1 million people die due to economy being closed down

The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.

People need more than income to survive and to thrive. They need work, they need to be useful and productive, they need to have social interaction. Writing them a check and locking them into their homes indefinitely isn't going to work.

FFS. Nobody has been locked into their homes. You freaks just cannot have an honest discussion.
We are locked in my home, except for when we unlock the door and go out somewhere.

I forget that Americans keep their doors locked. We don't do that in Canada. My door is unlocked all day. We don't fear our neighbours.

Really? I was watching a program on TV about Canadians living in the City of Churchill having to be on guard because of all the bears in the area.
We go out in public once every 2 weeks for groceries at the natural foods store. Masks and gloves are mandatory to get in. Our friends are similar. We have not talked to our friends face to face since March 7th. We will not let our kids visit as of now. And we have 6 cases in our whole county.
The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.

People need more than income to survive and to thrive. They need work, they need to be useful and productive, they need to have social interaction. Writing them a check and locking them into their homes indefinitely isn't going to work.

FFS. Nobody has been locked into their homes. You freaks just cannot have an honest discussion.
We are locked in my home, except for when we unlock the door and go out somewhere.

I have had more conversations with people in my neighborhood over the past month than I had in the year prior. We stand 6 feet apart and chat.

If you are so lonely that you want to kill yourself, I suggest that you call a help line.
Um, my point was we go out as often as we want.

I know. I was adding to your point.
The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.

People need more than income to survive and to thrive. They need work, they need to be useful and productive, they need to have social interaction. Writing them a check and locking them into their homes indefinitely isn't going to work.
There's going to be a new normal as a sizeable chunk of the population is going to continue to limit their spending and shopping. And that's when the economy is fully open. I've talked to several business owners who expect 70 percent at most when things open up. They say that's the new reality
70% is not enough to support the wipe-every-nose welfare system that liberals are so fond of

it could mean no more food stamps for welfare bums

and a new Grapes of Wraith return to having to work for a living

How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living totally off of taxpayer funds?

Give me a number, please.

I don't know the number, but a lot have when they have the opportunity. I remember the guys who got laid off from the mills when they closed down, they were really cool with just signing up for the checks until that money ran out.
We go out in public once every 2 weeks for groceries at the natural foods store. Masks and gloves are mandatory to get in. Our friends are similar. We have not talked to our friends face to face since March 7th. We will not let our kids visit as of now. And we have 6 cases in our whole county.

I do not believe you.
We won WWII by hunkering down while we planned our strategy and built our arsenal. That is what we should be doing now. Meat plants having problems with COVID-19, put people to work producing protective suits for workers. Hunker down and fight a defensive engagement until we can fight an offensive engagement.

We wouldn't have had to fight WWII at all, if President Roosevelt would have built up the military instead of embarking on the Raw Deal program. If America had been powerful militarily, Mr. Hitler would not have decided to piss us off by instituting his Holocaust program and the war would have been averted.

Hey STUPID! The USA was founded to stay out of European wars. Until WWII, the US had pursued an isolationist policy and stayed in their own hemisphere. Wars have been a way of life in Europe for centuries. The Founders wanted the USA to stay away from such foolishness.

Hitler would never have come to power if not for the Treaty of Versailles and the economic hardship it imposed on the German people. If you want to re-write history you have to look why Germany was taken over by a populist monster. The German people were hurting.

Notice how the idiot Polish guy immediately goes too "You should have built an army". That's the idiot response to everything. GUNS, WAR and other total wastes of money.

Every dollar you fools spend on military is money that is not going into making your country better. You can't afford universal health care because you spend 4% of your GDP on weapons and the military.

Canada can afford it because they dont
Bears won't hurt you. We have bears all around us they don't want anything to do with humans.
The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.

People need more than income to survive and to thrive. They need work, they need to be useful and productive, they need to have social interaction. Writing them a check and locking them into their homes indefinitely isn't going to work.
There's going to be a new normal as a sizeable chunk of the population is going to continue to limit their spending and shopping. And that's when the economy is fully open. I've talked to several business owners who expect 70 percent at most when things open up. They say that's the new reality
70% is not enough to support the wipe-every-nose welfare system that liberals are so fond of

it could mean no more food stamps for welfare bums

and a new Grapes of Wraith return to having to work for a living

How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living totally off of taxpayer funds?

Give me a number, please.

I don't know the number, but a lot have when they have the opportunity. I remember the guys who got laid off from the mills when they closed down, they were really cool with just signing up for the checks until that money ran out.

You do not know the number? It forms the basis of the “conservative” economic world view and you don’t know the number?
We go out in public once every 2 weeks for groceries at the natural foods store. Masks and gloves are mandatory to get in. Our friends are similar. We have not talked to our friends face to face since March 7th. We will not let our kids visit as of now. And we have 6 cases in our whole county.

I visit my mum, she isn't afraid of this shit, even though she is 90 with 1 lung and taking blood thinners for A-fib.
Fine with me I have no reason to lie about it. It's the way it is here. What do you find so bad about what I posted.
For those that want to go out that's fine with us. Ewe should also encourage those who want to stay home to stay home. Everyone wins correct?
Fine with me I have no reason to lie about it. It's the way it is here. What do you find so bad about what I posted.

I just think its important for people to visit their mums if they can- particularly this weekend during Mother's Day. I'd hate for people to use this Wuhan Flu as an excuse to ignore the old people.
He won't come to a picnic. I grew up in the house we live in. I've had bears around my whole life. They never changed the way we lived. In fact the virus is more scary than a lousy bear.
Fine with me I have no reason to lie about it. It's the way it is here. What do you find so bad about what I posted.

I find it hard to believe that you have isolated yourself to the point that you have not met a friend since early March.
The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.

People need more than income to survive and to thrive. They need work, they need to be useful and productive, they need to have social interaction. Writing them a check and locking them into their homes indefinitely isn't going to work.
There's going to be a new normal as a sizeable chunk of the population is going to continue to limit their spending and shopping. And that's when the economy is fully open. I've talked to several business owners who expect 70 percent at most when things open up. They say that's the new reality
70% is not enough to support the wipe-every-nose welfare system that liberals are so fond of

it could mean no more food stamps for welfare bums

and a new Grapes of Wraith return to having to work for a living

How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living totally off of taxpayer funds?

Give me a number, please.

I don't know the number, but a lot have when they have the opportunity. I remember the guys who got laid off from the mills when they closed down, they were really cool with just signing up for the checks until that money ran out.

You do not know the number? It forms the basis of the “conservative” economic world view and you don’t know the number?

Quit playing obtuse, you know damn well Bill closed down most of the South's cotton Mills
Lone it is the truth. We live in a rural wooded area. We have not had face to face in 2 months. Phone calls yes. That's it. We don't mind living this way at all.

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