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1 in 6 Draw Welfare in Predominantly Red States

The Founders lived centuries ago and designed a Constitution which can be amended and which permitted free and fair elections where citizens can choose the policies they want.

The federal government is limited by the US Constitution. That's why they created it. It was limitations on what the federal government could do to us.

What the federal government is to provide for it's people is listed in the Powers of Congress. And no, Cash for Clunkers or midnight basketball isn't in there.
Tough. Your opinion is all yours. The great majority of educated Americans disagree, including those in Congress, SCOTUS, federal judiciary, state governments, and so forth.

No, only liberals agree with that-not conservatives. Liberals hate the Constitution because of those limitations. Republicans are for a constitutional government.
No, you are in the very small minority with that belief. The GOP is a Big Government Progressive political party. It is not small government, less taxes oriented. The GOP legislation has shown that this year.

The big-governmet Republicans are the establishment, not the Tea Party or conservatives. The left is big-government no matter what.

The conservatives and Trump are pushing for lowering taxes. Trump is pushing for a smaller government.

Nonsense, The Cheeto is simply pushing to gut taxes on the rich, if it takes gutting Gov't to do it, he will, even if 23+ million lose health insurance!

Again, I don't think anyone wants to deny a legitimately disabled person some benefits but when the government doesn't saddle up for any of the claims, it looks as though people are taking advantage. Especially in the red states.

My sister went legally blind when her retinas started detaching. It still took years for her get SS disability.

Are there people gaming the system? Maybe. But the real problem is that since the labor market is controlled by employer need and not workers needs, a lot of these people could work somewhere, it's just no one wants to hire them.

I am sincerely sorry for your sister and the years to get SS disability. Clearly a function of bureaucratic inefficiency. As per your comment on the labor market, the market is not controlled by the employer. The employer reacts to the market. Show me an employer devoid of egregious government regulation, unreasonable Union demands, and arbitrary wage demands that is choosing not to hire.
As long as a person's labor can be exploited by a company, he will get hired.

The Greatest Exploitation of Labor I have ever witnessed in my life is when a locked in 1% wealthy eliminates a middle class and then tells the masses that everything is now "equal". Many members of those masses choose to leave for the United States because US, while not perfect, perfectly executes the extension of equal OPPORTUNITY more than any other economic system in the World. I defy a Liberal to site a country or system that provides more equal opportunity vs. US.
And it's common knowledge red states take from the federal government for welfare and programs like SSA disability while blue states pay in more than they take. In other words the blue states are funding the people in red states to be lazy. And now this comes out that shows people in the red states get on disability and their families never get off it.

The exact opposite of what conservatives claim every day. THEY are the lazy ones that need to get jobs and stop taking a handout from the 'gubment'.

Try it with cities and see which are most dependent on welfare and which cities contribute the most.

"Rural communities, where on average 9.1 percent of working-age people are on disability — nearly twice the urban rate and 40 percent higher than the national average — are in a brighter shade than cities. An even brighter hue then spreads from Appalachia into the Deep South and out into Missouri, where rates are higher yet, places economists have called “disability belts.” "

From link above

The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White
The Real Welfare Queen is Uneducated, Single and White | Breaking Brown

Red States Are Welfare Queens

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States — the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut — are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill.
Red States Are Welfare Queens

Social security is an insurance policy that the workers are forced to buy. It is not "welfare".

Not even an insurance policy.

Today it is a grand Ponzi scheme. Bernie Madoff would be proud if he had developed this one. In a Ponzi scheme, the payout to the investors depends on the income from new investors. That describes Social Security to a T.

With an insurance policy, at the payout, you get all you paid in plus a reasonable return. With Social Security, if I paid in $200,000. and die when I'm 65, I get nothing, my heirs get nothing.

Decades ago there was a loophole allowing certain groups to opt out. Galveston Texas and two other counties around them opted out and set up their own system. The results were stunning. The beneficiaries receive more than with SS plus, when they die, their appointed heir receives a decent death benefit. A remarkable improvement.

