$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

Wow, what a childish attempt to deflect. I notice that you did not bother to address the point at all and somehow thought insults were the way to go.

Lets try again: apply that same logic to ANY OTHER RIGHT and ask yourself if it is a gross violation? The FACT is that it is clearly a violation to anyone with a brain. End of story. This case IS an example of someone trying to flatly take the right to bear arms away. That is blatantly obvious. One has to wonder, while you are calling others 'you people' of all things, why you are so damn obtuse that you refuse to acknowledge something so blatantly obvious.
Ok it's really stupid to compare guns to voting, speech, and abortions. Obviously there shouldn't be a tax on voting. Any idiot can tell you that. A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. A tax on speech wouldn't make any sense. However, like guns, speech has limitations. Defamation and child pornography are both illegal. Why shouldn't guns, that are dangerous, have limitations as well? And no, I don't at all support abolishing the second amendment. It just needs restrictions that serve the greater good like any right has.

Conservatives have a long history of fighting against restrictions on tobacco.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

You say, "not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be," then tell someone else to grow up?


Can we put a $1000 tax on abortions? Abortions aren't even in the Constitution

Abortion under some circumstances is a constitutional right.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?
Lol you people are such drama queens. It amazes me how emotional you get about something as stupid as guns. You somehow have this little girl mentality that gun control legislation of any kind somewhere will inevitably lead to abolishing the 2nd amendment everywhere. Oh the horror! Slippery Slope fallacy be damned!

I mean for fuck sake. This is where exactly? The NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. It just amazes me you people piss your pants over this crap. Lol what exactly do you think will happen here in the continental US? NOTHING will happen.

Go ahead and sleep soundly tonight with your fully-loaded AR-15 clutched between your legs. Everyone else still doesn't give a shit about your useless hobby. Sorry to disappoint.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

Wow, what a childish attempt to deflect. I notice that you did not bother to address the point at all and somehow thought insults were the way to go.

Lets try again: apply that same logic to ANY OTHER RIGHT and ask yourself if it is a gross violation? The FACT is that it is clearly a violation to anyone with a brain. End of story. This case IS an example of someone trying to flatly take the right to bear arms away. That is blatantly obvious. One has to wonder, while you are calling others 'you people' of all things, why you are so damn obtuse that you refuse to acknowledge something so blatantly obvious.
Ok it's really stupid to compare guns to voting, speech, and abortions. Obviously there shouldn't be a tax on voting. Any idiot can tell you that. A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. A tax on speech wouldn't make any sense. However, like guns, speech has limitations. Defamation and child pornography are both illegal. Why shouldn't guns, that are dangerous, have limitations as well? And no, I don't at all support abolishing the second amendment. It just needs restrictions that serve the greater good like any right has.
They do have limitations. There are thousands of laws on the books limiting, regulating and controlling guns.

That does not change the fact that a 1000 dollar tax is blatantly unconstitutional. Why are you not addressing the actual law that we are talking about. There is no serious push anywhere to make guns completely unregulated or without controls.

I think it is funny that you say 'any idiot can tell you' a tax on speech does not make any sense. Any idiot can tell you that a 1000 dollar tax on weapons is unconstitutional as well and is the exact same thing as an unreasonable poll tax or speech tax. They have the same point - limiting the use and access to a right.
You would sing a different tune if that tax was applied to voting, speech or abortions.

That is the problem with partisan hacks, they ignore the constitution when it doers not suit them and scream like bloody hell when it does. It does not work like that, either you stand up for rights or you are going to find out that you have none.
I honestly feel as through you people intentionally romanticize the gun control issue. You have convinced yourselves that a bunch of fascists are trying to abolish the 2nd admendment and take away your freedom. You like the childish fantasy that your huge, laughable gun collection will serve some revolutionary purpose when in reality there is not a single democrat in office that wants to abolish the amendment and there never will be.

Grow up will you?

Wow, what a childish attempt to deflect. I notice that you did not bother to address the point at all and somehow thought insults were the way to go.

