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1 in 6 Draw Welfare in Predominantly Red States

Income taxes are what supports our government and government systems. All other taxes go to support other things; things you get from the government or will get after you retire.

Um. No. In fact, Individual Income taxes are less than 50% of Federal revenues.


It doesn't matter what people have. When you go to Wendy's for a hamburger, do they ask you what you make a year or do they charge you the same amount of money as they do the poor guy behind you? Many working pay no income tax at all. The wealthy are the people that almost entirely support our federal government and all the goodies they hand out to people. The wealthy pay way too much as it is. But greedy people like you want them to pay even more.

Here's the thing. The 10% who have 70% of the wealth did not do 70% of the labor to create that wealth. So they really did steal that from the person behind the counter at Wendy's.

Seriously, fuck the rich.

No, you use this tactic when you are cornered and have no rebuttal. You've done it several times already.

yes, when you don't understand something that was pretty clearly explained, i have to conclude you are either stupid or feigning ignorance.

That's your job and most jobs. Driving a CDL vehicle requires you to take physicals every two years, or in my case, every year. When government keeps increasing the qualifications to drive and you can't meet those qualifications, you are limited to the jobs they allow you to apply for, or will stop you from working altogether. It depends on what kind of nonsense bureacurats dream up year to year.

Okay, that sounds pretty reasonable. Sorry, if you are barrelling down the highway at 65 MPH in an 18 wheeler, I want you to have the physical capabilities to be able to react to an emergency if I am on that same highway with my little Ford Focus. So do most people.

You see, it wasn't too bad a few years back. They allowed you to have your doctor qualify you if whether you could drive or not based on your medical condition. But like always, government fucks things up as usual, so now I have to have my physicals done by a government approved doctor; a doctor that doesn't treat my condition nor has any knowledge of it. What doctor wants to give you a medical waiver for an illness he or she doesn't treat? That's the stupidity of your federal government. No doctor wants to risk their liability by giving you a pass on an illness they haven't followed. Your own doctor, yes, because your doctor is familiar with your history and the treatment they've provided, but not a complete stranger.

Actually, let me offer a counter. Your doctor works for you, and he'll tell you what you want to hear. A government doctor is going to be objective about what you can and can't do. If you can't stop the truck when it's sliding on the ice, that's a danger to everyone else on that highway.

But here's the thing. You've known you've had this condition for years, and you made no effort to get new training to find another line of work.
Regardless where in America, SS Disability applications and approvals increased expodentially under the Obama administration.


Yes. I'm assuming you didn't read/listen to the stories referenced in the OP.

The #1 source of the swelling is that states are actively working to move people off of their programs onto the Federal Social Security Disability. More at thismaericanlife.org look for the episode "Trends with Benefits" around the 45 minute mark.

I asked in the OP should Mr. Trump put an attorney in the disability hearing to argue that the person filing for disability hasn't shown they are unable to work. Few have answered; what say you?
Regardless where in America, SS Disability applications and approvals increased expodentially under them Obama administration.

But they expanded faster in the red states... and here's the problem. The problem isn't that these people couldn't work, the problem is employers are reluctant to hire them.

So I'd have no problem if we replaced disability payments with job placement. everyone is guaranteed a job that pays a living wage. Disability would be for those who are truly disabled to the point of being unable to work.

I know what your ilk would say, "Eeeeeeek, Socialism!!!"
Does the living wage equal the amount received under SS?

Regardless where in America, SS Disability applications and approvals increased expodentially under the Obama administration.


Yes. I'm assuming you didn't read/listen to the stories referenced in the OP.

The #1 source of the swelling is that states are actively working to move people off of their programs onto the Federal Social Security Disability. More at thismaericanlife.org look for the episode "Trends with Benefits" around the 45 minute mark.

I asked in the OP should Mr. Trump put an attorney in the disability hearing to argue that the person filing for disability hasn't shown they are unable to work. Few have answered; what say you?

Attorneys are not Doctors. As of now, it's a medical decision.

Regardless where in America, SS Disability applications and approvals increased expodentially under the Obama administration.


Yes. I'm assuming you didn't read/listen to the stories referenced in the OP.

The #1 source of the swelling is that states are actively working to move people off of their programs onto the Federal Social Security Disability. More at thismaericanlife.org look for the episode "Trends with Benefits" around the 45 minute mark.

