism and The Iranian Problem

funny, were I to return the automatic sentiment implied in your post.. well, we all know what the process is...

... HOW MANY ARTICLES FROM NEUTRAL SOURCES DID I POST IN THE LAST THREAD KATH? HOW MANY ZIONISTS REACTED IN KIND? HELL, the next jewish criminal should trigger a wide scale rounding up of all of Americas jews? No? Ya THINK? But, when it comes to israel? Well, of COURSE less than 100 kassam rockets justifies the marginalization of THE ENTIRE FUCKING POPULATION of pals! Just like the Watts Riots justifies.. no wait, WE don't allow that kind of shit in the west.

You want to know why zionism is wrong? Read the audacity of your own posts and put your words in a germans mouth circa 1941 and spare this goyim your side-stepping accusation of hatred.

I too have posted about the Iranian students protests regarding the mullahs, including the gate storming a week or so ago. I've also posted on Palestinians that are being persecuted by the civil war going on there, but hey, whatever.

Of course, that has zip to do with any of this, my questions were:

if every inch was returned, no conditions, would that make it ok? Or is the real problem the existence of any Jewish land? Is the real argument that a two state solution is wrong, that their should ONLY be Palestinian land?

What do you consider Zionism? Why is it so offensive? Do you believe a two state solution is viable? If yes, under what conditions? If no, why not? What about the right of return? If yes, why? If no, what is wrong with it?
There you go, Gunny. THERES my example.

onedomino, I don't give a FUCK if you don't like my vocabulary. I'm not twisting your arm to read or reply to my posts. Considering your lame ass posts in these particular threads it really is no skin off of my nutsack what you think about the quality of my thoughts. Indeed, you own position says much about the quality of your own cognitive ability so you might want to put that sword down. It's a SHOCKER that a zionist would LABEL something as propaganda (or antisemite, for that matter) WITHOUT EVEN THE SLIGHTEST EFFORT IN BACKING UP YOUR ASSERTION. Indeed, your intellectual laziness and total lack of effort in backing up your ignorant accusations pretty much convey everything that needs to be said about your position and willingness to see beyond your yarmulke.

Israel, Texas motherfucker. Search the forum or eat a nice big pile of dog shit.
Just look at this low-life post. What a freak show. He cannot string five words together without displaying the foul language oozing through his tiny mind. Do you imagine he speaks like this in the real world, or does he save his despicable slime for the board? The hatred just piles up in his posts like guano in a dark cave.
Just look at this low-life post. What a freak show. He cannot string five words together without displaying the foul language oozing through his tiny mind. Do you imagine he speaks like this in the real world, or does he save his despicable slime for the board? The hatred just piles up in his posts like guano in a dark cave.

Yeah, I tried to respond to him at school, couldn't. I was trying to *** all the vulgarities, but not enough for the filters. I can handle that, just wish he didn't attack posts that are my opinion, like I'm going to get banned for doing so. In all fairness, he's not banned anyone that I know of, just pretty aggressive in responses. No harm, no foul.
A two-state solution seems to me to be the only solution. How to get there and how to make it work are the problems of course.

im not sure that really works though. I dont think having two states would create peace between them.

The only real solution is changing the hearts of every single person so they no longer want to fight with their fellow man. Needless to say thats not an easy task.
What galls me about the Jews is that they are insistent to the point of genocide about their OWN right to a religiously and ethnically exclusive nation, but BREAK THEIR NECKS screaming about white gentiles even thinking such thoughts. I wouldn't be as hot as I am if they were one but not the other, but how in the hell can they mentally process being both?
im not sure that really works though. I dont think having two states would create peace between them.

The only real solution is changing the hearts of every single person so they no longer want to fight with their fellow man. Needless to say thats not an easy task.

Yes, that would be a real solution. The two-state solution might work if Hamas were out of the picture (and Fatah isn't much better, being riddled with corruption). I obviously don't have the solution but it seems to me if there were a relationship between the two states where one needed the other, that might do it.
I believe that one among us here needs to understand the broad gradations of Judacia across the spectrum of Ashkenazim to Sephardi and from Falasha to Kaifeng Jews.

Zionism is a political movement. It is as Christian as it is Jewish.


I too have posted about the Iranian students protests regarding the mullahs, including the gate storming a week or so ago. I've also posted on Palestinians that are being persecuted by the civil war going on there, but hey, whatever.

