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#1 Racist in the Republican Party

Ahhh, the gay sailor chimes in with his inferior knowledge.

The CJCS doesn't fight wars, asshole, it is an advisory postion to the POTUS. The Combantat Commander is the one with authority to fight the war.

No Combatant Commander wants the CJCS telling him what to do despite what you conjured up peeling veggies at the bottom of a ship in the Navy.

Powell was a figurehead, he didn't do shit in Desert Storm. Stormin Norman would kick in his teeth if he goes around acting like he called the shots, asswipe.

Oh, nice lie about Alan West. You still need to call him "sir."

Black scum that think like you will never vote for and like good people.

They want free shit, etc.

Dumbfuck white scum like you somehow think they will treat you better if you give them free stuff, just go hangout in the ghetto and see what happens to you.

Powell on the otherhand is a black guy that put on a coat and tie and tries to pass as a normal person when deep down he is a loser like the ghetto he came from.

So white people like and black people like Alan West don't pander to those blacks because we expect more out of them, whereas you look down on them like they are sub-human, which causes many of them to act sub-human with the crime, drugs, etc.

Blacks that you align with like someone like you telling them the SAT is racist and the reason why they scored low on it. Blacks like Alan West that didn't fail in school doesn't like you scumbags telling him he is too stupid to take a SAT, go to college, etc.

Can't believe why Republican thoughts like yours don't attract more black voters....

General Colin Powell ran a successful war when he helped General Norman Schwartzkopf with Desert Storm (of which I was a part of as well).

Alan West is some dumb fucker who was forced to resign because of a bad incident while on active duty (people can look it up if they wish.............Google Alan West and interrogation if you're interested), and has brought dishonor upon the service he was in.

As far as Colin Powell being a "dicksucker"? If he was, why did he quit his cushy job as Secretary of State after he was thrown under the bus?
General Colin Powell ran a successful war when he helped General Norman Schwartzkopf with Desert Storm (of which I was a part of as well).

Alan West is some dumb fucker who was forced to resign because of a bad incident while on active duty (people can look it up if they wish.............Google Alan West and interrogation if you're interested), and has brought dishonor upon the service he was in.

As far as Colin Powell being a "dicksucker"? If he was, why did he quit his cushy job as Secretary of State after he was thrown under the bus?

Allen West used whatever was at his disposal to gain intelligence to assist his men. IMHO, he used a method that worked (his captured enemy was not harmed) and he got the info he needed. Do you support the cluster that happened in Libya too? Force the military to sit on their hands while their own are being slaughtered?

We can say the same for the Nazi and the Japanese too. They used WHATEVER was at their disposal to gain intelligence to assist their men. We tried and convicted them for that.

Oh please, compare how the POWs in WWII were treated compared to how this man was interogated! Your reasoning skills leave a lot to be desired.
Alan West violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice and was treated leniently: he was allowed to retire.

His doofus remarks in Congress and while campaigning are entertaining to say the least.
Sad, he came out with his "endorsement" after the military was told to "stand down" on assisting our own Ambassador. Wonder what his military buddies think of him now?

If this were true, Romney would be all over it.

Romney is taking the high road. He does not have to question the President on this (just as he didn't during the debate). The public is questioning the President on this. If they do not get answers, he will lose the Presidency. If his lies are proven with released video (providing it is before the election), he loses the Presidency. If there is a factual presentation of how this man ignored requests for additional security in the months leading up to this, and the denial of aid during a prolonged attack, he loses the Presidency. Those that have served in the military, and those that are in the military are paying close attention. This is the first known time that the Commander in Chief "chose" to leave "ours" behind, when there were resources available that could have prevented, and then stopped this from happening. The insincerity of the Sec of State and the President dealing with the fallen Americans' family members has outraged a lot of people. How anyone can believe this self-serving man in the white house would treat any other citizen differently is beyond me. If he cannot give "permission" to a military with plans within plans, and then plans if those don't work, how can you expect him to enforce a plan in his second term that he has not presented (he doesn't have one, other than to continue robbing the country blind thru rewarding contracts to "green" companies owned by "friends" that declare bankrupcy, corporate welfare anyone..., that then deposit the funds in overseas accounts and laugh at the dupes that support Obama)?

