1 million people die due to economy being closed down

One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

No what is werid is social distancing has the opposite effect, it kills more people, we were not designed for it mentally.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.
he started fighting for the US from day ONE:
close/restrict borders
and here's the big one:
..stop depending/buying/relying on China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boom boom boom!!! get out of here!!!

No. He hemmed and hawed. Italy closed down travel from China before we did. It was already too late. He failed to lead. He’s a shitty leader.
from day ONE!! booom and boooom

You can say it. But it ain’t true.
yes it is
Mr Trump KNEW we were getting fkd by China in 2016!!!!!!!
boom baby!!
God Damn, you really are a dumb ass Mother Fucker. Please stop procreating.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

No what is werid is social distancing has the opposite effect, it kills more people, we were not designed for it mentally.
LMFAO! What clinical research do you have to back up that most fucking ridiculous comment? Come on, post it you Fucking Dummy.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

I'm hardly a "conspiracy freak" at all, even though I rooted for Jesse the Body when he challenged for Hulk Hogan's title back in the day. However, I can't see how the current policies are saving the economy or lives. New York City has a lot more draconian shutdown policies than do we in the hinterlands, yet they have a lot more carnage as well.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.
he started fighting for the US from day ONE:
close/restrict borders
and here's the big one:
..stop depending/buying/relying on China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boom boom boom!!! get out of here!!!

No. He hemmed and hawed. Italy closed down travel from China before we did. It was already too late. He failed to lead. He’s a shitty leader.
from day ONE!! booom and boooom

You can say it. But it ain’t true.
yes it is
Mr Trump KNEW we were getting fkd by China in 2016!!!!!!!
boom baby!!
God Damn, you really are a dumb ass Mother Fucker. Please stop procreating.

Shit, mother fuckers good damn, needle dick....

Does that help you comprehend more?
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

No what is werid is social distancing has the opposite effect, it kills more people, we were not designed for it mentally.
LMFAO! What clinical research do you have to back up that most fucking ridiculous comment? Come on, post it you Fucking Dummy.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with the facts- Man is a social being, and isolation isn't so terrific. That's why leading penal institutions have Solitary Confinement or "Ad Seg" as a sanction for inmates they have a problem with. A temporary lockdown was instituted to spread out the death and destruction, not "stop the virus". It was done to flatten the curve and reduce the stress on the healthcare system.
We won WWII by hunkering down while we planned our strategy and built our arsenal. That is what we should be doing now. Meat plants having problems with COVID-19, put people to work producing protective suits for workers. Hunker down and fight a defensive engagement until we can fight an offensive engagement.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.
Trump does not have the authority to close the economy

that decision is up to the governors

but that aside the question is when to open the economy

and you seem to want to stay shut down
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

I'm hardly a "conspiracy freak" at all, even though I rooted for Jesse the Body when he challenged for Hulk Hogan's title back in the day. However, I can't see how the current policies are saving the economy or lives. New York City has a lot more draconian shutdown policies than do we in the hinterlands, yet they have a lot more carnage as well.

Trump says they saved 2 million lives. Don’t you believe him?
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

No what is werid is social distancing has the opposite effect, it kills more people, we were not designed for it mentally.
LMFAO! What clinical research do you have to back up that most fucking ridiculous comment? Come on, post it you Fucking Dummy.

Tons, or just read the Bible.
This Economy is a Real Killer

This article is just for you Lefty's. It is from the all mighty Huffington post back in 2009. It says that research shows for every 1% of unemployment we have about 47,000 deaths from such things as suicide and alcoholism, etc. So today I heard the unemployment rate is up to 20%. Doing the math, that means around 1 million Americans will die due to the economic shut down.

How many have died from Covid again?

Naturally, when and if they do die, the press won't report it as such. They will all just be swept under the rug.
Coronavirus is deadly. There was no coronavirus in 2009.
More people would have died in 2009 with a great economy, no lockdown AND coronavirus.
You're too dumb to know that.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

I'm hardly a "conspiracy freak" at all, even though I rooted for Jesse the Body when he challenged for Hulk Hogan's title back in the day. However, I can't see how the current policies are saving the economy or lives. New York City has a lot more draconian shutdown policies than do we in the hinterlands, yet they have a lot more carnage as well.
The shutdown was too late in NYC to be effective. That’s what we’ve learned about this. By the time you notice a problem in your community, it’s too late.

Unless of course you have an exceptionally well coordinated response, like South Korea.
We won WWII by hunkering down while we planned our strategy and built our arsenal. That is what we should be doing now. Meat plants having problems with COVID-19, put people to work producing protective suits for workers. Hunker down and fight a defensive engagement until we can fight an offensive engagement.

We wouldn't have had to fight WWII at all, if President Roosevelt would have built up the military instead of embarking on the Raw Deal program. If America had been powerful militarily, Mr. Hitler would not have decided to piss us off by instituting his Holocaust program and the war would have been averted.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.

