100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

Conservative Economists Agree Trump's Tax Plan Would ...
Sep 29, 2015 - Conservative Economists Agree Trump's Tax Plan Would Cost $12 Trillion, Bankrupt America. By Jesse Rappaport. Posted on September 29, ...

Trump Is Right on Economics - The New York Times
The New York Times
Sep 7, 2015 - about Mr. Trump's platform, his implicit racism and his insistence that he would ... Taxes on the top 1 percent went up substantially in 2013, both ...

Krugman: Trump is 'right' on taxes, economics | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 7, 2015 - The economist and columnist said Trump is correct to embrace a tax hike ... I agree. They want all minorities to stay in the plantation. As it turns ...

Warren: I agree with Trump on taxes | TheHill
The Hill
Sep 8, 2015 - "Donald Trump and I both agree that there ought to be more taxation of the ... Liberal economist Paul Krugman, for example, wrote in his New ...

Donald Trump's Amazingly Conventional Tax Plan - The ...
The Atlantic
Sep 28, 2015 - Yes, Trump's plan would dramatically reshape the tax code by cutting the .... According to The Economist: “If America's Syria-watchers agree on ...

Donald Trump Delivers Center-Right Populist Tax Plan ...
Sep 28, 2015 - Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump announces his tax plan during a ... a broad swath of the American electorate, although economists of both Left and Right ..... I agree that everyone should have skin in the game.

A lot for conservatives to like in Donald Trump's tax plan ...
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis...trumps-tax.../df28...
The Washington Post
Sep 28, 2015 - NEW YORK — Donald Trump's tax plan would allow millions of ... The size of the tax cuts surprised many conservative economists and activists ...


Do you realize that the first three links in your post are critical of conservative tax-cutting economics and praise liberal economic policies?
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

Donald Trump’s solution is to ... levy a 45% tax on Chinese imports. The idea is to make Chinese goods more expensive so that American producers who pay their workers more can gain a competitive edge.

There’s a painful side effect to this plan, however: It would, well, make a lot of products more expensive, and most of the price hikes would come straight out of consumer wallets. ... A 45% tariff on Chinese imports would encourage other low-cost exporters, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico, to ship more goods to America. Whether U.S. producers would gain an edge is debatable. ...

Trump’s tariff plan would likely meet firm public resistance. Economists would also protest. “Economists disagree about a lot,” says Ozimek, “but there’s very strong agreement that free trade benefits Americans, on average.” A poll of economists by the University of Chicago, for instance, found that 100% of them believe U.S. trade with China makes most Americans better off.

Most economists also agree that free trade—like anything that improves efficiency and market performance—produces winners and losers. And the losers usually include people who get the job done slower, at a higher cost than competitors. Protecting underperformers isn’t likely to help the U.S. economy. Helping them perform better would.​

Donald Trump wants you to pay more for smartphones, TVs and a lot else
The guy is like the Tazmanian Devil of contemporary political discourse.

He appears to think that the Chinese would just sit there and not react to huge tariffs. Yeah, they'll just sit there and take it.

Uh, that's the country that owns $1.2 TRILLION of our debt, sir, and could dump a shitload of it tomorrow, causing MAJOR economic havoc.



We have an annual Trade Deficit with China running at over 300 billion and climbing.

There are two possibilities.

1. That this reflects Unfair Trade and needs to be stopped to protect American interests and jobs from unfair competition.

2. That this is actually Free Trade and represents the fact that America and American are lazy ass dumb bitches that can't compete. If that is true, then we need to avoid battles we can't win and stop trade with China to protect American Interests and jobs.

Also, their ownership of so much of our debt is as much of a problem for them, as it is for US. If we go down in flames they eat that.

I believe in scenario 1. They have been fucking US for years, and it is time to end it.

They have little leverage because the Trade is so lopsided. What are they going to do? Stop fucking US? That's sort of the point.
This is an extremely complicated issue. Between them, China & Russia hold +/- $3 trillion in our bonds, and they are going to protect themselves. Always.

Here's my point regarding this thread: Either Trump knows better and he's grandstanding at a level I've never seen, or he DOESN'T know better and that's even worse.

$3 trillion? Hardly. Russia holds about $82 billion. China, less than $1.5 trillion.

Thank you President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
Who here thinks we get a good deal with Cruz's VAT???????????? Who here thinks a $100,000 home should cost an extra $16,000 to buy it.............

