1% Of America Has 40% Of America's Wealth~ (Magna Carta? Robin Hood?)


I am not going to pay my workers more unless you make me. I am perfectly content to have YOU pay for their food and shelter instead. No skin off my teeth.

So, basically, everything you've been saying here was just posturing ... or, as they call it where I come from ... bullshit??

So obviously you do not grasp the concept and would rather resort to a personal attack to cover up your own ignorance.

Hey! You're the one who established a position - and, when pressed, backed right off. You either believe it, or you don't. Apparently, you're all hat and no cattle.

You either know damn well that you are being intellectually dishonest, or you are simply ignorant. Raising wages at my business alone will not increase spending on a national scale. But a national min wage increase, of substantial size, would create a burst of spending that would save small business.

Small business is generally ran by poor.

Causing that owner to pay their workers more will not profit the owner.

Corporations have a strong hold on all parties. Raise Minimum wage, McDonalds and Walmart get bigger and smile. Don't raise it and the people just keep getting paid less. Same result.

I will gladly lay out another grand in wages in a day, if I am seeing another 10 grand in sales. But I think spending would actually be a LOT more than that. Especially for some businesses like restaurants, theaters, discretionary recreation.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.

Tsk, tsk - you campaign for higher wages for your workers, but you won't pay higher wages for your workers. In fact, you readily acknowledge that you intentionally pay them so little so that they have to come to me for a handout. Just exactly who is abusing these workers?

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.

Not hypocritical at all. I freely admit to "abusing" these workers, and I will continue to do so and line my profits with tax dollars until you make me stop.

That's America.

There is a reason some Large Corporations pay ZERO taxes. Always take what the Amercan idiots are willing to give you. Until they get educated, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


I am not going to pay my workers more unless you make me. I am perfectly content to have YOU pay for their food and shelter instead. No skin off my teeth.

So, basically, everything you've been saying here was just posturing ... or, as they call it where I come from ... bullshit??

So obviously you do not grasp the concept and would rather resort to a personal attack to cover up your own ignorance.

Hey! You're the one who established a position - and, when pressed, backed right off. You either believe it, or you don't. Apparently, you're all hat and no cattle.

You either know damn well that you are being intellectually dishonest, or you are simply ignorant. Raising wages at my business alone will not increase spending on a national scale. But a national min wage increase, of substantial size, would create a burst of spending that would save small business.

I know this, do I?

Then, why would I ask you to prove it to me?

You are deluded and misled - what you say is false. THAT I know --- prove me wrong.
Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.

Tsk, tsk - you campaign for higher wages for your workers, but you won't pay higher wages for your workers. In fact, you readily acknowledge that you intentionally pay them so little so that they have to come to me for a handout. Just exactly who is abusing these workers?

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.

Not hypocritical at all. I freely admit to "abusing" these workers, and I will continue to do so and line my profits with tax dollars until you make me stop.

Got to admire a man of honor and conviction .... know any?

From a moral standpoint, I would like to see workers paid a living wage, just out of a sense of human decency. But that is not the real reason I support a living wage. I support a living wage because I don't believe in socialism, and because a living wage would be good for the economy.
The modern day job of a CEO is to have the ability to turn down raises. The Corporation will flourish........Temporarily..........

One person that can cut the biggest expense in business is worth at least 10-50% of that.

This is why we see CEO's making record wages. One person makes massive amounts to ensure a team get's no more.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.

Tsk, tsk - you campaign for higher wages for your workers, but you won't pay higher wages for your workers. In fact, you readily acknowledge that you intentionally pay them so little so that they have to come to me for a handout. Just exactly who is abusing these workers?

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.

Not hypocritical at all. I freely admit to "abusing" these workers, and I will continue to do so and line my profits with tax dollars until you make me stop.

Got to admire a man of honor and conviction .... know any?

From a moral standpoint, I would like to see workers paid a living wage, just out of a sense of human decency. But that is not the real reason I support a living wage. I support a living wage because I don't believe in socialism, and because a living wage would be good for the economy.

Good post.

Socialism will happen if we don't correct our Capitalism. But everyone should note the very same Corruption happens in Socialism.

So we need to focus on the Corruption.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Since less than 3% of the labor force makes minimum wage, and over half of those are part-time teenagers, your argument becomes a moot point. Minimum skills get minimum wage.

You are flat out wrong about who makes min wage for one thing. The majority are educated adults actually. But more importantly, this isn't about everyone making min wage alone. It is about everyone who is making a wage between min wage, and an actual living wage.