How Privatized Social Security Works in Galveston

...At retirement, employees in the Alternate Plan can choose to take the money in a lump sum, take monthly benefits for a given time period or take a lifetime annuity, with slightly reduced benefits. Social Security is subject to whatever rules the federal government makes, Mr. Gornto said, and there is “not a guaranteed promise to pay any certain amount.”

Critics of the Alternate Plan say it is more like a savings program than a social insurance program for all Americans, which Social Security was created to be — particularly for low-wage retirees, widowed spouses and children with deceased parents.

“People forget that before Social Security, there really were poorhouses,” said Eric Kingson, co-director of the coalition Social Security Works.

....Both the G.A.O. and Social Security studies concluded that lower-wage workers, particularly those with many dependents, would fare better under Social Security, while middle- and higher-wage workers were likely to fare better, at least initially, under the Alternate Plan.

....Even Mr. Holbrook has outlived his Alternate Plan benefits. When he retired 15 years ago, he decided to receive $1,500 to $2,000 from his Alternate Plan account every month for 10 years. Now, his Alternate Plan account is empty.

Fortunately, Mr. Holbrook has other savings and, ultimately, $1,300 a month in Social Security benefits from his 27 years of contributions before his county dropped out of the program.

“It was a mistake to only take it for 10 years,” he said. “It should be over a lifetime, like Social Security.”


How Privatized Social Security Works in Galveston

Does Galveston Offer a Model For Social Security Reform?

Retirement benefits are generally lower under the Galveston Plan. Under the Galveston Plan, initial retirement benefits are lower for many workers than under Social Security. Furthermore, unlike Social Security, the Galveston plan does not adjust benefits from year to year to reflect increases in the cost of living. As a result, according to a Social Security Administration study, “After 20 years, all of Galveston’s benefits are lower relative to Social Security’s.” The SSA study also noted that “there are no additional spousal or dependent benefits… benefits are not portable to future employers; benefits are not adjusted for inflation; and, in general, benefits are lower for those with lower earnings and/or with a greater number of dependents who qualify for Social Security

  • Galveston could not provide a model for the country as a whole.The 5,000 municipal employees covered by the plans run by Galveston and the two other Texas counties opting out of Social Security do not make any contributions to support current Social Security beneficiaries. If the United States as a whole adopted a Galveston-like plan, there would be no one left to pay the $500 billion annual cost of benefits for the nation’s 45 million current Social Security beneficiaries .

  • In other words, municipal employees from these three Texas counties are “free riders” who are escaping their share of the national obligation to finance Social Security for current retirees. The United States as a whole cannot “free ride” in the way that government employees in one relatively small county can.
Does Galveston Offer a Model For Social Security Reform?
You know it's not hard to picture say four generations of coal miners with breathing disabilities. Not all forms of work are good for you.

well, it's a good reason why we shouldn't still be mining coal...
The majority of coal mining is open pit which has zero danger for the health of the workers. Dip shit

Most coal seams are too deep underground for opencast mining and require underground mining, a method that currently accounts for about 60 percent of world coal production

Locations of Active Underground Mining Operations, 2015

United States map displaying the locations of 657 active underground mining operations spotted randomly within counties. Active mines are those that report any operator employment during the year. Mines at which only contractors were working did not show any employment and are not displayed.


'fatalities by accident class for surface mining locations for the period 2011 through 2015. Excluding office employees, there were a total of 107 surface fatalities'

Statistics: All Mining

Article this morning describes the aforementioned swelling of Social Security Disability claims made in Red States across the fruited plain.

The article states:

How to visualize the growth in disability in the United States? One way is to think of a map. Rural communities, where on average 9.1 percent of working-age people are on disability — nearly twice the urban rate and 40 percent higher than the national average — are in a brighter shade than cities. An even brighter hue then spreads from Appalachia into the Deep South and out into Missouri, where rates are higher yet, places economists have called “disability belts.” The brightest color of all can be found in 102 counties, mostly within these belts, where a Washington Post analysis of federal statistics estimates that, at minimum, about 1 in 6 working-age residents draw disability checks.

One family. Four generations of disability benefits. Will it continue?

Question: Should the President do something about this?