Romney doesn't have to question specifics about Obama, everything Obama, said he could do, he has failed to do. He claims that he walked into a mess when he was elected; he was a senator and had a good idea (he voted for some of the mess) what he was facing, no matter what he says. Where has he improved any of that? What has he made better? Every area that he whines and cries about being bad when he came into office is WORSE. Why would anyone re-elect a failure?

A Republican taking the high road? That is a new one.
Just as I thought. Typical liberal. Stuck on stupid. Let me explain the facts to you boy. Voting for or endorsing someone based soley on their race, which is exactly what Powell did, is the very definition of racist. You whine and cry that I'm a racist, yet in the 2008 Md Republican primaries I voted for Alan Keyes, who in case you didn't know was a negro, because I didn't like or agree with McCain's politics. You tell me Powell was a respected military leader. I say you're right, but the key word in that sentence is WAS. Benedict Arnold, look up the name boy, was also a "Respected military leader", right up until he, like Powell, turned his back on his values, his peers and his nation and went over to the enemy. So telling me what he once was, doesn't impress me. The man's a racist and a traitor to the American way of life who has betrayed his beliefs, his party, his values, his friends and his peers just to support and endorse a fellow negro just because he's a negro. Those are the facts son.

In all these posts, Nobody stopped for a moment to point out the irony of pretending not to be racist, accusing someone else of it, and then addressing a post with "boy" and "negro."

Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.
More fox news style assertion without fact.

Because I'm sure when Colin Powell wants to talk about why he is voting for one person or another, he calls up a braindead hick to tell him about it.
Black scum that think like you will never vote for and like good people.

They want free shit, etc.

Dumbfuck white scum like you somehow think they will treat you better if you give them free stuff, just go hangout in the ghetto and see what happens to you.

Powell on the otherhand is a black guy that put on a coat and tie and tries to pass as a normal person when deep down he is a loser like the ghetto he came from.

So white people like and black people like Alan West don't pander to those blacks because we expect more out of them, whereas you look down on them like they are sub-human, which causes many of them to act sub-human with the crime, drugs, etc.

Blacks that you align with like someone like you telling them the SAT is racist and the reason why they scored low on it. Blacks like Alan West that didn't fail in school doesn't like you scumbags telling him he is too stupid to take a SAT, go to college, etc.

General Colin Powell ran a successful war when he helped General Norman Schwartzkopf with Desert Storm (of which I was a part of as well).

Alan West is some dumb fucker who was forced to resign because of a bad incident while on active duty (people can look it up if they wish.............Google Alan West and interrogation if you're interested), and has brought dishonor upon the service he was in.

As far as Colin Powell being a "dicksucker"? If he was, why did he quit his cushy job as Secretary of State after he was thrown under the bus?

Allen West used whatever was at his disposal to gain intelligence to assist his men. IMHO, he used a method that worked (his captured enemy was not harmed) and he got the info he needed. Do you support the cluster that happened in Libya too? Force the military to sit on their hands while their own are being slaughtered?

Allen west didn't get brig time, due to one fact. He was an officer. He did nothing different from Lyndie England or Charles Graner, but the military lets criminal officers retire and puts criminal enlisted in jail.
Not always. We put a lot of criminal officers in the brig for blackmarketing overseas.
actually, since you didn't call him the racist pos that he is...

powell did not endorse obama right away. he met with romney first.

i guess he thinks romney's nothing more than bush deux, as well...

If Powell thought that Bush was sooo bad, why didn't he resign his office because with military, integrity is a lot of who you are?
Obama has no integrity (one of the reasons military morale is so low and suicides are up in the military), so why would Powell "endorse" him. If Obama or Romney has no integrity, why choose one over the other?

