.02% chance of death.... thats what we are destroying our nation over

I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine
Thats funny shit right there.

1. Wide spread testing will only heighten your fear.
2 & 3. Haha, enjoy hiding under your bed until it's time to switch to your coffin
It's so much better to not know, right? I guess that's the trumpanzee version of "bravery".
I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine
Thats funny shit right there.

1. Wide spread testing will only heighten your fear.
2 & 3. Haha, enjoy hiding under your bed until it's time to switch to your coffin

Those of us who are self-isolating aren't "afraid". Those who are in denial are the ones who are afraid. You're terrified your economy is collapsing.

When the Weather Channel says "Tornado warning", I go to the basement, because that's the safest thing to do, and I stay there until the storm passes. What are the odds you're going to be killed in a tornado? Less than being killed in this pandemic. Yet you wouldn't dare go outside during the tornado warning. This virus is far more deadly than a tornado, and you can't see it or know it's there. You don't know if you're one of the "lucky" ones it kills, until you get it.

Nobody is hiding under beds. We're adjusting to life lived with social distancing. We're developing strategies to work without endangering others, especially the essential workers who have been risking their lives daily, to let us shelter at home. We're finding ways to keep ourselves from getting the virus, because health care workers can't take much more of this. They're dying because Trump was unprepared.

You still don't have adequate testing or public health strategies to keep people safe. That's all on Trump. His leadership has been worse than non-existant. The USA would be better off if Trump had just gone back to the White House and stayed there, saying and doing nothing. Everything he did do, made things worse. Much, much worse, and his actions, continue to cost American lives.

The USA hasn't really ever been shut down. And yet you're pushing to reduce restrictions. 85,000 dead, 1,054,000 still sick, and people are out drinking, shoulder to should, with no masks. Americans are behaving like petulant toddlers, and like petulant toddlers, nothing is going to happen until they cut out the nonsense and start behaving themselves in a medically resonable way.

I'm willing to let these fools kill themselves, but they're endangering others and prolonging the shut down, and making their own greatest fears a reality. In the meantime, countries which really did lock down, with testing and PPE's, are re-opening, slowly.

I see water parks are opening in the USA???? Are you fucking shitting me? All pools, splash pads, and water parks are closed for the season in Canada. I'd been counting the weeks until the pool opens. Rats!!! Time to use those Pilates tapes I have.

You stupid evil woman. Our country is slowly dying from economic malaise. Including hospitals who make most of their income from elective surgeries. We have nearly 1/4 of all Americans unemployed and staying home doesn’t prevent infection. You’re stupid. Worry about Canada and allow us to worry about America. Georgia has been open for 3 weeks and since the opening they have 10% fewer cases than the national average. Herd immunity is the answer not idiot indefinite lockdowns. You ugly, evil witch.
These TDS morons behave as if this shutdown doesn't have a cost. Hiding in the basement during a tornado doesn't have a cost. Shutting down the enitre economy for months has a huge cost.
They know but refuse to discuss it honestly.
I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine
Thats funny shit right there.

1. Wide spread testing will only heighten your fear.
2 & 3. Haha, enjoy hiding under your bed until it's time to switch to your coffin
It's so much better to not know, right? I guess that's the trumpanzee version of "bravery".
I'm not sick. Why the fuck would I waste medical resources just to "feel" an emotion?

Get a grip
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isn’t over. It’s actually a long way from being over. We aren’t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesn’t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
Most of New York dead are elderly. Why is that? Can you answer honestly?
Because trump DIDN"T answer the call to help stop the virus fast enough More died because of the AH's worry about the election and the most susceptible led the way Now do you understand gramps ?
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.
This study showed that in April alone, a month where there was a lockdown 72000 people more people died than your standard April. It's a method of estimating the true death toll that more countries employ. Basic math and a bit of common sense should make you be able to draw a conclusion here don't you think?
72,000 didn't die in April form Covid, moron. Not even close.
It makes one think there might be ulterior and maybe even nefarious motives.

The old adage, “Follow the money,” might apply.
Have you seen the NFL's re opening schedule plan?
It is eye opening.

In a nutshell the NFL is saying that if ONE STATE refuses to let a single team open they won't allow any team to open.
You think states are going to stop that MASSIVE pile of money to slip away? Then ask yourself if playing Football is "essential"
The NBA is telling players to expect a cut in pay

maybe a big cut
I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine
Thats funny shit right there.

1. Wide spread testing will only heighten your fear.
2 & 3. Haha, enjoy hiding under your bed until it's time to switch to your coffin

Those of us who are self-isolating aren't "afraid". Those who are in denial are the ones who are afraid. You're terrified your economy is collapsing.

