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#1 Racist in the Republican Party

Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Yeah..because when you are "Honorable" like Mitt Romney..

You show support for a war that America is fighting..then go to France.

Instead fighting in the EXACT SAME WAR..like Colin Powell.

And that sort of "Honor" is the hallmark of Conservative patriotism.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Yeah..because when you are "Honorable" like Mitt Romney..

You show support for a war that America is fighting..then go to France.

Instead fighting in the EXACT SAME WAR..like Colin Powell.

And that sort of "Honor" is the hallmark of Conservative patriotism.

Oh please democrat Johnson started Vietnam and democrat Clinton protested the war.....so fuck off you gutless piece of shit
Funny how the military back him, because he supports them. republicans dont leave em high and dry like Clinton (Black Hawk Down) and Obama (Benghazi).....why wouldnt he want his ambassador rescued?
They had assets nearby in Italy and in Benghazi and in Tripoli.....wtf???
And where was the ambassador's detachment of marines?
Pheonixops is correct on all points.

Also, as a racialist, jtpr would have been kicked out of the military service if had enlisted, if he were not already barred from enlisting.

Guess you've never served in the Military huh?

I'm guessing you never served either, because most of your posts about the military are bullshit.

Me? Started my career in the Navy in the summer of 1982 with Company C183 (the Dragons) who were led by EN1English and QM2 Brandon. EN1 English left after the first week and a half to take over another company, and QM2 Brandon was our CC from then on.

Oh yeah..................I retired from MEPS Amarillo in May of 2002.

Your service record is what?
Nice nukes, but you got called out and you went over your own head and owned yourself......no wonder it's so easy to punk out libtards...you guys do it for us.....

It is so mindnumbingly stupid to think that a Black racist would belong to the Republican Party, but there you go. You guys really are that stupid to accuse him of such a thing. And yes, a Black racist might belong to the Democratic Party and be accepted by bleeding heart liberals filled with white guilt. I do not deny that.

Powell does not BELONG in the Republican Party. He justo falsely claims that he is a Republican because he wants to curry favor from both parties.

Instead he gets scorn from Republicans and the title Uncle Tom from Democrats.

No one here on the left here is calling him an Uncle Tom, he is being attacked by the whitewingers.
No true Republican scorns General Powell, on the far whitewinges in the party.

I served for twelve years almost to the day on active duty as airborne infantry, stationed in Alaksa, with the 2ID in Korea, and 1st Cav at Fort Hood. I was commanded by minority officers and commanded minorities. Race and sex made no difference in the quality of soldiering.

jtpr would have been discharged as unsuitable for his character beliefs.
Christ was a small, brown semite, jtpr, not an Aryan white Lord.

You have no idea truly of what you speak.

:lol: You burble like an infant.

:lol: jtpr burbles like the moral infant he is.

Christ requires you serve both commandments, both at which here you fail.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.

Never said He was an Aryan slick so don't put words in my mouth, what I said was that He was a Caucasion, and He was. Here's some FYI for you and some others here that are too ignorant to know that the Caucasion race covers many colors from light skinned, straight blonde haired people, to brown skined, dark curly haired people. Caucasion- a. Anthropology Of or being a human racial classification distinguished especially by very light to brown skin pigmentation and straight to wavy or curly hair, and including peoples indigenous to Europe, northern Africa, western Asia, and India. Now as for the Jews and being semitic, here's some more FYI for you.
Links between Semitic-speaking Near-Eastern peoples like Arabs, Hebrews and Assyrians have proved fruitful, despite differences contributed from other groups (see Y-chromosomal Aaron). The studies attribute this correlation to a common Near Eastern origin, since Semitic-speaking Near Easterners from the Fertile Crescent (including Jews) were found to be more closely related to non-Semitic speaking Near Easterners (such as Iranians, Anatolians, and Caucasians) than to other Semitic-speakers (such as Gulf Arabs, Ethiopian Semites, and North African Arabs).[17][18]