Um...he did. :eusa_eh:

Actually according to Cheif of Staff Andrew Card, and heavily reported in the liberal rag the Washington Post, the racist was asked to resign by President Bush. So no, the racist didn't resign over a matter of honor, or because he's full of integrity, it was resign or be fired. Powell's own aides said they thought Bush would ask him to stay for his second term, and they all agree that Powell was intending to do so if asked. He was instead asked to resign.
General Colin Powell ran a successful war when he helped General Norman Schwartzkopf with Desert Storm (of which I was a part of as well).

Alan West is some dumb fucker who was forced to resign because of a bad incident while on active duty (people can look it up if they wish.............Google Alan West and interrogation if you're interested), and has brought dishonor upon the service he was in.

As far as Colin Powell being a "dicksucker"? If he was, why did he quit his cushy job as Secretary of State after he was thrown under the bus?

Allen West used whatever was at his disposal to gain intelligence to assist his men. IMHO, he used a method that worked (his captured enemy was not harmed) and he got the info he needed. Do you support the cluster that happened in Libya too? Force the military to sit on their hands while their own are being slaughtered?

We can say the same for the Nazi and the Japanese too. They used WHATEVER was at their disposal to gain intelligence to assist their men. We tried and convicted them for that.

No you can't say the same thing about the Nazis and the Nips. Or did you miss the part ("he used a method that worked (his captured enemy was not harmed)"? PS the ONLY reason we tried and convicted them was because we won, if they would have won, there were plenty of US officers, NCO's etc, that could have been tried and convicted of various war crimes. Hell, the fire bombings of Tokyo and Dresden would have been sufficient grounds to try dozens of high ranking officers for both war crimes AND crimes against humanity.
Oh, look everyone. It seems to be another really tough right winger with all of his tough style language and his threats. Everyone run hide save yourself.
You are such a pathetic little man it is sad.

You candyassed little pussy. Alan West was in the field, was acting on intel he recieved and was conducting a field interrogation with the goal of trying to save his men from being ambushed by the dunecoons. He fired his sidearm near Hamoodi's head, NEAR it you candyass, not in it. His Article 15 was 100% politically motivated and an effort to kiss muslim and their american 5th columnist liberal supporter's, asses and because of this a good man's military career was cut short. He recieved a fine and later retired with full benefits. He'd have been better off black and deckering this poc, getting what he needed from him, putting 9oz's IN his head not near it and then dumping Hammodi's body in the desert. You candyasses sicken me. I expect it from sillyvillians but not from military people. Well unless those military people are Pentagon politicians at heart or REMF's.

Piss off scrote.
Really, that is the best you have? Coming from such a big tough guy. Try and do better next time will you little boy.
Remember! You can be squished like a the bug you are.

Oh, look everyone. It seems to be another really tough right winger with all of his tough style language and his threats. Everyone run hide save yourself.
You are such a pathetic little man it is sad.

You candyassed little pussy. Alan West was in the field, was acting on intel he recieved and was conducting a field interrogation with the goal of trying to save his men from being ambushed by the dunecoons. He fired his sidearm near Hamoodi's head, NEAR it you candyass, not in it. His Article 15 was 100% politically motivated and an effort to kiss muslim and their american 5th columnist liberal supporter's, asses and because of this a good man's military career was cut short. He recieved a fine and later retired with full benefits. He'd have been better off black and deckering this poc, getting what he needed from him, putting 9oz's IN his head not near it and then dumping Hammodi's body in the desert. You candyasses sicken me. I expect it from sillyvillians but not from military people. Well unless those military people are Pentagon politicians at heart or REMF's.

Piss off scrote.[/QUOTE]
jtpr is a racialist, a person with antiAmerican values, and clueless as to the role (of course) of religion in our country.
Just as I thought. Typical liberal. Stuck on stupid. Let me explain the facts to you boy. Voting for or endorsing someone based soley on their race, which is exactly what Powell did, is the very definition of racist. You whine and cry that I'm a racist, yet in the 2008 Md Republican primaries I voted for Alan Keyes, who in case you didn't know was a negro, because I didn't like or agree with McCain's politics. You tell me Powell was a respected military leader. I say you're right, but the key word in that sentence is WAS. Benedict Arnold, look up the name boy, was also a "Respected military leader", right up until he, like Powell, turned his back on his values, his peers and his nation and went over to the enemy. So telling me what he once was, doesn't impress me. The man's a racist and a traitor to the American way of life who has betrayed his beliefs, his party, his values, his friends and his peers just to support and endorse a fellow negro just because he's a negro. Those are the facts son.