By this 1 example alone.............should we allow Cruz to put this in place................................

I'm not a fan of Cruz................if you haven't figured that out..............With his wife being with Goldman Sachs................STRIKE 2.

VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
I don't support tariffs, but I don't believe Trump will actually impose any. He's just using the threat as a negotiating tactic. Trump cannot impose any tariffs without the approval of Congress. That's the bottom line.
That's my guess too, surely he knows better. What he's saying simply is not going to happen. But he keeps saying stuff like this to fire up his supporters that just isn't reasonable, so there is just no way of knowing what he would do in office.

why would you think he knows better.

the man bankrupted four corporations, screwing his vendors.

if someone handed you 125 million dollars, i think you could make money with it too.
The whole idea of raising tariffs is to make American products competitive.

It makes the economy less competitive, not more competitive.

It takes taxes away from more productive areas of the economy and gives taxes to less productive areas of the economy. Companies which cannot compete should be allowed to go bankrupt. Tariffs do not allow this to happen.

It staggers me that people who think they are "conservatives" support this. Tariffs are the government taking money from you and the government choosing winners and losers in the economy. This is a big reason why conservatives have always supported lowering tariffs - they don't believe that the government should be using tax money to support business.

Conservatives got all bent out of shape over bailing out the banks because the government used tax money to bail out a failing industry, but imposing tariffs is the exact same thing - it uses tax money to bail out failing industries.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

Or you could cut taxes and regulations and pay less for products.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

Our 35% corporate tax rate, highest in the world, doesn't make our goods cheaper.
Which no corporation actually pays.

surely he knows better.
I seriously don't understand the conventional wisdom that because Trump has a lot of money he's smart, knowledgeable, or wise.

It must be pure partisanship, because I don't hear conservatives talk that way about George Soros.

This from a far left drone that voted for "Hope and Change" twice and got worse than Bush!
I don't support tariffs, but I don't believe Trump will actually impose any. He's just using the threat as a negotiating tactic. Trump cannot impose any tariffs without the approval of Congress. That's the bottom line.
That's my guess too, surely he knows better. What he's saying simply is not going to happen. But he keeps saying stuff like this to fire up his supporters that just isn't reasonable, so there is just no way of knowing what he would do in office.

why would you think he knows better.

the man bankrupted four corporations, screwing his vendors.

if someone handed you 125 million dollars, i think you could make money with it too.

It might be prudent to find out the opinions of the other multi-billionaires who lost money along with him.
Who here thinks we get a good deal with Cruz's VAT???????????? Who here thinks a $100,000 home should cost an extra $16,000 to buy it.............

By this 1 example alone.............should we allow Cruz to put this in place................................

I'm not a fan of Cruz................if you haven't figured that out..............With his wife being with Goldman Sachs................STRIKE 2.

VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.
I don't support tariffs, but I don't believe Trump will actually impose any. He's just using the threat as a negotiating tactic. Trump cannot impose any tariffs without the approval of Congress. That's the bottom line.
That's my guess too, surely he knows better. What he's saying simply is not going to happen. But he keeps saying stuff like this to fire up his supporters that just isn't reasonable, so there is just no way of knowing what he would do in office.

why would you think he knows better.

the man bankrupted four corporations, screwing his vendors.

if someone handed you 125 million dollars, i think you could make money with it too.

It might be prudent to find out the opinions of the other multi-billionaires who lost money along with him.

trump didn't lose money. he lost other people's money
Who here thinks we get a good deal with Cruz's VAT???????????? Who here thinks a $100,000 home should cost an extra $16,000 to buy it.............

By this 1 example alone.............should we allow Cruz to put this in place................................

I'm not a fan of Cruz................if you haven't figured that out..............With his wife being with Goldman Sachs................STRIKE 2.

VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.

I am against more taxes, I am for a simplified tax system.

The tax system Trump wants to implement is the far left wet dream tax, yet they hate him for it.

Flat tax would be good, but the problem is you would have to make sure the far left never gains power..
I don't support tariffs, but I don't believe Trump will actually impose any. He's just using the threat as a negotiating tactic. Trump cannot impose any tariffs without the approval of Congress. That's the bottom line.
That's my guess too, surely he knows better. What he's saying simply is not going to happen. But he keeps saying stuff like this to fire up his supporters that just isn't reasonable, so there is just no way of knowing what he would do in office.

why would you think he knows better.

the man bankrupted four corporations, screwing his vendors.

if someone handed you 125 million dollars, i think you could make money with it too.