When the Weather Channel says "Tornado warning", I go to the basement, because that's the safest thing to do, and I stay there until the storm passes. What are the odds you're going to be killed in a tornado? Less than being killed in this pandemic. Yet you wouldn't dare go outside during the tornado warning. This virus is far more deadly than a tornado, and you can't see it or know it's there. You don't know if you're one of the "lucky" ones it kills, until you get it.

Nobody is hiding under beds. We're adjusting to life lived with social distancing. We're developing strategies to work without endangering others, especially the essential workers who have been risking their lives daily, to let us shelter at home. We're finding ways to keep ourselves from getting the virus, because health care workers can't take much more of this. They're dying because Trump was unprepared.

You still don't have adequate testing or public health strategies to keep people safe. That's all on Trump. His leadership has been worse than non-existant. The USA would be better off if Trump had just gone back to the White House and stayed there, saying and doing nothing. Everything he did do, made things worse. Much, much worse, and his actions, continue to cost American lives.

The USA hasn't really ever been shut down. And yet you're pushing to reduce restrictions. 85,000 dead, 1,054,000 still sick, and people are out drinking, shoulder to should, with no masks. Americans are behaving like petulant toddlers, and like petulant toddlers, nothing is going to happen until they cut out the nonsense and start behaving themselves in a medically resonable way.

I'm willing to let these fools kill themselves, but they're endangering others and prolonging the shut down, and making their own greatest fears a reality. In the meantime, countries which really did lock down, with testing and PPE's, are re-opening, slowly.

I see water parks are opening in the USA???? Are you fucking shitting me? All pools, splash pads, and water parks are closed for the season in Canada. I'd been counting the weeks until the pool opens. Rats!!! Time to use those Pilates tapes I have.

You stupid evil woman. Our country is slowly dying from economic malaise. Including hospitals who make most of their income from elective surgeries. We have nearly 1/4 of all Americans unemployed and staying home doesn’t prevent infection. You’re stupid. Worry about Canada and allow us to worry about America. Georgia has been open for 3 weeks and since the opening they have 10% fewer cases than the national average. Herd immunity is the answer not idiot indefinite lockdowns. You ugly, evil witch.
These TDS morons behave as if this shutdown doesn't have a cost. Hiding in the basement during a tornado doesn't have a cost. Shutting down the enitre economy for months has a huge cost.
TPM for sure.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isn’t over. It’s actually a long way from being over. We aren’t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesn’t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
Most of New York dead are elderly. Why is that? Can you answer honestly?
Because trump DIDN"T answer the call to help stop the virus fast enough More died because of the AH's worry about the election and the most susceptible led the way Now do you understand gramps ?
He followed the advice of the "scientists" that turds like you told him to listen to.
I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine
Thats funny shit right there.

1. Wide spread testing will only heighten your fear.
2 & 3. Haha, enjoy hiding under your bed until it's time to switch to your coffin

Those of us who are self-isolating aren't "afraid". Those who are in denial are the ones who are afraid. You're terrified your economy is collapsing.

When the Weather Channel says "Tornado warning", I go to the basement, because that's the safest thing to do, and I stay there until the storm passes. What are the odds you're going to be killed in a tornado? Less than being killed in this pandemic. Yet you wouldn't dare go outside during the tornado warning. This virus is far more deadly than a tornado, and you can't see it or know it's there. You don't know if you're one of the "lucky" ones it kills, until you get it.

Nobody is hiding under beds. We're adjusting to life lived with social distancing. We're developing strategies to work without endangering others, especially the essential workers who have been risking their lives daily, to let us shelter at home. We're finding ways to keep ourselves from getting the virus, because health care workers can't take much more of this. They're dying because Trump was unprepared.

You still don't have adequate testing or public health strategies to keep people safe. That's all on Trump. His leadership has been worse than non-existant. The USA would be better off if Trump had just gone back to the White House and stayed there, saying and doing nothing. Everything he did do, made things worse. Much, much worse, and his actions, continue to cost American lives.

The USA hasn't really ever been shut down. And yet you're pushing to reduce restrictions. 85,000 dead, 1,054,000 still sick, and people are out drinking, shoulder to should, with no masks. Americans are behaving like petulant toddlers, and like petulant toddlers, nothing is going to happen until they cut out the nonsense and start behaving themselves in a medically resonable way.

I'm willing to let these fools kill themselves, but they're endangering others and prolonging the shut down, and making their own greatest fears a reality. In the meantime, countries which really did lock down, with testing and PPE's, are re-opening, slowly.

