$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

First Lady's are usually clothed by designers for free...the clothes are usually on loan, and are returned when they leave office and only rarely kept, like Nancy Reagan kept a few gowns....

I would imagine it is the same for Presidential candidates, the Designers revel in the exposure.....well worth the loan or donation!

I have no problems with Hillary Clinton wearing designer clothing. Frankly, I expect her and every other candidate and candidate's wives, to look the best they can and be professional and even stylish.

HOWEVER, I think for the most part Hillary dresses terribly for a rich woman who has access to the best advice. The Armani jacket was better than her usual pastel pantsuits. Much better, in fact.

Having said that, she's the one who is down with the proletariat or whatever. So it was hypocritical.

But that's her personality. She's nothing but a hypocrite.

I agree

For the most part, Hillary's choice in clothes is far from inspiring

Trump dresses his wife like a cheap whore so I guess that shows that money cannot buy taste

I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

Well her father was a member of the Communist Party...

Actually I thought she was a gold digger but a lot people say she is bright and articulate...

But if the RW want to gt into what Hillary is wearing Clinton has a simple answer.

'While I want to support the Middle class, ME security and Education standards, they want to discuss fashion tips!!!'

So please continue this thread.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

Hilarious! Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare for years with 50+ bills attempting that Herculean feat! As for the rest of it, we'll never know! Trump has embarrassed himself and the Republican party so much, his normal allies are running for the hills dropping support for him! You can't win if the Party as a whole isn't backing you to the hilt! :420: :argue:
Last edited:
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

Hilarious! Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare for years with 50+ bills attempted that Herculean feat! As for the rest of it, we'll never know! Trump has embarrassed himself and the Republican party so much, his normal allies are running for the hills dropping support for him! You can't win if the Party as a whole isn't back you to the hilt! :420: :argue:

Obunglescare is imploding...no need to repeal it
Let the desperation begin! :argue: :blahblah: :bs1: :desk: :dunno: :disbelief: :cheeky-smiley-018: :boohoo:
How is that desperation ? I think it speaks volumes on the character of a Clinton.
Stupidity like this will cost you the election.

Her choice in clothing says nothing. She is a wealthy woman so she has expensive clothing.

Hillary is prepared to play ball so put your checker board up & get with the big boys
First Lady's are usually clothed by designers for free...the clothes are usually on loan, and are returned when they leave office and only rarely kept, like Nancy Reagan kept a few gowns....

I would imagine it is the same for Presidential candidates, the Designers revel in the exposure.....well worth the loan or donation!

I have no problems with Hillary Clinton wearing designer clothing. Frankly, I expect her and every other candidate and candidate's wives, to look the best they can and be professional and even stylish.

HOWEVER, I think for the most part Hillary dresses terribly for a rich woman who has access to the best advice. The Armani jacket was better than her usual pastel pantsuits. Much better, in fact.

Having said that, she's the one who is down with the proletariat or whatever. So it was hypocritical.

But that's her personality. She's nothing but a hypocrite.

I agree

For the most part, Hillary's choice in clothes is far from inspiring

Trump dresses his wife like a cheap whore so I guess that shows that money cannot buy taste

I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

I wouldn't call it classic.....a little too much cleavage

But that is what Donald likes

I sure don't recall that. I think you are referring either to her modeling days or pictures of her formal wear at parties.
Trump wears custom Brioni suit about $4,000. He also likes gold watches Rolex, Cartier, Patek Philippe. Not sure about shoes but certainly custom.

Brioni is going for more than $4K off the rack. More like $7 or 8K.

As far as Hillary's jacket, that Armani one wasn't bad. Most of her clothes, however, look like she bought them at Macy's. Especially the awful pastel pantsuits. And they don't fit well. With her money, she could afford custom or at least decent tailoring.

I stand corrected, but the price you gave is for regular sizes, Donald Trump is a big man 6'4" and pretty heavy. A suit properly fit for him would cost a lot more.

Certainly, if he buys special order or custom. Off the rack (and he probably fits in a 46L) it's $7K or so.

46L? his suit coat in this pic looks like it could cover a horse. I say 54L or bigger.


He's not a 54. 46 or 48.
These Clinton's have no shame ..This women wears a $12,000 jacket which she bought with money she made off her crony deals and political connections,all the while screaming about inequality? How pathetic.:rolleyes:


Hillary Clinton's $12,000 Armani Jacket Is Pissing People Off
Do we need more evidence the right cannot attack Hillary on the issues?

She's fair game on every thing. Any thing goes now.
I didn't say she isn't fair game. But when the right is reduced to attacking her for the outfits she wears, they expose their desperation.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

Hilarious! Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare for years with 50+ bills attempting that Herculean feat! As for the rest of it, we'll never know! Trump has embarrassed himself and the Republican party so much, his normal allies are running for the hills dropping support for him! You can't win if the Party as a whole isn't backing you to the hilt! :420: :argue:
Republicans didn't have the votes to override a veto. If Trump is elected & congress remains in the control of the gop. OBAMACARE WILL BE HISTORY
First Lady's are usually clothed by designers for free...the clothes are usually on loan, and are returned when they leave office and only rarely kept, like Nancy Reagan kept a few gowns....