It might be prudent to find out the opinions of the other multi-billionaires who lost money along with him.

trump didn't lose money. he lost other people's money

I don't support tariffs, but I don't believe Trump will actually impose any. He's just using the threat as a negotiating tactic. Trump cannot impose any tariffs without the approval of Congress. That's the bottom line.
That's my guess too, surely he knows better. What he's saying simply is not going to happen. But he keeps saying stuff like this to fire up his supporters that just isn't reasonable, so there is just no way of knowing what he would do in office.

why would you think he knows better.

the man bankrupted four corporations, screwing his vendors.

if someone handed you 125 million dollars, i think you could make money with it too.

It might be prudent to find out the opinions of the other multi-billionaires who lost money along with him.

trump didn't lose money. he lost other people's money

So did Obama, but you far left drones praised him for it!

See how the far left drones despise Trump for doing what Obama has done?
I would be happy to support that, in the interests of strangling Third World Manufacturing and bring those jobs home.

Strangling third world manufacturing? That's a great idea! Now all those poor masses have no jobs at all and are ripe for groups like ISIS and al Qaeda. And then you start screaming about how scared you are and that we should spend trillions to send troops all over the world to get killed.
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

Donald Trump’s solution is to ... levy a 45% tax on Chinese imports. The idea is to make Chinese goods more expensive so that American producers who pay their workers more can gain a competitive edge.

There’s a painful side effect to this plan, however: It would, well, make a lot of products more expensive, and most of the price hikes would come straight out of consumer wallets. ... A 45% tariff on Chinese imports would encourage other low-cost exporters, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico, to ship more goods to America. Whether U.S. producers would gain an edge is debatable. ...

Trump’s tariff plan would likely meet firm public resistance. Economists would also protest. “Economists disagree about a lot,” says Ozimek, “but there’s very strong agreement that free trade benefits Americans, on average.” A poll of economists by the University of Chicago, for instance, found that 100% of them believe U.S. trade with China makes most Americans better off.

Most economists also agree that free trade—like anything that improves efficiency and market performance—produces winners and losers. And the losers usually include people who get the job done slower, at a higher cost than competitors. Protecting underperformers isn’t likely to help the U.S. economy. Helping them perform better would.​

Donald Trump wants you to pay more for smartphones, TVs and a lot else

How many of them are worth billions?
...from money given to him by daddy.

I already know that you're a fool.
Who here thinks we get a good deal with Cruz's VAT???????????? Who here thinks a $100,000 home should cost an extra $16,000 to buy it.............

By this 1 example alone.............should we allow Cruz to put this in place................................

I'm not a fan of Cruz................if you haven't figured that out..............With his wife being with Goldman Sachs................STRIKE 2.

VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.

I am against more taxes, I am for a simplified tax system.

The tax system Trump wants to implement is the far left wet dream tax, yet they hate him for it.

Flat tax would be good, but the problem is you would have to make sure the far left never gains power..
I want a tax system where I pay a flat rate and file taxes on a post card.............Get rid of the MASSIVE TAX CODES...............

Simple is always better....................KISS principle.........Keep it simple Stupid applies.
Who here thinks we get a good deal with Cruz's VAT???????????? Who here thinks a $100,000 home should cost an extra $16,000 to buy it.............

By this 1 example alone.............should we allow Cruz to put this in place................................

I'm not a fan of Cruz................if you haven't figured that out..............With his wife being with Goldman Sachs................STRIKE 2.

VAT taxes are a lot like Europe and the far left wants the US to be a lot like Europe..

There are already to many hidden/built in taxes..

Time to thin out the tax code system and simplify how taxes are applied and paid..
Did that light bulb finally come on with you.....................and figure out exactly what I'm talking about............If you are stating you want a FLAT TAX and not Cruz's VAT...........then we agree.

I am against more taxes, I am for a simplified tax system.

The tax system Trump wants to implement is the far left wet dream tax, yet they hate him for it.

Flat tax would be good, but the problem is you would have to make sure the far left never gains power..
I want a tax system where I pay a flat rate and file taxes on a post card.............Get rid of the MASSIVE TAX CODES...............

Simple is always better....................KISS principle.........Keep it simple Stupid applies.

Well the far left argument is that the flat tax punishes the poor, but I know that is just a religious talking point..

Would this flat tax be applied all across the board and replace the income tax? or would there be a different flat tax for corporations and investments?

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