1% Of America Has 40% Of America's Wealth~ (Magna Carta? Robin Hood?)

People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.

I am a leader in one of America's top Industries.

All I have to do is show the workers their numbers and they get Competitive. We love Football because we are a Competitive Country.

My workers strive to be better on ego. Not because they are fighting for scraps. And that's entirely ok and great. The ones who don't care get bad numbers. The ones that care, I verbally make it a fun challenge and reward the winner with praise.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Stimulus was indeed focused on corporations, but rasing the min wage would be good for small business.

More money in workers pockets means more spending. If min wage suddenly doubled, I would see a HUGE influx of new customers who couldn't afford to go out to the movies in the past, for example. I would see more customers in local grocery stores a few times weekly, buying fresh goods, rather than pinching pennies at ChinaMart once a month with their SNAP card.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.

I am a leader in one of America's top Industries.

All I have to do is show the workers their numbers and they get Competitive. We love Football because we are a Competitive Country.

My workers strive to be better on ego. Not because they are fighting for scraps. And that's entirely ok and great. The ones who don't care get bad numbers. The ones that care, I verbally make it a fun challenge and reward the winner with praise.

I have done sales contests and stuff. But it's really just not about sliding around pocket change. Different businesses need slightly different strategies with workers to keep them engaged, competitive, whatever.

But in the bigger picture, nationwide, if we saw an actual living wage we would wipe out welfare and see a HUGE burst of spending that would benefit small business more than major corporations.
Note; If you just give them a pay raise, they will possibly get an arrogant position and see themselves as superior.

I rarely gave raises. The job paid what the job paid. But I would still prefer to be able to pay a living wage across the board.

Raises should be for HARD workers. That is where America got lost.

Hard work is a very general and relative concept. If you show up on time and do the job, that is all I really expect. People who have a bad attitude, who always show up late for their shift, they don't last.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Stimulus was indeed focused on corporations, but rasing the min wage would be good for small business.

More money in workers pockets means more spending. If min wage suddenly doubled, I would see a HUGE influx of new customers who couldn't afford to go out to the movies in the past, for example. I would see more customers in local grocery stores a few times weekly, buying fresh goods, rather than pinching pennies at ChinaMart once a month with their SNAP card.

What we have to note is that when Minimum Wage increases, the Rich raise prices. The Rich don't run their business, their Financial Advisors tell them to raise costs so they can "not work" more.

Small business finds it hard to pay for the after school hand that keeps them afloat.

We can raise the wage for decades. The result will always end the same. The Monopoly Corporations will drive up costs after the smaller businesses fail.
I STILL can't get ove rW
Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.

My business is not kept afloat by my own workers. It does no good to raise my wages if no one else raises theirs.


You posted about 15 idiotic comments before, I'm sorry I'm focusing on someone with a brain right now. If you want to make your argument again, please, repeat it. Otherwise SHOO.

Got it - you can harangue, you are bombastic - but you aren't knowledgeable. You choose to retain the flaws in your position - not because you actually believe it - but, rather because it makes you feel like a big dog.

You aren't interested in the truth - even your own - you're interested in feeding your decidedly inflated ego.


I am not going to pay my workers more unless you make me. I am perfectly content to have YOU pay for their food and shelter instead. No skin off my teeth.

So, basically, everything you've been saying here was just posturing ... or, as they call it where I come from ... bullshit??

So obviously you do not grasp the concept and would rather resort to a personal attack to cover up your own ignorance.

Hey! You're the one who established a position - and, when pressed, backed right off. You either believe it, or you don't. Apparently, you're all hat and no cattle.
What we have to note is that when Minimum Wage increases, the Rich raise prices. The Rich don't run their business, their Financial Advisors tell them to raise costs so they can "not work" more.

Small business finds it hard to pay for the after school hand that keeps them afloat.

We can raise the wage for decades. The result will always end the same. The Monopoly Corporations will drive up costs after the smaller businesses fail.

Not true. All historical data shows the inflation has been driven a loss of wages, not the other way around.

If the rich raise prices, let them. It will only drive more customers to my places, because I won't raise prices. I won't have to because I will have a lot more customers.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?


I am not going to pay my workers more unless you make me. I am perfectly content to have YOU pay for their food and shelter instead. No skin off my teeth.

So, basically, everything you've been saying here was just posturing ... or, as they call it where I come from ... bullshit??

So obviously you do not grasp the concept and would rather resort to a personal attack to cover up your own ignorance.