Of course, that has zip to do with any of this, my questions were:

Like I've said, IM the guy who has posted the idea of giving Texas to the jews for a homeland. Not only does this prove that I'm not at all opposed to an israel but I invite you to ponder if the TEXANS would act any different than the pals. Search for it.

Hey, I'm glad you find those articles too. My point was, however, that the people who are quickest to POUNCE on the slightest criticism of israel with a bckpack full of blame for muslims sure as hell aren't looking for any solution other than using the US in a proxy war and belittling the humanity in Palestine.

However, I have to say that it's pretty valid to question why an ethnic population in israel, where ever it may be located, is allowed to maintain a racial requirement when no one else in the west can do the same. This was the point of Olmerts statement about creating a pal state or losing the jewish identity in israel. without it, israel would have to desegregate like the United States has. Scary, I know, but I guess we can either recognize the same patterns found in our own example or pull a zionist card and pretend that it's apples and oranges.
Just look at this low-life post. What a freak show. He cannot string five words together without displaying the foul language oozing through his tiny mind. Do you imagine he speaks like this in the real world, or does he save his despicable slime for the board? The hatred just piles up in his posts like guano in a dark cave.

I enjoy my vocab, sucker. If you can't take it I suggest you take your lillipop back to the kiddie pool.
Like I've said, IM the guy who has posted the idea of giving Texas to the jews for a homeland. Not only does this prove that I'm not at all opposed to an israel but I invite you to ponder if the TEXANS would act any different than the pals. Search for it.

Hey, I'm glad you find those articles too. My point was, however, that the people who are quickest to POUNCE on the slightest criticism of israel with a bckpack full of blame for muslims sure as hell aren't looking for any solution other than using the US in a proxy war and belittling the humanity in Palestine.

However, I have to say that it's pretty valid to question why an ethnic population in israel, where ever it may be located, is allowed to maintain a racial requirement when no one else in the west can do the same. This was the point of Olmerts statement about creating a pal state or losing the jewish identity in israel. without it, israel would have to desegregate like the United States has. Scary, I know, but I guess we can either recognize the same patterns found in our own example or pull a zionist card and pretend that it's apples and oranges.

Do you actually believe the bulk of the Palestinians would live 'in peace' with Israel? Their numbers alone would overwhelm. So I guess you are not for a two state solution?
Yeah, I tried to respond to him at school, couldn't. I was trying to *** all the vulgarities, but not enough for the filters. I can handle that, just wish he didn't attack posts that are my opinion, like I'm going to get banned for doing so. In all fairness, he's not banned anyone that I know of, just pretty aggressive in responses. No harm, no foul.

I would never ban someone for disagreeing with my opinion. Hell, I didn't even return snowmans neg rep until his 4th or 5th offering. I don't really need to regulate what my reply posts can pretty much make short work of. Besides, I've always hated mods who take their authority way to seriously and and use it like a retributive sap.

just sayin.
I would never ban someone for disagreeing with my opinion. Hell, I didn't even return snowmans neg rep until his 4th or 5th offering. I don't really need to regulate what my reply posts can pretty much make short work of. Besides, I've always hated mods who take their authority way to seriously and and use it like a retributive sap.

just sayin.

That's why I added the last line. It's pretty intimidating though when you come back with 'fucking this and that', because of the topic. Anyways, not a problem. For the record, I don't think I've zinged you? I have to be pretty po'd to neg someone, you'd have to go the way of José.
let me explain something about zionism. It basically means a homeland for the jews

the reason 6 million jews died was because they didnt have their own country.

You think if modern day israel existed in the 1940's 6 million jews would have been murdered.

Its absolute non sense to believe the jews dont deserve a home land

You cant be anti-zionist and pro jew in my opinion because, anti zionist means you want to scatter jews all over the world, where they wont be safe, and the anti semetic europeans and muslim countries would have them, and even if that happened, palestinians wouldnt stop whining and crying like little bitches.

This is not about the west bank, its about killing all jews, so the palestinians can have the newest country filled with abuses against women, and the 1-5 % non muslims living there.
let me explain something about zionism. It basically means a homeland for the jews

the reason 6 million jews died was because they didnt have their own country.

You think if modern day israel existed in the 1940's 6 million jews would have been murdered.

Its absolute non sense to believe the jews dont deserve a home land

You cant be anti-zionist and pro jew in my opinion because, anti zionist means you want to scatter jews all over the world, where they wont be safe, and the anti semetic europeans and muslim countries would have them, and even if that happened, palestinians wouldnt stop whining and crying like little bitches.