One way is very easy and clear by the way.... The whole story is at thisamericanlife.org but I'll give you the highlight; I'm doing this from memory so if I get a detail wrong, forgive me. When you apply for SSD, about 2 thirds are refused out of hand. So that means if Larry, Moe and Curly all apply, Larry and Moe are going to get rejected.

Now, what you do after that is paramount because it is important. About 1/2 appeal their ruling. Of those who appeal, 80% who hire an attorney to represent them get their benefits. The way it works is that there is a hearing about the rejection. At the hearing is the attorney for the person who filed (Binder and Binder are the #1 firm nationwide) and the judge. The federal government sends nobody.

Here is the transcript of the passage:

The way Binder tells it, he is a guy helping desperate people get the support they deserve. He's a cowboy-hatted Lone Ranger fighting the good fight for the everyman. He apparently keeps a picture of the Lone Ranger on his desk.

So you've got 30,000 people denied disability who are appealing to a judge, taking their case to the courts. And on the one side, the judge has this passionate persuasive lawyer making the case that his client is physically or emotionally incapable of working. And on the other side, who's on the other side? Nobody. Nobody, really. I couldn't believe this when I first heard it. David Autor, the economist, told me with disability cases, there is no person in the room making the government's case.

David Autor
You might imagine a courtroom where, on the one side, there's the claimant and their lawyer saying, my client needs these benefits. On the other side, there's the government attorney saying, ah no, well, we need to protect the public interest, and your client is not sufficiently deserving, and here's why I think that, and so on. But it actually doesn't work like that. Because the government is not represented. There is no government lawyer on the other side of the room.

Again, I don't think anyone wants to deny a legitimately disabled person some benefits but when the government doesn't saddle up for any of the claims, it looks as though people are taking advantage. Especially in the red states.

And it's common knowledge red states take from the federal government for welfare and programs like SSA disability while blue states pay in more than they take. In other words the blue states are funding the people in red states to be lazy. And now this comes out that shows people in the red states get on disability and their families never get off it.

The exact opposite of what conservatives claim every day. THEY are the lazy ones that need to get jobs and stop taking a handout from the 'gubment'.

Except the flaw in your argument (and this topic) is states don't get welfare--people get welfare. To think that everybody in a red state is conservative is as ridiculous to think everybody in a blue state is a liberal:

View attachment 130581

LMAOROG, And you expect those Anti Gov't GOPers to say they get benefits from Gov't when asked by a poll?
Especially in the red states. Ooooh, that's positively orgasmic. How can they compete morally with the angelic beings dwelling in the heavenly blue states?
What's really weird is the fact that 1 in 5 get Welfare nationwide....so it has to be worse in Blue States like California. And a Red State like Texas has alot of illegals dragging down the numbers.

1 in 5? CONservative "math" huh Cupcake?
Especially in the red states. Ooooh, that's positively orgasmic. How can they compete morally with the angelic beings dwelling in the heavenly blue states?

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

In the stock and bond markets, where investors show no allegiance to political parties, California has outperformed the rest of the U.S. the past five years, especially since the Nov. 9 election, when Trump became the fifth person to win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. California's creditworthiness keeps getting better, measured by the declining premium global investors must pay to ensure against depreciation of the state's debt obligations. That premium has diminished more than for any other state since 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. California, whose voters favored Hillary Clinton two to one, outperformed Treasury bonds since the November election. Texas, which is the second-largest state in population and which supported Trump, became cheaper compared to Treasuries and California in the market for state and local debt since the November election. Investors see security in the state with more protections for immigrants and more regulations.

California's borrowing cost is 0.15 percentage points lower than the average for states and municipalities and has declined to just 0.24 percentage points more than the U.S. pays on its debt, down from 1.97 percentage points in 2013.

At the same time, bonds sold by California's municipalities produced a total return of 2.3 percent since November, outperforming the benchmark for the U.S., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The growing popularityof bonds sold by California issuers is a consequence of the state's more rigorous regulation of the market, specifically legislation signed by Brown last year, creating greater transparency and accountability for issuers of California debt.

