1.3 million Americans with diabetes rationed insulin in the past year, study finds

The things people believe are just scary sometimes. The "advice" we got back when our son was diagnosed with Type-1 ran the gamut of "natural cures". My favorite was to eat extra cinnamon as if that would some how get the pancreas to work again.
cinnamon is supposed to have beneficial benefits for helping to lower blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity, making insulin more efficient at moving glucose into cells.....but it is no cure....
It has an inelastic demand and the producers can charge whatever they want for it. Like gasoline.
Its a lot cheaper everywhere else in the world. If I had to pay for it I ould be charged £6. Its a lot more than that in the States.
Somebody is doing very well on this.
True of False?

A ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting helps a person with Type 1 regulate blood sugar (does not cure type 1, but helps with regulating it)
Its a lot cheaper everywhere else in the world. If I had to pay for it I ould be charged £6. Its a lot more than that in the States.
Somebody is doing very well on this.
i pay 25 bucks a month for Tresiba which is right now the best going.....its a 42 hour one, the the ones below it are 24 hour.....
What dietary restrictions do you follow? Are you type 1?
type 2......walking all day long and walking up and down stairs for 20 years kept it at bay.....after my knee surgery it was no more of that.....but i eat the same stuff i have always ate...i am Sicilian and lived in S.Cal ......so Italian food and Mexican food and Steak is high on the menu....my doctor says i am doing great for a diabetic....especially my ophthalmologist,he says my eyes are in pretty good shape for a diabetic.....i know diabetics who are in way worse shape than me....
That is an incredible amount. Unreal.
25 bucks a month?.....thats nothing.....it started out $200 a month....but my evil ins company said have my doctor fill out a tier exemption form and he did and that brought it down to $50 a month and then the evil Pharma company that makes it, gave me a coupon that brought it down to $25 a month....and all this without the help of any politicians who do nothing but talk about getting it lowered....
Insulin should be "over the counter" and not prescription medication. Flonase, Sudafed, and other medications are...

But see, insulin is "expensive" even for generics...because the government likes it this way because the drug companies get to ensure their profits. Nobody with diabetes takes an insulin shot without clear instructions from a doctor. We got Marijuana legal and available without a prescription...which has similar/identical dangers as insulin...but no FDA controls whatsoever on purity or dosing.
25 bucks a month?.....thats nothing.....it started out $200 a month....but my evil ins company said have my doctor fill out a tier exemption form and he did and that brought it down to $50 a month and then the evil Pharma company that makes it, gave me a coupon that brought it down to $25 a month....and all this without the help of any politicians who do nothing but talk about getting it lowered....
Its a conspiracy Harry.
Insulin should be "over the counter" and not prescription medication. Flonase, Sudafed, and other medications are...

But see, insulin is "expensive" even for generics...because the government likes it this way because the drug companies get to ensure their profits. Nobody with diabetes takes an insulin shot without clear instructions from a doctor. We got Marijuana legal and available without a prescription...which has similar/identical dangers as insulin...but no FDA controls whatsoever on purity or dosing.
Yeah, so why do we need a federal government?
Insulin should be "over the counter" and not prescription medication. Flonase, Sudafed, and other medications are...

But see, insulin is "expensive" even for generics...because the government likes it this way because the drug companies get to ensure their profits. Nobody with diabetes takes an insulin shot without clear instructions from a doctor. We got Marijuana legal and available without a prescription...which has similar/identical dangers as insulin...but no FDA controls whatsoever on purity or dosing.

Well said. Plus the patient has to keep going back to the doctor to keep the prescription renewed, even though there is no cure for Type-1 and they will need the insulin for the rest of their lives.
Here's a better idea:

Quit eating sugar/carbs. None. Zero.

I eat a ketogenic diet, one meal a day.

Don't eat any dextros or its derivatives.

Magically, things start to work better.
Insulin unless you have very bad managed Type 2 is for Type 1...

In UK & Ireland, Insulin is free, actually all Diabetic drugs are free.. This includes Ozempic and Metformin for type 2...

Insulin costs the government about $9 per vial ($98 in US)...

Ozempic costs the Governments (UK) under $200 (full dose) a month...
Uninsured in US that costs about $1200 a month...

Ozempic can be a wonder drug for Type 2 by bringing the bloods back to normal...

Why are they paying so much?

Properly managed Diabetes is far cheaper than unmanaged to society...

It makes financial sense. Buy in bulk, get a huge discount. This is the EU way...

The EU is now talking about bulk buying for the whole of EU rather than each country negotiating...

Now here is the secret rule... In the EU under equality law, the companies have to sell drugs at the lowest price available. So if the Government agree a price for a government program then that price has to be available to all citizens of that country. It means prices of drugs are driven lower by the government buying programs for there equivalence of Medicaid, Medicare or Vets..

Also in Europe, prescription drugs are not advertised... There is no 'Ask your Doctor...'. Your doctor will examine you and using his/her professional opinion prescribe what he/she thinks best... I can't tell you how much TV advertising prescription drugs is a turn off in Europe. Saying that, over the counter drugs in Europe are generally a lot stronger.

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