100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

surely he knows better.
I seriously don't understand the conventional wisdom that because Trump has a lot of money he's smart, knowledgeable, or wise.

It must be pure partisanship, because I don't hear conservatives talk that way about George Soros.

This from a far left drone that voted for "Hope and Change" twice and got worse than Bush!
President Obama (praise be unto Him!) made America Great Again after Bush shit the bed economically, militarily, and diplomatically.

Yes more far left drone religious dogma!


Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Yes to the far left the new winning is loosing!
He tried to help out Atlantic City's economy and got kicked in the a$$ for it by the ungrateful amongst us who are hooked on Hillary.
Holy shit! You're drinking the Trump Kool-Aid by the gallon!

Trump only tries to help out Trump. His casino went bankrupt because he's not the genius businessman that he says he is, and you swallow hook, line and sinker.

Owning a casino is a license to print money. And he failed spectacularly, screwing over all the people he signed contracts with.

I saw Casino but I still can't write a Dissertation on casinos.
I guess you can.
I know that casinos don't lose money unless they are run spectacularly badly. Period.

Everything went South in Atlantic City.
I can't really judge as I don't know casino operating costs, etc...
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.

Wow! That was tough to find.

Now if Krugman agrees I'm going to have to be skeptical of it. He right about as often as a stopped clock.
^^^ Another low information voter.
9Aces is a self-reliant, super Conservative...he's a tough guy.
Don't mess with him.

Haha, well old friend, I'm consistent. And you know I've always despised Krugman.
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

Donald Trump’s solution is to ... levy a 45% tax on Chinese imports. The idea is to make Chinese goods more expensive so that American producers who pay their workers more can gain a competitive edge.

There’s a painful side effect to this plan, however: It would, well, make a lot of products more expensive, and most of the price hikes would come straight out of consumer wallets. ... A 45% tariff on Chinese imports would encourage other low-cost exporters, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico, to ship more goods to America. Whether U.S. producers would gain an edge is debatable. ...

Trump’s tariff plan would likely meet firm public resistance. Economists would also protest. “Economists disagree about a lot,” says Ozimek, “but there’s very strong agreement that free trade benefits Americans, on average.” A poll of economists by the University of Chicago, for instance, found that 100% of them believe U.S. trade with China makes most Americans better off.

Most economists also agree that free trade—like anything that improves efficiency and market performance—produces winners and losers. And the losers usually include people who get the job done slower, at a higher cost than competitors. Protecting underperformers isn’t likely to help the U.S. economy. Helping them perform better would.​

Donald Trump wants you to pay more for smartphones, TVs and a lot else

How many of them are worth billions?
...from money given to him by daddy.

I already know that you're a fool.

Why don't you list 10 Wealthy non-Internet Business People who made it completely on their own.
Why 'non-internet'?

Because Internet company success is almost always a fluke.
Facebook caught on and MySpace didn't...WTF?
AllTheWeb was Google BEFORE Google was Google...WTF?
Twitter...Big F*ing deal, there are plenty of Twitters out there.
MS...Stealing software and suing smaller, up and coming competitors? Plus Bill Gate's dad wasn't poor.
Neither was Michael Dells.

So I'd like a list of 10...
Just off the top of my head:

Warren Buffett
Bill Lear (Learjets)
David Hall McConnell (Avon)
Richard DeVos (Amway)
James Sinegal (Costco)
Steve Jobs
Sam Walton (Wal*Mart)
Arthur Perdue (Perdue Chickens)
John W. Tyson (Tyson Chickens)
Emeril Lagasse and many other celebrity chefs (Emeril does $150M per year)

There are SOOOOO many others. Most successful businesses were not created by the already rich.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.

Wow! That was tough to find.
I just LOVE it when people post articles without reading them first!

So, you agree with Krugman when he agrees with Trump wanting to raise taxes?
Depends on the end game.
If raising taxes on foreign goods is what it takes to build industry here, so be it.
Sorry, but he wants to raise taxes on individuals.

Nice try.
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
Both parties suck as they are both dependent on MNC contributions to run their campaigns.
Yet none of you can come up with the simple solution of making elections publicly funded, getting big money out of elections?

So you would be willing to put up how much for each candidate?
As though THAT'S not a tax!
You're myopic.
How many of them are worth billions?
...from money given to him by daddy.

I already know that you're a fool.

Why don't you list 10 Wealthy non-Internet Business People who made it completely on their own.
Why 'non-internet'?

