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#1 Racist in the Republican Party

Jtpr must have gotten beat up by alot of black people when he was a kid. Maybe a black guy raped him in prison after he was busted with that little kid in the back of his van.
jtpr continues to huff and puff, like the piggie he truly is. He's nothing, as the brothers already demonstrated several times.
jtpr's own words condemn him as the more he "explains" the deeper the whole the turd digs in which to bury himself.

Anyone who uses the term "negro" as does jtpr and others of his ill ilk are obviously racialists and not needed in America's future.

What's the problem with usuing the word negro? Isn't that what you guys insisted on being called not that long ago? Hell, first it was negro, then black, now african american niggas ok as long as it's another nigga calling you that, what next? If you people spent as much time trying to actually better your culture instead of rename what you want to be called, all in an attempt to get some respect, you'd be much better off, and you might even get the respect you so obviously crave from the whites with all the name changes you expect us to call you. Be lucky I'm saying negro because for most of them I know it's an undeserving title or respect where the other n word, lol love that by the way, would fit better.

Lol, condemn me? Condemn for what? For thinking negroes as a race and culture have not evolved at the same rate as whites or asians? Guilty of that slick, just like anyone else that takes an honest look at the accomplishments and advances of the three major races thorughout history. Hell, we're STILL waiting for the sub-sharan african to build a civilization or even a freaking modern city on their own, lol.
jtpr continues to disavow the Christ with every word he writes on the board.

Failed human being. Yet . . . he still can regenerate himself in our Lord, if he but will admit he is nothing without Christ.
Jtpr must have gotten beat up by alot of black people when he was a kid. Maybe a black guy raped him in prison after he was busted with that little kid in the back of his van.

It's a good thing to see a little boy spreading his wings and showing he's starting to grow some balls, even if it's while he's hiding behind his mommy's computer in the basement. Maybe someday if you keep practiicing like this you'll be able to talk to man's face like this.
jtpr continues to disavow the Christ with every word he writes on the board.

Failed human being. Yet . . . he still can regenerate himself in our Lord, if he but will admit he is nothing without Christ.

I'm sorry son, but Christ demands the truth, and I never lied. EVERYTHING I ever said about the differences in the races is nothing but the truth. The problems arise when you can't face that truth because it's your own, and instead hide behind a false sense of indignation and mask your denial with a false sense of bravado.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

This demonstrates that you are either a liar, a lemming manipulated by a fat draft doger and a punk assed neocon who never joined the military when they had the chance to, or don't know what you are talking about. Did you actually read the reasons why he endorsed Obama over Romney or did you get your feelings hurt and call him a racist and use the race card?
:lol: jtpr burbles like the moral infant he is.

Christ requires you serve both commandments, both at which here you fail.

jtpr continues to disavow the Christ with every word he writes on the board.

Failed human being. Yet . . . he still can regenerate himself in our Lord, if he but will admit he is nothing without Christ.

I'm sorry son, but Christ demands the truth, and I never lied. EVERYTHING I ever said about the differences in the races is nothing but the truth. The problems arise when you can't face that truth because it's your own, and instead hide behind a false sense of indignation and mask your denial with a false sense of bravado.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

This demonstrates that you are either a liar, a lemming manipulated by a fat draft doger and a punk assed neocon who never joined the military when they had the chance to, or don't know what you are talking about. Did you actually read the reasons why he endorsed Obama over Romney or did you get your feelings hurt and call him a racist and use the race card?

Wrong on all counts scrote. Run along now.
Pheonixops is correct on all points.

Also, as a racialist, jtpr would have been kicked out of the military service if had enlisted, if he were not already barred from enlisting.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

This demonstrates that you are either a liar, a lemming manipulated by a fat draft doger and a punk assed neocon who never joined the military when they had the chance to, or don't know what you are talking about. Did you actually read the reasons why he endorsed Obama over Romney or did you get your feelings hurt and call him a racist and use the race card?

Wrong on all counts scrote. Run along now.

So if you read his several cogent reasons (none that included race( for making his decision why would you outright LIE and call him a racist and play the race card? :lol:
Pheonixops is correct on all points.

Also, as a racialist, jtpr would have been kicked out of the military service if had enlisted, if he were not already barred from enlisting.

How would he be barred from enlisting? I thought they overturned DADT?
:lol: jtpr burbles like the moral infant he is.

Christ requires you serve both commandments, both at which here you fail.

jtpr continues to disavow the Christ with every word he writes on the board.

Failed human being. Yet . . . he still can regenerate himself in our Lord, if he but will admit he is nothing without Christ.

I'm sorry son, but Christ demands the truth, and I never lied. EVERYTHING I ever said about the differences in the races is nothing but the truth. The problems arise when you can't face that truth because it's your own, and instead hide behind a false sense of indignation and mask your denial with a false sense of bravado.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.
Pheonixops is correct on all points.

Also, as a racialist, jtpr would have been kicked out of the military service if had enlisted, if he were not already barred from enlisting.

Guess you've never served in the Military huh?
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Christ was a small, brown semite, jtpr, not an Aryan white Lord.

