1% Of America Has 40% Of America's Wealth~ (Magna Carta? Robin Hood?)


brainless liberal debates using cartoons. See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
go frack yourself!!!

Seriously though, the disparity is getting so noticeable that the poor people can see it.

It doesn't matter what they see until they understand the choice is their's ...

... If you do nothing, you get nothing (unless of course you live in a "civilized" country).

go frack yourself!!!

Seriously though, the disparity is getting so noticeable that the poor people can see it.

It doesn't matter what they see until they understand the choice is their's ...

... If you do nothing, you get nothing (unless of course you live in a "civilized" country).


yes the liberal solution is the soviet solution: tax the rich to discourage them from working and provide welfare to the poor to discourage them from working!!

Now even the liberal understands why the soviets had 20% of our standard of living.
go frack yourself!!!

Seriously though, the disparity is getting so noticeable that the poor people can see it.

It doesn't matter what they see until they understand the choice is their's ...

... If you do nothing, you get nothing (unless of course you live in a "civilized" country).


yes the liberal solution is the soviet solution: tax the rich to discourage them from working and provide welfare to the poor to discourage them from working!!

Now even the liberal understands why the soviets had 20% of our standard of living.
yes the liberal solution is the soviet solution: tax the rich to discourage them from working and provide welfare to the poor to discourage them from working!!

Now even the liberal understands why the soviets had 20% of our standard of living.

I have either visited or lived in places all over this globe ... People in America often don't have clue what they have the opportunity to achieve. We could compare it to communism, socialism, progressive liberalism ... But none of that matters. No matter what country you live in ... Once you decide you want to get closer to the 1% at the top than the 1% at the bottom ... Half the battle is won.

I will probably never be in the top 1% ... But I am not worried about where my next meal is coming from. What I have earned comes from taking the risks, using the tools available to me ... And never giving up no matter how many times I failed. I could be really pissed about taxes ... But if the government decides to take 10% more from me ... I will figure out how to make 20% more than I do now for shits and giggles.

The inequality will never go away ... Because I don't want to be anywhere near bottom, or even average.

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The cost of unnecessary war is greater than the cost of unnecessary food stamps.

probably not since there is no end to the crippling welfare liberals will dole out to buy votes

So you admit you have never looked into how many people actually commit welfare fraud.....you just assume it costs less than Unnecessary war........

Even if you have a day 1 perspective you can look at the numbers kiddo. Welfare IS MUCH lower than Unnecessary war. Unless you are an extremeist who thinks Education and Social Security is Welfare like this last generation. Not only misunderstanding what welfare is but what "Entitlement" programs are is how prehistoric some of our society is these days.
1% Of America Has 40% Of America's Wealth~ Discuss

There was a reason we made laws against Monopolies (The Anti-Trust Laws) that aren't working today....

There is a reason Magna Carta became a law (this was LONG before the USA and we still struggle with the concept?)

Robin Hood? Take from the greedy rich and give to the needy........Uh oh. Seems History repeats itself.

Last year some CEO's made 331 times more money than the AVERAGE worker. Is that CEO working 331 times as hard?

Corporate profits just hit ANOTHER all time high while workers wages hit ANOTHER all time low
Profits At High Wages At Low - Business Insider

It's the same debate that has been had since at least 1215..........So it's clear some will not learn

You live in America, you are a world one percenter.

Slit your fuckin' wrists from guilt if it bothers you that much.

Or hold a debate on the OP..............

I'm sure you are perfectly comfortable with your argument that some people only get rice to eat if that. America does better, yep.
Robin Hood? Take from the greedy rich and give to the needy........Uh oh. Seems History repeats itself.

dear, we live in a free society. There is no need for liberal violence against the rich. Why is the lib nazi violent at heart? If you feel the rich have too much money just don't buy their products and encourage others. So why is the lib nazi so violent?
The liberals are pro-union. The Nazis were anti-union.

