11.4 million enroll in ObamaCare, beating administration goal


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
This year’s ObamaCare enrollment officially beat expectations with at least 11.4 million Americans signing up in the second year, the White House announced late Tuesday.

The new estimates put the Obama administration ahead of its target of 9 million sign-ups for 2015 and far ahead of its totals from the marketplace’s first year — though well below initial predictions.

Well, it happens...
They ruin full-time employment, they spend millions on foolish care act and we still have expensive insurance...
Why they can't make insurance free? Like in other modern countries? Our officials often say that government love citizens and will make our lives better, but how can they love if they can't promise that we will be healthy?
Yes, we're mostly a law abiding society regardless of merit


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