Lets try again: apply that same logic to ANY OTHER RIGHT and ask yourself if it is a gross violation? The FACT is that it is clearly a violation to anyone with a brain. End of story. This case IS an example of someone trying to flatly take the right to bear arms away. That is blatantly obvious. One has to wonder, while you are calling others 'you people' of all things, why you are so damn obtuse that you refuse to acknowledge something so blatantly obvious.
Ok it's really stupid to compare guns to voting, speech, and abortions. Obviously there shouldn't be a tax on voting. Any idiot can tell you that. A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. A tax on speech wouldn't make any sense. However, like guns, speech has limitations. Defamation and child pornography are both illegal. Why shouldn't guns, that are dangerous, have limitations as well? And no, I don't at all support abolishing the second amendment. It just needs restrictions that serve the greater good like any right has.

Conservatives have a long history of fighting against restrictions on tobacco.
The use tobacco is a choice, dumbass

Democrats lose jobs over gun control

Two Colorado state lawmakers paid the ultimate political price for supporting tougher gun restrictions, in a sweeping victory for the National Rifle Association.

State Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron were rejected by voters Tuesday in an unprecedented recall prompted by their votes in favor of 15-round limits on high-capacity magazines and universal background checks for firearm sales. Both Democrats became the first lawmakers in the state to be recalled.

and a more detailed list....

Where Guns Won And Lost In The 2014 Midterm Elections - Bearing Arms - 2014 elections, 2nd Amendment, Politics

Greg Abbott trounced Wendy Davis in Texas, and announced that he’d sign a bill legalizing the open carry of handguns just as soon as legislators put the bill on his new governor’s desk.

Anthony Brown, the hand-selected heir-apparent to the out-going anti-gun Martin O’Malley, referred to his opponent as a gun-loving “extremist” throughout the election. He was trounced, as Larry Hogan took his NRA “A-” rating to smash Brown by nine points in the deep blue state.

Incumbent Pat Quinn, who fought tooth and nail for gun control and recently proposed a state-level assault weapon ban in Illinois, was likewise convincingly defeated boy five points in the deep blue state.

In Maine, Gabby Giffords-backed Michael Michaud failed against NRA-backed incumbent Paul LePage

NRA-backed candidates also won in Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Do not expect any governors, in even traditionally blue states, to push gun control in the next few years. Instead, expect them to support a widening of concealed carry, and perhaps the call for a national concealed carry reciprocity act.

U.S. Senate
As important as the governor’s races were, all eyes were on the U.S. Senate races, where Republicans were expected to gain seats, and the big question was whether or not they would take control of the Senate, and if so, by how much.

While the dust is still settling, NRA-backed candidates in the Senate will be taking power as a result of the elections, and Democrats who supported gun control will be pondering their retirement plans.

Despite running the most expensive senatorial campaign in U.S. history, Kay Hagan was unseated in North Carolina by NRA-backed Thom Tillis.

In Kentucky, Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes attempted to portray herself as a pro-gun candidate on the surface while supporting President Obama’s anti-gun policies, and was immediately crushed as the first Senate hopeful to fall election night to Second Amendment-supporting Mitch McConnell.

NRA-backed Senate candidates also won in Arkansas, Georgia, West Virginia, and Utah. The outcome in Alaska (where both candidates had NRA “A”-rating) will likely result in another Republican victory, and the Louisiana run-off in December is expected to see NRA-backed Bill Cassidy dethrone Democrat incumbent Mary Landrieu.

The stunning degree of upset in the Senate, along with the expansion of the control of the U.S. House of Representatives, means that gun owners have a real shot at passing gun-friendly bills on the national level.
You are such a dumbass. Pushing gun control legislation is not the same as abolishing the second amendment. Are you people incapable of the most basic level of critical thinking?

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand
Oh, when you took your first deer in my family, you were "blooded". Had to take a sip of the blood. My Dad was adamant about it. In my family, the old man never believed in ambushing a deer (tree stand) nope. He taught me and my Brother how to track the deer. Seemed pointless at the time, then years later I went to Viet Nam.....came in kinda handy...

Learning how to shoot and handle a gun at a very young age, five years old, gave me moral support in Nam.

Right on my Brother. Ashau Valley - 1968. Left a lot of good friends there.

Quang Tri City, Quang Tri Province 29 May 1972.

God Bless you, Brother. My brother was in the Marines (RIP) at Khe Sahn..got home safetly, became a DI at Parris Island and eventually retired as a Master Gunney. He passed a couple of years ago at Jacksonville, NC.

