12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021

12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.
You’re fucking retarded.
So you’re a coward.

Wanting OTHER people to go further on Jan 6, but not willing to do so yourself.
Rooks true colors as a coward shine through.
The majority of the Trump minions are cowards.
I predict very few will have the balls to do anything tomorrow to backup their bravado.
Rooks true colors as a coward shine through.
The majority of the Trump minions are cowards.
I predict very few will have the balls to do anything tomorrow to backup their bravado.
Definitely. They think their veiled threats are intimidating on an anonymous message board.

These idiots are harmless crybabies throwing a hissy fit because they lost. Nothing more.
You will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are looking for the cowards who are scared to go to the streets but encourage it from their computers. You are a vile coward. Sooooooooooo disgusting.

Were you foaming at the mouth when you typed this?

Enquiring minds want to know....
Were you foaming at the mouth when you typed this?

Enquiring minds want to know....
I wasn't foaming at the mouth but I am confident the Trump minions best days are behind them. They will be paying a price for their vile politics. That makes me feel warm inside but I do not foam in the mouth.
I wasn't foaming at the mouth but I am confident the Trump minions best days are behind them. They will be paying a price for their vile politics. That makes me feel warm inside but I do not foam in the mouth.

Really? I pictured you maniacally pounding away on your keyboard. I can picture you bellowing away like mussolini.
Who's going to do it? You??...lol
There are many working on eliminating Trumpism. Many within the Republican party, all Democrats and the majority of Independents.
Something as vile and immoral as Trumpism is not easy to wipe out. It is going to take some time but it is going to happen. There will be residue left over, like dog shit on your shoe but it will not do much.
Good comeback, Missourim. Can't you do better than that? Dumb, stupid, non-creative Trump minion. How embarrassing.
Really? I pictured you maniacally pounding away on your keyboard. I can picture you bellowing away like mussolini.
Not like Mussolini. Like Eisenhower planning the defeat of Mussolini with joy and confidence.
Allies against Mussolini is like the good Americans against Trumpism.
Winston Churchill said
"My dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly."

Winston and I are great at describing disgusting people.

I guarantee that Winston Churchill would find Trumpism disgusting. I wish he was here to articulate his thought on Trumpism.
There are many working on eliminating Trumpism. Many within the Republican party, all Democrats and the majority of Independents.
Something as vile and immoral as Trumpism is not easy to wipe out. It is going to take some time but it is going to happen. There will be residue left over, like dog shit on your shoe but it will not do much.
You're just going to shit and fall back in it. That's all you're going to do...lol

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