100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

Donald Trump’s solution is to ... levy a 45% tax on Chinese imports. The idea is to make Chinese goods more expensive so that American producers who pay their workers more can gain a competitive edge.

There’s a painful side effect to this plan, however: It would, well, make a lot of products more expensive, and most of the price hikes would come straight out of consumer wallets. ... A 45% tariff on Chinese imports would encourage other low-cost exporters, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico, to ship more goods to America. Whether U.S. producers would gain an edge is debatable. ...

Trump’s tariff plan would likely meet firm public resistance. Economists would also protest. “Economists disagree about a lot,” says Ozimek, “but there’s very strong agreement that free trade benefits Americans, on average.” A poll of economists by the University of Chicago, for instance, found that 100% of them believe U.S. trade with China makes most Americans better off.

Most economists also agree that free trade—like anything that improves efficiency and market performance—produces winners and losers. And the losers usually include people who get the job done slower, at a higher cost than competitors. Protecting underperformers isn’t likely to help the U.S. economy. Helping them perform better would.​

Donald Trump wants you to pay more for smartphones, TVs and a lot else

How many of them are worth billions?
...from money given to him by daddy.

I already know that you're a fool.

Why don't you list 10 Wealthy non-Internet Business People who made it completely on their own.
I would be happy to support that, in the interests of strangling Third World Manufacturing and bring those jobs home.

Strangling third world manufacturing? That's a great idea! Now all those poor masses have no jobs at all and are ripe for groups like ISIS and al Qaeda. And then you start screaming about how scared you are and that we should spend trillions to send troops all over the world to get killed.
So you would sacrifice our jobs to bring up their standard of living? You must love the TPP.........................

My interests are our interests first.........not theirs .............and poor countries have been poor for ..........well forever........I don't want to join them................If you feel that bad for them then send them your money as a form of charity........not put Americans out of work to give them jobs.
Who here thinks we get a good deal with Cruz's VAT???????????? Who here thinks a $100,000 home should cost an extra $16,000 to buy it.............

By this 1 example alone.............should we allow Cruz to put this in place................................

I'm not a fan of Cruz................if you haven't figured that out..............With his wife being with Goldman Sachs................STRIKE 2.

VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.

I am against more taxes, I am for a simplified tax system.

The tax system Trump wants to implement is the far left wet dream tax, yet they hate him for it.

Flat tax would be good, but the problem is you would have to make sure the far left never gains power..
I want a tax system where I pay a flat rate and file taxes on a post card.............Get rid of the MASSIVE TAX CODES...............

Simple is always better....................KISS principle.........Keep it simple Stupid applies.

Well the far left argument is that the flat tax punishes the poor, but I know that is just a religious talking point..

Would this flat tax be applied all across the board and replace the income tax? or would there be a different flat tax for corporations and investments?
I favor across the board. as we need a minimum of 18% to Balance.................Corporate taxes should be flat and lowered.....hopefully to stimulate growth..............and stop INVERSION from countries like Canada and the UK whose corp taxes are 12%......versus 35% here...............so they hold the money..........we need it invested here.
VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.

I am against more taxes, I am for a simplified tax system.

The tax system Trump wants to implement is the far left wet dream tax, yet they hate him for it.

Flat tax would be good, but the problem is you would have to make sure the far left never gains power..
I want a tax system where I pay a flat rate and file taxes on a post card.............Get rid of the MASSIVE TAX CODES...............

Simple is always better....................KISS principle.........Keep it simple Stupid applies.

Well the far left argument is that the flat tax punishes the poor, but I know that is just a religious talking point..

Would this flat tax be applied all across the board and replace the income tax? or would there be a different flat tax for corporations and investments?
I favor across the board. as we need a minimum of 18% to Balance.................Corporate taxes should be flat and lowered.....hopefully to stimulate growth..............and stop INVERSION from countries like Canada and the UK whose corp taxes are 12%......versus 35% here...............so they hold the money..........we need it invested here.

What about capital gains? Would that tax go away or also be flat?
Trump will tear up bad Free Trade Agreements
He can't do that unilaterally.

But it's nice to fantasize, isn't it?
I agree.....................we are in a treaty...........Trade agreements approved by the Congress and Senate.........Which is how under the Constituion it is supposed to work......................

If I wanted another pen and a phone guy I vote for another Obama............but I never voted for him............Never will.............The Constitution should be binding to the Gov't whether Republican or Democrat................That is not an option for me.
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.

I am against more taxes, I am for a simplified tax system.

