10 Reasons The Unborn Is Not Part of a Woman's Body

I guess all I have to say is, I'm sure the affected women will see you in court. You haven't thought this through very well, what about all the married women who have to have late trimester abortions because they found out the child they are carrying has multiple system failures and physical abnormalities which are not condusive to life. That's just one of those women dies cuz they're forced to carry on the pregnancy that would be a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the state. The average abortion cost $586.00. The care of just one premature child just reached a new record of 4 million dollars recently. The headlines in just a few years will read, " Texas declares bankruptcy ! " . These idiots don't know what they're in for.
That is not the norm. The fact remains money, or the lack thereof, makes women to do what they do. Giving to each other what is God's is not money. God did not make money. Money is destroying what people buy with money. Resources can run out by 2050. People are thinking about this gadget and that gadget, trying to make money, using up God's gifts. People are only thinking of themselves. The best of whatever can be had when people do what Jesus taught. Money causes women to panic. You are talking about exceptions when the life will not survive, anyway. Money makes god's image to say no to itself. We need to not do that. Free will be a lie when money is used. God is reasonable. God is life. Faith will be seen. The Adversary does not want to see that. Faith is not my belief system is better than your belief system.
Where are there orphanages? Can't we send the little criminals who crawled across the border there? What are the foster homes doing?

Spina bifida used to be a horrible birth defect. Now they operate on spina bifida babies still in the womb. A lot of birth defects are defects of the past.

Yes. Orphanages still exist. They’re called different things these days. Like Group Homes. Shelter for troubled youth. But you can call a Rape a Struggle Snuggle, and it doesn’t change what it is. Just a different name. We like to change the name of things to make it sound better.

Drinking and using drugs or smoking during pregnancy. Those cause defects which are expensive to treat don’t they?

I love Conservatives when these issues come up. Everything is easy, treatable. Except that they detest spending the money when the time comes. Well we just can’t afford it. That is what they say when it comes time to back up those claims.
For me, the important criteria when discussing abortion are the following: location, location, location.

Inside another person's body = nunya bidnez.
Yes. Orphanages still exist. They’re called different things these days. Like Group Homes. Shelter for troubled youth. But you can call a Rape a Struggle Snuggle, and it doesn’t change what it is. Just a different name. We like to change the name of things to make it sound better.

Drinking and using drugs or smoking during pregnancy. Those cause defects which are expensive to treat don’t they?

I love Conservatives when these issues come up. Everything is easy, treatable. Except that they detest spending the money when the time comes. Well we just can’t afford it. That is what they say when it comes time to back up those claims.
What kind of defects do you think drinking and smoking cause? Why did they not cause birth defects before. From the amount of drinking and smoking going on in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, everyone should have been born with a birth defect.

I am not against abortion. It should not be dressed up in all kinds of inappropriate justifications. If you want to, kill the child, kill it. Just don't dress the homicide up in a disguise that makes you feel good.
In the 80s I was a counselor for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles. There I was taught by the women seeking an abortion that they weren't afraid or traumatized. They wanted to get it over with. The only pregnancies attributed to rape were by bored women who tossed off the accusation as if you cared , I didn't I was a scheduler. I ran across quite a few incest pregnancies. All among hispanics. They too just wanted to get it over with. I ran across no guilt, no regrets,. No tears, fears, or trauma. Just a bunch of women outraged at the inconvenience. They had better things to do. Few, very few were white.

In the decades since and the social fabric that has been woven, put an abortion clinic on every street in the ghetto and Barrio. Encourage every Democrat to kill off the next generation of democrats. Just don't pretend this is something other than homicide.
For me, the important criteria when discussing abortion are the following: location, location, location.

Inside another person's body = nunya bidnez.
It's even simpler than that. People who never experienced abortion are in no position to decide that for anyone. The only reason anyone can advocate abortion is because they were not inconvenient enough to be murdered by their own mother. Such moral depravity has no place in civilized society.
It's even simpler than that. People who never experienced abortion are in no position to decide that for anyone. The only reason anyone can advocate abortion is because they were not inconvenient enough to be murdered by their own mother. Such moral depravity has no place in civilized society.

So only Murder Victims should be on juries to decide Murder cases? Or Rape victims for rapes?

That argument works for anything doesn’t it? The trial of the McMichaels is beginning in a couple weeks. The jury must be made up of people who have had a black relative killed by white men to be fair according to your logic. But is that a fair trial?
So only Murder Victims should be on juries to decide Murder cases? Or Rape victims for rapes?

That argument works for anything doesn’t it? The trial of the McMichaels is beginning in a couple weeks. The jury must be made up of people who have had a black relative killed by white men to be fair according to your logic. But is that a fair trial?
Never said that. In case of juries, you have adults looking at evidence and making rational decisions based upon bodies of law. Your comparison is illogical.
If you watch television, all the people very sick from covid-19 in the hospitals dying. All of them say they wish they had been vaccinated. All of them thought they were not at risk.

I don't watch television. I'm in my 40s, healthy weight/BMI, don't smoke, exercise regularly, no drugs, no personal or family history of respiratory disease, strokes, heart attacks, cancer, or allergies. How am I at risk?
Never said that. In case of juries, you have adults looking at evidence and making rational decisions based upon bodies of law. Your comparison is illogical.

And an adult making a decision about her own body is not the same? According to you it is the victim that matters, not the adult making the decision.
And an adult making a decision about her own body is not the same? According to you it is the victim that matters, not the adult making the decision.
An adult who was born is making a decision to deny birth to another. Most based on nothing but inconvenience. If you don't see the problem, there is something wrong with.
An adult who was born is making a decision to deny birth to another. Most based on nothing but inconvenience. If you don't see the problem, there is something wrong with.

I think it is idiotic to get Plastic surgery. Breast enhancements as one example. But I have no right to tell someone to do it or not. I think it is selfish to get a kitten or puppy and then dump them at the shelter. I think a lot of things are wrong. But it is not my place to do anything about it.

I don’t know why that woman is having an abortion. And it is none of my business. It is her life. Not mine. Even using Religious Teachings, my duty is to pray for the woman, and hope that God guides her to the right decision.

I’m a Smoker. I smoke despite knowing how bad it is for me. It’s my choice, and I can’t blame anyone for it. I want to be free to live my life the way I want. I can’t begrudge that freedom to another.

All that anyone can do is make sure I am aware of the risks. And that is all anyone can do for a woman who wants an abortion. After that is attended to, the best thing is to make it as safe as possible.

Give her the best chance possible to get through the procedure safely.

But I’ll give you another good reason not to outlaw them. Cheapskate Conservatives. Ones who are always screaming about welfare mothers and all that. They would have to cough up more money for the various programs they detest. Their property taxes would go up to afford new schools. For all those kids need them right?

Social Spending would have to go up, and Conservatives hate spending a dime on any social programs. We have enough hungry kids in this country. We have enough kids shoved into overcrowded classrooms. We have enough of everything except money to care for them. And the Conservatives are the ones leading the charge to cut those funds every chance they can.

So you will never get me on board. An abortion is bad. But it is worse in my mind to subject that kid to a lifetime of deprivations and sorrow knowing that the odds are that kid will end up being a resident of the state for the rest of his life when he turns to crime to get money because there isn’t any other alternatives. Or the kid will end up in an orphanage now called Group Homes to make them more inviting, while Conservatives scream that they cost too much and we need new airplanes to kill our enemies with.

So no. I won’t sign on in opposition to Abortion for those among other reasons. Solve some of those issues, especially the financial one, and we can reconsider. Until then, fuck off and get out of her Uterus.

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