1% Of America Has 40% Of America's Wealth~ (Magna Carta? Robin Hood?)

On this forum alone I used Psychology to see what these people are chipping away at them.

One ended up being a Server mad about low wages lol.

One ended up being a McDonalds Manager.

One ended up being a gun salesman.

All poor. All mad at Obama.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

Fox News and other ignorant media is painting "Welfare" as Socialism or Communism. Welfare is it's own entity that shows up in all parties. Funny thing is all parties will vote to help the welfare of their fellow Country people, they just get mad about the Welfare fraud.

Fox News just paints all taxation as black people on welfare and here we are.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.

My business is not kept afloat by my own workers. It does no good to raise my wages if no one else raises theirs.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

I think this kid wanted me to debate him on post #46 or something, I'll go read it and be right back. This will surely be a doosie LOL.
And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.

My business is not kept afloat by my own workers. It does no good to raise my wages if no one else raises theirs.

I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

Fox News and other ignorant media is painting "Welfare" as Socialism or Communism. Welfare is it's own entity that shows up in all parties. Funny thing is all parties will vote to help the welfare of their fellow Country people, they just get mad about the Welfare fraud.

Fox News just paints all taxation as black people on welfare and here we are.

Most welfare dollars go to white people in red states.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.

My business is not kept afloat by my own workers. It does no good to raise my wages if no one else raises theirs.

I disagree unless you are a leader in a large Corporation like myself.

Small business keeps workers by paying them as reward. It's just like raising children. Positive reinforcement of actions is the best discipline. Spanking all the time never gets anywhere.
I disagree unless you are a leader in a large Corporation like myself.

Small business keeps workers by paying them as reward. It's just like raising children. Positive reinforcement of actions is the best discipline. Spanking all the time never gets anywhere.

Giving a token raise here or there can be seen as a reward, but it is not going to change the economy.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

Fox News and other ignorant media is painting "Welfare" as Socialism or Communism. Welfare is it's own entity that shows up in all parties. Funny thing is all parties will vote to help the welfare of their fellow Country people, they just get mad about the Welfare fraud.

Fox News just paints all taxation as black people on welfare and here we are.

Most welfare dollars go to white people in red states.


I live around dozens of white Americans in a Red city in a Red state who think they are clever because their "disability" is real, but they make posts about blacks with Obama phones all the time.

Funny thing is Bush came out with that phone, not Obama. And they are WAY more able to work than the guy with down syndrome working at the local restaurant.............

I even called the national Welfare Fraud hotline on my cousin. But once a %2 Doctor or Layer say they are disabled, they can go to Disney.


I am not going to pay my workers more unless you make me. I am perfectly content to have YOU pay for their food and shelter instead. No skin off my teeth.

So, basically, everything you've been saying here was just posturing ... or, as they call it where I come from ... bullshit??

So obviously you do not grasp the concept and would rather resort to a personal attack to cover up your own ignorance.
I STILL can't get ove rW
I actually started a thread quoting that info. Uphill battle for sure, lol.

EDIT to add: Analyzing a Practical Min Wage the thread is titled.

Well Libertarians and Tea Party want NO minimum wage so you excluded them right away. They will call you a Liberal and stupid before they even read the thread based on title alone. (Yes, they want to turn back time because they don't know History)

Yup. And my primary reason for supporting a min wage is actually the OPPOSITE of liberalism. I don't believe we should be using socialized labor for private industry. It is unsound economics. Bad for the economy, and bad for small business. The only winners when wages are low are the one percent crowd.

Any small business owner worth his salt knows that putting more money in the pockets of workers, across the board, will mean more customers and more spending. I would gladly take the hit to double my payroll in order to get more customers in the door. More customers, more spending, would easily cover the increased labor cost. Not to mention it would also eliminate welfare.

And, have you done that? Do you pay your minimum skill workers a salary that is non-competitive in the labor market? What's the average annual income for your workers?

It's easy to talk the talk - it's a bitch to actually have to walk it.

My business is not kept afloat by my own workers. It does no good to raise my wages if no one else raises theirs.


You posted about 15 idiotic comments before, I'm sorry I'm focusing on someone with a brain right now. If you want to make your argument again, please, repeat it. Otherwise SHOO.
I disagree unless you are a leader in a large Corporation like myself.

Small business keeps workers by paying them as reward. It's just like raising children. Positive reinforcement of actions is the best discipline. Spanking all the time never gets anywhere.

Giving a token raise here or there can be seen as a reward, but it is not going to change the economy.

People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.
Note; If you just give them a pay raise, they will possibly get an arrogant position and see themselves as superior.
People will always strive for self worth. There is a very real reason America is Depressed. If you have a small business and pay them a bonus when they do well, they will become VERY hard workers. I promise you that.

Yeah, but it's still small beans. I would much rather just see my workers being paid enough to live on, than playing that game of making them fight over scraps.
Note; If you just give them a pay raise, they will possibly get an arrogant position and see themselves as superior.

I rarely gave raises. The job paid what the job paid. But I would still prefer to be able to pay a living wage across the board.
If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

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