No state or country has created as many laws discouraging fossil fuels and carbon while promoting clean energy. That convergence of policy and voter preference is paying off in the stock market.

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump


California is in financial collapse.

People and businesses are leaving. Aren't the LA Raiders leaving too?

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
By Melody Gutierrez

February 6, 2016 Updated: February 6, 2016 2:53pm

SACRAMENTO — California has come a long way to dig itself out of budget deficits, but the state remains on shaky ground due to nearly $400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt from public pensions, retiree health care and bonds, financial analysts say.

“Yes, the state’s budget is balanced if you are looking at what they are required to spend cash on this year, but not when you look at their expenses,” said Gabe Petek, a credit analyst with Standard & Poor’s.

The high debt and unfunded liabilities have resulted in the state’s rating lagging behind other states, Petek says. California saw its bond rating rise last year from A+ to AA-, the highest level the state has had in 14 years. Good bond ratings are a sign of a strong budget and financial management and allow states to pay lower interest rates when selling bonds.

“Compared to other states, though, California has one of the lower ratings,” Petek said.

And the reason is clear, he said. It’s California’s debt and liabilities that are concerning financial analysts, particularly the state’s rapidly growing unfunded retiree health care costs, which grew more than 80 percent over the past decade. California has promised $74 billion more in health and dental benefits to current and retired state workers than the state has put aside.

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts

Frivolously Gov. Moonbeam is building a high-speed rail which has doubled in cost and the first shovel of dirt has not been turned. It will be a huge operating expense IF it ever gets built.

Then there is the moonbeam scheme to have single-payer health care in California. An expense the legislature has no clue how to pay for but they voted for it anyway. Brilliant.

So 1 in 6 require welfare and your shocked that they wanted someone who promised to bring jobs back rather than continue the status quo?

You do understand after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies we lost 600,000+ jobs? Hint Obama saw 16 million jobs created after hitting Bush's bottom March 2010

The main problem in the US is the wages for the bottom 90% have been stagnant, and we have "capitalists" who are subsidized BECAUSE they refuse to pay living wages

Especially in the red states. Ooooh, that's positively orgasmic. How can they compete morally with the angelic beings dwelling in the heavenly blue states?

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

In the stock and bond markets, where investors show no allegiance to political parties, California has outperformed the rest of the U.S. the past five years, especially since the Nov. 9 election, when Trump became the fifth person to win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. California's creditworthiness keeps getting better, measured by the declining premium global investors must pay to ensure against depreciation of the state's debt obligations. That premium has diminished more than for any other state since 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. California, whose voters favored Hillary Clinton two to one, outperformed Treasury bonds since the November election. Texas, which is the second-largest state in population and which supported Trump, became cheaper compared to Treasuries and California in the market for state and local debt since the November election. Investors see security in the state with more protections for immigrants and more regulations.

California's borrowing cost is 0.15 percentage points lower than the average for states and municipalities and has declined to just 0.24 percentage points more than the U.S. pays on its debt, down from 1.97 percentage points in 2013.

At the same time, bonds sold by California's municipalities produced a total return of 2.3 percent since November, outperforming the benchmark for the U.S., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The growing popularityof bonds sold by California issuers is a consequence of the state's more rigorous regulation of the market, specifically legislation signed by Brown last year, creating greater transparency and accountability for issuers of California debt.

No state or country has created as many laws discouraging fossil fuels and carbon while promoting clean energy. That convergence of policy and voter preference is paying off in the stock market.

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump


California is in financial collapse.

People and businesses are leaving. Aren't the LA Raiders leaving too?

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
By Melody Gutierrez

February 6, 2016 Updated: February 6, 2016 2:53pm

SACRAMENTO — California has come a long way to dig itself out of budget deficits, but the state remains on shaky ground due to nearly $400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt from public pensions, retiree health care and bonds, financial analysts say.

“Yes, the state’s budget is balanced if you are looking at what they are required to spend cash on this year, but not when you look at their expenses,” said Gabe Petek, a credit analyst with Standard & Poor’s.

