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1,600-plus Scientists Say Climate "Emergency" Is a Myth

YOu didn't provide any facts to refute. You made a claim without evidence and I asked you to back it up. In true republican fashion you have twisted, turned, lied, and obfuscated but not once posted a single fact to back up your absurd claim.

And I must admit I knew you wouldn't. That's the republican way these days. Tell a lie and dare someone to prove it wrong.
it is pretty much common sense, if you pay attention

Links dont prove or disprove, people who scream for links think they can win an argument if someone comes up empty handed.

You asking for links, shows me that you dont know jack shit about anything, and you have not paid attention to the energy or environment threads.

Ivanpah, one solar plant, 6 square miles. How many solar plants in the USA, how many in the world.
Nevada one, 12 square miles of solar panels

18 sq miles off the top of my head
A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gasses, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom.


More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth

The global coalition of scientists say that politics and a journalistic frenzy has propelled a doomsday climate change hysteria. The signatories also ask other scientists to "address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming."

What goes around comes around. The Klimate Kult set the bar on what’s required and it’s come around. Good and harder.

You stupid MAGAt Troll. One sees these bogus petitions all the time.​

I could get more than this from Liberty University disagreeing with Evolution.

Fact check: Did 1,200 climate experts sign 'declaration' denying climate emergency?

16/09/2022 -

A document claiming that 'there is no climate emergency' has been circulating on social media.

A climate-denying document, supposedly signed by 1,200 leading scientists and academics, has gone viral on social media.
The "World Climate Declaration" -- which claims that there is "no climate emergency" -- was first shared on 27 June. One Australian Senator shared the document on Facebook claiming that "this is further confirmation that there is no climate emergency".

Other well-known Conspiracy groups have argued that there is no scientific consensus that humans are to blame for global warming because the “Earth's climate has varied since the planet first existed, with naturally occurring cold and warm phases".

A 2021 report by Cornell University found that 99.9% of more than 88,000 climate change studies agree that humans have accelerated the phenomenon, largely due to carbon emissions.

Moreover, the last 15 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005, with the most recent eight years being the warmest, according to NASA.

Investigations show that practically None of the signatories to the "World Climate Declaration" are climate scientists.

The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok. Both have been accused of receiving money from fossil fuel companies to finance their climate-sceptic work. They deny the allegations,

When looking closer at the list of signatories, there are precisely 1,107, including six people who are dead. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists.

Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies.

One of the signatories is Ivar Giaever, a joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973 for work on superconductors. However, he has never published any work on climate science.

According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots.

Fact check: Did 1,200 climate experts sign viral misinformation?

A document claiming that 'there is no climate emergency' has been circulating on social media. #TheCube


You stupid MAGAt Troll. One sees these bogus petitions all the time.​

I could get more than this from Liberty University disagreeing with Evolution.

Fact check: Did 1,200 climate experts sign 'declaration' denying climate emergency?

16/09/2022 -

A document claiming that 'there is no climate emergency' has been circulating on social media.

A climate-denying document, supposedly signed by 1,200 leading scientists and academics, has gone viral on social media.
The "World Climate Declaration" -- which claims that there is "no climate emergency" -- was first shared on 27 June. One Australian Senator shared the document on Facebook claiming that "this is further confirmation that there is no climate emergency".

Other well-known Conspiracy groups have argued that there is no scientific consensus that humans are to blame for global warming because the “Earth's climate has varied since the planet first existed, with naturally occurring cold and warm phases".

A 2021 report by Cornell University found that 99.9% of more than 88,000 climate change studies agree that humans have accelerated the phenomenon, largely due to carbon emissions.

Moreover, the last 15 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005, with the most recent eight years being the warmest, according to NASA.

Investigations show that practically None of the signatories to the "World Climate Declaration" are climate scientists.

The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok. Both have been accused of receiving money from fossil fuel companies to finance their climate-sceptic work. They deny the allegations,

When looking closer at the list of signatories, there are precisely 1,107, including six people who are dead. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists.

Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies.

One of the signatories is Ivar Giaever, a joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973 for work on superconductors. However, he has never published any work on climate science.

According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots.

Fact check: Did 1,200 climate experts sign viral misinformation?

A document claiming that 'there is no climate emergency' has been circulating on social media. #TheCube

My petition is the latest, therefore my science supersedes yours.

You stupid MAGAt Troll. One sees these bogus petitions all the time.​

I could get more than this from Liberty University disagreeing with Evolution.

