100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

Only a matter of time before being called a leftist................And I'm not for SPREADING THE WEALTH and REDISTRIBUTE BS EITHER................

But that's what tariffs do.

If Obama said he was going to raise your taxes and give the money to solar companies, I'm guessing you'd be pissed. But there is no economic difference between that and Trump raising tariffs to protect some other dying industry.

I'm not going to comment on your opposition to Cruz's VAT proposition other than to reiterate that a VAT is better for the economy in aggregate than tariffs. It is reasonable to oppose both.

I haven't read Cruz's tax proposal, but I'm guessing he is proposing to raise a VAT and to lower income taxes. That has been floating around in conservative, pro-free market economic circles for decades.

I'm not a big Ted Cruz fan, but I don't know how any self-respecting conservative would support Trump over Cruz.
He proposed a VAT at a rate of 16%. Rand Paul proposed a VAT of 14.5%. Statist countries in SOCIALIST use the VAT to increase money going to the Gov't............It's used around the world....................And when you buy a product it's HIDDEN in the cost...........Once they imposed VAT they were eager to RAISE IT..............and RAISE IT THEY DID................Causing prices to rise..............on all consumers.......................................

I agree with a FLAT RATE INCOME TAX..................and be done with it...........I oppose the VAT.........and I'm not against negotiating Trade one on one as in the past................and get the best deal possible out of negotiation..................It worked FINE for over 200 years until some DUMB ASSES SAID IT WAS BROKEN.

It wasn't broken............... A lot of big boys wanted to increase profits..........aka the GDP by going to third world shit holes while closing plants down in the United States.............that is all the hell this is about.................and MILLIONS of Americans lost jobs as a result.................

The ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS in the deals are THERE FOR A REASON.............THE TPA is LIVING PROOF that the deal will COST US JOBS................as they argue on those LOSING THEIR JOBS as a result of the TPP..................The writing is on the wall on that because they are arguing on how much to pay displaced workers................Meaning they KNOW THE DEAL WILL COST AMERICANS JOBS............................Or there NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN A TPA.

if you support a "flat tax", then you support people not having deductions for their mortgage like they have now... small personal businesses not being able to deduct the costs of operating their businesses, no deduction for medical expenses or child care.

it's probably easy to support the save rich people's wealth tax if you don't understand it.
The whole idea of raising tariffs is to make American products competitive.

It makes the economy less competitive, not more competitive.

It takes taxes away from more productive areas of the economy and gives taxes to less productive areas of the economy. Companies which cannot compete should be allowed to go bankrupt. Tariffs do not allow this to happen.

It staggers me that people who think they are "conservatives" support this. Tariffs are the government taking money from you and the government choosing winners and losers in the economy. This is a big reason why conservatives have always supported lowering tariffs - they don't believe that the government should be using tax money to support business.

Conservatives got all bent out of shape over bailing out the banks because the government used tax money to bail out a failing industry, but imposing tariffs is the exact same thing - it uses tax money to bail out failing industries.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

Or you could cut taxes and regulations and pay less for products.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

Our 35% corporate tax rate, highest in the world, doesn't make our goods cheaper.

no one is paying that rate.

but thanks.
We are not buying so much Chinese crap because they are investing so much over here.

We are doing it, because of Cheap Labor and Currency Manipulation.

Question: Do we want our Middle Class and Working class to have their wages be "competitive" to the Third World Poor?

The Chinese currency is over-valued, not under-valued. It's going to fall a lot further.

We will have less jobs in total and a lower GDP by protecting jobs that we shouldn't be doing any more.

Who says we shouldn't be doing them anymore?

We have plenty of unskilled, or semiskilled workers who would love to have those jobs.

Should not a President consider their interests and not just the interests of the Consumers and the Corporations?

The answer is "Yes" if you want the economy to be poorer in aggregate.

Conservatives support free trade. Free trade is evidence of a strong, confident country. Protectionism is the province of those who believe we are not strong enough or good enough to compete. That's why great leaders like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher supported free trade and not tariffs and protectionism.

Ronald Reagan on free trade.

One of the greatest contributions the US can make to the world is to promote freedom as the key to economic growth. A creative, competitive America is the answer to a changing world, not trade wars that would close doors, create greater barriers, and destroy millions of jobs. We should always remember: Protectionism is destructionism. America's jobs, America's growth, America's future depend on trade--trade that is free, open, and fair.​

Ronald Reagan on Free Trade

Ronald Reagan supported free trade long before he became President of the United States and as president said “The freer the flow of world trade, the stronger the tides for human progress and peace among nations.” Milton Freidman, the great free market advocate said, “Few measures that we could take would do more to promote the cause of freedom at home and abroad than complete free trade.” And many credit Frederic Bastiat, the French economist adored by Margaret Thatcher, for advocating trade by noting, “When goods don’t cross borders, Soldiers will.” There is little debate that free trade is beneficial for workers and nations alike.​

Free Trade is a Core Conservative Principle | RedState

Our country is not an "aggregate".