Hey! You're the one who established a position - and, when pressed, backed right off. You either believe it, or you don't. Apparently, you're all hat and no cattle.

You either know damn well that you are being intellectually dishonest, or you are simply ignorant. Raising wages at my business alone will not increase spending on a national scale. But a national min wage increase, of substantial size, would create a burst of spending that would save small business.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.

I am a leader in one of America's top Industries.

All I have to do is show the workers their numbers and they get Competitive. We love Football because we are a Competitive Country.

My workers strive to be better on ego. Not because they are fighting for scraps. And that's entirely ok and great. The ones who don't care get bad numbers. The ones that care, I verbally make it a fun challenge and reward the winner with praise.

I have done sales contests and stuff. But it's really just not about sliding around pocket change. Different businesses need slightly different strategies with workers to keep them engaged, competitive, whatever.

But in the bigger picture, nationwide, if we saw an actual living wage we would wipe out welfare and see a HUGE burst of spending that would benefit small business more than major corporations.

So you are in sales.

That is a different Entity. Minimum wage generally has no affect on Sales Associates. Sales is generally sold as "You own your own business" when in fact you don't. Sales is the peak form of Capitalism. I want to take money from your wallet, and put it into mine. It's the basics. All money comes from another's wallet.

Sales is focused on selling the product when it should be focused on what the consumer wants. "Never take no for an answer" was the worst phrase in history for sales. Twirsting arms for sales will never work. Finding what the consumer wants is key. Just like politics. LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE. You will win everytime.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Since less than 3% of the labor force makes minimum wage, and over half of those are part-time teenagers, your argument becomes a moot point. Minimum skills get minimum wage.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.

Tsk, tsk - you campaign for higher wages for your workers, but you won't pay higher wages for your workers. In fact, you readily acknowledge that you intentionally pay them so little so that they have to come to me for a handout. Just exactly who is abusing these workers?

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Since less than 3% of the labor force makes minimum wage, and over half of those are part-time teenagers, your argument becomes a moot point. Minimum skills get minimum wage.

You are flat out wrong about who makes min wage for one thing. The majority are educated adults actually. But more importantly, this isn't about everyone making min wage alone. It is about everyone who is making a wage between min wage, and an actual living wage.
I STILL can't get ove rW
Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.

My business is not kept afloat by my own workers. It does no good to raise my wages if no one else raises theirs.


You posted about 15 idiotic comments before, I'm sorry I'm focusing on someone with a brain right now. If you want to make your argument again, please, repeat it. Otherwise SHOO.

Is this way of saying you don't believe in the nonsense you spout enough to be able to posit a convincing argument?

Or, does this mean you really don't believe in it at all? I suspect you have created a false persona and can't afford to be directly challenged for fear of being exposed.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.

Tsk, tsk - you campaign for higher wages for your workers, but you won't pay higher wages for your workers. In fact, you readily acknowledge that you intentionally pay them so little so that they have to come to me for a handout. Just exactly who is abusing these workers?

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.

Not hypocritical at all. I freely admit to "abusing" these workers, and I will continue to do so and line my profits with tax dollars until you make me stop.


I am not going to pay my workers more unless you make me. I am perfectly content to have YOU pay for their food and shelter instead. No skin off my teeth.

So, basically, everything you've been saying here was just posturing ... or, as they call it where I come from ... bullshit??

So obviously you do not grasp the concept and would rather resort to a personal attack to cover up your own ignorance.

Hey! You're the one who established a position - and, when pressed, backed right off. You either believe it, or you don't. Apparently, you're all hat and no cattle.

You either know damn well that you are being intellectually dishonest, or you are simply ignorant. Raising wages at my business alone will not increase spending on a national scale. But a national min wage increase, of substantial size, would create a burst of spending that would save small business.

Small business is generally ran by poor.

Causing that owner to pay their workers more will not profit the owner.

Corporations have a strong hold on all parties. Raise Minimum wage, McDonalds and Walmart get bigger and smile. Don't raise it and the people just keep getting paid less. Same result.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
So, are you paying your workers enough to live on?

No, because I don't have to. You make up the difference for me through welfare and other subsidies.

Tsk, tsk - you campaign for higher wages for your workers, but you won't pay higher wages for your workers. In fact, you readily acknowledge that you intentionally pay them so little so that they have to come to me for a handout. Just exactly who is abusing these workers?

Sounds kinda hypocritical to me.

Not hypocritical at all. I freely admit to "abusing" these workers, and I will continue to do so and line my profits with tax dollars until you make me stop.

Got to admire a man of honor and conviction .... know any?

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