The high debt and unfunded liabilities have resulted in the state’s rating lagging behind other states, Petek says. California saw its bond rating rise last year from A+ to AA-, the highest level the state has had in 14 years. Good bond ratings are a sign of a strong budget and financial management and allow states to pay lower interest rates when selling bonds.

“Compared to other states, though, California has one of the lower ratings,” Petek said.

And the reason is clear, he said. It’s California’s debt and liabilities that are concerning financial analysts, particularly the state’s rapidly growing unfunded retiree health care costs, which grew more than 80 percent over the past decade. California has promised $74 billion more in health and dental benefits to current and retired state workers than the state has put aside.

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts

Frivolously Gov. Moonbeam is building a high-speed rail which has doubled in cost and the first shovel of dirt has not been turned. It will be a huge operating expense IF it ever gets built.

Then there is the moonbeam scheme to have single-payer health care in California. An expense the legislature has no clue how to pay for but they voted for it anyway. Brilliant.


Weird Cupcake:

In the stock and bond markets, where investors show no allegiance to political parties, California has outperformed the rest of the U.S. the past five years, especially since the Nov. 9 election, when Trump became the fifth person to win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. California's creditworthiness keeps getting better, measured by the declining premium global investors must pay to ensure against depreciation of the state's debt obligations. That premium has diminished more than for any other state since 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. California, whose voters favored Hillary Clinton two to one, outperformed Treasury bonds since the November election. Texas, which is the second-largest state in population and which supported Trump, became cheaper compared to Treasuries and California in the market for state and local debt since the November election. Investors see security in the state with more protections for immigrants and more regulations.

California's borrowing cost is 0.15 percentage points lower than the average for states and municipalities and has declined to just 0.24 percentage points more than the U.S. pays on its debt, down from 1.97 percentage points in 2013.

At the same time, bonds sold by California's municipalities produced a total return of 2.3 percent since November, outperforming the benchmark for the U.S., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The growing popularity of bonds sold by California issuers is a consequence of the state's more rigorous regulation of the market, specifically legislation signed by Brown last year, creating greater transparency and accountability for issuers of California debt

Especially in the red states. Ooooh, that's positively orgasmic. How can they compete morally with the angelic beings dwelling in the heavenly blue states?

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump
Whatever the president says, this state does the opposite. It's working.

Look at California, which is one-eighth of the U.S. population with 39 million people and one-seventh of the nation's gross domestic product of $2.3 trillion. Far from being a mess, California's economy is bigger than ever, rivaling the U.K. as No. 5 in the world, when figures for 2016 are officially tabulated.

California is the chief reason America is the only developed economy to achieve record GDP growth since the financial crisis of 2008 and ensuing global recession, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Much of the U.S. growth can be traced to California laws promoting clean energy, government accountability and protections for undocumented people. Governor Jerry Brown, now in his fourth term, considers immigrants a major reason for the state's success: "39 percent of us are Latino and the majority are from Mexico," he said in a March 2 interview in his Sacramento office.

In the stock and bond markets, where investors show no allegiance to political parties, California has outperformed the rest of the U.S. the past five years, especially since the Nov. 9 election, when Trump became the fifth person to win the Electoral College and lose the popular vote. California's creditworthiness keeps getting better, measured by the declining premium global investors must pay to ensure against depreciation of the state's debt obligations. That premium has diminished more than for any other state since 2012, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. California, whose voters favored Hillary Clinton two to one, outperformed Treasury bonds since the November election. Texas, which is the second-largest state in population and which supported Trump, became cheaper compared to Treasuries and California in the market for state and local debt since the November election. Investors see security in the state with more protections for immigrants and more regulations.

California's borrowing cost is 0.15 percentage points lower than the average for states and municipalities and has declined to just 0.24 percentage points more than the U.S. pays on its debt, down from 1.97 percentage points in 2013.

At the same time, bonds sold by California's municipalities produced a total return of 2.3 percent since November, outperforming the benchmark for the U.S., according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The growing popularityof bonds sold by California issuers is a consequence of the state's more rigorous regulation of the market, specifically legislation signed by Brown last year, creating greater transparency and accountability for issuers of California debt.