[17]^ Almut Nebel, Dvora Filon, Bernd Brinkmann, Partha P. Majumder, Marina Faerman, and Ariella Oppenheim, The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East, American Journal of Human Genetics (2001) 69(5): 1095–1112 (online here [2])
[18]^ Farida Alshamali, Luísa Pereira, Bruce Budowle, Estella S. Poloni, Mathias Currat, Local Population Structure in Arabian Peninsula Revealed by Y-STR Diversity, Hum Hered (2009) 68:45-54

By the way slick, seeing as how Aryan means Indo-Iranian and Jews are Caucasions and are closely related to Iranians there could be an argument made for Jesus being an Aryan, but like I said, He was and is a Caucasion, not a negroid or a mongoloid. Educate yourself son. there's a world of information at your fingertips, try using it PRIOR to running off at the mouth.
In all these posts, Nobody stopped for a moment to point out the irony of pretending not to be racist, accusing someone else of it, and then addressing a post with "boy" and "negro."

More fox news style assertion without fact.

Because I'm sure when Colin Powell wants to talk about why he is voting for one person or another, he calls up a braindead hick to tell him about it.

Hey melonhead. I NEVER once pretended not to be a racist. I most certainly believe that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, which is the very definition of racist. Hell, any honest person with eyes that has seen the way most negroes live would have to be racist or a liar if they deny what their own eyes see. By the way scrote, I was born and raised on the East Side of NYC so it's impossible for me to be a hick. Now you run along son, the men are talking now, and you obviously have little or nothing to add.
Then you are even a bigger dumbfuck than I first took you for.

Maybe science could explain it to you. (as in, the genetic differences being less than 1%, and most of that having to do with melanin in the skin.) In fact, White people are deficient in that regard. There's a reason we torch in the sun. Bad genetic mutation.

The day will come when your type dies off. We can only hope it's sooner rather than later.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.

I don't care what the "genetic" differences are son, that doesn't change the fact that the sub-sharan negroid has not evolved at the same rate as the other races/culutres. I don't need to know their DNA to know this. Anthropology, Sociology, Archeology, Modern History, current events, and the evidence I see with my own eyes bears this fact out. The Sub-saharan negroid race has NEVER created any type of modern civilization on it's own, so don't whine to me that the cultures/races are equal. NEVER created any great cities, universities, hospitals or roads. Never made ships of sail, never made air travel possible, never advcanced much beyond the stone age until the Europeans brought them these things. Furthermore, once the Europeans left them to their own devices in the civilizations the Europeans built in black africa, the negroids proved unable to maintain them. Take Rhodesia/Zimbabwe as a good example, but you can choose another african nation if you want to. White Rhodesia not only fed itself, it EXPORTED beef and agricultural goods to other parts of Africa and the world. The negroes took the nation over and renamed it Zimbabwe, threw the whites off of their farms, took over the farms, and now the negroes in Zimbabwe are starving to death. As for the day my kind will die out, I hope the day that honest men making factual statements never dies out. You can whine, cry and deny the truth all you want, but the fact is that as far as the differences in the races go, the facts are, the negroid race has not evolved much and is not in any way equal as a race and a culture to the Caucasion or Mongoloid races.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Great... another "only black people are racists" thread from an avowed racist who has nothing but shit talk to say about black people in race relations thread.

I've seen enough of your posts.

The sad thing is... a majority of the conservatives on the board don't condemn and shun the twelve to fifteen of you on this board, they instead shower you with adoration and back you up at every turn.

Some of them, thankfully, do not... and are capable of seeing that you and the others like you are just simple racist fucks.

Great another liberal scrote making up things others said and then arguing their point. NOT ONCE did I EVER say ONLY negroes where racists, so please, as hard as it is for you liberals to do, please try to stick to the facts and don't put words in my mouth.
As for being shunned for telling the truth, that's an attibute from the left, so I would not expect Conservatives to shun anyone for telling the truth. They may ask you to change how you tell that truth, they may say they disagree with the conclusion you came to by your examination of the truth, they may ask you to sugar coat the truth somewhat to appease you liberals, especially the white guilt filled liberals, but they aren't too good at shunning the truth. NOTHING I have saids about the negro race is a lie, everything I have posted is easily verified and easily looked up for yourself. You call me a racist? I can live with that as the opinions of liberals, especially brain dead white guilt filed liberals, means nothing to me, I consider myself a realist and the reality is that the sub-sharan negroid has not evolved at the same pace as the Caucasion or Mongoloid races have. To deny this is to deny the Historical, Archeological, Sociological and Anthropological evidence, not to mention denying what your own eyes can see and ears can hear in regards to current events, modern statistical evidence and modern history.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Yeah..because when you are "Honorable" like Mitt Romney..