I see water parks are opening in the USA???? Are you fucking shitting me? All pools, splash pads, and water parks are closed for the season in Canada. I'd been counting the weeks until the pool opens. Rats!!! Time to use those Pilates tapes I have.

You stupid evil woman. Our country is slowly dying from economic malaise. Including hospitals who make most of their income from elective surgeries. We have nearly 1/4 of all Americans unemployed and staying home doesn’t prevent infection. You’re stupid. Worry about Canada and allow us to worry about America. Georgia has been open for 3 weeks and since the opening they have 10% fewer cases than the national average. Herd immunity is the answer not idiot indefinite lockdowns. You ugly, evil witch.
These TDS morons behave as if this shutdown doesn't have a cost. Hiding in the basement during a tornado doesn't have a cost. Shutting down the enitre economy for months has a huge cost.
TPM for sure.
You cannot refute his statement with logic. Noted.
I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine
Thats funny shit right there.

1. Wide spread testing will only heighten your fear.
2 & 3. Haha, enjoy hiding under your bed until it's time to switch to your coffin

Those of us who are self-isolating aren't "afraid". Those who are in denial are the ones who are afraid. You're terrified your economy is collapsing.

When the Weather Channel says "Tornado warning", I go to the basement, because that's the safest thing to do, and I stay there until the storm passes. What are the odds you're going to be killed in a tornado? Less than being killed in this pandemic. Yet you wouldn't dare go outside during the tornado warning. This virus is far more deadly than a tornado, and you can't see it or know it's there. You don't know if you're one of the "lucky" ones it kills, until you get it.

Nobody is hiding under beds. We're adjusting to life lived with social distancing. We're developing strategies to work without endangering others, especially the essential workers who have been risking their lives daily, to let us shelter at home. We're finding ways to keep ourselves from getting the virus, because health care workers can't take much more of this. They're dying because Trump was unprepared.

You still don't have adequate testing or public health strategies to keep people safe. That's all on Trump. His leadership has been worse than non-existant. The USA would be better off if Trump had just gone back to the White House and stayed there, saying and doing nothing. Everything he did do, made things worse. Much, much worse, and his actions, continue to cost American lives.

The USA hasn't really ever been shut down. And yet you're pushing to reduce restrictions. 85,000 dead, 1,054,000 still sick, and people are out drinking, shoulder to should, with no masks. Americans are behaving like petulant toddlers, and like petulant toddlers, nothing is going to happen until they cut out the nonsense and start behaving themselves in a medically resonable way.

I'm willing to let these fools kill themselves, but they're endangering others and prolonging the shut down, and making their own greatest fears a reality. In the meantime, countries which really did lock down, with testing and PPE's, are re-opening, slowly.

I see water parks are opening in the USA???? Are you fucking shitting me? All pools, splash pads, and water parks are closed for the season in Canada. I'd been counting the weeks until the pool opens. Rats!!! Time to use those Pilates tapes I have.

You stupid evil woman. Our country is slowly dying from economic malaise. Including hospitals who make most of their income from elective surgeries. We have nearly 1/4 of all Americans unemployed and staying home doesn’t prevent infection. You’re stupid. Worry about Canada and allow us to worry about America. Georgia has been open for 3 weeks and since the opening they have 10% fewer cases than the national average. Herd immunity is the answer not idiot indefinite lockdowns. You ugly, evil witch.
These TDS morons behave as if this shutdown doesn't have a cost. Hiding in the basement during a tornado doesn't have a cost. Shutting down the enitre economy for months has a huge cost.
TPM for sure.
What the hell is "TPM?"
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine. Right now we have none of that. I don't believe the Trump administration is capable, or even has any interest in providing any of that. And there is still much we do not know about this novel virus.

Plus Trump has convinced his cult followers that masks are for babies and social distancing is the devil.

So I think I'll hang back for awhile. But you do you, Grandpa. Go on and get a haircut and a tattoo. Cough all over each other. Touch your face. Shake hands. It'll be good for your immunity.

Let's shut down the economy until there is a Vaccine for AIDs too.

We'd be a third world country by now, if we had shut down the economy since the 1980s waiting for a vaccine.

You don't know if there is going to be a vaccine. You don't know if there is going to be a treatment for the infected. You don't even know if there will actually be a wide spread effective method for testing.

You don't know any of that. How many people have to lose their lives, to saticify your demands that may never be met?

Don't you care? You don't give a crap about people dying, as long as you get what you want?

Doesn't that make you a selfish uncaring bastard?
I'm not demanding anything, dotard.

I am telling you what *I* will do. I will follow the recommendations of doctors and science.

You can do whatever the hell you want. Lick a toilet, suck your fingers, cough in each other's mouths, share cigarettes.

