$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

I couldn't possibly have a lower opinion of Hillary Clinton. Still, the Armani shirt complaint is weak. Lets face it, if she had worn say, a plain Hanes white tee shirt while giving that speech, she'd be accused a trying to pretend she is of the people. eh. My beef with Clinton's clothes is that she doesn't have them tailored. She needn't look like she's wearing a sack. Attention to details large and small send a message.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

20 prominent Republicans condemned Trump yesterday

Looks like they are the ones with buyers remorse
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

You think being a clown that would trash the country is a good quality? Typical.
These Clinton's have no shame ..This women wears a $12,000 jacket which she bought with money she made off her crony deals and political connections,all the while screaming about inequality? How pathetic.:rolleyes:


Hillary Clinton's $12,000 Armani Jacket Is Pissing People Off
Do we need more evidence the right cannot attack Hillary on the issues?
First Lady's are usually clothed by designers for free...the clothes are usually on loan, and are returned when they leave office and only rarely kept, like Nancy Reagan kept a few gowns....

I would imagine it is the same for Presidential candidates, the Designers revel in the exposure.....well worth the loan or donation!

I have no problems with Hillary Clinton wearing designer clothing. Frankly, I expect her and every other candidate and candidate's wives, to look the best they can and be professional and even stylish.

HOWEVER, I think for the most part Hillary dresses terribly for a rich woman who has access to the best advice. The Armani jacket was better than her usual pastel pantsuits. Much better, in fact.

Having said that, she's the one who is down with the proletariat or whatever. So it was hypocritical.

But that's her personality. She's nothing but a hypocrite.

I agree

For the most part, Hillary's choice in clothes is far from inspiring

Trump dresses his wife like a cheap whore so I guess that shows that money cannot buy taste

I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

I wouldn't call it classic.....a little too much cleavage

But that is what Donald likes
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

You think being a clown that would trash the country is a good quality? Typical.
He trashed the country in your pea brain? Who else is giving liberals a case of vapors?
Trump wears custom Brioni suit about $4,000. He also likes gold watches Rolex, Cartier, Patek Philippe. Not sure about shoes but certainly custom.

Brioni is going for more than $4K off the rack. More like $7 or 8K.

As far as Hillary's jacket, that Armani one wasn't bad. Most of her clothes, however, look like she bought them at Macy's. Especially the awful pastel pantsuits. And they don't fit well. With her money, she could afford custom or at least decent tailoring.

I stand corrected, but the price you gave is for regular sizes, Donald Trump is a big man 6'4" and pretty heavy. A suit properly fit for him would cost a lot more.

Certainly, if he buys special order or custom. Off the rack (and he probably fits in a 46L) it's $7K or so.

46L? his suit coat in this pic looks like it could cover a horse. I say 54L or bigger.

Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS
Again, have you a receipt that she bought it?

We have shown time and time again that a lot of these types of clothes are just lent to the campaign...

I know you have nothing to say about Trump's Suits at $7k a pop... But he has said fuck the poor...

So...if I am offered a $5,000 suit to wear at an event, no one should be concerned how I got it or why? What would be the obvious reason someone would donate it? Influence?

Hillary has fucked the poor for decades.

It pretty obvious why they lend or donate it... Hillary is a well known public figure and is thus a great place to expose your products...

But you want to say Armani is trying to gain influence...

Gaining influence is donating to AG election campaigns in Florida and Texas while their departments have you under investigation.
Surprisingly when elected all charges were dropped.
These Clinton's have no shame ..This women wears a $12,000 jacket which she bought with money she made off her crony deals and political connections,all the while screaming about inequality? How pathetic.:rolleyes:


Hillary Clinton's $12,000 Armani Jacket Is Pissing People Off
Do we need more evidence the right cannot attack Hillary on the issues?

She's fair game on every thing. Any thing goes now.

And she's a target rich environment
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Hope and change didn't mean shit but liberals swooned every time they heard it. But Trump has said how he intends to try to turn things around. If you are unaware why are you even here?
THAT'S $12,000? I've seen couches that look like they're made from the same material.

Of course you have seen couches made of the same material. You need a very heavy and durable fabric with double stitching to keep the pantsuit bull dyke's fat flabs from jiggling.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
I probably don't fit your mold for a true conservative. Know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
You nominated Donald Trump. The only man in the history of humanity who has held both sides of every single political issue. Yet you have more respect for him.

THAT gives me laughs

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