You show support for a war that America is fighting..then go to France.

Instead fighting in the EXACT SAME WAR..like Colin Powell.

And that sort of "Honor" is the hallmark of Conservative patriotism.

No son, the hallmark of Conservative Patriotism is service to nation, and I come from a Conservative family that has served in one branch or another, mostly the USMC, since they came to this nation. My Grandaddy and his brohters all served, my dad and all my uncles served, I and my brothers served, my oldest IS serving and my youngest can't wait till he can serve and I have nephews and a niece that ARE serving. ALL my close friends are Conservatives and almost ALL have served and/or come from families that have served. Save save your bs for your dumbass liberal friends, I know better and I ain't buying manure today. The heroes of the new liberal democratic party, Clinton and Obama not only did not serve, but actually have shown contempt to those that have served, much like many liberal democrats do.
No true Republican scorns General Powell, on the far whitewinges in the party.

I served for twelve years almost to the day on active duty as airborne infantry, stationed in Alaksa, with the 2ID in Korea, and 1st Cav at Fort Hood. I was commanded by minority officers and commanded minorities. Race and sex made no difference in the quality of soldiering.

jtpr would have been discharged as unsuitable for his character beliefs.

Good for you. I also served, as a Rifleman (0311), with Bravo Co. 1/8 Marines 2nd Mardiv which was part of the 24th MAU at the time. While I agree that all Marines are green, and that I have met many black service members, especially Marines, that I admire and respect, it's due almost entirely to the Service's, especially the Marine's, way of changing your views, your values and your character for the better. White, black, yellow or brown doesn't matter, so comparing Military trained negroes to non-Military trained negroes is like comparing apples to oranges. The Military, epsecially the USMC, has a way of training the ghetto out of the black man, and that benefits our society as a whole for the most part. Unfortuntately, too many leave the military, go back to the "hood" and forget all the values they where taught and revert to type. I've seen this with my own eyes with men I served with so nothing you can tell me will change my pov on the matter. The military is filled with people that think like I do, and to say that the military weeds out racists is such an asinine statement it's laughable. I've know and served with racists of all colors in the Corps, and the ONLY thing we had in common was the fact that we were Marines first, and racists second and that racism was directed at the sillyvillians and not at fellow Marines for the most part. STILL off duty the whites mostly hung with the whites, the blacks with the blacks and the hispanics with either other hispanics or the whites. This is a fact of life son. Human beings are tribal and will always associate with groups that they have the most in common with and a white cracker from Virginia has little in common with a ghetto raised negro from Chicago. I ran off duty with the other New Yorkers in my unit one of which happened to be a black Marine, but that's neither here nor there as the facts remain, human beings group themselves most oftenly by race/ethnicity/neighborhood/etc. and for the most part, we separated ourselves by race when off duty. not due to maliciousness, but due to common backgrounds and interests.
Only one word describes jtpr's discourse above: nonsensical.

Having said that, the haters continue to demonstrate they don't get what America is about. But God love them all anyway.

We are 8 days out and almost nothing will change between now and Election Tuesday.

I wish you all the best as Americans, and I will pray that you remember that which unites us more than divides us.
Only one word describes jtpr's discourse above: nonsensical.

Having said that, the haters continue to demonstrate they don't get what America is about. But God love them all anyway.

We are 8 days out and almost nothing will change between now and Election Tuesday.

I wish you all the best as Americans, and I will pray that you remember that which unites us more than divides us.

Lol, nonsensical it may be to braindead liberals, but that doesn't change the fact that it's accurate and factual. As for me, I pray that Americans remember that the scumbag in office, the most divisive president to ever hold office other than maybe that facist bastard Lincoln, called more than half of all Americans his enemeis that needed to be punished and that unity with scum liike that is impossible.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Yeah..because when you are "Honorable" like Mitt Romney..