Fact check: Did 1,200 climate experts sign 'declaration' denying climate emergency?

16/09/2022 -

A document claiming that 'there is no climate emergency' has been circulating on social media.

A climate-denying document, supposedly signed by 1,200 leading scientists and academics, has gone viral on social media.
The "World Climate Declaration" -- which claims that there is "no climate emergency" -- was first shared on 27 June. One Australian Senator shared the document on Facebook claiming that "this is further confirmation that there is no climate emergency".

Other well-known Conspiracy groups have argued that there is no scientific consensus that humans are to blame for global warming because the “Earth's climate has varied since the planet first existed, with naturally occurring cold and warm phases".

A 2021 report by Cornell University found that 99.9% of more than 88,000 climate change studies agree that humans have accelerated the phenomenon, largely due to carbon emissions.

Moreover, the last 15 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005, with the most recent eight years being the warmest, according to NASA.

Investigations show that practically None of the signatories to the "World Climate Declaration" are climate scientists.

The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok. Both have been accused of receiving money from fossil fuel companies to finance their climate-sceptic work. They deny the allegations,

When looking closer at the list of signatories, there are precisely 1,107, including six people who are dead. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists.

Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies.

One of the signatories is Ivar Giaever, a joint winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973 for work on superconductors. However, he has never published any work on climate science.

According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots.

Fact check: Did 1,200 climate experts sign viral misinformation?

A document claiming that 'there is no climate emergency' has been circulating on social media. #TheCube

Your ‘experts’ are so concerned they hold an air show a few times a year at every climate conference.


Over 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel Peace Prize winners, have signed a declaration that says that the claim of a climate "emergency" is a myth.

More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth


A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gasses, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom. . . .

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration says.

Finally -- the message gets out. Let's preface this by stating a couple of things that I've written PAGES on in this forum in the past.

1) There IS some "global warming" -- about 0.6 to 1.2 DegC in your lifetime depending on whether you're young or old. But the theories of "tipping points" and "accelerated warming have always been junk - THUS - never been an emergency -- just something to be monitored by SOLID scientific enquiry, bolstered by OBJECTIVE critical thinking about ALL causes. Dont need another WAIS (W. Antarctic Ice Sheet) discovery that ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES and NOT the 1 DEGC temp change is responsible for some slippy-slidy massive glaciers (search my old posts for "volcanic fissures")..

2) The MOTIVATION for THIS sudden outburst is the palpable and real fear that "the cure being cooked up with 2050 deadlines is greater than the disease".. And IN FACT -- in many ways the demolishment of our current energy regimes in trade for FANTASIES of "alternatives" WILL CAUSE more environmental damage that than the "Catastrophic version" of Global Warming can. Scientists can abandon their professionalism in order to feed their families and massive egos for the "little lies" of EXCLUDING facts from their work or overquoting hysterical flawed pronouncements of previous faulty work, but when they see the potential for MASSIVE eco-damage or societal discombobulation due to hare-brained edicts and policy - it's time to "get real" AND honest.

3) The "InterWebs" doesn't have a methodology for retractions. So unfortunately, a lot of CRAP science will live forever and folks will have to REALLY invest time to sort the fodder for the next couple generations. If you HAVEN'T been following GW science for a couple decades -- you got a LOT of catching up to do.

So -- I'm glad the "whistleblowers" have the "activists in lab coats" on the run. The "father of Global Warming -- James Hansen", was more afraid of the childish solutions to Global Warming than the GW itself. He admitted long ago to the opinion that Nuclear power and NOT *wind/solar" was the only smart way to reduce GreenHouse Gases.

Hansen departs from environmental orthodoxy, however, in arguing that there is no way to cut greenhouse gas emissions sufficiently by relying solely on green alternatives like solar and wind power.

“Suggesting that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the United States, China, India, or the world as a whole” Hansen writes in an essay, “is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy.”

A "battery centric" energy policy like the one the Progressive Left is funding with 100s of $Billions right now is a MUCH larger fear for environmentalists like myself than that 1.2 DegC of warming in my lifetime. I dont want panicked scouring of the earth for battery components or have my future ancestors dependent on China or pillaging Africa for components. Neither do I want to hand THEM the problem of stupid spending sprees and debt for an energy future designed by congress-critters like AOC or Sanders...
Last edited:
Alright, let's go down the list.

Physicist, Physicist, Engineer that worked for Shell, OK, done here.

