12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

point number 2 and 4 are the important points to me , especially point number 2 as its true that people die everyday all day long of many different causes and we do not attempt to take away their Government Granted PERMISSIONS to drive , ride motorcycles , over eat , over drink but a few thousand gun deaths per year and THEY , the ENEMY libs and 'dems' tries to reduce Americans God Given RIGHT and Constitutional RIGHT to Effective Self Defense and Gun use and ownership for other Constitutional purposes Basic .

A person that can defend themselves is the greatest threat to tyranny.

Old Lady made the damn mistake claiming she can defeat tyranny with education and her intellect but when I pointed out Trotsky stupidity by thinking he was smarter than Stalin, well noticed she went silent quickly.

Also notice when it is pointed out the guy disobeyed the laws the progressive left want us to be silent and not discuss the possible failures because if any failure then it ruins their argument that more laws will help.

As I pointed out the progressive left want to do away with our rights from owning firearms to what we say and in this thread there are great examples!
I went silent yesterday because as usual you are spouting your right wing bullshit tapes instead of listening to what I said. I don't expect anyone to agree, but if you want to talk, at least address what I said. I told you why the second amendment is a useless and counterproductive measure.

I also tried to suggest other options for getting our violence problem under control, but you have been conveniently dismissing all that because the NRA has apparently not given you sound bytes for those.

You just go on calling me stupid in as many ways as you can and then you start pulling in Stalin and Trotsky? WTF? C'mon Bruce. Put your feet on the ground and focus if you want to have a discussion.

1. Please show what I have written is anywhere near what the NRA will tell it members to say because my bet is I am too liberal minded for the NRA.

2. You have stated fuck the second amendment, so right there you admit you want it gone and any other solutions are moot.

3. You are the idiot that believe teaching children that killing is wrong and believe it has never been done before or is not being taught right now, so tell me how many more times must we tell society seeing it does not give a damn!

4. You want to revoke my rights while thinking criminals will obey and as usual you forget criminals are like you and never learn from their damn mistakes!

5. Calling on LEO to do their job is like rolling the dice and you might get their fat ass to do their job but usually the local donut shop is more important.

6. My point about Trotsky is he believed like you and is dead because a tyrant had him killed in Mexico. It is not my damn fault you are too ignorant to read world history and learn from the past.

7. You do not have the votes in the Senate to change the Constitutuon and only hold the House and Senators like Manchin will never vote to repeal the Second Amendment and he is fucking Democrat!

8. Your fake outrage because MSM told you about the shooting is cute but where the fuck is MSM when kids daily get killed in Chicago which has also strict gun control laws?

9. Your responses have been total bullshit as usual when it come to gun control and you have no interest in hearing the other side suggestions because of your narrow minded way of thinking is the only way you will accept!

10. Now get your head out of your ass and ask why LEO and the State of California failed to enforce the laws they already have and then explain to me why those like you believe more laws will get them to do their jobs?
So I'm a 5'8" 135# 45 year old woman. I can lift two gallons of milk with effort. Why should /I/ be denied the right and ability to defend myself, and my household and family, from criminals with bad intentions - possibly even intent to rape or kill me? Can any one of you anti 2nd amendment folks give me a single decent reason that /I/ should be disarmed and put at the mercy of criminals?

Because a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy... that's why.

Same reason we don't want you protecting yourself with a rabid pit-bull...the solution is worse than the problem.

Instead of trying to take care of someone else, why not take care of yourself.


Who cares? It is not the government's or the nanny state's business to protect folks from every conceivable harm. We are adult's, not children.

Let the stupid die for their mistakes, let their children parish for their own idiocy.

I thought the left liked Darwin?
No one even cares anymore about the dead, do they?

I would go as far as desensitized ......

I shouldn't have opened this. I forgot how chillingly depressing the replies would be.
There was a time I lioved with in walking distance of this bar. I do not remember any bar being in that plaza when I lived there. while I do not have the names of the victomes I likely knew some. There is no way to end killings in total. This will never happen. I personally would rather be able to shoot back in this situation. I would like to quit naming the perp after word. Killing the right to bear arms will not stop this. I do not have solutions currently but I am thinking about it.
I'm sorry, evenflow.

I don't think we will ever end all killings, either, but we can end mass shootings, at least make them "rare" again--once a decade instead of once a week. I agree with you about notoriety for the shooter, but you had to want to know who it was and why, didn't you? Now that we know, sink him into infamy.
I did want to know, but that want does not supercede the want to not make that fuck famous.
So I'm a 5'8" 135# 45 year old woman. I can lift two gallons of milk with effort. Why should /I/ be denied the right and ability to defend myself, and my household and family, from criminals with bad intentions - possibly even intent to rape or kill me? Can any one of you anti 2nd amendment folks give me a single decent reason that /I/ should be disarmed and put at the mercy of criminals?

Because a gun in your home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy... that's why.

Same reason we don't want you protecting yourself with a rabid pit-bull...the solution is worse than the problem.
...but only applies to dumb people. Are you one of them?
Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
We won't find out that Big Pharma and his doctor filled him with synthetic drugs that likely are the cause. As is the case with most mass shooters.
No one even cares anymore about the dead, do they?

I would go as far as desensitized ......

I shouldn't have opened this. I forgot how chillingly depressing the replies would be.
There was a time I lioved with in walking distance of this bar. I do not remember any bar being in that plaza when I lived there. while I do not have the names of the victomes I likely knew some. There is no way to end killings in total. This will never happen. I personally would rather be able to shoot back in this situation. I would like to quit naming the perp after word. Killing the right to bear arms will not stop this. I do not have solutions currently but I am thinking about it.
I'm sorry, evenflow.