No state or country has created as many laws discouraging fossil fuels and carbon while promoting clean energy. That convergence of policy and voter preference is paying off in the stock market.

California Leads U.S. Economy, Away From Trump


California is in financial collapse.

People and businesses are leaving. Aren't the LA Raiders leaving too?

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts
By Melody Gutierrez

February 6, 2016 Updated: February 6, 2016 2:53pm

SACRAMENTO — California has come a long way to dig itself out of budget deficits, but the state remains on shaky ground due to nearly $400 billion in unfunded liabilities and debt from public pensions, retiree health care and bonds, financial analysts say.

“Yes, the state’s budget is balanced if you are looking at what they are required to spend cash on this year, but not when you look at their expenses,” said Gabe Petek, a credit analyst with Standard & Poor’s.

The high debt and unfunded liabilities have resulted in the state’s rating lagging behind other states, Petek says. California saw its bond rating rise last year from A+ to AA-, the highest level the state has had in 14 years. Good bond ratings are a sign of a strong budget and financial management and allow states to pay lower interest rates when selling bonds.

“Compared to other states, though, California has one of the lower ratings,” Petek said.

And the reason is clear, he said. It’s California’s debt and liabilities that are concerning financial analysts, particularly the state’s rapidly growing unfunded retiree health care costs, which grew more than 80 percent over the past decade. California has promised $74 billion more in health and dental benefits to current and retired state workers than the state has put aside.

California’s $400 billion debt worries analysts

Frivolously Gov. Moonbeam is building a high-speed rail which has doubled in cost and the first shovel of dirt has not been turned. It will be a huge operating expense IF it ever gets built.

Then there is the moonbeam scheme to have single-payer health care in California. An expense the legislature has no clue how to pay for but they voted for it anyway. Brilliant.


And why is that Kondor3?

Also give us the economic profile of blacks in 1930, 1970, 2010? Tell us what you learn.
Unlike Democrats, I'm not in the business of making excuses for Under-Performers, 53 years after passage of the Civil Rights Act, and accompanying racial quotas for hiring and academic admissions, and 152 years after the end of the Civil War and complete Emancipation... Jim Crow, et al, notwithstanding... that was then, this is now... get over it.

Chronic Under-Performers gonna chronically under-perform...

It's long-past time for Black Folk to assume responsibility for their own destinies and condition, and to stop blaming others...

Then again, that would get them off the Democratic Inner-City Plantations, and voting their own minds and common sense and hearts, rather than for their Padrones...

Can't have that, now, can we?

No more excuses... no more whining... much of America is no longer listening...

Did you really think those accommodations were going to last forever?

In the nonprofit sector, it's called Donor Exhaustion... after 50+ years of increasing accommodation, and very little to show for it.

Comes a time, when the Benefactors get tired of the bull$hit and whining and excuses, and finally begin to turn a deaf ear.

It would appear that that time has finally come.

After 53 years... you're finally OUT of time, in that context... you've run-out the clock, and squandered the value of such accommodations while they lasted.

Fun Time is over.

You're on your own.

Enjoy the ride.

Yeah, because there ISN'T any type of systemic racism right Cupcake?

Republicans will do nothing for the poor.

It's Republicans (and a few DemonCrat elites) whom are funding the poor. Republican church groups all over the nation bend over backwards helping "the poor".
DemonCrats by and large don't DO shit for "the poor" they simply talk about it and demand more from Republicans in helping "the poor".
The Left assures the poor that they are not in control of their own destiny. They convince the poor that their situation was predetermined and that they themselves can do nothing about it. The Left teaches complacency and acclimation in poverty by providing the excuses and coddling.
The Right seeks to convince the poor that they are in charge and they can do something about their situation. They use proven methods, which force true resolve and change through teaching accountability and responsibility.
If this nations district leaders weren't all ghetto minded trash themselves and poverty stricken districts were ran by Ben Carson types we'd see major changes in our numbers...which would mean less votes for DemonCrats.
This is all simple shit.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

...In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

I do enjoy watching a show with the law running criminals in Tennessee...lots of trailer court action.
You are unable to learn that you can't teach. You have no context, you have no productivity beyond flipping hamburgers. Non-white economic increases have moved forward dramatically in the last eighty years. Now ask yourself why a minority portions of the minorities still have not increased economically.