Think before you shame yourself. Atmospheric PHYSICS -- IS THE TOPIC here. It's also the physics of GreenHouse theory at stake. Also the people at Shell knew MORE about GW in the 80s and had more ACCURATE predictions of the future progression of GW than ANYTHING that came out of the IPCC climate kerfufles.
Over 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel Peace Prize winners, have signed a declaration that says that the claim of a climate "emergency" is a myth.

More than 1,600 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, declare climate 'emergency' a myth


A coalition of 1,609 scientists from around the world have signed a declaration stating “there is no climate emergency” and that they “strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy” being pushed across the globe. The declaration does not deny the harmful effect of greenhouse gasses, but instead challenges the hysteria brought about by the narrative of imminent doom. . . .

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration says.
This declaration seems to be the latest iteration of a broader disinformation campaign that for decades has peddled a series of arguments long discredited by the scientific community at large. Furthermore, the experts told me, the vast majority of the declaration’s signatories have no experience in climate science at all, and the group behind the message—the Climate Intelligence Foundation, or CLINTEL—has well-documented ties to oil money and fossil fuel interest groups.

“Looking at the list of signatories, there are a lot of engineers, medical doctors, and petroleum geologists and almost no actual climate scientists,” said Zeke Hausfather, a longtime research scientist at Berkeley Earth, a non-partisan nonprofit that specializes in analyzing climate data, and the former director of climate and energy programs at the Breakthrough Institute, another independent environmental research firm.

In fact, Ivar Giaever, who has been promoted as a kind of poster child for the declaration in what some believe is meant to give it credibility, won his Nobel with another scientist in 1973 for their discovery of electron tunneling in superconductors, not for anything remotely related to the study of global warming.
Finally -- the message gets out. Let's preface this by stating a couple of things that I've written PAGES on in this forum in the past.

1) There IS some "global warming" -- about 0.6 to 1.2 DegC in your lifetime depending on whether you're young or old. But the theories of "tipping points" and "accelerated warming have always been junk - THUS - never been an emergency -- just something to be monitored by SOLID scientific enquiry, bolstered by OBJECTIVE critical thinking about ALL causes. Dont need another WAIS (W. Antarctic Ice Sheet) discovery that ACTIVE VOLCANIC FISSURES and NOT the 1 DEGC temp change is responsible for some slippy-slidy massive glaciers (search my old posts for "volcanic fissures")..

2) The MOTIVATION for THIS sudden outburst is the palpable and real fear that "the cure being cooked up with 2050 deadlines is greater than the disease".. And IN FACT -- in many ways the demolishment of our current energy regimes in trade for FANTASIES of "alternatives" WILL CAUSE more environmental damage that than the "Catastrophic version" of Global Warming can. Scientists can abandon their professionalism in order to feed their families and massive egos for the "little lies" of EXCLUDING facts from their work or overquoting hysterical flawed pronouncements of previous faulty work, but when they see the potential for MASSIVE eco-damage or societal discombobulation due to hare-brained edicts and policy - it's time to "get real" AND honest.

3) The "InterWebs" doesn't have a methodology for retractions. So unfortunately, a lot of CRAP science will live forever and folks will have to REALLY invest time to sort the fodder for the next couple generations. If you HAVEN'T been following GW science for a couple decades -- you got a LOT of catching up to do.

So -- I'm glad the "whistleblowers" have the "activists in lab coats" on the run. The "father of Global Warming -- James Hansen", was more afraid of the childish solutions to Global Warming than the GW itself. He admitted long ago to the opinion that Nuclear power and NOT *wind/solar" was the only smart way to reduce GreenHouse Gases.

A "battery centric" energy policy like the one the Progressive Left is funding with 100s of $Billions right now is a MUCH larger fear for environmentalists like myself than that 1.2 DegC of warming in my lifetime. I dont want panicked scouring of the earth for battery components or have my future ancestors dependent on China or pillaging Africa for components. Neither do I want to hand THEM the problem of stupid spending sprees and debt for an energy future designed by congress-critters like AOC or Sanders...
The declaration is basically a sham devised by Climate Intelligence Foundation which is tied to oil money and fossil fuel interest groups. The article leads readers to believe that climate scientists are rejecting the plea to speed up the process of the migration to alternative fuels. However, there were very few scientists that had any connection to climate change research signing the declaration. So if you would like to join those who signed the declaration, you can so by following the link in the article. And don't worry, you don't have to have any connection to climate research to be counted.
The declaration is basically a sham devised by Climate Intelligence Foundation which is tied to oil money and fossil fuel interest groups. The article leads readers to believe that climate scientists are rejecting the plea to speed up the process of the migration to alternative fuels. However, there were very few scientists that had any connection to climate change research signing the declaration. So if you would like to join those who signed the declaration, you can so by following the link in the article. And don't worry, you don't have to have any connection to climate research to be counted.
Until,I busted this thread in #142, (and several more posts since/before yours) these Fools ate the Fraud up.
This was originally "1000 Scientists" (LOL/NOT), then 1200, now 1600.
Virtually none are climate scientists and it's questionable how many are even scientists.
It's an OLD scam now.

