12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021

December 7, 1941: 2,300 Americans killed
September 11, 2001: 3,000 Americans killed
January 6, 2021: 1 American killed (Ashli Babbitt)
12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.
Pissing on the graves of over 2,300 brave troops, and over 3,000 civilians and brave first responders.

Fuck you, you despicable chunk of shit.
Prove it by posting this video.
Yes, I'm calling YOU, OKTexas a LIAR, unless you produce this video.

I predict you will be a COWARD and run.
You Posted less than 15 minutes ago.
Provide your Video.

My Video shows boyland being trampled by trump supporters.

Wow, two replies to the same post in 4 minutes. You must really be upset that your narrative is falling apart. Pooooooor wittle commie.

Wow, two replies to the same post in 4 minutes. You must really be upset that your narrative is falling apart. Pooooooor wittle commie.

12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.

Go get em' Elmer
12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.

December 7, 1941 - 2,300+ Americans killed

September 11, 2001 - 3,000+ Americans killed

January 6, 2020 - 1 American killed (unarmed woman shot by a cop)

You're a fucking moron.
The fact is the current AG is a sick, Europhobic, domestic terrorist. Remember when Barry Obama wanted to appoint that POS to the Supreme Court. :heehee: Actually it is fitting since most on the Supreme Court are Anti-American scumbags. :cry:
Snouter's words, are those of a sniveling coward scared shitless of Merrick B. Garland .
12/7/1941 - 9/11/2001 - 1/6/2021 - All attacks on our Democracy we did not stand for
The US and allies defeated the Nazi - Imperial Japanese - Italian Fascists after Pearl Harbor. The US has neutralized the Islamist extremists responsible for 9/11.

We cannot let the bastards responsible for the insurrection on 1/6/2021 get away with it and they will not. They will go down in history being compared to Nazi and Islamic extremists. They all attacked the US and paid the price. It may take years but they will pay the price.

The irony is that Kameltoe said the above first in her little speech this morning at the Capital. :boobies:
I would rather be a parrot than scum that supports an insurrection.

Let us know if you find one.

FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

by Conn Carroll, Commentary Editor
| August 20, 2021 12:16 PM


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