I asked in the OP should Mr. Trump put an attorney in the disability hearing to argue that the person filing for disability hasn't shown they are unable to work. Few have answered; what say you?

Attorneys are not Doctors. As of now, it's a medical decision.


Well, yes and no.

It's about money from the government. The hearings are legal proceedings to which currently the person who filed has an Attorney present (in many cases anyway) and a judge is conducting the hearing....the government currently sends nobody so persons with high blood pressure and diabetes are claiming disability according to the story.

Surely there is a medical component to the entire thing (unless the person is just committing straight up fraud) but at that point in the process, it's about convincing the judge to approve the claim or not. And currently, they are just hearing one side of the story.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

"The top 10% of wage earners in this country pay nearly 70% of all collected income taxes."


Paid 69.80% of INCOME taxes (which are only 25% of ALL Gov't taxes)

MIN of $127,695 AGI, AND paid a 20.75% Avg Tax rate

A 2007 study by economists Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez calculated effective tax rates for various income groups.

For people whose income ranked between the top 1 percent and top 0.5 percent, the effective tax rate for individual, corporate, payroll and estate was 34.0 percent in 1960, 36.1 percent in 1970, 37.6 percent in 1980, 31.5 percent in 1990, 35.7 percent in 2000 and 31.3 percent in 2004.

For those earning between the top 0.1 percent and 0.5 percent of the income curve, the numbers were 41.4 percent in 1960, 44.6 percent in 1970, 43.0 percent in 1980, 33.0 percent in 1990, 38.4 percent in 2000 and 33.0 percent in 2004.

For those earning between 0.01 percent and 0.1 percent, the rates were 55.3 percent in 1960, 59.1 percent in 1970, 51.0 percent in 1980, 34.3 percent in 1990, 40.2 percent in 2000 and 34.1 percent in 2004.

Finally, for those in the top 0.01 percent of the income distribution, the effective tax rate was 71.4 percent in 1960, 74.6 percent in 1970, 59.3 percent in 1980, 35.4 percent in 1990, 40.8 percent in 2000 and 34.7 percent in 2004.

Barack Obama says tax rates are lowest since 1950s for CEOs, hedge fund managers

The fortunate 400: David Cay Johnston

Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each.

In addition to the six who paid no tax, another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes. That's the same federal tax rate as a single worker who made $61,500 in 2009.

Overall, the top 400 paid an average income tax rate of 19.9 percent, the same rate paid by a single worker who made $110,000 in 2009. The top 400 earned five times that much every day.

The fortunate 400: David Cay Johnston

Those who advocate for tax cuts for the highest earners and erroneously claim that the wealthy are overtaxed focus solely on the federal personal income tax, while ignoring all of the other taxes that Americans pay. As the table to the right illustrates, the total share of taxes (federal, state, and local) that will be paid by Americans across the economic spectrum in 2016 is roughly equal to their total share of income



Who Pays Taxes in America in 2016? | CTJReports

Irrelevant. The point still stands.

We all (including the wealthy) pay those taxes. But payroll tax is money you will likely get back.

Social Security: you will get more than you pay into the program if you live the average lifespan.

Medicare: again, you will get more back than you pay into if you live the average lifespan.

FICA: A cute name for an additional SS tax; again, you will get that all back.

City taxes: You get that back through city services such as garbage collection, street lights, paved and maintained streets and roads, police and emergency services.

State taxes: again, paved roads, emergency services, new highways, maintained highways, state contributions to Medicaid, state workers pay and benefits......
This is true, and the problem with socialist entitlement programs less people are putting less into a programs, more people are taking more out of the same programs… That's a loser every time

More than that is the fact the wage earners who support those programs don't use most of them. The wealthy will never need any social safety net programs. They need the military no less than a poor person. They use the same roads and bridges as the poor and middle-class. They don't use education money because they likely send their children to private school or city schools that don't use federal money. They likely don't use veterans benefits such as the VA.

Right, the wealthy don't need a first class US H/C system, or defense department, or functioning court system, or educational system, etc *shaking head*


The perfect example of CONservative policy is a 3rd world nation where very few rich live behind walls, a very small middle class and a HUGE working poor population!




What does that have to do with it? It doesn't matter to the employer what their employees get from the government, it has nothing to do with their business. Their employees will work for them if the government is showering them with gifts or gives them nothing at all.

I would say "nice try" but it wasn't.

