100,000 people shot in the US per year! Good guy saving lives?

And we Americans don't care what you foreigners think

Many of us don't like lots dying actually.
I don't either but those people dying had nothing to do with the fact that i happen to own firearms did it?

You have fought to make it easier for him to be so well armed.

I didn't pull the trigger therefore I have absolutely no culpability in any of those deaths.

You helped arm the murderer.
No I didn't.

I didn't even know the guy.

I didn't buy any guns for him'

I didn't sell any guns to him.

Tell me every time you take a drink are you making it easier for some idiot to drive drunk and kill people on the highway?
NO ONE is calling for the banning of ALL guns....our country is too invested in the macho image......BUT, sane folks SHOULD call for the banning of military-style, assault weapons with extensive ammo clips whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....

All that you gun nuts are doing is FACILITATING murderous wackos' jobs for them.

Killing people is not the only use for an AR style rifle. I used one for several years hunting coyote.
They sure are effective killing many really fast.
Then why is it rifles of any kind are used in less than 2% of all murders?

Tell that to the dead at Vegas.
Yup! - We lost & wounded as many in Vegas in 10 minutes as in the battle for Fallujah, Iraq that was the blodiest battle of the entire war & lasted nearly 2 months
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?

That amounts to 0.033%. How is that bad and what the heck does that have to do with medical costs?
Better check your numbers, unless you rely on Facebook for your news.
The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

How accurate is the Facebook post?

If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot in a year. That’s very close to the 1000,000 the Facebook post said.

What is your solution? Keep in mind there were 37,461 auto crash fatalities in 2016.

What is your solution for the 13,000 shooting deaths? Seems to me that 13,000 out of 330,000,000 is a pretty good record.
Then why is it rifles of any kind are used in less than 2% of all murders?

But that 2% (if accurate) sure is a doozy.....Just ask those folks in Vegas, or Orlando, or Sandy Hook.

FYI only 1% of all murders happen in mass shooting events.

Less than 2% of all murders are committed with rifles of any kind

99% of all murders happen outside of mass shooting events why do you think those 99% are less important ?
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?
----------------------------------------------- you better check your numbers but that being said , heck , lots of criminals that DESERVE to be shot are shot by cops or homeowners and others KISS .

Way more people are accidently shot and killed than criminals are shot and killed.

The shooter where someone is accidentally is shot and killed is a criminal. They are arrested and charged, probably with negligent homicide. What else do you have?

What is your solution?
Number of Fucks Given:



Sorry, commies. None of this shit matters. Freedom has a cost. If your goose-stepping asses don't like it, GET THE FUCK OUT!!!


Sounds like a Saturday in Chicago.
More Fake Trump / Fox News! - Chicago doesn't even rank in the top 15 large cities gun murder per capita.

The ignorance of the white rubes is hilarious.
Just keep spewing Chicago.

I think Memphis is the leader plus other confederate citiEs
They do have foul mouths though.
Can't communicate w/o a fuxx
Must go down well with the rube women

I hear ole Maduro down in Venezuela is now arming those who support him and setting those armed pit bulls loose on the UN-armed opposition population....

I'll gladly give up my guns, the day the last leftist/Progressive/Commie has been eradicated.....cause then the world will be safe again.
------------------------------------------- that is an interesting bit of info for those that can comprehend the planning . I think that the 'venzie' government first outlawed private gun ownership and then armed up 'maduros' rabble of militia men supporters eh BHUnit . .
Better check your numbers, unless you rely on Facebook for your news.
The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

How accurate is the Facebook post?

If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot in a year. That’s very close to the 1000,000 the Facebook post said.

Yeah....you lose the suicides since they don't count.....you lose the legal inteventions, since they don't count.....

Where do you put the 1,500,000 times a year that Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack? You know.....according to bill clinton's Department of Justice, and barak obama's Centers for Disease control..