You have no idea what you're talking about and look incredibly stupid.

Please stop typing now to save yourself from further embarrassment.

View attachment 34691

If you want to control and take EVERYTHING from the people to be kings, you have to have a plan LOL
go frack yourself!!!

Seriously though, the disparity is getting so noticeable that the poor people can see it.
I've been dirt shit poor several times during my life. It never once occurred to me that there was some kind of "unfairness" in the world because 99% of the population was better off than me. Or even that the top 1% has blah blah blah.... who gives a fuck?

Thanks to crashing crude prices, I've recently picked up three part-time jobs and have begun selling shit we don't need. The thermostat is at 65 most of the time and we're eating spaghetti, beans, and rice.

I don't give a fuck. I'll succeed on my own and I'll survive on my own.

You bring up the best point yet, "I've been dirt shit poor several times during my life. It never once occurred to me that there was some kind of "unfairness" in the world because 99% of the population was better off than me".

The Corporate powers want people like you to think you are poor not because they refuse to pay a decent wage, but because of "something shiny" or "fill in the blank.

It's why I always state "So many Americans fight for their own poverty" because they are uneducated sheeple who want the easiest reason out.

If 99% of the population is better off than you...........clearly.........your choices in life are wrong and you need education to break you out of your 1% low end poverty. If you are 1% on the LOW END, you aren't working, you aren't crafting, you have no strive to work. It's nearly impossible to be on the low end of the 1%.

Your post is awesome, thank you. :eusa_dance:
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?
The liberals are pro-union. The Nazis were anti-union.
1) did someone disagree
2) do you know what your point is? Care to share?

He shared his point with detail. The fact that you can't comprehend it says a thousand words.

Unions today are at about 6%. The last time Unions were that low, we had a Great Depression.

If you are too stupid to stick up for your wage, America has no hope.......This type of education is decades old. It's been proven the few will squeeze the many . You think people are attacking the rich because you are uneducated on the topic. The rich will still be rich if they pay a fair days pay. Unions only get involved when needed.
Here's what $85 billion per month in newly minted money has gotten this country...

Here's what $85 billion per month in newly minted money has gotten this country...


^Again. They think it's all because of excess printed money.

We are able to squander funding because we are able to get goods via low wage work in other Countries. It's not rocket science. We are printing money off of their labor. We aren't just printing it out of thin air like the idiots presume.

And it's true, if we are happy doing this we can feed our entire Country Red Lobster every night while they struggle to feed their children to stay alive.

You probably also think that inflation is because of excessive money printed and ignored the OP..............

Anyone with a brain can see Corporations raising prices but not giving the workers wages. Anyone with a brain can see Corporations getting more profit, but not giving the team that made the profit possible a raise.

You have to use your brain and stop relying on the news people.
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.
Riches are easily intertwined with wealth.

Liberals, Progressives, negros, minorities... all view wealth as "riches".

Money, honey. Money. Greenbacks. Fittys and Hunnerts. Dollas. Fivers and Ten-Bobs.

But the wealth of a Republican lies in truth, honesty, values, religion, ethics, morals and mores.

All concepts of which are totally lost on the ignorant pig fuckers of this Nation.

The American Flag- a piece of cloth... is much more reverent to me than the cloth upon which Obama has printed his worthless note. $85 billion per moth.

The African-American President has you poor mother fuckers bought and sold.

For what? A suckle of the teat?
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

I think my age is probably similar to yours but you seem to rely on age as a bail out for your ignorance of politics. The Internet has opened up MASSIVE amounts of information to the people. Some false, some true. If you haven't spent time informing yourself, that is on you!
But once again, you are only focused on one thing. You are a single topic voter, nothing more. And I'll bet money you can't tell the people what position I stand on guns because you never read. You just repeat and hate like a troll. :)

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

Westwall, you have never known much about politics. You were just a scared to death drone that fixated on weapons. If you are going to be a mod, it's time you learned the basics.

