12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021

You forgot 11-7-1983, the day commie leftists bombed the capital.
The extreme left and the extreme right (Trumpists) are equally as bad. The incompetent left (communists) could only muster 5 people and blew the door off a Democratic congressman. They are in jail where the 3500 people from 1/6 should be.
Put the scum of the far left with the scum of the Trumpists seditionists, put them in jail, kick their asses out of our country.
We will see who is sitting in the shit when this battle is over. Look at the cast of characters that are clinging to Trumpism. It is a whose who of the biggest losers in our country. Trump was an idiot when he thought he could con a group of losers and he would become a winner. A failed one term Presidency, lost the Senate and the House. Historians already rating him a failure. Trump knows that and he is desperate. That is what 1/6 was all about. Trump was trying to prevent a loser reputation in history. History will not be kind to Trump or his minions. Trump's only hope is a coup. But that will backfire on him to.

FOX News

Hispanic voters shift toward Republicans, now split evenly between both parties: poll

Timothy Nerozzi - Dec 8, 2021

Hispanic voters have for the most part been a Democratic Party stronghold, but a new poll finds the demographic is steadily moving to the right amid President Biden's widespread unpopularity.

A new poll from The Wall Street Journal found that Hispanic voters are now split between Republicans and Democrats on the generic ballot at 37%. A further 22% responded that they were undecided.

"Latinos are more and more becoming swing voters.… They’re a swing vote that we’re going to have to fight for,’’ said John Anzalone, a Democrat and one of the pollsters who contributed to the WSJ survey.

Hispanics were also divided nearly evenly on the question of a 2024 presidential rematch. In an identical election between President Biden and former President Trump, 44% stated they would vote for Biden, while 43% said they would vote for Trump.
Hispanic voters shift toward Republicans, now split evenly between both parties: poll
12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.
J6 Reichstag Fire
12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.
^ Deranged fascist hysteria or satire?

YOU be the judge! :)

Prove me wrong, drama queen. You claim that the last election was stolen so what exactly did you do about it? You sat on your butt and whined on an anonymous message board. That’s it.
YOU'RE A PUSSY THAT IS A SPELL QUEEN. LOL Actually the election was stolen, the proof starts with Georgia.
;) Does it matter if an insurrectionist is charged with 'insurrection'.....or....'obstructing an official proceeding'?

Well, to answer my avatar's question.....yes it does matter. Depending on who you are.

A conviction for insurrection gets you a sentence of 10yrs max.

A conviction for 'obstruction' here.......gets you 20yrs max.

So, I suppose If I was an insurrectionist.......and had my choice of what to be charged with.......well, what do you think would be the most prudent choice?

I know it matters "Depending on who you are". If you're obstructing official proceedings in a commie approved manner, you'll never face those 20 years (ie the Kavanaugh hearings). But if it's not, you're fucked. Once again proving we have a two tiered justice system.

What I find really hilarious, is the ANTIFA dude that video taped himself telling folks to burn the place down, isn't sitting in jail, in solitary without bail. Again proving the laws are not equally applied.

But all that said, it matters because using inaccurate language for pure propaganda purposes is more a threat to the country than 1/6 will ever be. I heard an interview today where AOC claimed protestors were shooting out windows, which was an outright LIE. The ONLY shot fired was the capitol police officer that murdered an unarmed woman.

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You sound like a Nazi making excuses for Nazis, Islamist extremists making excuses for their terrorism. May those who support the insurrection pay the price they deserve and they will. You are disgusting

And you sound like a full on retarded parrot, that is incapable of using a dictionary or thinking for yourself.

12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.
Worse, the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack on America’s democracy was an act of domestic terrorism.
You will pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are looking for the cowards who are scared to go to the streets but encourage it from their computers. You are a vile coward. Sooooooooooo disgusting.

Oh stop projecting. I never saw you condemning the rioters in 2020 that killed 30, injured 3,000 police officers and did billions in damage. Hell you're not even condemning the organized gangs that are destroying stores with their smash and grabs and flash mobs. So when it comes to a disgusting vile coward, you fit that description perfectly.

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Nazis thought the Jews were poisoning the Anglo-Saxon race. The Islamist extremists feel the infidels do not deserve to live.
The Trump minions feel the election was stolen and they need to take the nation by violence.

All three groups are nut cases, not dealing with reality. Vile humans. All will come to the same end.

Tiger laughing.jpg

The extreme left and the extreme right (Trumpists) are equally as bad. The incompetent left (communists) could only muster 5 people and blew the door off a Democratic congressman. They are in jail where the 3500 people from 1/6 should be.
Put the scum of the far left with the scum of the Trumpists seditionists, put them in jail, kick their asses out of our country.

What 3,500 people from 1/6? You just pulled that shit from your ass, didn't ya?

Nazis thought the Jews were poisoning the Anglo-Saxon race. The Islamist extremists feel the infidels do not deserve to live.
The Trump minions feel the election was stolen and they need to take the nation by violence.

All three groups are nut cases, not dealing with reality. Vile humans. All will come to the same end.
Yet i’ll bet you believe those burning, looting, beating, and murdering throughout our cities are just causes??
The fact is the current AG is a sick, Europhobic, domestic terrorist. Remember when Barry Obama wanted to appoint that POS to the Supreme Court. :heehee: Actually it is fitting since most on the Supreme Court are Anti-American scumbags. :cry:
All the folks that have had their 6th and 8th Amendment rights violated. And the longer it goes the larger the judgements.
They performed 'illegal acts' and you want them protected?

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