ZTE receives record $1.2 billion fine for breaking US sanctions

shockedcanadian posted this on Mar 9th, Trump tweeted about his ZTE bailout effort to save Chinese jobs on Mar14th.

Someone should maybe call the ambulance, previously shocked Canadian probably has gone into full on epilepsy over this.

Actually he posted in on March 9th 2017, over a year ago. I bet he wishes he could take it back.

Tis always fun to search out and bump an old OP such as this from a Trumpling. :wink:
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.
Welcome to the swamp. Bigger and slimier than ever.

"Nobody knows the system better than me. Which is why I alone can fix it!" :21:

He sure is fixing it....for himself.

I expect nothing less from a New York Democratic huckster who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats.

I agree with a lot of what you say. However Trump is not a Democrat, he could never get through a Democratic primary with all the stupid that drools out of his mouth. He specifically targeted the Republican party because for decades they have been molded closer and closer to something resembling the tea party. Hate everyone else and protect your own. Began with Reagan and now you have openly racist groups supporting the current leader of the Republican party.

This is a problem that the Republican party and the Republican party alone owns. Hook, line and sinker the Republican base took the bait and has been taught to hate and to be honest I don't know how this party saves itself and everyone else from itself.

I appreciate the fact that you left the GOP (if memory serves) and by no means at all are the Democrats perfect, they also depend on the same lobbying interests as the GOP does however there is a very clear difference on which party is living in reality about this current Commander in Chief. Democrats are not playing footsie with Russians, Democrats are not nominating people to fill government positions for which they are woefully ill equipped to take on. The Democrats are not the ones potentially starting dangerous trade wars or running the United States reputation through the mud by pulling out of important global pacts. It's not the Democrats who support a man who may be enriching himself with Chinese money while aimlessly meandering through a Korean peninsula peace process that only seems import to Trump as to how good it makes him look.

I'm sorry, stop calling Trump a Democrat, they may not be perfect but they'd never elect this fucking clown.
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

Was there a finalized agreement with Trump Co?

Chinese had him by the wallet and this is EXACTLY why it's totally inappropriate for a President to have personal business entanglements like this.

It is EXACTLY what swamp looks like.
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.

He OWNS his company and has PERSONAL INTEREST in play here for millions and millions of dollars. How in the world can this be considered anywhere near ethical?
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.

He OWNS his company and has PERSONAL INTEREST in play here for millions and millions of dollars. How in the world can this be considered anywhere near ethical?

Because the deal began 3 years ago. There were multiple meetings, arrangements and discussions going on.
Are the two related?
I don't know, and neither does anyone else.
I do know that if this was Hillary, you guys would be ignoring the heck out of it. This would be no big thing in her litany of coincidental money windfalls.
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.

Which is why he should have separated himself (i.e. sell off) from his company. There should be honor in being the President, not an opportunity to enrich oneself while in office.
Welcome to the swamp. Bigger and slimier than ever.

"Nobody knows the system better than me. Which is why I alone can fix it!" :21:

He sure is fixing it....for himself.

I expect nothing less from a New York Democratic huckster who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats.

I agree with a lot of what you say. However Trump is not a Democrat

Welcome to the swamp. Bigger and slimier than ever.

"Nobody knows the system better than me. Which is why I alone can fix it!" :21:

He sure is fixing it....for himself.

I expect nothing less from a New York Democratic huckster who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats.

I agree with a lot of what you say. However Trump is not a Democrat


Wow, way to let the GOP off the hook.

That he registered as a Democrat does not change one point of my post. ALL the damage he did was as a Republican, supported by Republicans. Republicans who have been fed a diet of fear for decades.
Trump was a registered Democrat all during the Bush regime. He was "very pro-choice" all the way up to the ninth month of pregnancy. He was screaming for America to cut and run from Iraq. A policy he now tries to claim gave birth to ISIS. He called for Bush's impeachment for lying about WMDs. WMDs which pseudocons insist to this day were in Iraq.

Every time Trump could get himself in front of a camera on CNN, he spouted the far left position. That's why he calls CNN "fake news" these days. He doesn't want the rubes to see the real Trump.

Trump's kids were unable to vote in the New York Republican primary. You know why? Because the retards didn't get down to change their registration to Republican in time!


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
Welcome to the swamp. Bigger and slimier than ever.

"Nobody knows the system better than me. Which is why I alone can fix it!" :21:

He sure is fixing it....for himself.

I expect nothing less from a New York Democratic huckster who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats.

I agree with a lot of what you say. However Trump is not a Democrat


Wow, way to let the GOP off the hook.

That he registered as a Democrat does not change one point of my post. ALL the damage he did was as a Republican, supported by Republicans. Republicans who have been fed a diet of fear for decades.

Trump is a world class huckster from New York. He knows how to manipulate the rubes. He absolutely counts on their willful blindness and ignorance.

And that's how a limousine liberal New York Democrat was able to fool the tards into bleeving he is the only conservative Republican in the whooooooooole world. :lol:

He even got the rubes to defend his donations to pro-abortion Democrats! Can you believe that? And he has turned them all into Keynesians.