You show support for a war that America is fighting..then go to France.

Instead fighting in the EXACT SAME WAR..like Colin Powell.

And that sort of "Honor" is the hallmark of Conservative patriotism.

Oh please democrat Johnson started Vietnam and democrat Clinton protested the war.....so fuck off you gutless piece of shit
Funny how the military back him, because he supports them. republicans dont leave em high and dry like Clinton (Black Hawk Down) and Obama (Benghazi).....why wouldnt he want his ambassador rescued?
They had assets nearby in Italy and in Benghazi and in Tripoli.....wtf???
And where was the ambassador's detachment of marines?

Johnson started Vietnam? Get a history book.
Hey melonhead. I NEVER once pretended not to be a racist. I most certainly believe that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others, which is the very definition of racist. Hell, any honest person with eyes that has seen the way most negroes live would have to be racist or a liar if they deny what their own eyes see. By the way scrote, I was born and raised on the East Side of NYC so it's impossible for me to be a hick. Now you run along son, the men are talking now, and you obviously have little or nothing to add.
Then you are even a bigger dumbfuck than I first took you for.

Maybe science could explain it to you. (as in, the genetic differences being less than 1%, and most of that having to do with melanin in the skin.) In fact, White people are deficient in that regard. There's a reason we torch in the sun. Bad genetic mutation.

The day will come when your type dies off. We can only hope it's sooner rather than later.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.

I don't care what the "genetic" differences are son, that doesn't change the fact that the sub-sharan negroid has not evolved at the same rate as the other races/culutres. I don't need to know their DNA to know this. Anthropology, Sociology, Archeology, Modern History, current events, and the evidence I see with my own eyes bears this fact out. The Sub-saharan negroid race has NEVER created any type of modern civilization on it's own, so don't whine to me that the cultures/races are equal. NEVER created any great cities, universities, hospitals or roads. Never made ships of sail, never made air travel possible, never advcanced much beyond the stone age until the Europeans brought them these things. Furthermore, once the Europeans left them to their own devices in the civilizations the Europeans built in black africa, the negroids proved unable to maintain them. Take Rhodesia/Zimbabwe as a good example, but you can choose another african nation if you want to. White Rhodesia not only fed itself, it EXPORTED beef and agricultural goods to other parts of Africa and the world. The negroes took the nation over and renamed it Zimbabwe, threw the whites off of their farms, took over the farms, and now the negroes in Zimbabwe are starving to death. As for the day my kind will die out, I hope the day that honest men making factual statements never dies out. You can whine, cry and deny the truth all you want, but the fact is that as far as the differences in the races go, the facts are, the negroid race has not evolved much and is not in any way equal as a race and a culture to the Caucasion or Mongoloid races.[/QUOTE]

This is an unusual time to be using the computer in the prison library. You must be blowing the right person.
Punk? Me? This is funny coming from a little man like you who sits behind his computer screen calling others names pretending somehow you are this BIG tough boy. It really makes me laugh. Someone else on this board is just like you, maybe you two are one in the same. But remember again the "Great Pretender" you are that you can be squished like the bug you are.

Really, that is the best you have? Coming from such a big tough guy. Try and do better next time will you little boy.
Remember! You can be squished like a the bug you are.

Piss off scrote.

Maybe, but certainly not by a little pissant punk like you.[/QUOTE]
Punk? Me? This is funny coming from a little man like you who sits behind his computer screen calling others names pretending somehow you are this BIG tough boy. It really makes me laugh. Someone else on this board is just like you, maybe you two are one in the same. But remember again the "Great Pretender" you are that you can be squished like the bug you are.

Really, that is the best you have? Coming from such a big tough guy. Try and do better next time will you little boy.
Remember! You can be squished like a the bug you are.

Piss off scrote.

Maybe, but certainly not by a little pissant punk like you.

Lol! You hit the nail square on the head there!
Then you are even a bigger dumbfuck than I first took you for.

Maybe science could explain it to you. (as in, the genetic differences being less than 1%, and most of that having to do with melanin in the skin.) In fact, White people are deficient in that regard. There's a reason we torch in the sun. Bad genetic mutation.

