12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

California has some of the strictest gun laws, so what do you propose that can fix the issue?
We could do it, but not overnight, if we focused on severely limiting the violence in our entertainment and teaching kids from the time they can hit that killing other humans is the lowest thing you can do, including screwing your sister (in other words, taboo).

I don't think somebody screwing their sister was the root cause the shooting last night.
Well, that's one thing off the list.

And yet that is your first damn thought!
Fuck the Second Amendment.
Fuck you, too.
--------------------------------------------- and other posters get mad or annoyed at me for using the FUNNY ICON' but tell me if the 'funny icon' isn't appropriate in responding to the ' OLD WOMENS' message just above this post .
Sanctuary state,and lots of anti gun laws, and you point out white men?

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Well it does appear to be an issue with white men. You dont see other races continually walking into bars, movie theaters, churches etc, and killing a bunch of people.

Of the 10,982 gun murders in this country, the majority are committed by minorities in democrat party controlled voting districts....that is a fact.....that is an issue with democrats....

Analysis | The surprising way gun violence is dividing America

In the most Democratic regions, gun violence is more often committed against another, crimes that probably generate more news coverage and fear. In the most Republican areas, it is more often committed against oneself, suicides that may not attract as much attention.


As the below charts show, Democratic areas (measured by the party that controls the congressional district) are far more likely to experience almost all forms of malicious gun violence than Republican areas.
Its a white boy problem.

You dont see other races continually walking into bars, movie theaters, churches etc, and killing a bunch of people.

Except for the long island train shooter? The D.C snipers? The Navy Yard shooter? Fort Hood? San Bernadino? The Dallas black lives matter shooter? The Virginia Tech Shooter? The Pulse Night club shooter?
You listed 8 different mass shootings over the span of the last 20 years...

We damn near had 8 mass shootings just this past year
He also neglected to post the stats. Notice he only posts the stats if he thinks it helps his argument. Its pretty much his tell.
The liberals got just what they wanted. Nobody armed to stop this guy so nobody was killed in the "crossfire."

Congrats liberals. Nobody could own a gun in there so nobody could stop him from having his way with everyone. More blood on liberals hands.

I believe EVERYONE should have been required to have firearms to be able to get in the club...nothing like dancing with guns strapped to you...especially after a few shots...

The liberals got just what they wanted. Nobody armed to stop this guy so nobody was killed in the "crossfire."

Congrats liberals. Nobody could own a gun in there so nobody could stop him from having his way with everyone. More blood on liberals hands.
There were off duty cops there.

And how did that work out? Obviously they were either unarmed cops or scared shitless, either way, the blood is on your hands.

The facts are the facts. The liberals in Commiefornia have made it impossible to possess a handgun in a club lawfully so only criminals like the shooter have one and thus can walk in and shoot everyone.


I believe EVERYONE should have been required to have firearms to be able to get in the club...nothing like dancing with guns strapped to you...especially after a few shots...

So I guess you'd say 12 dead is better than a gun occasionally accidentally discharging once in a blue moon?
Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

we can have freedom, or safety

but we're not going to have both


How free are the victims? The killer's freedom sure didn't create a safe environment.

Yes if no one was free we'd all be safe

And if everyone is free, no one will be safe.

so down with freedom

guaranteed safety for everyone

Maybe you should run for office on that platform
Why is it a big deal? Every weekend in Chicago black dudes shoot more then 11 black dudes every weekend.
2nd Amendment solutions....but why focus only on Chicago?
Lots of scary Black people live there of course. :rolleyes:
Oh....is that why they are fixated on Chicago?

Look at you saying black on black violence is no big deal. Typical honky.
Oh...I said that? Where? Or are you just lying like most deplorable trumpanzees do so glibly?

Pretty much yeah. Honestly your are just mad the guy diddnt have a MAGA hat on when he did it.
The liberals got just what they wanted. Nobody armed to stop this guy so nobody was killed in the "crossfire."

Congrats liberals. Nobody could own a gun in there so nobody could stop him from having his way with everyone. More blood on liberals hands.
There were off duty cops there.