You have no idea truly of what you speak.

:lol: You burble like an infant.

:lol: jtpr burbles like the moral infant he is.

Christ requires you serve both commandments, both at which here you fail.

I'm sorry son, but Christ demands the truth, and I never lied. EVERYTHING I ever said about the differences in the races is nothing but the truth. The problems arise when you can't face that truth because it's your own, and instead hide behind a false sense of indignation and mask your denial with a false sense of bravado.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.
Just as I thought. Typical liberal. Stuck on stupid. Let me explain the facts to you boy. Voting for or endorsing someone based soley on their race, which is exactly what Powell did, is the very definition of racist. You whine and cry that I'm a racist, yet in the 2008 Md Republican primaries I voted for Alan Keyes, who in case you didn't know was a negro, because I didn't like or agree with McCain's politics. You tell me Powell was a respected military leader. I say you're right, but the key word in that sentence is WAS. Benedict Arnold, look up the name boy, was also a "Respected military leader", right up until he, like Powell, turned his back on his values, his peers and his nation and went over to the enemy. So telling me what he once was, doesn't impress me. The man's a racist and a traitor to the American way of life who has betrayed his beliefs, his party, his values, his friends and his peers just to support and endorse a fellow negro just because he's a negro. Those are the facts son.

In all these posts, Nobody stopped for a moment to point out the irony of pretending not to be racist, accusing someone else of it, and then addressing a post with "boy" and "negro."

Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.
More fox news style assertion without fact.

Because I'm sure when Colin Powell wants to talk about why he is voting for one person or another, he calls up a braindead hick to tell him about it.

Hey melonhead. I NEVER once pretended not to be a racist. I most certainly believe that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, which is the very definition of racist. Hell, any honest person with eyes that has seen the way most negroes live would have to be racist or a liar if they deny what their own eyes see. By the way scrote, I was born and raised on the East Side of NYC so it's impossible for me to be a hick. Now you run along son, the men are talking now, and you obviously have little or nothing to add.
Then you are even a bigger dumbfuck than I first took you for.

Maybe science could explain it to you. (as in, the genetic differences being less than 1%, and most of that having to do with melanin in the skin.) In fact, White people are deficient in that regard. There's a reason we torch in the sun. Bad genetic mutation.

The day will come when your type dies off. We can only hope it's sooner rather than later.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
In all these posts, Nobody stopped for a moment to point out the irony of pretending not to be racist, accusing someone else of it, and then addressing a post with "boy" and "negro."

More fox news style assertion without fact.

Because I'm sure when Colin Powell wants to talk about why he is voting for one person or another, he calls up a braindead hick to tell him about it.

Hey melonhead. I NEVER once pretended not to be a racist. I most certainly believe that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, which is the very definition of racist. Hell, any honest person with eyes that has seen the way most negroes live would have to be racist or a liar if they deny what their own eyes see. By the way scrote, I was born and raised on the East Side of NYC so it's impossible for me to be a hick. Now you run along son, the men are talking now, and you obviously have little or nothing to add.
Then you are even a bigger dumbfuck than I first took you for.

Maybe science could explain it to you. (as in, the genetic differences being less than 1%, and most of that having to do with melanin in the skin.) In fact, White people are deficient in that regard. There's a reason we torch in the sun. Bad genetic mutation.

The day will come when your type dies off. We can only hope it's sooner rather than later.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.

Well you're quote there proves you to be racist......your type????
dies off? because of the sun? are you serious?

you are a dumbshit
General Colin Powell ran a successful war when he helped General Norman Schwartzkopf with Desert Storm (of which I was a part of as well).

Alan West is some dumb fucker who was forced to resign because of a bad incident while on active duty (people can look it up if they wish.............Google Alan West and interrogation if you're interested), and has brought dishonor upon the service he was in.

As far as Colin Powell being a "dicksucker"? If he was, why did he quit his cushy job as Secretary of State after he was thrown under the bus?

Allen West used whatever was at his disposal to gain intelligence to assist his men. IMHO, he used a method that worked (his captured enemy was not harmed) and he got the info he needed. Do you support the cluster that happened in Libya too? Force the military to sit on their hands while their own are being slaughtered?

Allen west didn't get brig time, due to one fact. He was an officer. He did nothing different from Lyndie England or Charles Graner, but the military lets criminal officers retire and puts criminal enlisted in jail.

Wait he should have done jail time for what? Scaring a prisoner of war? Jesus, you libtards woulnt have lasted 5 seconds pre 60s warfare.....If you want to see torture, go back in time and say something Henry VIII thought was treasonous....yeah...you'd get REAL torture....not baby crap that you pussies call torture
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Great... another "only black people are racists" thread from an avowed racist who has nothing but shit talk to say about black people in race relations thread.

I've seen enough of your posts.

The sad thing is... a majority of the conservatives on the board don't condemn and shun the twelve to fifteen of you on this board, they instead shower you with adoration and back you up at every turn.

Some of them, thankfully, do not... and are capable of seeing that you and the others like you are just simple racist fucks.
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