Since you are using the CDC....in 2013 barak obama had them look at all available gun research, at a cost of 10 million dollars....they found that Americans use guns between 500,000 and 3,000,000 times a year to stop violent criminal attack.....

You know...since you are using the CDC numbers...

Let's see....even at the lowest end of the CDC research...500,000.....

500,000 vs 104,852.....can you tell which number is bigger? And of those numbers....those are rapes, robberies and murders stopped....which also means lives saved.......

So....using your own source, guns save more lives than they take.....a net gain for society...
And because nowhere in the constitution does it say that conviction of a felony means you lose you right to bear arms, the day you are released from prison you are given your guns back, preferably cleaned and well oiled and ready for use.

According to this Repubtard it was good to give the violent criminal record Texas Church Shooter as many guns & bullets as he wanted.

No.....that is on your god....the government....your god failed to press "send" when it was time to transmit his criminal record to the FBI.....because had the clerk pressed "send" he wouldn't have been able to buy 4 guns legally....
NO ONE is calling for the banning of ALL guns....our country is too invested in the macho image......BUT, sane folks SHOULD call for the banning of military-style, assault weapons with extensive ammo clips whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.....

All that you gun nuts are doing is FACILITATING murderous wackos' jobs for them.

The AR-15 is the most popular civilian self defense rifle...it is not and has never been a military rifle....

Magazine capacity has no bearing on those killed in mass public shootings or in regular street crime....

You know this by now...since it has been explained to you in great detail...yet you continue to post the crap you just posted.....showing you to be a troll...
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?
----------------------------------------------- you better check your numbers but that being said , heck , lots of criminals that DESERVE to be shot are shot by cops or homeowners and others KISS .

Way more people are accidently shot and killed than criminals are shot and killed.

That isn't the correct measure...since of the 9,616 gun murders, 70-80% of the victims are actual criminals.

And of course....you are wrong.....just a comparison between accidental car deaths, gun murder and accidental gun death shows you are wrong...

Total car accidental death....


Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC
Total car accidental death....

2015....36,161--------- Gun murder 9,616
2014....33,736 -------- Gun murder 8,312
2013....33,804-------- Gun murder 8,454
2012....34,935 ------- Gun murder 8,897

Accidental gun deaths...

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
Better check your numbers, unless you rely on Facebook for your news.
The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

Suicide: 18,735 deaths
Homicide: 11,493 deaths
Unintentional: 554 deaths
Legal interventions: 333 deaths
Undetermined: 232 deaths

Total: 31,347 deaths

The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

How accurate is the Facebook post?

If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot in a year. That’s very close to the 1000,000 the Facebook post said.
------------------------------------------------------------ so 18 thousand suiciders , they don't count as they'll just kill themselves in a different fashion . Legal interventions are also cool and don't count and non fatal doesn't count either . All in ALL thats pretty good for a country of 330 million of all sorts in the USA . How many die yearly traveling Americas highways and byways Kiss .

Non fatal doesn't count? Imagine the medical bills. How many cripples created?

Imagine the lives saved as 1,500,000 Americans use their guns to stop rapes, robberies and murders.....the medical bills not created, the cripples not created......
100,000 people are shot in the USA every year!

How many were shot by a good guy with a gun saving lives?

The only good guys / hero's are the the people saving more & more lives of gunshot victims thereby reducing the murder rate. Gee I wonder why medical cost keep rising?
----------------------------------------------- you better check your numbers but that being said , heck , lots of criminals that DESERVE to be shot are shot by cops or homeowners and others KISS .
It's on you to prove the numbers wrong. Yeah a whopping 333 criminals shot a year.

Yes...out of 1,500,000 defensive gun uses, on average according to bill clinton's Department of Justice research into gun self defense........what this shows is that American gun owners are responsible and do not shoot when they don't have to....

And, of course....the most important point....as more Americans own guns...our crime rate went down....that is lives saved, money saved, criminals not committing crime...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

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