The tax system Trump wants to implement is the far left wet dream tax, yet they hate him for it.

Flat tax would be good, but the problem is you would have to make sure the far left never gains power..
I want a tax system where I pay a flat rate and file taxes on a post card.............Get rid of the MASSIVE TAX CODES...............

Simple is always better....................KISS principle.........Keep it simple Stupid applies.

Well the far left argument is that the flat tax punishes the poor, but I know that is just a religious talking point..

Would this flat tax be applied all across the board and replace the income tax? or would there be a different flat tax for corporations and investments?
I favor across the board. as we need a minimum of 18% to Balance.................Corporate taxes should be flat and lowered.....hopefully to stimulate growth..............and stop INVERSION from countries like Canada and the UK whose corp taxes are 12%......versus 35% here...............so they hold the money..........we need it invested here.

What about capital gains? Would that tax go away or also be flat?
Trump will tear up bad Free Trade Agreements
He can't do that unilaterally.

But it's nice to fantasize, isn't it?
I agree.....................we are in a treaty...........Trade agreements approved by the Congress and Senate.........Which is how under the Constituion it is supposed to work......................

If I wanted another pen and a phone guy I vote for another Obama............but I never voted for him............Never will.............The Constitution should be binding to the Gov't whether Republican or Democrat................That is not an option for me.

Trump said this months ago and NOT ONE person has come forward from ANY PARTY and said it can't be done.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.
Yep free trade has done WONDERS for Americans. I can point out at LEAST 25 plants/factories I either worked at or family members worked at OR people were working at as I was growing up that are now CLOSED either gone overseas or just closed down because of CHEAP CRAP from overseas. Trump is right 100%. PERIOD.
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.

Please add 16% to the price tag and pay down the debt.................Pretty please........

If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.

Wow! That was tough to find.
Yep free trade has done WONDERS for Americans. I can point out at LEAST 25 plants/factories I either worked at or family members worked at OR people were working at as I was growing up that are now CLOSED either gone overseas or just closed down because of CHEAP CRAP from overseas. Trump is right 100%. PERIOD.
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
Both parties suck as they are both dependent on MNC contributions to run their campaigns.
He tried to help out Atlantic City's economy and got kicked in the a$$ for it by the ungrateful amongst us who are hooked on Hillary.
Holy shit! You're drinking the Trump Kool-Aid by the gallon!

Trump only tries to help out Trump. His casino went bankrupt because he's not the genius businessman that he says he is, and you swallow hook, line and sinker.

Owning a casino is a license to print money. And he failed spectacularly, screwing over all the people he signed contracts with.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.

Wow! That was tough to find.

Now if Krugman agrees I'm going to have to be skeptical of it. He right about as often as a stopped clock.

Slave Labor? you mean like what is used to make the most over priced electronics known as apple products?

And though, here American liberals are using these same Apple electronics. HYPOCRITES!


^^^ I see we've added yet another retard to the forum![/QUOTE]

Those overpriced Apple products last about 6 years.[/QUOTE]

Then don't buy any! Pretty simple, really.
Good post. But no one could ever convince me us not having jobs is somehow good for us. Maybe you can?

Because the jobs argument is an illusion.

It costs about $2 to make a T-shirt in Vietnam. It costs about $12 (or more) to make the same T-shirt in America. Even if you got rid of all the government regulations crap, it would still cost many times more to make a T-shirt in America. That $10 difference is money out of your pocket that you could have spent elsewhere in the economy. So that's $10 towards an American job somewhere else that doesn't exist anymore because of the tariff.

Only 15% of America's economy is exports. 85% of America's economy is internally generated. Most of the money that is spent by you - that $10 - stays here. But if you put on a tariff, that $10 doesn't exist anymore, and you are poorer for it.

If you have $12 to spend on a T-shirt or $12 to spend on a T-shirt and $10 on something else, in which one are you better off?
That's because of slave labor. Period.
Jobs are not an illusion. That is pretty absurd coming from a decently minded individual..
You sound like the chamber of commerce just freshly shit you out.
What's next? Amnesty or open borders?

Slave Labor? you mean like what is used to make the most over priced electronics known as apple products?
Should Apple just give away their intellectual property? The electronics may be cheap - or maybe not: those touch screens can't be produced in every electronics shop.

See how the far left will defend their pet companies that exploit slave labor in China...

And according to the far left, profit is "evil"..

Silly far left drone!
How is Apple a Liberal's pet company?

If you said Ben & Jerry's I could understand your limited ability to think, but Apple?

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