10 Reasons The Unborn Is Not Part of a Woman's Body

In plain street lingo the mother is the HOST & the babu in her belly is the resident GUEST, whether wanted or not. As far as a woman's body goes she cannot do as she pleases with her body such as taking illegal drugs, driving a motor vehicle intoxicated, commit premeditated murder, utter out verbal threats to other people, commit shoplifting/burglary, torture animals, smoke in a non smoking area etc, without getting punished for committing these offenses. Like it or not there are morals put into place in any & ALL societies for without morals there can not exist any society. Most likely the pro abortionists are just a lefty division of the narcissistic radical feminist spoiled rotten brats who crave all the attention they can get from others whether negative or not.
The neo-Marxist way is to distance the relationship between the parents and their fetuses and children, in an effort to better control those children that are born, to distance themselves from their parents, as those parents would most likely have anti-Marxist and pro-family views.
Now, that aside, once you have both a heartbeat and the fetus/baby can actually feel pain, it seems a bit inhumane to rip them out, but hey, it's not my kid.
Pregnancy testing kits are cheap and easily available and if the two consenting adults don't want kids, they can easily take cheap contraceptives ahead of time and there are medications to end pregnancies early on (abortion pills).
As for restrictions on abortion, in cases of incest or rape, abortion is obviously the answer. As to personal choice, let the pregnant woman choose, but try to do it early on. When it's cases of serious genetic abnormalities, abortion should be highly recommended, with the parent(s) being shown what life would be like for a baby/child with such a condition via video, but then again, if the pregnant woman prefers to keep it AND can afford to meet its needs without government assistance, then that's her choice.
The neo-Marxist way is to distance the relationship between the parents and their fetuses and children, in an effort to better control those children that are born, to distance themselves from their parents, as those parents would most likely have anti-Marxist and pro-family views.
Now, that aside, once you have both a heartbeat and the fetus/baby can actually feel pain, it seems a bit inhumane to rip them out, but hey, it's not my kid.
Pregnancy testing kits are cheap and easily available and if the two consenting adults don't want kids, they can easily take cheap contraceptives ahead of time and there are medications to end pregnancies early on (abortion pills).
As for restrictions on abortion, in cases of incest or rape, abortion is obviously the answer. As to personal choice, let the pregnant woman choose, but try to do it early on. When it's cases of serious genetic abnormalities, abortion should be highly recommended, with the parent(s) being shown what life would be like for a baby/child with such a condition via video, but then again, if the pregnant woman prefers to keep it AND can afford to meet its needs without government assistance, then that's her choice.
The more the words, the more full of shit they are.

It's a biological fact

Well, half of our body isn't a part of our body.

"Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists."

So, murder isn't murder, because you're mostly killing cells, not human.
Well, half of our body isn't a part of our body.

"Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists."

So, murder isn't murder, because you're mostly killing cells, not human.
It's not murder. It's genocide!!!
Abortion is not murder because it is a lawful killing. Murder by statutory definition is an unlawful killing. The proper and appropriate term is homicide. The Killing of a human being by another.
Well, half of our body isn't a part of our body.

"Human cells make up only 43% of the body's total cell count. The rest are microscopic colonists."

So, murder isn't murder, because you're mostly killing cells, not human.
Under that analysis killing you wouldn't be murder either.

It's a biological fact
1. So does the cheeseburger she ate last night. And, like the remains of the burger, her body will discharge the unwanted parasite when ready.

2. Really? How does the gender of the fetus PROVE it's not part of the mother?

3. Same question regarding blood type.

4. Illogical ranting connecting nothing proving (logically) nothing but the ignorance of the author.

5. Take a 2 month fetus out of the body, it dies, in seconds. Take a 2 month baby away from its mother it will die, eventually, maybe, if no one feeds it. Doesn't need to be the mother because she's no longer attached to the parasitical invader. Show me the process for taking a 3 month fetus out of the host body and transferring it to a willing host and maybe you have a point. But it's still the host's decision.

