1.3 million Americans with diabetes rationed insulin in the past year, study finds

Its a lot cheaper everywhere else in the world. If I had to pay for it I ould be charged £6. Its a lot more than that in the States.
Somebody is doing very well on this.

I don't think they have the same type of Diabetic management we have on this side of the pond.

As soon as you are diagnosed Ireland (or UK) you are immediately directed to you doctor to the DESMOND programme

These take care of you (all free) and get you on the type of drugs you need and the diet plan you need to stick to... They then monitor you and make sure it is working for you... Feet checked, Bloods done regularly, Diabetic nurses available.... It is a good service and it is a massive support...
The Ozempic came out and that has been the game changer... Ireland is using so much Ozempic they are starting to get supply problems this winter.. They are putting every type 2 on it if they can... (Some people Ozempic doesn't suit and they need to be carefully managed especially early on).

I don't think they have the same type of Diabetic management we have on this side of the pond.

As soon as you are diagnosed Ireland (or UK) you are immediately directed to you doctor to the DESMOND programme

These take care of you (all free) and get you on the type of drugs you need and the diet plan you need to stick to... They then monitor you and make sure it is working for you... Feet checked, Bloods done regularly, Diabetic nurses available.... It is a good service and it is a massive support...
The Ozempic came out and that has been the game changer... Ireland is using so much Ozempic they are starting to get supply problems this winter.. They are putting every type 2 on it if they can... (Some people Ozempic doesn't suit and they need to be carefully managed especially early on).
Its scary to hear thesse stories.I feel so lucky.
I think it shows how deep the pharma industry has its claws into all the politicians in the US.
Sorting it out would be wildly popular, its a conspiracy against the sick.

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