This is not about the west bank, its about killing all jews, so the palestinians can have the newest country filled with abuses against women, and the 1-5 % non muslims living there.
By and large, your post is garbage.
let me explain something about zionism. It basically means a homeland for the jews
the reason 6 million jews died was because they didnt have their own country.
You think if modern day israel existed in the 1940's 6 million jews would have been murdered.
Its absolute non sense to believe the jews dont deserve a home land
You cant be anti-zionist and pro jew in my opinion because, anti zionist means you want to scatter jews all over the world, where they wont be safe, and the anti semetic europeans and muslim countries would have them, and even if that happened, palestinians wouldnt stop whining and crying like little bitches.
This is not about the west bank, its about killing all jews, so the palestinians can have the newest country filled with abuses against women, and the 1-5 % non muslims living there.

No, the reason 6 million jews died is because some asshole in germany rode the wave of racial disparity into power while selling the prospect of a PURE GERMAN RACE (sound familiar?) to germans who felt threatened economically and found it easy to scapegoat the jews. Having a homeland in the Mid East wouldn't have kept jews in germany from the holocaust unless it is your opinion that the jews located around the world should uproot in a mass exodus to israel. We all know that won't happen now and wouldnt have happened then.

Sure, the jews deserve a homeland... but it's a masterful fistfucking of logic to insist that their homeland is more important than the homeland of the people being robbed of land to carve israel from. Moreso, if YOU can support a racist standard which limits rights and opportunities according to ethnicity then you, sir, are no better than the Aryans who told your people to get the hell out of germany so they too could have an ethnic homeland.

If your opinion puts anti-zionism on par with jew hatred then good for you. You are not the first to insist as much.

It's ironic that you talk about pals whining and bitching and crying like babies. Signing every blank check opportunity for israel with The Holocaust is getting pretty fucking old too. If you think that pals simply want to kill ALL jews then I guess you can understand why all those white germans were so quick to use the same tactic in dehumanizing their scapegoat.

Think, acts. Try to be a human rather than strictly jewish. You can't use the holocaust as an excuse to shit on another ethnicity. It really diminishes the travesty that was the holocaust when you use it like a disposable diaper.
Can dirty goyim EVER have the same clue as the chosen, Jillian?
What galls me about the Jews is that they are insistent to the point of genocide about their OWN right to a religiously and ethnically exclusive nation, but BREAK THEIR NECKS screaming about white gentiles even thinking such thoughts. I wouldn't be as hot as I am if they were one but not the other, but how in the hell can they mentally process being both?

The UK provided the land currently occupied by the Jews and the nation of Israel was established there because of the 3000+ year history and tradition of the Jewish people relative to that area and because the Jews had nowhere else to go. Hitler had 6 million of them exterminated in Europe. No numbers of Jews massacred in Russian pogroms are available but certainly the numbers are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. Here and there throughout the world the Jews were discriminated against and/or persecuted and/or threated as, at times, they have been throughout their history.

The Arabs protested immediately ignoring their own history of Jewish wars dating back for 4000 millenia. Why should THEY be punished for the sins of Europe? From day one of the re-establishment of Israel they wanted the Jews out and they, the Iranians, and the Egyptians plotted to run them out including amassing armies on Israeli borders.

In spite of all this, Israel has prospered as no other Middle Eastern nation has prospered, has produced the closest thing to a democracy that exists in that area, and far from being ethnically exclusive, have made full citizens with full rights and complete religious freedom of more than 100,000 Arabs living as Israeli citizens in that tiny country.

Israel realistically knows, however, that should hostile Arabs ever outnumber the Jews within Israel, Israel will no longer exist.

There is no indication that Israel is a bad neighbor to anybody, but they rightfully defend themselves against terrorists and those openly pledged to destroy Israel.

If the Palestinians would acknowledge Israel's right to exist, denounce (and control) the terrorists among them, and become good neighbors to Israel, there is no reason to believe that Israel would not be the best friend the Palestinians ever had. It is pretty obvious that the Arab nations don't give a flying fig about the Palestinians or they would have already provided the Palestinians with a homeland.
Oh, he knows all that. But it's wasted on WJ because he's a KKK'er white supremacist type. If he didn't think Jews were the devil incarnate his head would probably explode.
Oh, he knows all that. But it's wasted on WJ because he's a KKK'er white supremacist type. If he didn't think Jews were the devil incarnate his head would probably explode.

Perhaps, but when somebody leaves a door THAT wide open, its pretty hard to pass up the chance to set the record straight. :razz:

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