1% Of America Has 40% Of America's Wealth~ (Magna Carta? Robin Hood?)

If we saw min wage suddenly double in this country, it would be a windfall for small business. Creating that much market liquidity would do more good than any stimulus package ever has or ever will.

2 things.

Stimulus was focused on Large Corporations. Not small business.

I think about small town business when I think about minimum wage. The one who hires just a few will go out of business and WalMart will profit even more.

So Corporations will gain if you raise the Minimum wage. Monopolies, not all Corporations.

Since less than 3% of the labor force makes minimum wage, and over half of those are part-time teenagers, your argument becomes a moot point. Minimum skills get minimum wage.

You are flat out wrong about who makes min wage for one thing. The majority are educated adults actually. But more importantly, this isn't about everyone making min wage alone. It is about everyone who is making a wage between min wage, and an actual living wage.

I'm flat out wrong --- is that right?

Who makes minimum wage Pew Research Center

That group represents 4.3% of the nation’s 75.9 million hourly-paid workers and 2.6% of all wage and salary workers. In 1979, when the BLS began regularly studying minimum-wage workers, they represented 13.4% of hourly workers and 7.9% of all wage and salary workers.

There's the numbers ---- and you'll notice that the percentage of people earning minimum wage has decreased 600% since 1979.

Don't like that source? How about this one?


In 2013, 75.9 million workers age 16 and older in the United States were paid at hourly rates, representing58.8 percent of all wage and salary workers. Amongthose paid by the hour, 1.5 million earned exactly theprevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.8 million had wages below the federal minimum.Together, these 3.3 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 4.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

The percentage of hourly paid workers earning the prevailing federal minimum wage or less declined from 4.7percent in 2012 to 4.3 percent in 2013. This remains well below the figure of 13.4 percent in 1979, when data were first collected on a regular basis.

I don't expect an apology for impugning my reputation, but I, at least, expect an admission that you were in error.

Who makes minimum wage?? (Same sources)

People at or below the federal minimum are:

  • Disproportionately young: 50.4% are ages 16 to 24; 24% are teenagers (ages 16 to 19).
  • Mostly (77%) white; nearly half are white women.
  • Largely part-time workers (64% of the total).
No apology necessary.

NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

Once again your English is more in question than your posts. You don't seem to be able to keep up with the topic via. "Lost in Translation"

LOL --- that's it? You are now forced to attack my English? Man, that's funny - particularly considering that 95% of the post is quoted from reputable sources.

Rule No. 4. When lacking a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster.

Well done.
NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

If we were paid for our output as an employee today as compared to the standard expected of a worker in 1950, the minimum wage in 2010 would have been $28.56. (The actual minimum wage was only $7.25/hr.) $28.56 was slightly more than 90% of Americans who earned less than $27.98 per hour. Hence, 90% of American workers earn less than a minimum wage worker earned in 1950.

Read more: 90 of Americans Earn Less Than 1950 Minimum Wage Standard Minimum Wage Workers Union of America

Ok, Mr.Businessman -

Let's say you win - we'll raise the minimum wage salary to $28.56 (you represent this as being a 'living wage' - that's what I asked).

I don't know how many people work for you, and i don't care. I don't know what you produce, and I don't care.

If you gave your people a 'living wage' (by your definition), what would be the impact on whatever it is that you produce? How much would the retail price go up? Don't forget - you also have to give raises to all those people who make between minimum wage and $28.56. Oh yeah - your suppliers have to do the same. Their labor costs are going to quadruple, too, so don't forget to increase the cost of your supplies.

What would be the impact on your company? What would be the impact on YOUR income?

No argument - just tell me - what would be the impact on the sales of your final product?

I would not raise my prices at all. I have never raised prices because of min wage hikes.

That $28.56 is not a living wage. That is what the min wage was in 1950 if you account for productivity. The living wage in the US in 2012 was $17.47/hr
Your arguments are one dimensional. You're no better than culty claiming victory whenever you get backed into a corner. All of you are delusional silly people who think you're so smart but then can't deliver.


I'll agree that my arguments are one dimensional because I dumb down my politics to speak to people like you. Funny thing is, you still have no debate. I'm obviously always fishing for you to learn, yet YOU never do. Lot's do, not you. The fact that you can't debate my one dimensional posts makes me angry because my brain has 3D topics and some will say beyond.

Just debate me on grade school topics and I'll teach you............baby steps.

No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.
Jack I'm going to bed. GJ on debating the Derp, he will not learn. Pie charts are HARD.