I'm flat out wrong --- is that right?

Who makes minimum wage Pew Research Center

That group represents 4.3% of the nation’s 75.9 million hourly-paid workers and 2.6% of all wage and salary workers. In 1979, when the BLS began regularly studying minimum-wage workers, they represented 13.4% of hourly workers and 7.9% of all wage and salary workers.

There's the numbers ---- and you'll notice that the percentage of people earning minimum wage has decreased 600% since 1979.

Don't like that source? How about this one?


In 2013, 75.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing58.8 percent of all wage and salary workers. Amongthose paid by the hour, 1.5 million earned exactly theprevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.8 million had wages below the federal minimum.Together, these 3.3 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 4.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

The percentage of hourly paid workers earning the prevailing federal minimum wage or less declined from 4.7percent in 2012 to 4.3 percent in 2013. This remains well below the figure of 13.4 percent in 1979, when data were first collected on a regular basis.

I don't expect an apology for impugning my reputation, but I, at least, expect an admission that you were in error.

Who makes minimum wage?? (Same sources)

People at or below the federal minimum are:

  • Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
  • Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
  • Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).
No apology necessary.

NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?
I know this, do I?

Then, why would I ask you to prove it to me?

You are deluded and misled - what you say is false. THAT I know --- prove me wrong.

There is no "proving" anything here. You either understand the concept or you don't.

I want to debate him but he is LD.

Talk's cheap --- you don't want to debate me. You don't want to educate me. You don't want to address the supposed flaws in your position. You just want to pretend you're a big dog. Frankly, you're boring.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Since less than 3% of the labor force makes minimum wage, and over half of those are part-time teenagers, your argument becomes a moot point. Minimum skills get minimum wage.

You are flat out wrong about who makes min wage for one thing. The majority are educated adults actually. But more importantly, this isn't about everyone making min wage alone. It is about everyone who is making a wage between min wage, and an actual living wage.

I'm flat out wrong --- is that right?

Who makes minimum wage Pew Research Center

That group represents 4.3% of the nation’s 75.9 million hourly-paid workers and 2.6% of all wage and salary workers. In 1979, when the BLS began regularly studying minimum-wage workers, they represented 13.4% of hourly workers and 7.9% of all wage and salary workers.

There's the numbers ---- and you'll notice that the percentage of people earning minimum wage has decreased 600% since 1979.

Don't like that source? How about this one?


In 2013, 75.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing58.8 percent of all wage and salary workers. Amongthose paid by the hour, 1.5 million earned exactly theprevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.8 million had wages below the federal minimum.Together, these 3.3 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 4.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

The percentage of hourly paid workers earning the prevailing federal minimum wage or less declined from 4.7percent in 2012 to 4.3 percent in 2013. This remains well below the figure of 13.4 percent in 1979, when data were first collected on a regular basis.

I don't expect an apology for impugning my reputation, but I, at least, expect an admission that you were in error.

Who makes minimum wage?? (Same sources)

People at or below the federal minimum are:

  • Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
  • Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
  • Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).
No apology necessary.

NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

If we were paid for our output as an employee today as compared to the standard expected of a worker in 1950, the minimum wage in 2010 would have been $28.56. (The actual minimum wage was only $7.25/hr.) $28.56 was slightly more than 90% of Americans who earned less than $27.98 per hour. Hence, 90% of American workers earn less than a minimum wage worker earned in 1950.

Read more: 90 of Americans Earn Less Than 1950 Minimum Wage Standard Minimum Wage Workers Union of America
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Since less than 3% of the labor force makes minimum wage, and over half of those are part-time teenagers, your argument becomes a moot point. Minimum skills get minimum wage.

You are flat out wrong about who makes min wage for one thing. The majority are educated adults actually. But more importantly, this isn't about everyone making min wage alone. It is about everyone who is making a wage between min wage, and an actual living wage.

I'm flat out wrong --- is that right?

Who makes minimum wage Pew Research Center

That group represents 4.3% of the nation’s 75.9 million hourly-paid workers and 2.6% of all wage and salary workers. In 1979, when the BLS began regularly studying minimum-wage workers, they represented 13.4% of hourly workers and 7.9% of all wage and salary workers.

There's the numbers ---- and you'll notice that the percentage of people earning minimum wage has decreased 600% since 1979.

Don't like that source? How about this one?