The day will come when your type dies off. We can only hope it's sooner rather than later.

Lol. You don't even now what the two commandments you speak about mean. Trust me, they don't mean what you're trying to imply here. Maybe you'd do well to look up the Hebrew word we translated as neighbour, as in love yours, and it's meaning to the Hebrews, which Jesus was you know. I follow both those commandments my boy, but more importantly, I studied what they actually meant, maybe you should also.

I don't care what the "genetic" differences are son, that doesn't change the fact that the sub-sharan negroid has not evolved at the same rate as the other races/culutres. I don't need to know their DNA to know this. Anthropology, Sociology, Archeology, Modern History, current events, and the evidence I see with my own eyes bears this fact out. The Sub-saharan negroid race has NEVER created any type of modern civilization on it's own, so don't whine to me that the cultures/races are equal. NEVER created any great cities, universities, hospitals or roads. Never made ships of sail, never made air travel possible, never advcanced much beyond the stone age until the Europeans brought them these things. Furthermore, once the Europeans left them to their own devices in the civilizations the Europeans built in black africa, the negroids proved unable to maintain them. Take Rhodesia/Zimbabwe as a good example, but you can choose another african nation if you want to. White Rhodesia not only fed itself, it EXPORTED beef and agricultural goods to other parts of Africa and the world. The negroes took the nation over and renamed it Zimbabwe, threw the whites off of their farms, took over the farms, and now the negroes in Zimbabwe are starving to death. As for the day my kind will die out, I hope the day that honest men making factual statements never dies out. You can whine, cry and deny the truth all you want, but the fact is that as far as the differences in the races go, the facts are, the negroid race has not evolved much and is not in any way equal as a race and a culture to the Caucasion or Mongoloid races.[/QUOTE]

This is an unusual time to be using the computer in the prison library. You must be blowing the right person.[/QUOTE]

I wonder why faggots like you just assume every other guy they talk to is a faggot also?
Punk? Me? This is funny coming from a little man like you who sits behind his computer screen calling others names pretending somehow you are this BIG tough boy. It really makes me laugh. Someone else on this board is just like you, maybe you two are one in the same. But remember again the "Great Pretender" you are that you can be squished like the bug you are.

Really, that is the best you have? Coming from such a big tough guy. Try and do better next time will you little boy.
Remember! You can be squished like a the bug you are.

Piss off scrote.

Maybe, but certainly not by a little pissant punk like you.

You're a little pussy boy, I can smell punk from a mile away and you reek of it. You started this crap boy, you such a tough guy? My whereabouts are posted on this board, come on down and see me, or stfu and admit you're nothing but the pussy I said you are. Now once again, piss off scrote.
Last electrion Colin Powell showed us he's a dishonorable scumbag and a racist bastard by turing his back on all his co-workers and on everything he believed in to endorse obama just because obama's a negro just like him. Now Colin Powell shows us he's not just a racist who has no integrty and honor, but that he is an enemy of this nation and it's way of life. He's a disgrace to the uniform he once war and a perfect exampe of how affrimative action doesn't work. The left is alwayw whining and crying about what racists Republicans are, well in the case of Colin Powell they're right, but for some reason we never hear the left mention his name in these tirades.

Colin Powell endorses President Obama, expresses concern about Mitt Romney - Nation - The Boston Globe

Negro? Say what you mean. Come one. Say the word.

Colin Powell was lied to and ‘manipulated’ into supporting the invasion of Iraq, it was claimed last night.
The former Secretary of State was deliberately not told that information he used to make his famous speech justifying the war was bogus, a former colleague claimed.
Instead the George W Bush White House abused his good reputation to give the push for war much-needed credibility.
The claims were made by Lawrence Wilkerson, Powell’s former chief of staff, in an angry and revealing interview.

Colin Powell 'was lied to and used by George Bush to add credibility to invasion of Iraq' | Mail Online

Powell did his job. He stood in front of the UN and lied to the entire world on behalf of George Bush and the Republican Party.

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That's how it's spelled. Not "negro". Say what you mean Republicans. You get more respect for being honest.

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