10 Traits Found In Socialists

Nice but decidedly not true.
Republicans fought a war to eliminate slavery.
Republicans do not believe in the use of force for personal ends. In fact, they want limits on government power, period.

So thanks, but your silly talking points are flat.

Republicans believe in slavery of the worker. They have fought against labor unions to protect management, they have fought minimum wage laws, fought workplace safety, fought equal pay for equal work

Use of force for personal ends....why are we in Iraq?

The reason the Repubs are against unions is because of the damage they do to each state. The facts are, that the states in the worse budget crisis are union heavy.
Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink - Forbes.com

Umm those seem to be the states with the most industrial losses due to offshoring and importing.
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Republicans believe in slavery of the worker. They have fought against labor unions to protect management, they have fought minimum wage laws, fought workplace safety, fought equal pay for equal work

Use of force for personal ends....why are we in Iraq?

The reason the Repubs are against unions is because of the damage they do to each state. The facts are, that the states in the worse budget crisis are union heavy.
Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink - Forbes.com

Umm those seem to be the states with the most industrial losses due to offshoring and importing.

which some would argue is because of unions and their restrictions
The reason the Repubs are against unions is because of the damage they do to each state. The facts are, that the states in the worse budget crisis are union heavy.
Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink - Forbes.com

Umm those seem to be the states with the most industrial losses due to offshoring and importing.

which some would argue is because of unions and their restrictions

But they did so much better than most of the other states for so long.

they carried our WW2 war manufacturing effort, etc.

What would we do now in a similiar situation?
Import tanks and planes from China?
Umm those seem to be the states with the most industrial losses due to offshoring and importing.

which some would argue is because of unions and their restrictions

But they did so much better than most of the other states for so long.

they carried our WW2 war manufacturing effort, etc.

What would we do now in a similiar situation?
Import tanks and planes from China?

we still could produce oru own stuff but it would be way more expensive. in actual war time I really have no idea. Not sure I would trust equipment from other places. "Factory jobs" are always boom and bust. without heavy demand they fall apart
which some would argue is because of unions and their restrictions

But they did so much better than most of the other states for so long.

they carried our WW2 war manufacturing effort, etc.

What would we do now in a similiar situation?
Import tanks and planes from China?

we still could produce oru own stuff but it would be way more expensive. in actual war time I really have no idea. Not sure I would trust equipment from other places. "Factory jobs" are always boom and bust. without heavy demand they fall apart

We do not have the infrastructure left to produce a large scale war effort.
We could not even produce enough steel.

And most of our electronics is imported.
I guess we could use iPads in fighters..Ohh wait they are made in China as well...
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But they did so much better than most of the other states for so long.

they carried our WW2 war manufacturing effort, etc.

What would we do now in a similiar situation?
Import tanks and planes from China?

we still could produce oru own stuff but it would be way more expensive. in actual war time I really have no idea. Not sure I would trust equipment from other places. "Factory jobs" are always boom and bust. without heavy demand they fall apart

We do not have the infrastructure left to produce a large scale war effort.
We could not even produce enough steel.

And most of our electronics is imported.
I guess we could use iPads in fighters..Ohh wait they are made in China as well...

yea I think you are right. I was going somewhere else with it but it doesn't really fit
If we want to compete in a world market, for ordinary products, we'll have to become a third world country. China can produce and ship half, way around the world, cheaper than we can produce that product. We've gotten where we are because of entrepreneurs and innovation and technology. We have always been just a step ahead of everyone else. Capitolism allows entrepreneurs and innovation and technology to florish because of the great rewards.

Stifle the freedom to grow rich and soon we will be a third world country.
Oppression is the enforcement of the self-evident truth that all men are created equal, and possess inalienable rights?

At the point of a Gun? You will buy healthcare lest you pay a penality or go to jail?

You WILL pay for this for 4 years before you can avail yourself of it?

You are twisted. You know damned well what the Founders meant. But you applaud the oppressors.


What makes you...or anyone for that matter....think you know what the Founders meant? Seems to me political extremes are hell bent on claiming to know what the Founders meant or think or feel about goings on now.

Fact is - you were born some two and half centuries (give or take a few decades) after the main event. I don't think anyone has the right to claim they know what the founders meant when it comes to modern events.

Except in cases where distinct similarities exist and we can use their writings to imagine what they might say if they were alive today.

Why a bunch od dead white guys have to be right just because they're dead white guys, I don't know, but people worship this dead white guys.
At the point of a Gun? You will buy healthcare lest you pay a penality or go to jail?

You WILL pay for this for 4 years before you can avail yourself of it?

You are twisted. You know damned well what the Founders meant. But you applaud the oppressors.