In 2013, 75.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing58.8 percent of all wage and salary workers. Amongthose paid by the hour, 1.5 million earned exactly theprevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.8 million had wages below the federal minimum.Together, these 3.3 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 4.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

The percentage of hourly paid workers earning the prevailing federal minimum wage or less declined from 4.7percent in 2012 to 4.3 percent in 2013. This remains well below the figure of 13.4 percent in 1979, when data were first collected on a regular basis.

I don't expect an apology for impugning my reputation, but I, at least, expect an admission that you were in error.

Who makes minimum wage?? (Same sources)

People at or below the federal minimum are:

  • Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
  • Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
  • Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).
No apology necessary.

NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

Once again your English is more in question than your posts. You don't seem to be able to keep up with the topic via. "Lost in Translation"
Jack I'm going to bed. GJ on debating the Derp, he will not learn. Pie charts are HARD.

It was fun discussing perspectives.
Tell you what bucko. I'm off to get some work done but any time you want to debate a subject step right up.

Funny how I directly forced a debate with you and you used "Flight" instead of "Fight". Your Avatar makes sense now. My debate could not have been more direct.

You have NEVER won a debate against me, you have never even anywhere near it in ANY of the Forums we've been on. Never one topic, ever. I challenged you to a debate on this topic and you RAN directly after.

You have NEVER been good at politics, only one liner insults like a 7 year old. "You are stupid" isn't a good political debate kiddo. If you can't focus on topics and only rely on insults, this isn't the place for you.

Your arguments are one dimensional. You're no better than culty claiming victory whenever you get backed into a corner. All of you are delusional silly people who think you're so smart but then can't deliver.


I'll agree that my arguments are one dimensional because I dumb down my politics to speak to people like you. Funny thing is, you still have no debate. I'm obviously always fishing for you to learn, yet YOU never do. Lot's do, not you. The fact that you can't debate my one dimensional posts makes me angry because my brain has 3D topics and some will say beyond.

Just debate me on grade school topics and I'll teach you............baby steps.

No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?
NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

If we were paid for our output as an employee today as compared to the standard expected of a worker in 1950, the minimum wage in 2010 would have been $28.56. (The actual minimum wage was only $7.25/hr.) $28.56 was slightly more than 90% of Americans who earned less than $27.98 per hour. Hence, 90% of American workers earn less than a minimum wage worker earned in 1950.

Read more: 90 of Americans Earn Less Than 1950 Minimum Wage Standard Minimum Wage Workers Union of America

Ok, Mr.Businessman -

Let's say you win - we'll raise the minimum wage salary to $28.56 (you represent this as being a 'living wage' - that's what I asked).

I don't know how many people work for you, and i don't care. I don't know what you produce, and I don't care.

If you gave your people a 'living wage' (by your definition), what would be the impact on whatever it is that you produce? How much would the retail price go up? Don't forget - you also have to give raises to all those people who make between minimum wage and $28.56. Oh yeah - your suppliers have to do the same. Their labor costs are going to quadruple, too, so don't forget to increase the cost of your supplies.

What would be the impact on your company? What would be the impact on YOUR income?

No argument - just tell me - what would be the impact on the sales of your final product?
Funny how I directly forced a debate with you and you used "Flight" instead of "Fight". Your Avatar makes sense now. My debate could not have been more direct.

You have NEVER won a debate against me, you have never even anywhere near it in ANY of the Forums we've been on. Never one topic, ever. I challenged you to a debate on this topic and you RAN directly after.

You have NEVER been good at politics, only one liner insults like a 7 year old. "You are stupid" isn't a good political debate kiddo. If you can't focus on topics and only rely on insults, this isn't the place for you.

Your arguments are one dimensional. You're no better than culty claiming victory whenever you get backed into a corner. All of you are delusional silly people who think you're so smart but then can't deliver.


I'll agree that my arguments are one dimensional because I dumb down my politics to speak to people like you. Funny thing is, you still have no debate. I'm obviously always fishing for you to learn, yet YOU never do. Lot's do, not you. The fact that you can't debate my one dimensional posts makes me angry because my brain has 3D topics and some will say beyond.

Just debate me on grade school topics and I'll teach you............baby steps.

No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Look how strong they get EVERY night when I say I'm going to bed LOL. So pathetic. Still going to bed.
Jack I'm going to bed. GJ on debating the Derp, he will not learn. Pie charts are HARD.

It was fun discussing perspectives.
Jack - what that means is he is defenseless. He doesn't believe a word he says, and he sure as hell can't back them up.

Some would call him chicken, but I won't - I'll just say he's deluded.

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