Most likely education. I'll share a true story here.

During the housing bubble it was difficult for landlords to find good tenants. Many of the poorer people took advantage of government guidelines that allowed banks to give home loans to people with no money and no credit check. Many of them took advantage of 0% down.

I have used Craigslist for years to find my tenants. During that time, I would get emails I thought were a prank or something.

Terrible grammar, worse punctuation, spelling errors galore. It was like I was getting responses from seven year olds. Some of them I couldn't even figure out WTF they were asking or trying to tell me.

I trashed many of them, but in desperation, I had to select some of them to fill an apartment.

So they came by and during some chitchat, I found out most of these black people were high school graduates. But like I said, I didn't respond to many of those emails. If I won't even accept an apartment application from those people, HTF do they find jobs filling out job applications like that??????

"During the housing bubble it was difficult for landlords to find good tenants. Many of the poorer people took advantage of government guidelines that allowed banks to give home loans to people with no money and no credit check. Many of them took advantage of 0% down. "


Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

•The boom and bust was global. Proponents of the Big Lie ignore the worldwide nature of the housing boom and bust.

A McKinsey Global Institute report noted “from 2000 through 2007, a remarkable run-up in global home prices occurred.” It is highly unlikely that a simultaneous boom and bust everywhere else in the world was caused by one set of factors (ultra-low rates, securitized AAA-rated subprime, derivatives) but had a different set of causes in the United States. Indeed, this might be the biggest obstacle to pushing the false narrative.

Nonbank mortgage underwriting exploded from 2001 to 2007, along with the private label securitization market, which eclipsed Fannie and Freddie during the boom

Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards. Taking up that extra share were nonbanks selling mortgages elsewhere, not to the GSEs.
Conforming mortgages had rules that were less profitable than the newfangled loans. Private securitizers — competitors of Fannie and Freddie — grew from 10 percent of the market in 2002 to nearly 40 percent in 2006. As a percentage of all mortgage-backed securities, private securitization grew from 23 percent in 2003 to 56 percent in 2006

These firms had business models that could be called “Lend-in-order-to-sell-to-Wall-Street-securitizers.” They offered all manner of nontraditional mortgages — the 2/28 adjustable rate mortgages, piggy-back loans, negative amortization loans. These defaulted in huge numbers, far more than the regulated mortgage writers did.


Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up


Especially in the red states. Ooooh, that's positively orgasmic. How can they compete morally with the angelic beings dwelling in the heavenly blue states?
What's really weird is the fact that 1 in 5 get Welfare nationwide....so it has to be worse in Blue States like California. And a Red State like Texas has alot of illegals dragging down the numbers.

1 in 5? CONservative "math" huh Cupcake?
Slightly less than that. 21%.

Do the math., Libroid....
Republicans will do nothing for the poor.

It's Republicans (and a few DemonCrat elites) whom are funding the poor. Republican church groups all over the nation bend over backwards helping "the poor".
DemonCrats by and large don't DO shit for "the poor" they simply talk about it and demand more from Republicans in helping "the poor".
The Left assures the poor that they are not in control of their own destiny. They convince the poor that their situation was predetermined and that they themselves can do nothing about it. The Left teaches complacency and acclimation in poverty by providing the excuses and coddling.
The Right seeks to convince the poor that they are in charge and they can do something about their situation. They use proven methods, which force true resolve and change through teaching accountability and responsibility.
If this nations district leaders weren't all ghetto minded trash themselves and poverty stricken districts were ran by Ben Carson types we'd see major changes in our numbers...which would mean less votes for DemonCrats.
This is all simple shit.

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala
A theory of a divided nation

...In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala


What fun, an OPINION PIECE from The New Republic. No information about who runs it, or their biographies. A sure sign of deception.
Hey 15 dollars per hour down south gets ya a nice double wide.....what's wrong with that?

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