Got it, you have reading comprehension issues Cupcake, I'm shocked :(
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.
Regardless where in America, SS Disability applications and approvals increased expodentially under the Obama administration.


Yes. I'm assuming you didn't read/listen to the stories referenced in the OP.

The #1 source of the swelling is that states are actively working to move people off of their programs onto the Federal Social Security Disability. More at thismaericanlife.org look for the episode "Trends with Benefits" around the 45 minute mark.

I asked in the OP should Mr. Trump put an attorney in the disability hearing to argue that the person filing for disability hasn't shown they are unable to work. Few have answered; what say you?

They already do that

"Most Social Security disability claims are initially processed through a network of local Social Security Administration (SSA) field offices and State agencies (usually called Disability Determination Services or DDSs). Subsequent appeals of unfavorable determinations may be decided in a DDS or by an administrative law judge in SSA's Office of Disability Adjudication and Review."

Disability Determination Process

The average national rate of approval for initial disability claims is 36 percent.
How do ILLEGALS draw SSDI?

Stolen SSNs?
Yes. SS numbers are extra.
Lol! Where did you get the ridiculous Kansas meme. Funny stuff. Completely wrong, but not unexpected from a poster of your level.

OCT 25, 2016
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s trickle-down economics experiment is so bad the state stopped reporting on it
Gov. Brownback wanted to be held accountable. Now that his economic program is a disaster? Not so much
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s trickle-down economics experiment is so bad the state stopped reporting on it

FEB 23, 2017
Kansas GOP revolts, nearly overturns Gov. Sam Brownback’s billion-dollar failed experiment

Republican-led state house votes overwhelmingly to roll back Brownback's 2012 tax cuts, but override falls short

Kansas GOP revolts, nearly overturns Gov. Sam Brownback’s billion-dollar failed experiment

MAY 1, 2017
Kansas: Exhibit A against trickle-down tax cuts

No credible analyst would claim that growth effects from tax cuts come anywhere close to offsetting their cost. There’s no consistent correlation between growth, productivity or investment and changes in tax rates over time or between countries. That’s not to say tax cuts never have any effect on growth (the effects, for the record, can go either way; a new, authoritative analysis of House Republicans’ latest trickle-down tax cut proposal finds, for instance, that its “estimated output effects appear to be limited in size and possibly negative”). But the historical evidence provides no basis for the kinds of claims we’re hearing from team Trump.

We don’t have to look only to history, though. There’s a real-time, trickle-down experiment ongoing in Kansas, one designed by the same folks behind the Trump plan.

In 2012, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed a bill that, among other things, substantially cut the state’s top tax rate and exempted “pass-through” business income from taxation (President Trump’s tax plan includes a similar loophole). The architects of Brownback’s plan predicted that it would provide an “immediate and lasting boost” to the state’s economy.

They were wrong. Real GDP growth in Kansas since the fourth quarter of 2012 (Brownback’s cuts took effect in January 2013) has been relatively slow, at 6.1 percent through the third quarter of 2016. That’s about three-fourths of U.S. GDP growth over that same period (8.3 percent). A similar story holds for private employment growth: 5.0 percent in Kansas between December 2012 and March 2017, 9.1 percent in the U.S. overall. Relative to its neighboring states, Kansas is no standout, either; on these indicators, it’s doing worse than Colorado, Missouri and Nebraska, though better than Oklahoma (another big tax cutter).

Kansas lost $472 million from the pass-through loophole in 2014 alone, and general fund revenue in 2016 was $570 million (0.4 percent of state GDP) below 2013 levels. Casualties of the reduced revenue have included the state’s transportation projects, some of which have been indefinitely postponed, and funding for K-12 and higher education. The state’s bond rating has been downgraded twice, in 2014 and in 2016.

As the table below summarizes (see here for more details), Kansas’s experience puts the lie of the tax cutters’ claims on full display.


Perspective | Kansas: Exhibit A against trickle-down tax cuts
You have no ideas. You post memes. We cut spending. States like California with a trillion owed and a new half trillion policy per year passed, soon to escalate, it is bad. Who are you going to rob?