It was fun discussing perspectives.
Jack - what that means is he is defenseless. He doesn't believe a word he says, and he sure as hell can't back them up.

Some would call him chicken, but I won't - I'll just say he's deluded.

"Spare Change" sounds a lot like "Loose Change" yet you don't know who drove that attack..........do ya kiddo.
I'll agree that my arguments are one dimensional because I dumb down my politics to speak to people like you. Funny thing is, you still have no debate. I'm obviously always fishing for you to learn, yet YOU never do. Lot's do, not you. The fact that you can't debate my one dimensional posts makes me angry because my brain has 3D topics and some will say beyond.

Just debate me on grade school topics and I'll teach you............baby steps.

No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

So you ignore the OP, you call me stupid, then disappear, then after I state I'm going to bed you show up saying "YEA, YOU LOST THAT DEBATE, DEBATE ME!"

yea.....you are a soft coward that has no political substance...

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.
I'll agree that my arguments are one dimensional because I dumb down my politics to speak to people like you. Funny thing is, you still have no debate. I'm obviously always fishing for you to learn, yet YOU never do. Lot's do, not you. The fact that you can't debate my one dimensional posts makes me angry because my brain has 3D topics and some will say beyond.

Just debate me on grade school topics and I'll teach you............baby steps.

No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.

Westwall has all that information! Such as showing up after the OP is gone and stating he has information...
NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

If we were paid for our output as an employee today as compared to the standard expected of a worker in 1950, the minimum wage in 2010 would have been $28.56. (The actual minimum wage was only $7.25/hr.) $28.56 was slightly more than 90% of Americans who earned less than $27.98 per hour. Hence, 90% of American workers earn less than a minimum wage worker earned in 1950.

Read more: 90 of Americans Earn Less Than 1950 Minimum Wage Standard Minimum Wage Workers Union of America

Ok, Mr.Businessman -

Let's say you win - we'll raise the minimum wage salary to $28.56 (you represent this as being a 'living wage' - that's what I asked).

I don't know how many people work for you, and i don't care. I don't know what you produce, and I don't care.

If you gave your people a 'living wage' (by your definition), what would be the impact on whatever it is that you produce? How much would the retail price go up? Don't forget - you also have to give raises to all those people who make between minimum wage and $28.56. Oh yeah - your suppliers have to do the same. Their labor costs are going to quadruple, too, so don't forget to increase the cost of your supplies.

What would be the impact on your company? What would be the impact on YOUR income?

No argument - just tell me - what would be the impact on the sales of your final product?

I would not raise my prices at all. I have never raised prices because of min wage hikes.

That $28.56 is not a living wage. That is what the min wage was in 1950 if you account for productivity. The living wage in the US in 2012 was $17.47/hr
Ok -- -same question. Raise your minimum wage employees to $17.47 per hour. Adjust other salaries accordingly. Account for the increase in cost of your suppliers.

What happens to your product? How much does it cost then?

PLEASE don't tell me that you've been gouging your customers so bad that you can absorb a 250% increase in labor costs without increasing prices. PLEASE don't tell me you're making so much money that you can absorb a 250% increase in labor costs.

Just plain and simple --- what would happen to the price of your product?
NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

If we were paid for our output as an employee today as compared to the standard expected of a worker in 1950, the minimum wage in 2010 would have been $28.56. (The actual minimum wage was only $7.25/hr.) $28.56 was slightly more than 90% of Americans who earned less than $27.98 per hour. Hence, 90% of American workers earn less than a minimum wage worker earned in 1950.

Read more: 90 of Americans Earn Less Than 1950 Minimum Wage Standard Minimum Wage Workers Union of America

Ok, Mr.Businessman -

Let's say you win - we'll raise the minimum wage salary to $28.56 (you represent this as being a 'living wage' - that's what I asked).

I don't know how many people work for you, and i don't care. I don't know what you produce, and I don't care.

If you gave your people a 'living wage' (by your definition), what would be the impact on whatever it is that you produce? How much would the retail price go up? Don't forget - you also have to give raises to all those people who make between minimum wage and $28.56. Oh yeah - your suppliers have to do the same. Their labor costs are going to quadruple, too, so don't forget to increase the cost of your supplies.

What would be the impact on your company? What would be the impact on YOUR income?

No argument - just tell me - what would be the impact on the sales of your final product?

I would not raise my prices at all. I have never raised prices because of min wage hikes.

That $28.56 is not a living wage. That is what the min wage was in 1950 if you account for productivity. The living wage in the US in 2012 was $17.47/hr
Ok -- -same question. Raise your minimum wage employees to $17.47 per hour. Adjust other salaries accordingly. Account for the increase in cost of your suppliers.

