Zogby: 10/14/08

The race is over.

Obama has so much money, he can crush McCain with television ads.
are they still over sampling democrats?
Giving the fact that FoxNews saturday night had Obama at 51% and McCain at 42%, I don't think so. Every poll has Obama up by at least 7% and some even more. So every poll given is over sampling democrats, even FoxNews?
Giving the fact that FoxNews saturday night had Obama at 51% and McCain at 42%, I don't think so. Every poll has Obama up by at least 7% and some even more. So every poll given is over sampling democrats, even FoxNews?
Fox News ISNT and NEVER has been what lib morons keep calling it
Fox News ISNT and NEVER has been what lib morons keep calling it
So every single poll taken is biased toward liberals? Just let it go bud. I am not saying he is for sure going to win for one I believe in jinxing things that is why Chris and them really need to stop these threads. I do think he is leading in the polls and not every one is not over sampling democrats.
Now I must knock on wood!
So every single poll taken is biased toward liberals? Just let it go bud. I am not saying he is for sure going to win for one I believe in jinxing things that is why Chris and them really need to stop these threads. I do think he is leading in the polls and not every one is not over sampling democrats.
Now I must knock on wood!
check the sample rate

i do on every one i can, and so far every one is sampling democrats at 40% or higher and they only make up about 34% of the population
so, whats that say about these results
also, watch as they get closer to the elections, the sample rates will change
i've watched this for several election cycles
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check the sample rate

i do on every one i can, and so far every one is sampling democrats at 40% or higher and they only make up about 34% of the population
so, whats that say about these results
also, watch as they get closer to the elections, the sample rates will change
i've watched this for several election cycles
So if you go by this, say FoXNews Poll, that would mean he is leading by 3% then. And every single poll is over sampling democrats?
check the sample rate

i do on every one i can, and so far every one is sampling democrats at 40% or higher and they only make up about 34% of the population
so, whats that say about these results
also, watch as they get closer to the elections, the sample rates will change
i've watched this for several election cycles

Listen, you can say what you want about Newsweek, ABC, Washington Post, Democracy Corps, Time, anything to do with the liberal media. When you get to Zogby, Rasmussen, Gallup... any of the REAL polls, you're talking about accuracy within 2.9%. Please don't armchair politic and say this poll is wrong because it doesn't support your candidate.

It's over, Dive. The fat lady has sung.

Listen, I like McCain. I think he hired the wrong people to run his campaign. I voted for McCain in 2000. I don't think Obama is by any means perfect, hell up until McCain chose Palin, I wasn't going to vote for him. But during the past few weeks when the crap has hit the fan, McCain's people have said "We focus on the economy, we lose." This means they admit, the most important issue to the American people, McCain doesn't have a clue. His proposal to buy up all of the bad mortgages from the banks was a terrible one... $300 billion extra and screw everyone else who paid for their mortgage and cut corners to make it? Come on. That's fiscal irresponsibility at its worst. Eeven dilloduck admits that was a terrible idea.
Listen, you can say what you want about Newsweek, ABC, Washington Post, Democracy Corps, Time, anything to do with the liberal media. When you get to Zogby, Rasmussen, Gallup... any of the REAL polls, you're talking about accuracy within 2.9%. Please don't armchair politic and say this poll is wrong because it doesn't support your candidate.

It's over, Dive. The fat lady has sung.

Listen, I like McCain. I think he hired the wrong people to run his campaign. I voted for McCain in 2000. I don't think Obama is by any means perfect, hell up until McCain chose Palin, I wasn't going to vote for him. But during the past few weeks when the crap has hit the fan, McCain's people have said "We focus on the economy, we lose." This means they admit, the most important issue to the American people, McCain doesn't have a clue. His proposal to buy up all of the bad mortgages from the banks was a terrible one... $300 billion extra and screw everyone else who paid for their mortgage and cut corners to make it? Come on. That's fiscal irresponsibility at its worst. Eeven dilloduck admits that was a terrible idea.
all i'm saying is check the sample rates
and watch them as it gets closer to the election
RCP: Obama +6.9

Intrade: Obama 77.6-22.2

Vegas: Obama 4.5-1

And for good measure ...


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To me, this is the real story in the polls...

State polling data released last night shows Obama with a slight advantage in Florida, Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia while the candidates are tied in North Carolina. All five of those states were carried by Republicans four years ago but have become battleground states this year. See an overview of last night’s Battleground State polling.

Currently, Obama has the edge in every state won by John Kerry four years ago. However, of the states won by George Bush, McCain is trailing in four and five others are considered a toss-up. As a result, Electoral College projections now show Obama leading 255-163. When “leaners” are included, Obama leads 300-174. A total of 270 Electoral Votes are needed to win the White House.

Tied in North Carolina?!?!?! Heck, John Edwards couldn't have done that. Say what you want about polls, but this has to be making McCain's people sick.

Georgia and North Dakota are only leaning McCain ...

West freakin' Virginia is a TOSS UP STATE!!!
Fox News ISNT and NEVER has been what lib morons keep calling it


Fox News is to news what wrestling is to sports .. not really a sport at all .. just entertainment for people who don't like real sports.

Fox is entertainment for people who don't like real news.
It does seem like it's shaping up to be a different electoral map this time.
Bush won Indiana by 20 points.

It is now barely leaning towards McCain who has a 3 point lead ...

Different electoral map indeed ...
It does seem like it's shaping up to be a different electoral map this time.

Republicans can thank themselves for the reshaping of the electoral map.

Given 4 more years they could have failed themselves right out of existence .. which is not to say democrats have the courage to lead this nation.

In 8 years, democrats may fail themselves out of existence.
Republicans can thank themselves for the reshaping of the electoral map.

Given 4 more years they could have failed themselves right out of existence .. which is not to say democrats have the courage to lead this nation.

In 8 years, democrats may fail themselves out of existence.

They need to boot Pelosi and Reid out of leadership positions if they want to avoid that fate ...

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