California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people.
Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

In the stock and bond markets, where investors show no allegiance to political parties, California has outperformed the rest of the U.S. the past five years, especially since the Nov. 9 election, when Trump became the fifth person to win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. California's creditworthiness keeps getting better, measured by the declining premium global investors must pay to ensure against depreciation of the state's debt obligations. That premium has diminished more than for any other state since 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. California, whose voters favored Hillary Clinton two to one, outperformed Treasury bonds since the November election. Texas, which is the second-largest state in population and which supported Trump, became cheaper compared to Treasuries and California in the market for state and local debt since the November election. Investors see security in the state with more protections for immigrants and more regulations.

California's borrowing cost is 0.15 percentage points lower than the average for states and municipalities and has declined to just 0.24 percentage points more than the U.S. pays on its debt, down from 1.97 percentage points in 2013.

At the same time, bonds sold by California's municipalities produced a total return of 2.3 percent since November, outperforming the benchmark for the U.S., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The growing popularityof bonds sold by California issuers is a consequence of the state's more rigorous regulation of the market, specifically legislation signed by Brown last year, creating greater transparency and accountability for issuers of California debt.

No state or country has created as many laws discouraging fossil fuels and carbon while promoting clean energy. That convergence of policy and voter preference is paying off in the stock market.

...Behind such a favorable outlook is the diversity of the California economy, which grew $42.3 billion during the first three quarters last year. That's almost as much as the next two fastest-growing states, New York and Florida, combined.

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump


Try and keep up fester
Crazy cali does not count...
they are $1 trillion in debt

Sure Cupcake, sure. That's why investors are flooding into Cali and their bonds have been upgraded twice AS Kansas has been downgraded since Brownback's trickle down!

I've been reading through your posts in this thread and all I can say is WOW....and CONGRATULATIONS! I'm thinking there's no denying you the award for most confused, twisted whacko on this board.
You remind me of a long time homeless heroine addict who's lifestyle has become so NORMAL to him that he'll swear he has no problem and that normal people have the problem...it's that whole nut-job defense mechanism / justification thing ..haha
I can't help but wonder how long you've been stealing from hard working real American's? How much have you stold over all the years?
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.

Yes Cupcake don't give a metric of debt, just say it's high *shaking head*

Must be why Cali is booming, the high level of debt as Kansas is in trouble with their "supply side field experiment" Brownback pulled right Cupcake?
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.

Yes Cupcake don't give a metric of debt, just say it's high *shaking head*

Must be why Cali is booming, the high level of debt as Kansas is in trouble with their "supply side field experiment" Brownback pulled right Cupcake?
Sorry Crapcake. Kansas is not in California and you still ignore the debt. All you have is baby shit to offer. Go suck on your soiled diapers.
Stolen SSNs?
Yes. SS numbers are extra.
OCT 25, 2016
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s trickle-down economics experiment is so bad the state stopped reporting on it
Gov. Brownback wanted to be held accountable. Now that his economic program is a disaster? Not so much
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback’s trickle-down economics experiment is so bad the state stopped reporting on it

FEB 23, 2017
Kansas GOP revolts, nearly overturns Gov. Sam Brownback’s billion-dollar failed experiment

Republican-led state house votes overwhelmingly to roll back Brownback's 2012 tax cuts, but override falls short

Kansas GOP revolts, nearly overturns Gov. Sam Brownback’s billion-dollar failed experiment

MAY 1, 2017
Kansas: Exhibit A against trickle-down tax cuts

No credible analyst would claim that growth effects from tax cuts come anywhere close to offsetting their cost. There’s no consistent correlation between growth, productivity or investment and changes in tax rates over time or between countries. That’s not to say tax cuts never have any effect on growth (the effects, for the record, can go either way; a new, authoritative analysis of House Republicans’ latest trickle-down tax cut proposal finds, for instance, that its “estimated output effects appear to be limited in size and possibly negative”). But the historical evidence provides no basis for the kinds of claims we’re hearing from team Trump.

We don’t have to look only to history, though. There’s a real-time, trickle-down experiment ongoing in Kansas, one designed by the same folks behind the Trump plan.

In 2012, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signed a bill that, among other things, substantially cut the state’s top tax rate and exempted “pass-through” business income from taxation (President Trump’s tax plan includes a similar loophole). The architects of Brownback’s plan predicted that it would provide an “immediate and lasting boost” to the state’s economy.