How long of a period should America institute Social Distancing policies for? If Joe Biden is inaugurated, how long will he push for it? The technocrats will always advise for longer, you know.

No. I don’t know that. You’re a nutbag conspiracy freak. The measures are designed to save lives AND the economy. These things are connected.

I'm hardly a "conspiracy freak" at all, even though I rooted for Jesse the Body when he challenged for Hulk Hogan's title back in the day. However, I can't see how the current policies are saving the economy or lives. New York City has a lot more draconian shutdown policies than do we in the hinterlands, yet they have a lot more carnage as well.
The shutdown was too late in NYC to be effective. That’s what we’ve learned about this. By the time you notice a problem in your community, it’s too late.

Unless of course you have an exceptionally well coordinated response, like South Korea.

So New York City should not have locked down at all,in your view? It was pointless as it was instituted too late?
This Economy is a Real Killer

This article is just for you Lefty's. It is from the all mighty Huffington post back in 2009. It says that research shows for every 1% of unemployment we have about 47,000 deaths from such things as suicide and alcoholism, etc. So today I heard the unemployment rate is up to 20%. Doing the math, that means around 1 million Americans will die due to the economic shut down.

How many have died from Covid again?

Naturally, when and if they do die, the press won't report it as such. They will all just be swept under the rug.
Coronavirus is deadly. There was no coronavirus in 2009.
More people would have died in 2009 with a great economy, no lockdown AND coronavirus.
You're too dumb to know that.
Yup. Lefties gotta change the rationale.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.
Yeah, when Gov Cuomo took it into his hands to put infected people with the Wuhan Virus into the retirement homes, that went over well didnt it. Fuck you guys are not only stupid but worthless also.
We won WWII by hunkering down while we planned our strategy and built our arsenal. That is what we should be doing now. Meat plants having problems with COVID-19, put people to work producing protective suits for workers. Hunker down and fight a defensive engagement until we can fight an offensive engagement.

We wouldn't have had to fight WWII at all, if President Roosevelt would have built up the military instead of embarking on the Raw Deal program. If America had been powerful militarily, Mr. Hitler would not have decided to piss us off by instituting his Holocaust program and the war would have been averted.
Congress would not even discuss building up military forces. WWI was only a decade and a half distant and America still remembers the pain and grief from it. Isolationism was popular. America had no protocol or system for funding of an increased military. Great Depression programs and projects were financed in large part by loan guarantees to individual states. Who would borrow or guarantee loans for B-17's, Essex Carriers, M1 rifles, modern submarines, fighter planes, etc.?
This Economy is a Real Killer

This article is just for you Lefty's. It is from the all mighty Huffington post back in 2009. It says that research shows for every 1% of unemployment we have about 47,000 deaths from such things as suicide and alcoholism, etc. So today I heard the unemployment rate is up to 20%. Doing the math, that means around 1 million Americans will die due to the economic shut down.

How many have died from Covid again?

Naturally, when and if they do die, the press won't report it as such. They will all just be swept under the rug.

What do you think the 35,000 annual suicides are? Or the 75,000 people dying every year from opiod abuse? Drug abuse, depression and suicide are the diseases of desperation.

The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.
One. Trump did not act to rapidly push for social distancing and an end to large gatherings. Various governors and sports leagues did that. So, just so we are clear, Trump gets no credit for the shutdown.

Two. Had governors not led on this issue, the pandemic would have been worse and our hospitals would have become overrun. That would have absolutely destroyed our economy while killing hundreds of thousands more.

It also would have LENGTHENED the period of time that we would need to enact social distancing policies.

So, all the death that could be attributed to unemployment would have happened anyway.

Your argument is stupid.
he started fighting for the US from day ONE:
close/restrict borders
and here's the big one:
..stop depending/buying/relying on China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
boom boom boom!!! get out of here!!!

No. He hemmed and hawed. Italy closed down travel from China before we did. It was already too late. He failed to lead. He’s a shitty leader.
from day ONE!! booom and boooom

You can say it. But it ain’t true.
yes it is
Mr Trump KNEW we were getting fkd by China in 2016!!!!!!!
boom baby!!
God Damn, you really are a dumb ass Mother Fucker. Please stop procreating.
hahahhahahha--wow--TDS is strong with you = '''MoFo'''
yes, you liberals are full of hate and intolerance --YOU prove it
The very simple solution is to give the PEOPLE income replacement until this thing is over. The AMERICAN economy is a killer because there is no hope for working people. This isn't happening in the rest of the world.

Low wages, no health insurance, dependent on government handouts, no worker protections. Time to have a PEOPLE CENTRED government instead of the corporatist agenda which favours people over companies.

People need more than income to survive and to thrive. They need work, they need to be useful and productive, they need to have social interaction. Writing them a check and locking them into their homes indefinitely isn't going to work.

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