Wow... I thought I was talking to an adults, and you proved me wrong. Now that I know what level of person I'm talking to....

So what will you do? Here is some science to consider, now will you incorporate that, or ignore it?
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
That is the weapon of choice for the left. That is the manner in which we will cause the total collapse of our own nation.

The fact that most people never even know they've had the virus and they recover from their symptomless death sentence of .02% means what in the big picture?

Do you refuse to get behind the wheel of a car because of the risk of death?
Do you refuse to live ANYWHERE where natural disasters regularly threaten lives?
Do you refuse to fly on a plane because of the risk of crashing?
Do you refuse to go swimming because of the risk of drowning?

I'm guessing you answered no to all those yet for some inexplicable reason you are scared to death of a viruse with a super low mortality rate...


Using a bit of common sense leads me to the conclusion that many are doing it to hurt Trump.

Yeah more will get sick. That is the nature of life and the risks it has ALWAYS posed. The mortality rate is still absurdly low for the archaic reactions of the left.

I'll feel more comfortable fully participating in the economy once there is the appropriate widespread testing, effective therapies and a vaccine. Right now we have none of that. I don't believe the Trump administration is capable, or even has any interest in providing any of that. And there is still much we do not know about this novel virus.

Plus Trump has convinced his cult followers that masks are for babies and social distancing is the devil.

So I think I'll hang back for awhile. But you do you, Grandpa. Go on and get a haircut and a tattoo. Cough all over each other. Touch your face. Shake hands. It'll be good for your immunity.

Let's shut down the economy until there is a Vaccine for AIDs too.

We'd be a third world country by now, if we had shut down the economy since the 1980s waiting for a vaccine.

You don't know if there is going to be a vaccine. You don't know if there is going to be a treatment for the infected. You don't even know if there will actually be a wide spread effective method for testing.

You don't know any of that. How many people have to lose their lives, to saticify your demands that may never be met?

Don't you care? You don't give a crap about people dying, as long as you get what you want?

Doesn't that make you a selfish uncaring bastard?
I'm not demanding anything, dotard.

I am telling you what *I* will do. I will follow the recommendations of doctors and science.

You can do whatever the hell you want. Lick a toilet, suck your fingers, cough in each other's mouths, share cigarettes.

Alrighty then, enjoy your mom's basement.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isn’t over. It’s actually a long way from being over. We aren’t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesn’t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
NY was an anomaly. Again odds of you dying if you’re under 59 are very slim.
NY was what happens when the virus takes hold before mitigation.
No. NYC happens when you infect nursing homes at a rapid rate. They are an outlier. Didn’t happen anywhere else in the country. And still 98% of those who died are those who either old and or very unhealthy. We can protect them and open the country. They were wrong in terms of how many hospital beds and ventilators they would need. Need to follow Sweden’s model.

Nursing homes are everywhere dude. Unhealthy people are everywhere. Old people are everywhere.

The more you open up the country, the harder it is to protect them. Old, unhealthy, nursing home patients cannot exist in isolation. They are almost by definition reliant on others for activities of daily life.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
I don't believe that's true. Not everyone gets the flu every year.
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isn’t over. It’s actually a long way from being over. We aren’t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesn’t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
Most of New York dead are elderly. Why is that? Can you answer honestly?
Because that's how this virus rolls. It's far more deadly for the elderly. What's your point?
Point is that it is illogical to punish 95% to potentially save less than 1% and in NY it showed that lockdowns didn’t work. 66% infected were those indoors and locked down. Cuomo was shocked too and reopened the state today. Herd immunity is what works.
NY showed that lockdowns aren't as effective when they're late. Lockdowns are what stop the spread. What percentage of the population are you willing to sacrifice?
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
We are all going to get infected sooner or later

and those with underlying medical conditions will die from it

but everyone else will survive just as humans always have
I don't believe that's true. Not everyone gets the flu every year.

some of us may postpone the inevitable for two years

But sooner or later...
0.02% of the entire country today has died as a result of COVID. That’s out of everyone, not just the infected.
Congrats, you have passed 4th grade math!
The point is, that this isn’t over. It’s actually a long way from being over. We aren’t shutting down the country because of the people that HAVE died. We are doing it to protect the people that WILL die. We are fighting to prevent 0.02% from becoming 0.1% or 1%.
No, we are not. The policy is wrong and will cost more lives than if no policy had been put in place.
That doesn’t seem likely. Did you see what happened in New York? Do you want that everywhere?
Most of New York dead are elderly. Why is that? Can you answer honestly?
Because that's how this virus rolls. It's far more deadly for the elderly. What's your point?
Who put sick people in with the elderly?
No one. Sick people are supposed to be isolated.

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