They were wrong. Real GDP growth in Kansas since the fourth quarter of 2012 (Brownback’s cuts took effect in January 2013) has been relatively slow, at 6.1 percent through the third quarter of 2016. That’s about three-fourths of U.S. GDP growth over that same period (8.3 percent). A similar story holds for private employment growth: 5.0 percent in Kansas between December 2012 and March 2017, 9.1 percent in the U.S. overall. Relative to its neighboring states, Kansas is no standout, either; on these indicators, it’s doing worse than Colorado, Missouri and Nebraska, though better than Oklahoma (another big tax cutter).

Kansas lost $472 million from the pass-through loophole in 2014 alone, and general fund revenue in 2016 was $570 million (0.4 percent of state GDP) below 2013 levels. Casualties of the reduced revenue have included the state’s transportation projects, some of which have been indefinitely postponed, and funding for K-12 and higher education. The state’s bond rating has been downgraded twice, in 2014 and in 2016.

As the table below summarizes (see here for more details), Kansas’s experience puts the lie of the tax cutters’ claims on full display.


Perspective | Kansas: Exhibit A against trickle-down tax cuts
You have no ideas. You post memes. We cut spending. States like California with a trillion owed and a new half trillion policy per year passed, soon to escalate, it is bad. Who are you going to rob?



California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people.
Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

In the stock and bond markets, where investors show no allegiance to political parties, California has outperformed the rest of the U.S. the past five years, especially since the Nov. 9 election, when Trump became the fifth person to win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. California's creditworthiness keeps getting better, measured by the declining premium global investors must pay to ensure against depreciation of the state's debt obligations. That premium has diminished more than for any other state since 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. California, whose voters favored Hillary Clinton two to one, outperformed Treasury bonds since the November election. Texas, which is the second-largest state in population and which supported Trump, became cheaper compared to Treasuries and California in the market for state and local debt since the November election. Investors see security in the state with more protections for immigrants and more regulations.

California's borrowing cost is 0.15 percentage points lower than the average for states and municipalities and has declined to just 0.24 percentage points more than the U.S. pays on its debt, down from 1.97 percentage points in 2013.

At the same time, bonds sold by California's municipalities produced a total return of 2.3 percent since November, outperforming the benchmark for the U.S., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The growing popularityof bonds sold by California issuers is a consequence of the state's more rigorous regulation of the market, specifically legislation signed by Brown last year, creating greater transparency and accountability for issuers of California debt.

No state or country has created as many laws discouraging fossil fuels and carbon while promoting clean energy. That convergence of policy and voter preference is paying off in the stock market.

...Behind such a favorable outlook is the diversity of the California economy, which grew $42.3 billion during the first three quarters last year. That's almost as much as the next two fastest-growing states, New York and Florida, combined.

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump


Try and keep up fester
Crazy cali does not count...
they are $1 trillion in debt

Sure Cupcake, sure. That's why investors are flooding into Cali and their bonds have been upgraded twice AS Kansas has been downgraded since Brownback's trickle down!

I've been reading through your posts in this thread and all I can say is WOW....and CONGRATULATIONS! I'm thinking there's no denying you the award for most confused, twisted whacko on this board.
You remind me of a long time homeless heroine addict who's lifestyle has become so NORMAL to him that he'll swear he has no problem and that normal people have the problem...it's that whole nut-job defense mechanism / justification thing ..haha
I can't help but wonder how long you've been stealing from hard working real American's? How much have you stold over all the years?

Perhaps work on your education Cupcake and you might get somewhere sometime Cupcake?

"stold" :dunno:

Article this morning describes the aforementioned swelling of Social Security Disability claims made in Red States across the fruited plain.

The article states:

How to visualize the growth in disability in the United States? One way is to think of a map. Rural communities, where on average 9.1 percent of working-age people are on disability — nearly twice the urban rate and 40 percent higher than the national average — are in a brighter shade than cities. An even brighter hue then spreads from Appalachia into the Deep South and out into Missouri, where rates are higher yet, places economists have called “disability belts.” The brightest color of all can be found in 102 counties, mostly within these belts, where a Washington Post analysis of federal statistics estimates that, at minimum, about 1 in 6 working-age residents draw disability checks.

One family. Four generations of disability benefits. Will it continue?

Question: Should the President do something about this?

One way is very easy and clear by the way.... The whole story is at thisamericanlife.org but I'll give you the highlight; I'm doing this from memory so if I get a detail wrong, forgive me. When you apply for SSD, about 2 thirds are refused out of hand. So that means if Larry, Moe and Curly all apply, Larry and Moe are going to get rejected.