Trump was a registered Democrat all during the Bush regime. He was "very pro-choice" all the way up to the ninth month of pregnancy. He was screaming for America to cut and run from Iraq. A policy he now tries to claim gave birth to ISIS. He called for Bush's impeachment for lying about WMDs. WMDs which pseudocons insist to this day were in Iraq.

Right, what does this have to do with him scamming Republicans by playing on the fears that they already had? I don't remember Trump's views on abortion really being an issue. He also initially supported the Iraq war and then got wishy washy after the fact.

Every time Trump could get himself in front of a camera on CNN, he spouted the far left position. That's why he calls CNN "fake news" these days. He doesn't want the rubes to see the real Trump.

What far left position? Maybe he mentioned something once about healthcare but I think his official position is that Obamacare should be replaced with something 'better'.

Trump's kids were unable to vote in the New York Republican primary. You know why? Because the retards didn't get down to change their registration to Republican in time!


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

Yet he ran as a Republican because even he knows what a bunch of self loathing morons they've turned out to be.
You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.

Trump is his company, it is part and parcel of him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
He sure is fixing it....for himself.
I expect nothing less from a New York Democratic huckster who has donated millions to pro-abortion Democrats.

I agree with a lot of what you say. However Trump is not a Democrat


Wow, way to let the GOP off the hook.

That he registered as a Democrat does not change one point of my post. ALL the damage he did was as a Republican, supported by Republicans. Republicans who have been fed a diet of fear for decades.
Trump is a world class huckster from New York. He knows how to manipulate the rubes. He absolutely counts on their willful blindness and ignorance.

And that's how a limousine liberal New York Democrat was able to fool the tards into bleeving he is the only conservative Republican in the whooooooooole world. :lol:

He even got the rubes to defend his donations to pro-abortion Democrats! Can you believe that? And he has turned them all into Keynesians.


Yes, I can completely agree that Trump got Republicans to believe a whole lot of stupid shit, they've been fed it for years.

This is a Republican party problem, not a Democratic party one.
What far left position?

He advocated the pro-choice position.

He advocated for an assault weapons ban.

He advocated we cut and run from Iraq.

He advocated for Bush's impeachment.

He said our economy does better under Democrats.

He advocated for universal health care.

Most of his donations went to Democrats, including Terry McAuliffe when he ran for governor of Virginia.

He donated at least half a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation.

I'm sure his tax returns would show donations to many far left organizations. Maybe even Planned Parenthood.

Yet he ran as a Republican because even he knows what a bunch of self loathing morons they've turned out to be.
Yes. Hucksters always exploit those who are the most easily manipulated.

You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.

Trump is his company, it is part and parcel of him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

No, it's not.
But thanks for playing
The nation's top counterintelligence official told the Senate Intelligence Committee that penetration of the U.S. market by the Chinese telecom firm ZTE could pose a national security risk to the United States. Under questioning by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., Evanina said U.S. intelligence agencies are on record as assessing that Chinese telecommunication firms are used as a vehicle by the Chinese government to conduct espionage. He said he would never use a ZTE phone.

"President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast," Trump tweeted Monday. "Too many jobs in China lost." ZTE ran afoul of the U.S. Treasury and Commerce departments when it sold hardware incorporating American technology to Iran and North Korea in violation of U.S. sanctions against those countries.

The ZTE controversy comes as critics are pointing to the Trump Organization’s involvement in an Indonesian theme park backed by the Chinese government, arguing that Trump got $500,000,000.00 & faces a conflict of interest in negotiating with China.

The Pentagon ordered stores at U.S. military bases to stop selling ZTE and another Chinese brand of cellphones and modems, saying the devices may pose a security risk. Huawei and ZTE products are being removed from the three store chains operated by the Defense Department at installations worldwide, Pentagon spokesperson Maj. Dave Eastburn said. "Huawei and ZTE devices may pose an unacceptable risk to the department's personnel, information and mission," said Eastburn. "Given the security concerns associated with these devices, as expressed by senior U.S. intelligence officials, it was not prudent for the department's exchange services to continue selling these products to our personnel."

A report by the House Intelligence Committee in 2012 found that both Huawei and ZTE posed risks to American national security. "The committee is concerned with the influence of the Chinese state in ZTE's operations. Such access or influence would provide a ready means for the Chinese government to exploit the telecommunications infrastructure containing ZTE equipment for its own purposes. … The history and structure of ZTE, as admitted by the company in its submissions to the committee, reveal a company that has current and historical ties to the Chinese government and key military research institutes," the report said.

"ZTE maintains a Chinese Party Committee within the company, and has not fully clarified how that committee functions, who chooses its members, and what relationship it has with the larger Chinese Communist Party."

You all DO realize this was a deal in which China had already given written "intent to build" 3 years ago??

Right? You know this?

as long as you realize Trump took big bucks from China for that deal.

No he didn't.
His international company did, that has interest all over the world.
This is what international companies do.
Now...if you want to discuss the fine lift we can.
I think it sucks, and unfortunately not surprised at all. It has happened before you know.

Trump is his company, it is part and parcel of him.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

No, it's not.
But thanks for playing
Trump himself says it all the time. In fact, he claims his very name is worth billions, and he uses that claim to inflate his claimed wealth.

You're welcome.

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