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

I think my age is probably similar to yours but you seem to rely on age as a bail out for your ignorance of politics. The Internet has opened up MASSIVE amounts of information to the people. Some false, some true. If you haven't spent time informing yourself, that is on you!
But once again, you are only focused on one thing. You are a single topic voter, nothing more. And I'll bet money you can't tell the people what position I stand on guns because you never read. You just repeat and hate like a troll. :)

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

Westwall, you have never known much about politics. You were just a scared to death drone that fixated on weapons. If you are going to be a mod, it's time you learned the basics.

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.

Age has nothing to do with education while I'll bet I'm around your age. You are a Fox News gun junkie, nothing more. You don't know a lick about politics, you simply fixate on gun issues.

You probably can't even repeat what I stand for on the gun issues because you think anyone who THINKS is a weakness to your focal point.............

One topic voters...............(I guarantee he is wrong if he tries to say what I think about the gun issues I've stated in bright day light right in front of his nose. He will say I want to ban all guns, because that's EASY for the SIMPLE minded.)
westwall.............your head in the sand kiddo?

Debate or run.

Fight or Flight.
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

I think my age is probably similar to yours but you seem to rely on age as a bail out for your ignorance of politics. The Internet has opened up MASSIVE amounts of information to the people. Some false, some true. If you haven't spent time informing yourself, that is on you!
But once again, you are only focused on one thing. You are a single topic voter, nothing more. And I'll bet money you can't tell the people what position I stand on guns because you never read. You just repeat and hate like a troll. :)

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.
And your progressives plan takes the money away from the rich and gives it to the government to squander on pet projects supported by the political party who happens to be in power. The 99 percenters are still screwed, but now they're double screwed because now they can't even get a good paying job to get off the public teat.

You guys are all the same, big, overpowering government ad destroy the middle class while creating it.

Let me try to talk "Libertarian" to you westwall.....

You know how all Libertarians the last decade have focused and fixated on the Federal Reserve and how it's bending people over? Have you taken 30 seconds out of your day to inform yourself on who actually runs the Federal Reserve? BIG CORP. The former President of the FR was the President of Halliburton, the one VP Cheney worked for. We went to war with Iraq and used Halliburton to rebuild it, yes, Halliburton. Was war with Iraq necessary? Did you see any fishy lies there? Did you see someone start a fire and sell the water? Are you lost?

Westwall, you have never known much about politics. You were just a scared to death drone that fixated on weapons. If you are going to be a mod, it's time you learned the basics.

Dude I've known how corrupt the Fed is since before you were born. You're talking recent history, try going older if you want to impress me. The Fed is a total violation of the COTUS and needs to be eliminated. The difference between me and you is I actually DO care about the 99%. You only care about them as long as they are a tool for your progressive aims. Then you will cast them aside like they always are.

You silly people are all alike. You claim to hate the one percenters, but you do their bidding for them all the time. You support gun control so that way the one percenters can really screw over the little guy.

Age has nothing to do with education while I'll bet I'm around your age. You are a Fox News gun junkie, nothing more. You don't know a lick about politics, you simply fixate on gun issues.

You probably can't even repeat what I stand for on the gun issues because you think anyone who THINKS is a weakness to your focal point.............

One topic voters...............(I guarantee he is wrong if he tries to say what I think about the gun issues I've stated in bright day light right in front of his nose. He will say I want to ban all guns, because that's EASY for the SIMPLE minded.)

I'm almost 70. You? I know more about politics than you ever will being an active member of the Democrat Party here in Nevada and have actually written legislation that has been passed by our State Legislature. You? On the Federal level I worked with Reid before he got corrupted by the D.C. life. At one time he was a champion of the People. Now he's a turd.

I know for certain I am better educated than you having earned my PhD in geology from Caltech before you were born. I rarely watch FOX news and instead watch the beeb. And I know more about firearms than you ever will. Of that I have zero doubt.

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