It has varied and distinct groups and some of them have been ignored for to long, and need serious attention paid to advancing their interests, such as the Working and Middle Class.
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

That's nice. I'd take the opinion of people who work for a living who realize that Free Trade is a Shit Sandwich for the American working man.

Just found out, all the jobs at my former company will be eliminated by next September because they are moving the production to Malaysia. But you keep telling me how Free Trade is good for me.

Seriously, fuck you, Toro. People like you make me WANT to vote for Trump, even though I think he's a fascist.
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

That's nice. I'd take the opinion of people who work for a living who realize that Free Trade is a Shit Sandwich for the American working man.

Just found out, all the jobs at my former company will be eliminated by next September because they are moving the production to Malaysia. But you keep telling me how Free Trade is good for me.

Seriously, fuck you, Toro. People like you make me WANT to vote for Trump, even though I think he's a fascist.
Cry me a river, our government is a banana republic - the very definition of a shit sandwich. Dumbass
Who should we believe? The man that's spent 35-40 years CUTTING DEALS,STARTING BUSINESSES etc or people who TALK about doing these things? I know who I believe in and trust.
His businesses fail, while he's screwing over people he signed contracts with.

How the fuck do you own a casino and not make money?

Trump found a way.

Plenty of casinos are losing money. Off the top of my head, Foxwoods is more that $2 billion in the hole.
He tried to help out Atlantic City's economy and got kicked in the a$$ for it by the ungrateful amongst us who are hooked on Hillary.
Holy shit! You're drinking the Trump Kool-Aid by the gallon!

Trump only tries to help out Trump. His casino went bankrupt because he's not the genius businessman that he says he is, and you swallow hook, line and sinker.

Owning a casino is a license to print money. And he failed spectacularly, screwing over all the people he signed contracts with.

Have you not paid attention to the many casinos that are losing money...or are you just THAT MUCH of a partisan hack? (Note that three other Atlantic City casinos closed about the same time as the Trump Plaza!)
Only a matter of time before being called a leftist................And I'm not for SPREADING THE WEALTH and REDISTRIBUTE BS EITHER................

But that's what tariffs do.

If Obama said he was going to raise your taxes and give the money to solar companies, I'm guessing you'd be pissed. But there is no economic difference between that and Trump raising tariffs to protect some other dying industry.

I'm not going to comment on your opposition to Cruz's VAT proposition other than to reiterate that a VAT is better for the economy in aggregate than tariffs. It is reasonable to oppose both.

I haven't read Cruz's tax proposal, but I'm guessing he is proposing to raise a VAT and to lower income taxes. That has been floating around in conservative, pro-free market economic circles for decades.

I'm not a big Ted Cruz fan, but I don't know how any self-respecting conservative would support Trump over Cruz.
He proposed a VAT at a rate of 16%. Rand Paul proposed a VAT of 14.5%. Statist countries in SOCIALIST use the VAT to increase money going to the Gov't............It's used around the world....................And when you buy a product it's HIDDEN in the cost...........Once they imposed VAT they were eager to RAISE IT..............and RAISE IT THEY DID................Causing prices to rise..............on all consumers.......................................

I agree with a FLAT RATE INCOME TAX..................and be done with it...........I oppose the VAT.........and I'm not against negotiating Trade one on one as in the past................and get the best deal possible out of negotiation..................It worked FINE for over 200 years until some DUMB ASSES SAID IT WAS BROKEN.

It wasn't broken............... A lot of big boys wanted to increase profits..........aka the GDP by going to third world shit holes while closing plants down in the United States.............that is all the hell this is about.................and MILLIONS of Americans lost jobs as a result.................

The ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS in the deals are THERE FOR A REASON.............THE TPA is LIVING PROOF that the deal will COST US JOBS................as they argue on those LOSING THEIR JOBS as a result of the TPP..................The writing is on the wall on that because they are arguing on how much to pay displaced workers................Meaning they KNOW THE DEAL WILL COST AMERICANS JOBS............................Or there NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN A TPA.

if you support a "flat tax", then you support people not having deductions for their mortgage like they have now... small personal businesses not being able to deduct the costs of operating their businesses, no deduction for medical expenses or child care.

it's probably easy to support the save rich people's wealth tax if you don't understand it.
It makes the economy less competitive, not more competitive.

It takes taxes away from more productive areas of the economy and gives taxes to less productive areas of the economy. Companies which cannot compete should be allowed to go bankrupt. Tariffs do not allow this to happen.