And how did that work out? Obviously they were either unarmed cops or scared shitless, either way, the blood is on your hands.
It worked out like I thought. Having people carry guns doesnt stop mass shootings.
The liberals got just what they wanted. Nobody armed to stop this guy so nobody was killed in the "crossfire."

Congrats liberals. Nobody could own a gun in there so nobody could stop him from having his way with everyone. More blood on liberals hands.
There were off duty cops there.

And how did that work out? Obviously they were either unarmed cops or scared shitless, either way, the blood is on your hands.
If the DJ had an AK -- things would have went totally different.....
We could do it, but not overnight, if we focused on severely limiting the violence in our entertainment and teaching kids from the time they can hit that killing other humans is the lowest thing you can do, including screwing your sister (in other words, taboo).

I don't think somebody screwing their sister was the root cause the shooting last night.
Well, that's one thing off the list.

And yet that is your first damn thought!
Fuck the Second Amendment.
Fuck you, too.
--------------------------------------------- and other posters get mad or annoyed at me for using the FUNNY ICON' but tell me if the 'funny icon' isn't appropriate in responding to the ' OLD WOMENS' message just above this post .

She is terribly distraught over the mass shooting in California because of the criminal not obeying the law and me pointing out her first thought was banjos playing in the night to squeals of joy...

Notice she stays silent when minorities in large Democratic held cities are killing each other...
How very liberal gun-grabber of you!

I am neither a liberal nor a gun grabber. Those who have a mental illness should not own guns. PTSD is a mental illness.

Well, when the president himself shows signs of mental illness....good luck...

Trump Undid Obama Rule That Added Mentally Ill People to Gun Check Register

Is he walking around with guns? What are you talking about? He is actually always surrounded by those who are well trained in using guns. Are you mentally ill too?

trump is just another pawn for the NRA...a mentally deranged pawn....

The NRA? You mean the organization that likely helped train the police who stop mass shooters? Or the NRA who trains civilians in gun safety?

Versus the democrat party, that uses its political power to let repeat, violent, known, gun offenders out of jail over and over again?

The NRA that wants everyone to carry a gun....the NRA that blocks reasonable gun restrictions....the NRA that hands out checks on the floor of congress to keep Repubs in their back pocket...
Or how about we actually treat mental illness
You obviously haven't read the thread. That's okay. It was someone else's idea. I am 100% behind the obvious solution of treating mental illness and making it harder for a mentally ill person with homicidal ideation to keep wandering the community unsupervised and untreated, as is his "right."
I feel for veterans who come home torn up psychologically. A lot of people go into the service for the career and educational opportunities they offer, and some just to get a JOB.
No "right" exists without responsibility on the part of the holder. The irresponsible do not have rights. The responsible have the obligation of aiding the irresponsible, as well as the 'right' to protect themselves form irresponsible acts.
Show me the actual legislation and the votes for it. I can show you where Dem judges prefer to release the mentally ill, rather than get them in hospital help.
Don’t go there, Old Lady. It is a problem, both left and right. Trying to blame one side is ridiculous. I could just as easily state that the lefts policies are responsible, but won’t, because it is a problem with all govt.
Sadly, it was our Republican governor and legislature (in OUR state) that made sure health benefits were cut.
The problem is not just funding, I know. Back to the specific case, as a vet he hopefully had help available if he chose to use it. If less than a year ago he was in a crisis and his guns were not temporarily taken, there is something wrong. Guns and mental health crises do not go together.

Stupid Liberals don't think that guns and Liberty go together, do they? Our Founding Fathers did but modern day idiot Liberals don't think so.
Flash, I have a right to want safety, too. Don't I? It isn't idiotic to want to end mass shootings where innocent unarmed people minding their own business are gunned down with increasing frequency. If it isn't the guns at fault, what is? Just calling liberals "stupid" for being concerned is not going to solve the problem. Next time, it could be in your town, or one of your kids. No one wants it to happen again, but the longer we keep ignoring the problem, the more it is going to happen. Which we have already seen.