I would imagine it is the same for Presidential candidates, the Designers revel in the exposure.....well worth the loan or donation!

I have no problems with Hillary Clinton wearing designer clothing. Frankly, I expect her and every other candidate and candidate's wives, to look the best they can and be professional and even stylish.

HOWEVER, I think for the most part Hillary dresses terribly for a rich woman who has access to the best advice. The Armani jacket was better than her usual pastel pantsuits. Much better, in fact.

Having said that, she's the one who is down with the proletariat or whatever. So it was hypocritical.

But that's her personality. She's nothing but a hypocrite.

I agree

For the most part, Hillary's choice in clothes is far from inspiring

Trump dresses his wife like a cheap whore so I guess that shows that money cannot buy taste

I think you are judging Melania on the basis of her modeling shoots. The clothes she has worn to his candidate appearances are quite lovely and classic. Striking on her because of her exotic looks.

Well her father was a member of the Communist Party...

Actually I thought she was a gold digger but a lot people say she is bright and articulate...

But if the RW want to gt into what Hillary is wearing Clinton has a simple answer.

'While I want to support the Middle class, ME security and Education standards, they want to discuss fashion tips!!!'

So please continue this thread.

I think it's imperative that our President and First Lady -- and all of the people in public life -- look their absolute best.

Hillary, left to her own devices, is a mess. Very typical of a leftist college student from the 60s. Look at her appearance when SOS -- the lank hair, the sloppy, cheap clothes.

As I said, I think the Armani jacket was good but she's a hypocrite for wearing it for her income inequality speech.

There are lots and lots of levels below that that would look appropriate but aren't screamingly hypocritical.

But as a slob, she wouldn't know.
Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

Hilarious! Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare for years with 50+ bills attempting that Herculean feat! As for the rest of it, we'll never know! Trump has embarrassed himself and the Republican party so much, his normal allies are running for the hills dropping support for him! You can't win if the Party as a whole isn't backing you to the hilt! :420: :argue:
Republicans didn't have the votes to override a veto. If Trump is elected & congress remains in the control of the gop. OBAMACARE WILL BE HISTORY

True enough, then why did they go through the motions over and over again, wasting time, paper, and money trying? They proved not to be too bright and even with all their lame, obstructionist practices, Obama wound up being one of the most successful 2 term presidents! The country recover, though slowly after the disastrous admin. of "W" and the world isn't as upset with us! :9: :argue:
He has good ideas but can't keep the teenage mouth of his shut.
On the flip side Hillary has 0 good ideas but NEVER opens her mouth cause she knows it would end badly.

Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

Hilarious! Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare for years with 50+ bills attempting that Herculean feat! As for the rest of it, we'll never know! Trump has embarrassed himself and the Republican party so much, his normal allies are running for the hills dropping support for him! You can't win if the Party as a whole isn't backing you to the hilt! :420: :argue:
Republicans didn't have the votes to override a veto. If Trump is elected & congress remains in the control of the gop. OBAMACARE WILL BE HISTORY

True enough, then why did they go through the motions over and over again, wasting time, paper, and money trying? They proved not to be too bright and even with all their lame, obstructionist practices, Obama wound up being one of the most successful 2 term presidents! The country recover, though slowly after the disastrous admin. of "W" and the world isn't as upset with us! :9: :argue:
Stupid as it was they were keeping their campaign promises. They knew it couldn't be done when they didn't win a veto proof majority but the promise had been made so they kept their bargain with the voters that elected them
Please name one thing Trump can actually do! Making America great isn't "doing anything!" We all know that wall isn't going to be built, he's not going to trash all the trade agreements signed, and he's definitely not going to initiate tariffs on products made abroad! He's full of $#!t and even his family knows it! I think they should have the man committed and after he loses this election, we shouldn't see this idiot again without a straight-jacket on! :9: :anj_stfu:
Building the wall
Lowering the corporate tax rate
Repatriate money lost overseas
Stop refugees from war torn regions
Put a focus on our education system rather than simply tossing money at it
Emphasizing states rights
Cutting regulations
Repealing Obamacare if he has congress
Not nominating left wing activists to the SCOTUS

Hilarious! Republicans have been trying to repeal Obamacare for years with 50+ bills attempting that Herculean feat! As for the rest of it, we'll never know! Trump has embarrassed himself and the Republican party so much, his normal allies are running for the hills dropping support for him! You can't win if the Party as a whole isn't backing you to the hilt! :420: :argue:
Republicans didn't have the votes to override a veto. If Trump is elected & congress remains in the control of the gop. OBAMACARE WILL BE HISTORY

True enough, then why did they go through the motions over and over again, wasting time, paper, and money trying? They proved not to be too bright and even with all their lame, obstructionist practices, Obama wound up being one of the most successful 2 term presidents! The country recover, though slowly after the disastrous admin. of "W" and the world isn't as upset with us! :9: :argue:
Stupid as it was they were keeping their campaign promises. They knew it couldn't be done when they didn't win a veto proof majority but the promise had been made so they kept their bargain with the voters that elected them

Well get ready to lose Congress being led by a sociopath who cares more about his own ego than the country! "Thanks Trumpy; you've just about guaranteed a landslide up and down the ticket!" :happy-1: :mm: :lol:
What's up with Trump's 10 thousand dollar suits?????:fu:, oh it's like that huh, she's supposed to dress like a bag lady, but Trumps shoes probably cost more than you make in a year..