Now, what you do after that is paramount because it is important. About 1/2 appeal their ruling. Of those who appeal, 80% who hire an attorney to represent them get their benefits. The way it works is that there is a hearing about the rejection. At the hearing is the attorney for the person who filed (Binder and Binder are the #1 firm nationwide) and the judge. The federal government sends nobody.

Here is the transcript of the passage:

The way Binder tells it, he is a guy helping desperate people get the support they deserve. He's a cowboy-hatted Lone Ranger fighting the good fight for the everyman. He apparently keeps a picture of the Lone Ranger on his desk.

So you've got 30,000 people denied disability who are appealing to a judge, taking their case to the courts. And on the one side, the judge has this passionate persuasive lawyer making the case that his client is physically or emotionally incapable of working. And on the other side, who's on the other side? Nobody. Nobody, really. I couldn't believe this when I first heard it. David Autor, the economist, told me with disability cases, there is no person in the room making the government's case.

David Autor
You might imagine a courtroom where, on the one side, there's the claimant and their lawyer saying, my client needs these benefits. On the other side, there's the government attorney saying, ah no, well, we need to protect the public interest, and your client is not sufficiently deserving, and here's why I think that, and so on. But it actually doesn't work like that. Because the government is not represented. There is no government lawyer on the other side of the room.

Again, I don't think anyone wants to deny a legitimately disabled person some benefits but when the government doesn't saddle up for any of the claims, it looks as though people are taking advantage. Especially in the red states.
Thankee. I kin put sum salt pok in mah greens ternite.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.

Yes Cupcake don't give a metric of debt, just say it's high *shaking head*

Must be why Cali is booming, the high level of debt as Kansas is in trouble with their "supply side field experiment" Brownback pulled right Cupcake?
Sorry Crapcake. Kansas is not in California and you still ignore the debt. All you have is baby shit to offer. Go suck on your soiled diapers.

Don't under stand what metric means huh Cupcake? By ANT measure Cali has debt equal to less than 20% of our GDP, a booming economy and investors flooding into Cali, how about Kansas?

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.

Yes Cupcake don't give a metric of debt, just say it's high *shaking head*

Must be why Cali is booming, the high level of debt as Kansas is in trouble with their "supply side field experiment" Brownback pulled right Cupcake?

Dude you are so fucking weird!
How is Cali "booming" in your twisted, backward little peanut brain?
It's only "booming" in one way.....the number of dependent beaners is definitely BOOMING! It's definitely on a BOOMING pace to become an extension of Mexico. California is a filthy fucking shithole full of filthy human cockroaches.....oh, but, but, but it is home to Microsoft, Google, Apple and Silicon Valley.
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.

Yes Cupcake don't give a metric of debt, just say it's high *shaking head*

Must be why Cali is booming, the high level of debt as Kansas is in trouble with their "supply side field experiment" Brownback pulled right Cupcake?
Sorry Crapcake. Kansas is not in California and you still ignore the debt. All you have is baby shit to offer. Go suck on your soiled diapers.

Don't under stand what metric means huh Cupcake? By ANT measure Cali has debt equal to less than 20% of our GDP, a booming economy and investors flooding into Cali, how about Kansas?

You're still stuck on stupid. You keep trying to deflect away from California's extreme debt. I suppose like their politicians do. Supply side economics works every time it's tried so no sale on that either.
California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
California is deeply in debt. Hired too many government employees with too generous a pension. For some reason liberals do not understand that economies are based on money coming in and money going out and what's left over.

Yet investors flood here to start Biz and buy out bonds. Go figure

Ignore the earlier posts showing how Kansas trickle down BS failed though Cupcake :(
You ignore the fact that California is deeply in debt and tried to spin it hard. The failure is all yours, Crapcake.

Yes Cupcake don't give a metric of debt, just say it's high *shaking head*

Must be why Cali is booming, the high level of debt as Kansas is in trouble with their "supply side field experiment" Brownback pulled right Cupcake?

Dude you are so fucking weird!
How is Cali "booming" in your twisted, backward little peanut brain?
It's only "booming" in one way.....the number of dependent beaners is definitely BOOMING! It's definitely on a BOOMING pace to become an extension of Mexico. California is a filthy fucking shithole full of filthy human cockroaches.....oh, but, but, but it is home to Microsoft, Google, Apple and Silicon Valley.
I agree with most of that but Micro$oft is headquartered in Redmond, WA.

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