Because Internet company success is almost always a fluke.
Facebook caught on and MySpace didn't...WTF?
AllTheWeb was Google BEFORE Google was Google...WTF?
Twitter...Big F*ing deal, there are plenty of Twitters out there.
MS...Stealing software and suing smaller, up and coming competitors? Plus Bill Gate's dad wasn't poor.
Neither was Michael Dells.

So I'd like a list of 10...
Just off the top of my head:

Warren Buffett
Bill Lear (Learjets)
David Hall McConnell (Avon)
Richard DeVos (Amway)
James Sinegal (Costco)
Steve Jobs
Sam Walton (Wal*Mart)
Arthur Perdue (Perdue Chickens)
John W. Tyson (Tyson Chickens)
Emeril Lagasse and many other celebrity chefs (Emeril does $150M per year)

There are SOOOOO many others. Most successful businesses were not created by the already rich.

Actually, I apologize.
I wanted people who have made it since Reagan.
These are a prime example of becoming wealthy under Fair Trade.
Liberals bitch and complain about jobs fleeing the country, lower wages, and income inequality then they bitch and complain when Trump promises to fix the problem, WTF?
It makes the economy less competitive, not more competitive.

It takes taxes away from more productive areas of the economy and gives taxes to less productive areas of the economy. Companies which cannot compete should be allowed to go bankrupt. Tariffs do not allow this to happen.

It staggers me that people who think they are "conservatives" support this. Tariffs are the government taking money from you and the government choosing winners and losers in the economy. This is a big reason why conservatives have always supported lowering tariffs - they don't believe that the government should be using tax money to support business.

Conservatives got all bent out of shape over bailing out the banks because the government used tax money to bail out a failing industry, but imposing tariffs is the exact same thing - it uses tax money to bail out failing industries.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

Or you could cut taxes and regulations and pay less for products.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

Our 35% corporate tax rate, highest in the world, doesn't make our goods cheaper.
Which no corporation actually pays.


Quick, raise it, that'll make them pay more. LOL!
Donald Trump is doing something great.. He is helping people recognize the uninformed and blatant idiots in this country.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.
Dishonest and lying. What a shock.
Yep free trade has done WONDERS for Americans. I can point out at LEAST 25 plants/factories I either worked at or family members worked at OR people were working at as I was growing up that are now CLOSED either gone overseas or just closed down because of CHEAP CRAP from overseas. Trump is right 100%. PERIOD.
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
They would say it's Bush's fault.
Wait, that's what the left says in response to anything.
He tried to help out Atlantic City's economy and got kicked in the a$$ for it by the ungrateful amongst us who are hooked on Hillary.
Holy shit! You're drinking the Trump Kool-Aid by the gallon!

Trump only tries to help out Trump. His casino went bankrupt because he's not the genius businessman that he says he is, and you swallow hook, line and sinker.

Owning a casino is a license to print money. And he failed spectacularly, screwing over all the people he signed contracts with.
How many casiinos do you own?
surely he knows better.
I seriously don't understand the conventional wisdom that because Trump has a lot of money he's smart, knowledgeable, or wise.

It must be pure partisanship, because I don't hear conservatives talk that way about George Soros.

This from a far left drone that voted for "Hope and Change" twice and got worse than Bush!
President Obama (praise be unto Him!) made America Great Again after Bush shit the bed economically, militarily, and diplomatically.
If you define "great" as being more like France I guess that's true.
Stagnant economy with growth never exceeding 3% in any year
Record levels of government dependence
Failing alliances overseas
Most failed foreign policy in US history.
Yep free trade has done WONDERS for Americans. I can point out at LEAST 25 plants/factories I either worked at or family members worked at OR people were working at as I was growing up that are now CLOSED either gone overseas or just closed down because of CHEAP CRAP from overseas. Trump is right 100%. PERIOD.
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
Both parties suck as they are both dependent on MNC contributions to run their campaigns.
Yet none of you can come up with the simple solution of making elections publicly funded, getting big money out of elections?
And assuring that incumbents win all the time? It's a Democrat's dream!
He tried to help out Atlantic City's economy and got kicked in the a$$ for it by the ungrateful amongst us who are hooked on Hillary.
Holy shit! You're drinking the Trump Kool-Aid by the gallon!

Trump only tries to help out Trump. His casino went bankrupt because he's not the genius businessman that he says he is, and you swallow hook, line and sinker.

Owning a casino is a license to print money. And he failed spectacularly, screwing over all the people he signed contracts with.

I saw Casino but I still can't write a Dissertation on casinos.
I guess you can.
I know that casinos don't lose money unless they are run spectacularly badly. Period.
We can add the casino business to things you dont know about.
Fresno's Club One Casino Files For Bankruptcy
Diamondhead Casino Ducks Bankruptcy Trustee For Now - Law360

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