But Flacaltenn will cling to anything ("Finally - the message gets out") in these ever-warming years.
Now he concedes .6-1.2 degrees.
Kicking and screaming into an "alarmists." (aka acknowledger of Facts while still trying to deny AGW.)

FCT is a Giant FRAUD and full of shlt in thousands of posts here, including his BIASED Sticky/HOPE at the top of the section. Denial of the undeniable Greenhouse effect.
You don't even understand what you are parroting there. They have Urban Heat Sink in the actual data, that's it. Every other claim of "warming" is fudge.

They have Urban Heat Sink in the actual data,

Are you retarded?
This declaration seems to be the latest iteration of a broader disinformation campaign that for decades has peddled a series of arguments long discredited by the scientific community at large. Furthermore, the experts told me, the vast majority of the declaration’s signatories have no experience in climate science at all, and the group behind the message—the Climate Intelligence Foundation, or CLINTEL—has well-documented ties to oil money and fossil fuel interest groups.

“Looking at the list of signatories, there are a lot of engineers, medical doctors, and petroleum geologists and almost no actual climate scientists,” said Zeke Hausfather, a longtime research scientist at Berkeley Earth, a non-partisan nonprofit that specializes in analyzing climate data, and the former director of climate and energy programs at the Breakthrough Institute, another independent environmental research firm.

In fact, Ivar Giaever, who has been promoted as a kind of poster child for the declaration in what some believe is meant to give it credibility, won his Nobel with another scientist in 1973 for their discovery of electron tunneling in superconductors, not for anything remotely related to the study of global warming.

The Co2 FRAUD is basically saying...

We have so many bought and paid for sellouts under our thumb that we outnumber you....

Um, science does not care. Science cares about truth, and the Co2 FRAUD has none...


highly correlated satellite and balloon data
So where in the data did they have that heat sink again?

Sink and Island are interchangeable, and clearly there has been a decision to use Island instead, but sink is still correct and used.

Tokyo was the original 10F data point, that going from nature to Tokyo warmed the surface 10F there relative to undeveloped land next to it. Obviously there is a scale, that Nashville TN, for example, has gone from 1F to 5F in the past 100 years.

Other than that warming, the surface of growing urban areas, the Co2 FRAUD has NO WARMING in the data, NONE. Been that way all along.
Sink and Island are interchangeable, and clearly there has been a decision to use Island instead, but sink is still correct and used.

Tokyo was the original 10F data point, that going from nature to Tokyo warmed the surface 10F there relative to undeveloped land next to it. Obviously there is a scale, that Nashville TN, for example, has gone from 1F to 5F in the past 100 years.

Other than that warming, the surface of growing urban areas, the Co2 FRAUD has NO WARMING in the data, NONE. Been that way all along.

They really aren't interchangeable.

They really aren't interchangeable.

View attachment 825865

That's BS. The reference to SINK is that a sink holds what you put in it. If you put heat in a heat sink, the heat sink holds the heat, and that is what urban areas do, that the greatest variance from undeveloped adjacent land is just after sunset when the concrete and asphalt are super hot while the grass and plants are not...
That's BS. The reference to SINK is that a sink holds what you put in it. If you put heat in a heat sink, the heat sink holds the heat, and that is what urban areas do, that the greatest variance from undeveloped adjacent land is just after sunset when the concrete and asphalt are super hot while the grass and plants are not...

Did you mean to say that cities are cooler than their surroundings? LOL!

the greatest variance from undeveloped adjacent land is just after sunset when the concrete and asphalt are super hot while the grass and plants are not...

Heat islands are hotter after sunset. They're also hotter during the day.
Did you mean to say that cities are cooler than their surroundings? LOL!

the greatest variance from undeveloped adjacent land is just after sunset when the concrete and asphalt are super hot while the grass and plants are not...

Heat islands are hotter after sunset. They're also hotter during the day.

I do not accept that definition. That definition is BS.

a device or substance for absorbing excessive or unwanted heat.

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