In all these posts, Nobody stopped for a moment to point out the irony of pretending not to be racist, accusing someone else of it, and then addressing a post with "boy" and "negro."

Colin Powell endorsed Obama because Obama is Black, period. That makes him a racist, period.
More fox news style assertion without fact.

Because I'm sure when Colin Powell wants to talk about why he is voting for one person or another, he calls up a braindead hick to tell him about it.

Hey melonhead. I NEVER once pretended not to be a racist. I most certainly believe that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, which is the very definition of racist. Hell, any honest person with eyes that has seen the way most negroes live would have to be racist or a liar if they deny what their own eyes see. By the way scrote, I was born and raised on the East Side of NYC so it's impossible for me to be a hick. Now you run along son, the men are talking now, and you obviously have little or nothing to add.
Anyone who uses the term "negro" as does jtpr and others of his ill ilk are obviously racialists and not needed in America's future.
Really, that is the best you have? Coming from such a big tough guy. Try and do better next time will you little boy.
Remember! You can be squished like a the bug you are.

Oh, look everyone. It seems to be another really tough right winger with all of his tough style language and his threats. Everyone run hide save yourself.
You are such a pathetic little man it is sad.

You candyassed little pussy. Alan West was in the field, was acting on intel he recieved and was conducting a field interrogation with the goal of trying to save his men from being ambushed by the dunecoons. He fired his sidearm near Hamoodi's head, NEAR it you candyass, not in it. His Article 15 was 100% politically motivated and an effort to kiss muslim and their american 5th columnist liberal supporter's, asses and because of this a good man's military career was cut short. He recieved a fine and later retired with full benefits. He'd have been better off black and deckering this poc, getting what he needed from him, putting 9oz's IN his head not near it and then dumping Hammodi's body in the desert. You candyasses sicken me. I expect it from sillyvillians but not from military people. Well unless those military people are Pentagon politicians at heart or REMF's.

Piss off scrote.

Maybe, but certainly not by a little pissant punk like you.
Anyone who uses the term "negro" as does jtpr and others of his ill ilk are obviously racialists and not needed in America's future.

What's the problem with usuing the word negro? Isn't that what you guys insisted on being called not that long ago? Hell, first it was negro, then black, now african american niggas ok as long as it's another nigga calling you that, what next? If you people spent as much time trying to actually better your culture instead of rename what you want to be called, all in an attempt to get some respect, you'd be much better off, and you might even get the respect you so obviously crave from the whites with all the name changes you expect us to call you. Be lucky I'm saying negro because for most of them I know it's an undeserving title or respect where the other n word, lol love that by the way, would fit better.
jtpr's own words condemn him as the more he "explains" the deeper the hole the turd digs in which to bury himself.

Anyone who uses the term "negro" as does jtpr and others of his ill ilk are obviously racialists and not needed in America's future.

What's the problem with usuing the word negro? Isn't that what you guys insisted on being called not that long ago? Hell, first it was negro, then black, now african american niggas ok as long as it's another nigga calling you that, what next? If you people spent as much time trying to actually better your culture instead of rename what you want to be called, all in an attempt to get some respect, you'd be much better off, and you might even get the respect you so obviously crave from the whites with all the name changes you expect us to call you. Be lucky I'm saying negro because for most of them I know it's an undeserving title or respect where the other n word, lol love that by the way, would fit better.
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Sure he can, jtpr, just like the brothers squished you inside.

He can have the same opportunity I've given others on this board that showed a desire to do so. I'm easy to find and have posted my pic and exactly where I am 4 days a week. Never had any loudmouthed board douchebag take me up on my invitation yet, doubt any on this board will either. I can smell pussy from a mile away, and both of you reek of it. Run along I think it's time for you to douche.

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