12 Cleveland Browns take knee during the national anthem

Yes, how dare they actually protest police brutality!

They are just supposed to go out there and sustain permanent injury to entertain us!!!

They are protesting police brutality? When do the police get to protest being assaulted and shot by Knee-gro Yutes? Which happens a lot more often than "police brutality."

Seriously, the only reason not to outlaw professional football is that the crime rate would skyrocket, as all these would-be criminals would be out of work.
Yes, how dare they actually protest police brutality!

They are just supposed to go out there and sustain permanent injury to entertain us!!!

Well, strictly speaking, that is their job, and what they are vastly overpaid to do.
Nobody cares about the Browns. Is there a more irrelevant franchise in all of sports?:2up:
They are protesting police brutality? When do the police get to protest being assaulted and shot by Knee-gro Yutes? Which happens a lot more often than "police brutality."

Seriously, the only reason not to outlaw professional football is that the crime rate would skyrocket, as all these would-be criminals would be out of work.

They are getting paid to take those risks. They are trained to deal with these issues.

And, um, no. It doesn't happen 'more often". ONly 60 Police officers are killed by criminal suspects a year, but 1200 Americans die at the hands of police every year.
They are protesting police brutality? When do the police get to protest being assaulted and shot by Knee-gro Yutes? Which happens a lot more often than "police brutality."

Seriously, the only reason not to outlaw professional football is that the crime rate would skyrocket, as all these would-be criminals would be out of work.

They are getting paid to take those risks. They are trained to deal with these issues.

And, um, no. It doesn't happen 'more often". ONly 60 Police officers are killed by criminal suspects a year, but 1200 Americans die at the hands of police every year.

Well maybe that will change when some leaders/parents in the black communities start walking around and wearing t-shirts that say, "STOP AND HANDS UP OR YOULL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF!!". ( in memory of that fat fuck in Ferguson remembered only by his red hat laying on the street :bye1::bye1: ). actually designed a t-shirt that would be real effective.............would save some lives for sure.
Yes, how dare they actually protest police brutality!

They are just supposed to go out there and sustain permanent injury to entertain us!!!

It's the method of their protest of the flag and country that freed the black man from the slavery their own people sold them lnto. Rich ingrates is what they are. Maybe blacks should stop committing most of the crime."
Another bunch of millionaire elites taking a safe stand.
People who watch football dont care. They are used to being abused by the NFL.
The NFL should adopt a zero tolerance policy for these absurd "protests" Take a knee and out of the NFL.
It's the method of their protest of the flag and country that freed the black man from the slavery their own people sold them lnto. Rich ingrates is what they are. Maybe blacks should stop committing most of the crime."

Maybe you can stop being a racist twit, but that would be asking too much.

You'd better pray that when minorities are the majority, they are better people than you are...
The NFL should adopt a zero tolerance policy for these absurd "protests" Take a knee and out of the NFL.

Well, that wouldn't go over well with the player's association.

What I find amusing that the same NFL fans who forgive players for domestic abuse and dogfighting and drug abuse are totally upset some of them are protesting police brutality by not engaging in fake patriotism before a game.
Another bunch of millionaire elites taking a safe stand.

The announcer should do like the cartoon parody..."To honor our flag please sit, stand or take a knee for the national anthem".
Yes, how dare they actually protest police brutality!

They are just supposed to go out there and sustain permanent injury to entertain us!!!

It's the method of their protest of the flag and country that freed the black man from the slavery their own people sold them lnto. Rich ingrates is what they are. Maybe blacks should stop committing most of the crime."

Leftist whites would never suggest such a thing. They know blacks are too stupid and lack the ability to be responsible for anything they do wrong.
The NFL should adopt a zero tolerance policy for these absurd "protests" Take a knee and out of the NFL.

Well, that wouldn't go over well with the player's association.

What I find amusing that the same NFL fans who forgive players for domestic abuse and dogfighting and drug abuse are totally upset some of them are protesting police brutality by not engaging in fake patriotism before a game.

Name one who amused you in such a way.

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