What happens to your product? How much does it cost then?

PLEASE don't tell me that you've been gouging your customers so bad that you can absorb a 250% increase in labor costs without increasing prices. PLEASE don't tell me you're making so much money that you can absorb a 250% increase in labor costs.

Just plain and simple --- what would happen to the price of your product?

I certainly can absorb that increased labor cost if it is paired with an increase in sales. More money in the pockets of the working class means more customers stopping by and spending more.
No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.

Westwall has all that information! Such as showing up after the OP is gone and stating he has information...

Do you have anything useful to say or are you just going to blabber?
When fuel prices spiked after Katrina, a lot of gas stations were gouging customers by a dollar or two per gallon. The guys that did that wound up getting fined and alienating their customers. I went in the opposite direction. I sold gas for 5 to 10 cents a gallon BELOW cost. The result was that I had more customers than I knew what to do with, many of whom are still loyal to my businesses today because of my "generosity." In truth, I turned a huge profit and still use that strategy every third quarter to bolster sales.
I'll agree that my arguments are one dimensional because I dumb down my politics to speak to people like you. Funny thing is, you still have no debate. I'm obviously always fishing for you to learn, yet YOU never do. Lot's do, not you. The fact that you can't debate my one dimensional posts makes me angry because my brain has 3D topics and some will say beyond.

Just debate me on grade school topics and I'll teach you............baby steps.

No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.

I'm guessing you show no appreciation for your wife and use violence to CONTROL your child.

Your wife and kid love you! But never ask them if they do!
When fuel prices spiked after Katrina, a lot of gas stations were gouging customers by a dollar or two per gallon. The guys that did that wound up getting fined and alienating their customers. I went in the opposite direction. I sold gas for 5 to 10 cents a gallon BELOW cost. The result was that I had more customers than I knew what to do with, many of whom are still loyal to my businesses today because of my "generosity." In truth, I turned a huge profit and still use that strategy every third quarter to bolster sales.

If your sales is a gas station, everything I said before is Obsolete.
When fuel prices spiked after Katrina, a lot of gas stations were gouging customers by a dollar or two per gallon. The guys that did that wound up getting fined and alienating their customers. I went in the opposite direction. I sold gas for 5 to 10 cents a gallon BELOW cost. The result was that I had more customers than I knew what to do with, many of whom are still loyal to my businesses today because of my "generosity." In truth, I turned a huge profit and still use that strategy every third quarter to bolster sales.

If your sales is a gas station, everything I said before is Obsolete.

I am actually semi retired. I ran movie theaters, gas stations, restaurants, property rentals, a small construction company and a few other odds and ends.
When fuel prices spiked after Katrina, a lot of gas stations were gouging customers by a dollar or two per gallon. The guys that did that wound up getting fined and alienating their customers. I went in the opposite direction. I sold gas for 5 to 10 cents a gallon BELOW cost. The result was that I had more customers than I knew what to do with, many of whom are still loyal to my businesses today because of my "generosity." In truth, I turned a huge profit and still use that strategy every third quarter to bolster sales.

If your sales is a gas station, everything I said before is Obsolete.

I am actually semi retired. I ran movie theaters, gas stations, restaurants, property rentals, a small construction company and a few other odds and ends.

Going to bed for real now. See how those cowards waited for me to post that so they could chime in lol. But it's real now, I have to work tomorrow. Insomnia is fun, but it has boundaries.
NOW, it's about those making between a minimum wage and a living wage? And, just exactly what would that be?

If we were paid for our output as an employee today as compared to the standard expected of a worker in 1950, the minimum wage in 2010 would have been $28.56. (The actual minimum wage was only $7.25/hr.) $28.56 was slightly more than 90% of Americans who earned less than $27.98 per hour. Hence, 90% of American workers earn less than a minimum wage worker earned in 1950.

Read more: 90 of Americans Earn Less Than 1950 Minimum Wage Standard Minimum Wage Workers Union of America

Ok, Mr.Businessman -

Let's say you win - we'll raise the minimum wage salary to $28.56 (you represent this as being a 'living wage' - that's what I asked).

I don't know how many people work for you, and i don't care. I don't know what you produce, and I don't care.

If you gave your people a 'living wage' (by your definition), what would be the impact on whatever it is that you produce? How much would the retail price go up? Don't forget - you also have to give raises to all those people who make between minimum wage and $28.56. Oh yeah - your suppliers have to do the same. Their labor costs are going to quadruple, too, so don't forget to increase the cost of your supplies.