What makes you...or anyone for that matter....think you know what the Founders meant? Seems to me political extremes are hell bent on claiming to know what the Founders meant or think or feel about goings on now.

Fact is - you were born some two and half centuries (give or take a few decades) after the main event. I don't think anyone has the right to claim they know what the founders meant when it comes to modern events.

That's why history is important. It's not just about events, it's about the context of those events. The Founding Fathers imported English notions rather than European notions and that was a firm foundation for the new nation. So it's useful to look at how those concepts grew in England from the Norman Conquest to the 18th Century and how the Founding Fathers understood and applied them and intended for them to develop to meet the needs of the nation as it grew beyond the few original colonies hugging the eastern coast and near landmass.
Isn't England in Europe?
Nice but decidedly not true.
Republicans fought a war to eliminate slavery.
Republicans do not believe in the use of force for personal ends. In fact, they want limits on government power, period.

So thanks, but your silly talking points are flat.


patriot act?
fisa upgrades to allow warrantless wiretapping?

do i need to say more?

Which this administration of course, put a stop too immediately.



Nevermind ..........
Et Tu is a fallacy used by those who won't own up to their own shit
The word socialism has real meaning to Americans...it's not just a "code" word....and don't think we would be fooled by using the words "public good" either.... most of us Americans prefer freedom to the bondage of socialism...

They're ready to give up the police, public fire departments, public schools, public libraries, public parks, public roads, health clinics for the poor...?
Coming from a socialist country you probably don't really understand the negative gut reaction that so many Americans are having to socialist events

The USA is a socialist nation and has been for some time.
Traditional values here are closely tied with our Constitution and our Christian religion. Capitalism is the free market system that does well with these...not socialism...we have no desire to let go of our traditional laws and values...

Jesus lived like a beggar and his disciples held their property in common like socialist hippies.
Funny.. there sure are a lot of people jumping to defend socialism... and they're all Obama supporters.

Nuff said.
Actually, I wanted Ron Paul for president, but don't let reality get in the way of partisan hackery...
The reason the Repubs are against unions is because of the damage they do to each state. The facts are, that the states in the worse budget crisis are union heavy.
Political Litmus Test: Bluest States Spilling The Most Red Ink - Forbes.com

Umm those seem to be the states with the most industrial losses due to offshoring and importing.

which some would argue is because of unions and their restrictions

Right.. because it's the unions who are pushing for 'outsourcing'...
Oh hey look a nuanced, fair study into the looks of a political ideology by a right wing source. What a surprise!

Why is everyone arguing about socialism anyway, who cares about socialism, at the most you all will continue to experience social democracy (as we have been for quite some time), but a purely socialist society in America isn't coming anytime soon. This is a stupid thread. Funny list though.
The bedrock premise of socialism is that the government ought to control the economy.

That is it.

The bedrock premise of the mixed economic system we have is that the economy ought to be as unbridled from government interference AS POSSIBLE.

And it's the constant debate about what is necessary to regulate, not socialism v capitalism, that drives much of our political debating.

Remember, without some government to support the structure of a society, no market is really possible.

But too much interference is going to cause the market to be less efficient that it could be, too.

Findin ghte balance between anarchy and totalitarianism is never easy, and it is never ending, too.

Things change and societies must change to accomodate those changes.

What we mostly have now is corrupted government.

That is the reason that so many of you anti-government types think all government is the problem.

The thing I constantly marvel at is how many of you are duped into thinking that the Republicans are against government, and the Dems are for it.

They're BOTH for a government that makes them and their better off, at the expense of the rest of us who are NOT insiders.

How can any of you continue to miss this?
The bedrock premise of socialism is that the government ought to control the economy.

That is it.

The bedrock premise of the mixed economic system we have is that the economy ought to be as unbridled from government interference AS POSSIBLE.

And it's the constant debate about what is necessary to regulate, not socialism v capitalism, that drives much of our political debating.

Remember, without some government to support the structure of a society, no market is really possible.

But too much interference is going to cause the market to be less efficient that it could be, too.

Findin ghte balance between anarchy and totalitarianism is never easy, and it is never ending, too.

Things change and societies must change to accomodate those changes.

What we mostly have now is corrupted government.

That is the reason that so many of you anti-government types think all government is the problem.

The thing I constantly marvel at is how many of you are duped into thinking that the Republicans are against government, and the Dems are for it.

They're BOTH for a government that makes them and their better off, at the expense of the rest of us who are NOT insiders.

How can any of you continue to miss this?

Jesus man there are more people out there with book sense and logic in America. I've been wandering this vast, arid desert, praying that I wasn't one of the last of my kind that employs reason and observational skills. :clap2:

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