- 100 days until LARGEST tax hike in history ; Courtesy of Obama and Leftists


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

If anyone is concerned about the stagnant growth of our ecomony right now.. Just wait until the LARGEST TAX HIKES in the history of our nation hits Middle Class Americans.. Liberals never saw a tax they didn't like.. They love to spend other people's money.. they believe they are ENTITLED to it.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 for fiscal discipline and common sense economics to grow our economy instead of spending our nation in to destruction.

Who here has ever spent their way out of poverty and debt?? NO ONE.

While this President demands more of the American people, he and his VP guard their own money like The US Treasury..

Tax returns released by Mitt Romney today show 30% of income to the poor.. 14.1% in taxes while Joe Biden gave 1.9% to the poor..

The LIBERAL mantra: Give me your money to redistribute while I hide my own money and say FUCK YOU to the needy.
Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

If anyone is concerned about the stagnant growth of our ecomony right now.. Just wait until the LARGEST TAX HIKES in the history of our nation hits Middle Class Americans.. Liberals never saw a tax they didn't like.. They love to spend other people's money.. they believe they are ENTITLED to it.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 for fiscal discipline and common sense economics to grow our economy instead of spending our nation in to destruction.

Who here has ever spent their way out of poverty and debt?? NO ONE.


Good point, but let's not forget OBAMATAX, the leviathan of tax increases.
While this President demands more of the American people, he and his VP guard their own money like The US Treasury..

Tax returns released by Mitt Romney today show 30% of income to the poor.. 14.1% in taxes while Joe Biden gave 1.9% to the poor..

The LIBERAL mantra: Give me your money to redistribute while I hide my own money and say FUCK YOU to the needy.

Romney's average between 1990-2009 as far charity goes is 13.45%..
you jackasses honestly believe 30% is a coincidence in an election bid?

You also know he claimed 2.5 million of the 4 million, shielding some income from taxation and inflating the number. A trick of the uber-elite, read a book. There is the great debate about how much the rich would give if tax deductions for charitable causes were removed completely. You must have missed that one.

Obama gave about the average for the elite folk, and what Romney gives when he isn't running for President.

Damn, Biden is a penny pincher though....
Which Mitt Romney will you vote for? The one who doesn't care about the 47%; the one who is for the 100%; the pro-choice Mitt; the pro-life Mitt; the Mitt that's for universal healthcare with a mandate; the Mitt who is against universal healthcare; the Mitt that thinks we should already be out of Afghanistan; or the Mitt that thinks we should stay in Afghanistan indefinitely.

So many Mitts to choose from. ;-)
Which Mitt Romney will you vote for? The one who doesn't care about the 47%; the one who is for the 100%; the pro-choice Mitt; the pro-life Mitt; the Mitt that's for universal healthcare with a mandate; the Mitt who is against universal healthcare; the Mitt that thinks we should already be out of Afghanistan; or the Mitt that thinks we should stay in Afghanistan indefinitely.

So many Mitts to choose from. ;-)

I'd worry about Hussein Obama.. Is his name Barry or Barack? Does he only apologize to our enemies on the basis of religion? When he said he'd close GITMO, did he lie? When he took taxpayer money and promised unemployment wouldn't go above 6%, was that a lie? When he said he would cut the DEFICIT in half, was that a lie also?

110% of GDP to the deficit.. 2 times lowered credit rating.. all time high unemployment.. all time lower incomes since the Great Depression- A middle east in flames- dead Americans and an attack on 9-11 under this President's incompetence.

You're a joke and so is your President.
There is the great debate about how much the rich would give if tax deductions for charitable causes were removed completely. You must have missed that one.

There is an ever greater debate on how much ALL of us would give to charity if the US government wasn't taking 55% of what we earn. The US has the highest corporate tax rates in the world, yet we lead the world in charity by a country mile. I guess you missed this great debate....

Facts.... they are a bitch for you dumbocrats!
No delay nowah or evah. It's ovah.

Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

If anyone is concerned about the stagnant growth of our ecomony right now.. Just wait until the LARGEST TAX HIKES in the history of our nation hits Middle Class Americans.. Liberals never saw a tax they didn't like.. They love to spend other people's money.. they believe they are ENTITLED to it.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 for fiscal discipline and common sense economics to grow our economy instead of spending our nation in to destruction.

Who here has ever spent their way out of poverty and debt?? NO ONE.

So first you complain about the 47% who "pay no taxes", but now that those people will pay something, you are complaining again. So which way do you want it? Taxes go up for the 47% or they don't?

Let me guess, no matter which way it happens, you'll complain and it will be Obamas fault.

LOL, jesus you're a fucking hack.
Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

If anyone is concerned about the stagnant growth of our ecomony right now.. Just wait until the LARGEST TAX HIKES in the history of our nation hits Middle Class Americans.. Liberals never saw a tax they didn't like.. They love to spend other people's money.. they believe they are ENTITLED to it.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 for fiscal discipline and common sense economics to grow our economy instead of spending our nation in to destruction.

Who here has ever spent their way out of poverty and debt?? NO ONE.


Good point, but let's not forget OBAMATAX, the leviathan of tax increases.

Only for moochers such as yourself.
Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

If anyone is concerned about the stagnant growth of our ecomony right now.. Just wait until the LARGEST TAX HIKES in the history of our nation hits Middle Class Americans.. Liberals never saw a tax they didn't like.. They love to spend other people's money.. they believe they are ENTITLED to it.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 for fiscal discipline and common sense economics to grow our economy instead of spending our nation in to destruction.

Who here has ever spent their way out of poverty and debt?? NO ONE.


Didn't the House Republicans agree to this deal?
So first you complain about the 47% who "pay no taxes", but now that those people will pay something, you are complaining again. So which way do you want it? Taxes go up for the 47% or they don't?

Let me guess, no matter which way it happens, you'll complain and it will be Obamas fault.

LOL, jesus you're a fucking hack.

Yes, 2 days ago they wanted everyone to pay taxes; today they don't want anyone to pay taxes....the GOP is strange. I guess looking down the barrel of a thumping defeat does that to a political party.
While this President demands more of the American people, he and his VP guard their own money like The US Treasury..

Tax returns released by Mitt Romney today show 30% of income to the poor.. 14.1% in taxes while Joe Biden gave 1.9% to the poor..

The LIBERAL mantra: Give me your money to redistribute while I hide my own money and say FUCK YOU to the needy.

That Joe Biden is a cheap son of a bitch isn't he?
Americans for Tax Reform : 100 Days Until Taxmageddon

If anyone is concerned about the stagnant growth of our ecomony right now.. Just wait until the LARGEST TAX HIKES in the history of our nation hits Middle Class Americans.. Liberals never saw a tax they didn't like.. They love to spend other people's money.. they believe they are ENTITLED to it.

Vote Romney/Ryan 2012 for fiscal discipline and common sense economics to grow our economy instead of spending our nation in to destruction.

Who here has ever spent their way out of poverty and debt?? NO ONE.


Didn't the House Republicans agree to this deal?

They not only agreed, didn't The Boehner say he got 95% of what he wanted?
So first you complain about the 47% who "pay no taxes", but now that those people will pay something, you are complaining again. So which way do you want it? Taxes go up for the 47% or they don't?

Let me guess, no matter which way it happens, you'll complain and it will be Obamas fault.

LOL, jesus you're a fucking hack.

Yes, 2 days ago they wanted everyone to pay taxes; today they don't want anyone to pay taxes....the GOP is strange. I guess looking down the barrel of a thumping defeat does that to a political party.

This is a perfect example of them not caring that their positions are not consistent. As long as they can blame Obama they'll gladly change opinions instantly. Romney is perfect for them.
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This is the 2nd thread today alone started by PaintballSlinger that I proved her to be a complete and absolute idiot. She makes it way too easy.
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