:piss2:this thread.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
I probably don't fit your mold for a true conservative. Know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
You nominated Donald Trump. The only man in the history of humanity who has held both sides of every single political issue. Yet you have more respect for him.

THAT gives me laughs

I was a mega left winger when I was young. I campaigned for the first Trudeau up here. PET. I was against the draft to the point I convinced my mother to take two young men that I knew from South Carolina and take them to Canada. Both had been drafted and I wanted them to buy some time for them to make sure they knew what they were doing and be able to commit to the war with clear heads.

I went to Angela Davis speeches at UCLA after I hiked to the coast. I supported the original Black Panthers. I supported '68. I supported abortion until I had my first child.

I was left wing. More so than most on this board. I am currently the opposite of what I was then.

I evolved. I have no problem with Trump changing his positions to a more conservative stance.

I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE WANTED for crying out loud. To be able to swing independents and D's to the conservative side of life.

This is bullshit you are handing me that OMG Trump changed positions and he can't be trusted. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I guess for you and the other never trumpsters I can't be a true conservative now because at one time in my life I was a liberal.

That's fucking pathetic.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
I probably don't fit your mold for a true conservative. Know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
You nominated Donald Trump. The only man in the history of humanity who has held both sides of every single political issue. Yet you have more respect for him.

THAT gives me laughs

I was a mega left winger when I was young. I campaigned for the first Trudeau up here. PET. I was against the draft to the point I convinced my mother to take two young men that I knew from South Carolina and take them to Canada. Both had been drafted and I wanted them to buy some time for them to make sure they knew what they were doing and be able to commit to the war with clear heads.

I went to Angela Davis speeches at UCLA after I hiked to the coast. I supported the original Black Panthers. I supported '68. I supported abortion until I had my first child.

I was left wing. More so than most on this board. I am currently the opposite of what I was then.

I evolved. I have no problem with Trump changing his positions to a more conservative stance.

I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE WANTED for crying out loud. To be able to swing independents and D's to the conservative side of life.

This is bullshit you are handing me that OMG Trump changed positions and he can't be trusted. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I guess for you and the other never trumpsters I can't be a true conservative now because at one time in my life I was a liberal.

That's fucking pathetic.
Except I don't care about your past. I also think the term "real" conservative is fucking stupid. You want to expand your base you don't do it by alienating people on the fringes of what you consider conservative.
Why does this small ball bullshit matter?

Because that's all the right wing has. There isn't any way they can stand behind T-rumps good qualities. He has none.
He has quite a few actually. None better than making liberals foam over at the mouth and lose what little hold they had on sanity. I haven't seen that in a long long time and thought I may never enjoy it again. That speaks volumes. Clearly the left is very worried and I'm good with that.

I'm personally loving watching the RINOS completely fall apart over this primary season. They're in full meltdown.


This makes me very very happy. Oh and I love the fact that so many so called conservatives in the media have revealed themselves to be establishment like Erik and Red State, Levin, Glenn Beck oh and so many more.
I probably don't fit your mold for a true conservative. Know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK.
You nominated Donald Trump. The only man in the history of humanity who has held both sides of every single political issue. Yet you have more respect for him.

THAT gives me laughs

I was a mega left winger when I was young. I campaigned for the first Trudeau up here. PET. I was against the draft to the point I convinced my mother to take two young men that I knew from South Carolina and take them to Canada. Both had been drafted and I wanted them to buy some time for them to make sure they knew what they were doing and be able to commit to the war with clear heads.

I went to Angela Davis speeches at UCLA after I hiked to the coast. I supported the original Black Panthers. I supported '68. I supported abortion until I had my first child.

I was left wing. More so than most on this board. I am currently the opposite of what I was then.

I evolved. I have no problem with Trump changing his positions to a more conservative stance.

I THOUGHT THAT'S WHAT WE WANTED for crying out loud. To be able to swing independents and D's to the conservative side of life.

This is bullshit you are handing me that OMG Trump changed positions and he can't be trusted. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I guess for you and the other never trumpsters I can't be a true conservative now because at one time in my life I was a liberal.

That's fucking pathetic.


I was right wing.....voted for Reagan and Bush four times
Listened to Bob Grant and Rush Limbaugh on the radio
Believed in Trickle Down

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