What would be the impact on your company? What would be the impact on YOUR income?

No argument - just tell me - what would be the impact on the sales of your final product?

I would not raise my prices at all. I have never raised prices because of min wage hikes.

That $28.56 is not a living wage. That is what the min wage was in 1950 if you account for productivity. The living wage in the US in 2012 was $17.47/hr
Ok -- -same question. Raise your minimum wage employees to $17.47 per hour. Adjust other salaries accordingly. Account for the increase in cost of your suppliers.

What happens to your product? How much does it cost then?

PLEASE don't tell me that you've been gouging your customers so bad that you can absorb a 250% increase in labor costs without increasing prices. PLEASE don't tell me you're making so much money that you can absorb a 250% increase in labor costs.

Just plain and simple --- what would happen to the price of your product?

I certainly can absorb that increased labor cost if it is paired with an increase in sales. More money in the pockets of the working class means more customers stopping by and spending more.

Does this mean you don't know what effect it would have on your product?

So, let's see --- you claim that if the minimum wage is raised, you will be forced to sell your product for more money (because of increased labor costs), and you expect that you would be able to recoup your investment through increased sales? Have I got that right?

You DO know what percentage of your retail price is labor, right? So, you know how much you'll have to raise the item price, right? So, how much increased sales would you need in order to balance out and make the same profit? It's really quite simple -

So, what's the answer?
THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.

Westwall has all that information! Such as showing up after the OP is gone and stating he has information...

Do you have anything useful to say or are you just going to blabber?

You have to understand - our pal, Antiparty has been running and hiding from a reasonable conversation about his statements. In post 64, the flaws of his argument were pointed out, but he has refused to comment on them at all. It seems he has no comment. I directly challenged him to debate the issue, and he has refused, resorting to a series of personal attacks and deflections in an attempt to escape.

I don't think we'll see much of him for a while.
Jack I'm going to bed. GJ on debating the Derp, he will not learn. Pie charts are HARD.

It was fun discussing perspectives.
Jack - what that means is he is defenseless. He doesn't believe a word he says, and he sure as hell can't back them up.

Some would call him chicken, but I won't - I'll just say he's deluded.

"Spare Change" sounds a lot like "Loose Change" yet you don't know who drove that attack..........do ya kiddo.

Waiting on you, my friend ... bring your guns.

Or don't -----
No lets debate something real. You claim to be so smart pick a subject.

THE SUBJECT IS THE OP KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WELCOME!.............73 POSTS LATER.

And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.

I'm guessing you show no appreciation for your wife and use violence to CONTROL your child.

Your wife and kid love you! But never ask them if they do!

Just a friendly warning, you're not allowed to attack family members. It doesn't bother me, but it does others, so be very careful how you post. That being said you have said exactly what? Nothing of substance. A juvenile asinine attack not borne out by fact. In other words you are acting like the troll we all know you to be.

Goodnight troll.
And the OP is demonstrably WRONG kiddo! Back in Bill Clintons day 1% controlled 90%! Where the fuck have you simpletons been?

I was 10 seconds from logging out and westwall showed back up!

When I'm here and want a debate he is no where to be seen. Every time I'm offline he makes massive amounts of posts. Coward yellow belly.

Well, unlike you, I have a life and a wife who loves me, and a child who needs help with homework etc. Feel free to address the points that have been made.

Westwall has all that information! Such as showing up after the OP is gone and stating he has information...

Do you have anything useful to say or are you just going to blabber?

You have to understand - our pal, Antiparty has been running and hiding from a reasonable conversation about his statements. In post 64, the flaws of his argument were pointed out, but he has refused to comment on them at all. It seems he has no comment. I directly challenged him to debate the issue, and he has refused, resorting to a series of personal attacks and deflections in an attempt to escape.

I don't think we'll see much of him for a while.

I know. He's a petty little troll who thinks he can win the internets. Typical moronic fool.
I've noticed that you don't debate - you harangue, you abuse, and you overwhelm - not with logic, but with arrogance.

I also notice that the flaws in your position were pointed out in Post #64, and you have studiously avoided responding. Perhaps, you have no answer?

Tell you what - I am everything you detest. Why don't you and I debate? No name calling, no attacks, just honest debate. I would truly welcome the opportunity to show you how wrong you are.
I noticed this as well. 90% of Antiparty's posts aren't actually debating anything, they are just claiming victory or dismissing others' arguments without addressing them.

It is like Bizarro-EconChick.

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