You are really confused about this, aren't you? Are you confused or simply naive?

It is idiotic to think that giving up Liberty will get you what you perceive is security. It is idiotic because as the Founding Fathers understood the "security of a free state" is best secured by the American people having the right to keep and bear arms.

No gun law passed by stupid Moon Bats will ever make you secure. It ain't gonna happen. For instance, using today's shooting as an example. The idiots in Commie Kalifornia passed a stupid law against high capacity magazines and millions of Californians gave their magazines up. However, that didn't do a damn thing to stop this nutcase from using a high capacity magazine in a crime, did it?

Chicago has the the nation's strictest gun control laws and the the nation's worst gun control crime. Gun control does absolutely nothing to stop crime.

I could give you many more examples of how gun control doesn't stop gun crime. It is simply ineffective. All it does it take away the Liberty of law abiding citizens and that is wrong. Very wrong.

You live in a nation of 330 million people. Gun crime will happen no matter what laws are passed. There are a lot of nutcases and bad people out there. However, the great majority of that crime is restricted to the drug and gang thugs of the inner city shitholes.

Occasionally gun crime happens elsewhere and innocent people get hurt. It is no different than the many other ways that innocent people get hurt every day. In my county a child died two days ago drowning in a swimming pool. Very tragic. Unfortunately shit happens. Learn to live with it. There are no guarantees in life.
She is terribly distraught over the mass shooting in California because of the criminal not obeying the law and me pointing out her first thought was banjos playing in the night to squeals of joy...

Yes. they make a lot of noise about being 'diverse n stuff', but in real life they're all pretty much nasty little bigots and racists, and want to turn the country into yet another stinking shithole, based on nothing but petty spite over not getting their way on everything, like spoiled rotten little mentally retarded children.

Notice she stays silent when minorities in large Democratic held cities are killing each other...

They always do. But Zimmerman is the real problem, you know ... Obama said so, and these cultists always obey their Leader.
He was a soldier he served in the war. Are you now for taking guns from soldiers, who, unlike you, actually served overseas and put their lives on the line for their country?

So having everyone unarmed is what you want? Well that means you're completely in favor of this outcome because when only the bad guy has a gun, he's going to win every time.

Thanks liberals.
California mass shooting gunman identified

"The suspect behind America’s latest mass shooting has been identified as Ian David Long, who law enforcement officials have accused of killing at least 12 people inside the Borderline Bar & Grill in California.

The gunman, identified by
NBC News as a heavily-tattooed, 28-year-old white male, used a .45 caliber handgun and was found dead after storming the bar that’s commonly frequented by country music fans on Wednesday nights. Details surrounding the suspect began flooding in from neighbours who told ABC News he was a veteran who may have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Police said he was an ex-Marine who had multiple run-ins with law enforcement in recent years and likely shot himself Wednesday night in the bar."

Now we have a little more information about the shooter, not much information about what lead him to do it -- seems at this point it is mental illness -- I have also seen others speculate that since he was wearing black and targeted country music fans -- he may be ANTIFA..
Obviously the liberal that people were predicting here.
A lot of people come back from illegal military occupation abroad with ptsd.

And not only that, but brain injury. Was listening to a talk show this morning and a parent of a vet called in talking about his son who returned from Afghanistan and was diagnosed with PTSD and was immediately prescribed psychotropic drugs for treatment. The guy said his son kept having major setbacks with hallucinations and outbursts and such following taking the drugs. They got further diagnosis and found out the problem was he had physical brain damage. The drugs were then removed and the guy said his son got better right after that, got married and has been fine for 10 years since.
Seems like this is an indicator that use of these drugs need to be better monitored if in this case..... this new shooter was on them, or if he had ptsd or brain injury. But I guess that still remains to be seen
Something has to be done to stop this. Not just talk this time. It is time to actually do something. January approaches. Make sure your legislators know what you think will help make this country SAFE AGAIN.

we can have freedom, or safety

but we're not going to have both


I'll take freedom. I can provide for my own safety.
Yet like most on the right you seek to deny others their freedom.

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