6. I would go on but none of the rest of that "link" is even remotely relevant to proving that a fetus is not attached to and totally dependent on its host.
Under that analysis killing you wouldn't be murder either.
Abortion is not murder because it is a lawful killing. Murder by statutory definition is an unlawful killing. The proper and appropriate term is homicide. The Killing of a human being by another.
O - yes - lawful, as in Satan's throne. People rationalizing why death is good. Muslims do that when they strap bombs on their kids, or place them where military stuff is, or where rocket launchers are, knowing Israelite's are going to destroy them. The absence of ask and receive, kills people. People have not thought about that for 2000 years. No one thought about that in the days of Christ. God wants people to give people good gifts, that people make. A person asking, should be able to receive.
Under that analysis killing you wouldn't be murder either.

Which is the issue here.

We can get down to all kinds of semantics, the reality is that murder is only murder when it's a person who has been born.

The most important thing for me though, is that we're overpopulated. We don't need to keep so many people alive. So abortion becomes a non-event. We can make sure more of the kids being born are born into good lives. Rather than having kids grow up in unwanted families.
Which is the issue here.

We can get down to all kinds of semantics, the reality is that murder is only murder when it's a person who has been born.

The most important thing for me though, is that we're overpopulated. We don't need to keep so many people alive. So abortion becomes a non-event. We can make sure more of the kids being born are born into good lives. Rather than having kids grow up in unwanted families.
Murder is only murder when there is a law against it. There is no law against killing an unborn child so the killing is not Murder. It is a homicide. What you propose is the slaughter of the poor. We don't need to keep so many people alive. So, we kill off the useless eaters. Malthusian economics proposes housing the poor by toxic waste so the die quickly.

Fortunately we have many of the poor living wasted lives anxious to kill off as many of their own kind as possible. I propose a more humane solution. Sterilize them. Responsible pet owners neuter pets. We trap and neuter feral cats.. Perform a procedure on women who come in for an abortion. Men in custody can be investigated for children and given a vasectomy while serving their sentence.
Murder is only murder when there is a law against it. There is no law against killing an unborn child so the killing is not Murder. It is a homicide. What you propose is the slaughter of the poor. We don't need to keep so many people alive. So, we kill off the useless eaters. Malthusian economics proposes housing the poor by toxic waste so the die quickly.

Fortunately we have many of the poor living wasted lives anxious to kill off as many of their own kind as possible. I propose a more humane solution. Sterilize them. Responsible pet owners neuter pets. We trap and neuter feral cats.. Perform a procedure on women who come in for an abortion. Men in custody can be investigated for children and given a vasectomy while serving their sentence.

Well, WE don't make that decision. We leave it up to the woman to make such a decision.

Rich people have abortions too. They might not want a baby getting in the way either.

It's not an issue of poverty.
Well, WE don't make that decision. We leave it up to the woman to make such a decision.

Rich people have abortions too. They might not want a baby getting in the way either.

It's not an issue of poverty.
Rich people might have abortions but not often. Rich people take care of their bodies better than that. The entire point is that these women are irresponsible. That's how they got pregnant in the first place. Now they want an abortion, most likely paid for by Uncle Sugar. Be a responsible society. Give these women as much care as you would a stray dog.
Rich people might have abortions but not often. Rich people take care of their bodies better than that. The entire point is that these women are irresponsible. That's how they got pregnant in the first place. Now they want an abortion, most likely paid for by Uncle Sugar. Be a responsible society. Give these women as much care as you would a stray dog.

Perhaps. They're irresponsible. So your answer to this is to say others must suffer because of their irresponsibility.
Perhaps. They're irresponsible. So your answer to this is to say others must suffer because of their irresponsibility.
No one suffers. Quietly give them a snip as part of the abortion. They will never have to worry about a baby again. What others do you think would suffer?

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