It staggers me that people who think they are "conservatives" support this. Tariffs are the government taking money from you and the government choosing winners and losers in the economy. This is a big reason why conservatives have always supported lowering tariffs - they don't believe that the government should be using tax money to support business.

Conservatives got all bent out of shape over bailing out the banks because the government used tax money to bail out a failing industry, but imposing tariffs is the exact same thing - it uses tax money to bail out failing industries.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

If you want to bring jobs back to America you're going to have to pay more for products.

Or you could cut taxes and regulations and pay less for products.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

I dont know if you could cut taxes enough to make a difference.

Our 35% corporate tax rate, highest in the world, doesn't make our goods cheaper.

no one is paying that rate.

but thanks.

Then we can cut it to improve our competitiveness. You're welcome.
Yep free trade has done WONDERS for Americans. I can point out at LEAST 25 plants/factories I either worked at or family members worked at OR people were working at as I was growing up that are now CLOSED either gone overseas or just closed down because of CHEAP CRAP from overseas. Trump is right 100%. PERIOD.
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
Both parties suck as they are both dependent on MNC contributions to run their campaigns.
Yet none of you can come up with the simple solution of making elections publicly funded, getting big money out of elections?

Sure: just pass a couple of Constitutional amendments to do that!
100 percent of the economists are not as rich as Trump, I go with the rich guy.
...who was given his money by daddy.

You really are a fool.

And I suppose you daddy gave you nothing. Trump was given maybe 1 million to which he has now made it 4 billion, I suppose a tool as yourself has done that well.
Correct - my father has given me no money.

When Fred Trump gave his spoiled boy $1M a Cadillac cost around $3,000. So what would that gift be in today's dollars?

He took that $1M and sweetheart deals due to daddy's influence and made a lot more. His father was worth $250M.

I would bet that most people with a little common sense could turn that advantage into billions after 45 years, also. But I want a president with more than a bit of common sense.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.
Dishonest and lying. What a shock.
I'm not shocked at all - you've always been a dishonest liar.

Why does your source not have any links to Krugman's "words"?
So...if Trump gets elected (
), and goes ahead with this, and now almost everything you buy goes up 40%, how will you blame Democrats?

The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
Both parties suck as they are both dependent on MNC contributions to run their campaigns.
Yet none of you can come up with the simple solution of making elections publicly funded, getting big money out of elections?

Sure: just pass a couple of Constitutional amendments to do that!
Doesn't need an Amendment. McCain-Feingold wasn't an Amendment.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.
Paul Krugman is constantly correct on economic matters.

If you have any evidence to the contrary, step up.
You are consistently among the least informed posters here.
The Unofficial Paul Krugman Web Page
No links to actual Krugman words. I'm shocked.
Dishonest and lying. What a shock.
I'm not shocked at all - you've always been a dishonest liar.

Why does your source not have any links to Krugman's "words"?
You are the liar, and dishonest as Hillary is corrupt. Can you prove Krugman never said those things?
1998 Paul Krugman article predicted Internet slowdown by 2005
The void will be filled and more people will be employed and products will be bought.
Nah! We can't have THAT!
I'm just wondering what the Right would say to blame the 40% increase on Democrats. Because they never take responsibility for their own actions.
Both parties suck as they are both dependent on MNC contributions to run their campaigns.
Yet none of you can come up with the simple solution of making elections publicly funded, getting big money out of elections?

Sure: just pass a couple of Constitutional amendments to do that!
Doesn't need an Amendment. McCain-Feingold wasn't an Amendment.
But it is unconstitutional.
Utter bullshit OP. Do you know how many disagreements I have read against David Ricardo?
how do you think Japan got so badass?
How do you think America got so badass?
That is barely higher than what we charge American corporations any damn ways.
Japan is badass? 20 years of stagnant no growth economy because gov't has taken all the competition out of it.
Of course Trump is repeating the same line that Hillary and Bernie use.
Why anyone thinks that buffoon should be president is beyon dme.
Japan got badass and created the third best economy in the world after the war. If that isn't good to you, your standards are delusional.
trump didn't say anything against Free trade. what's he suggesting is FAIR TRADE with these countries who are hosing us while taking all our jobs that could be done HERE AT HOME at the same time
Utter bullshit OP. Do you know how many disagreements I have read against David Ricardo?
how do you think Japan got so badass?
How do you think America got so badass?
That is barely higher than what we charge American corporations any damn ways.
Japan is badass? 20 years of stagnant no growth economy because gov't has taken all the competition out of it.
Of course Trump is repeating the same line that Hillary and Bernie use.
Why anyone thinks that buffoon should be president is beyon dme.
Japan got badass and created the third best economy in the world after the war. If that isn't good to you, your standards are delusional.
You're talking about 60 years ago. I'm talking about today. Stay current.

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