After I got wounded, (RPG) I was sent to Frankfurt and recovered there. After that I re-upped, changed MOS went to school, became a WO and spent the next 20 or so years in Europe.
Thank you both for your service and sacrifice.
If this goes to court it's hard to imagine this won't get struck down as unconstitutional. A $1,000 per gun tax is essentially a ban on guns for everyone except the wealthy. Why do Democrats think only the rich and powerful should have the ability to defend themselves, yet again expressing their disdain for poor and middle class Americans?

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A $1,000 per gun tax should serve as a “role model” for states, according to the governor of the U.S. territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, which imposed the $1,000 gun tax earlier this month. An idea first endorsed by Hillary Clinton in 1993, steep gun taxes have now taken hold in Cook County, Ill. the city of Seattle, and now a U.S. territory.

$1,000 Gun Tax Pushed as “Role Model” for States

Horse shit. The fact remains it's a States call and cannot be determined by the Feds. Get your story straight or just don't post. I can fix a lot of things but I am incapable of fixing stupid.
You are capable of fixing stupid when it is you who are showing how stupid you are....
The 2nd Amendment is attatched to the United States Constitution, therefore, issues arising from it can ONLY be determined by the Feds.

Democrats lose jobs over gun control

Two Colorado state lawmakers paid the ultimate political price for supporting tougher gun restrictions, in a sweeping victory for the National Rifle Association.

State Senate President John Morse and Sen. Angela Giron were rejected by voters Tuesday in an unprecedented recall prompted by their votes in favor of 15-round limits on high-capacity magazines and universal background checks for firearm sales. Both Democrats became the first lawmakers in the state to be recalled.

and a more detailed list....

Where Guns Won And Lost In The 2014 Midterm Elections - Bearing Arms - 2014 elections, 2nd Amendment, Politics

Greg Abbott trounced Wendy Davis in Texas, and announced that he’d sign a bill legalizing the open carry of handguns just as soon as legislators put the bill on his new governor’s desk.

Anthony Brown, the hand-selected heir-apparent to the out-going anti-gun Martin O’Malley, referred to his opponent as a gun-loving “extremist” throughout the election. He was trounced, as Larry Hogan took his NRA “A-” rating to smash Brown by nine points in the deep blue state.

Incumbent Pat Quinn, who fought tooth and nail for gun control and recently proposed a state-level assault weapon ban in Illinois, was likewise convincingly defeated boy five points in the deep blue state.

In Maine, Gabby Giffords-backed Michael Michaud failed against NRA-backed incumbent Paul LePage

NRA-backed candidates also won in Alabama, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

Do not expect any governors, in even traditionally blue states, to push gun control in the next few years. Instead, expect them to support a widening of concealed carry, and perhaps the call for a national concealed carry reciprocity act.

U.S. Senate
As important as the governor’s races were, all eyes were on the U.S. Senate races, where Republicans were expected to gain seats, and the big question was whether or not they would take control of the Senate, and if so, by how much.

While the dust is still settling, NRA-backed candidates in the Senate will be taking power as a result of the elections, and Democrats who supported gun control will be pondering their retirement plans.

Despite running the most expensive senatorial campaign in U.S. history, Kay Hagan was unseated in North Carolina by NRA-backed Thom Tillis.

In Kentucky, Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes attempted to portray herself as a pro-gun candidate on the surface while supporting President Obama’s anti-gun policies, and was immediately crushed as the first Senate hopeful to fall election night to Second Amendment-supporting Mitch McConnell.

NRA-backed Senate candidates also won in Arkansas, Georgia, West Virginia, and Utah. The outcome in Alaska (where both candidates had NRA “A”-rating) will likely result in another Republican victory, and the Louisiana run-off in December is expected to see NRA-backed Bill Cassidy dethrone Democrat incumbent Mary Landrieu.

The stunning degree of upset in the Senate, along with the expansion of the control of the U.S. House of Representatives, means that gun owners have a real shot at passing gun-friendly bills on the national level.
You are such a dumbass. Pushing gun control legislation is not the same as abolishing the second amendment. Are you people incapable of the most basic level of critical thinking?

What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand
Asking that question is a waste of time. If it where answered honestly, the entire arguement would be exposed for the fraud that it is. Just like most of what the American Left supports.

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