I don't think we will ever end all killings, either, but we can end mass shootings, at least make them "rare" again--once a decade instead of once a week. I agree with you about notoriety for the shooter, but you had to want to know who it was and why, didn't you? Now that we know, sink him into infamy.
1% of all murders occur in mass shootings


if anything else caused 1% of something anyone with a brain would say it's pretty rare and wouldn't obsess about it

MSM told her guns are bad, so she refuses to look at the actual stats about mass shootings.

She refuses to take into account America population size and that we are Fifty States and some States population are larger than most countries in the World.

She believe that making more laws will finally convince criminals that breaking them will stop killings.

What she has yet to learn is Cain and Able story tell me at least humans never learn and their lust for blood and death can never be taught out of them...
They shoulda armed themselves.

One of the dead was a security guard.... another was a police officer who responded. They were armed.

There are different levels of shooters. What they walked into was a Combat Marine Veteran who was at the top of his game. They were just plain outclassed. Even a Swat Team would have had real problems dealing with him. People were going to die regardless even those wearing bullet proof vests and armed with the Colt LE AR-15s. Thank what ever God or Gods you pray to that he did not have easy access to an AR-15 and 30 round mags or the body count would have topped more than 100 with his skill set.
How do you know what he had access to?
point number 2 and 4 are the important points to me , especially point number 2 as its true that people die everyday all day long of many different causes and we do not attempt to take away their Government Granted PERMISSIONS to drive , ride motorcycles , over eat , over drink but a few thousand gun deaths per year and THEY , the ENEMY libs and 'dems' tries to reduce Americans God Given RIGHT and Constitutional RIGHT to Effective Self Defense and Gun use and ownership for other Constitutional purposes Basic .

A person that can defend themselves is the greatest threat to tyranny.

Old Lady made the damn mistake claiming she can defeat tyranny with education and her intellect but when I pointed out Trotsky stupidity by thinking he was smarter than Stalin, well noticed she went silent quickly.

Also notice when it is pointed out the guy disobeyed the laws the progressive left want us to be silent and not discuss the possible failures because if any failure then it ruins their argument that more laws will help.

As I pointed out the progressive left want to do away with our rights from owning firearms to what we say and in this thread there are great examples!
I went silent yesterday because as usual you are spouting your right wing bullshit tapes instead of listening to what I said. I don't expect anyone to agree, but if you want to talk, at least address what I said. I told you why the second amendment is a useless and counterproductive measure.

I also tried to suggest other options for getting our violence problem under control, but you have been conveniently dismissing all that because the NRA has apparently not given you sound bytes for those.

You just go on calling me stupid in as many ways as you can and then you start pulling in Stalin and Trotsky? WTF? C'mon Bruce. Put your feet on the ground and focus if you want to have a discussion.

I addressed your false perception about the uselessness of the 2nd Amendment.

Perhaps you need to revisit it? It was by the authority on world history, by that guy, Carroll Quigley, that is telling you the truth behind the corporate media conditioning you to the reason why you really want to get rid of it?

Did you watch that video? Breaking News - 12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

Minute 8:00, remember? You never addressed it. Why not? That is the authority on world history, he told us, remember, crucial to a nation's liberty?

Who are you to dispute that? Some professor at Harvard now?
Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
We won't find out that Big Pharma and his doctor filled him with synthetic drugs that likely are the cause. As is the case with most mass shooters.

Great point there!

How many of these nutters are on medication that has alter their perception in life and if the person stop taking them they go full nutter?

What should be looked at is the pill pushing industry and their peddlers!
I would go as far as desensitized ......

I shouldn't have opened this. I forgot how chillingly depressing the replies would be.
There was a time I lioved with in walking distance of this bar. I do not remember any bar being in that plaza when I lived there. while I do not have the names of the victomes I likely knew some. There is no way to end killings in total. This will never happen. I personally would rather be able to shoot back in this situation. I would like to quit naming the perp after word. Killing the right to bear arms will not stop this. I do not have solutions currently but I am thinking about it.
I'm sorry, evenflow.

I don't think we will ever end all killings, either, but we can end mass shootings, at least make them "rare" again--once a decade instead of once a week. I agree with you about notoriety for the shooter, but you had to want to know who it was and why, didn't you? Now that we know, sink him into infamy.
1% of all murders occur in mass shootings


if anything else caused 1% of something anyone with a brain would say it's pretty rare and wouldn't obsess about it

MSM told her guns are bad, so she refuses to look at the actual stats about mass shootings.

She refuses to take into account America population size and that we are Fifty States and some States population are larger than most countries in the World.

She believe that making more laws will finally convince criminals that breaking them will stop killings.

What she has yet to learn is Cain and Able story tell me at least humans never learn and their lust for blood and death can never be taught out of them...
No, it's not that.

She thinks none of that is really the issue, she doesn't see the need for the 2nd Amendment. We are not having a conversation. She is comparing our nation with other nation's that don't have a 2nd Amendment. She wants our right to bear arms gone, that is what the media is telling folks, that we don't need it.

All I want her to address is these two videos, as the world authority on history has written, an armed people is a free people;

Breaking News - 12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

. .. . and there is no denying, America has more free speech, and more liberty than any other nation.
They shoulda armed themselves.

One of the dead was a security guard.... another was a police officer who responded. They were armed.

There are different levels of shooters. What they walked into was a Combat Marine Veteran who was at the top of his game. They were just plain outclassed. Even a Swat Team would have had real problems dealing with him. People were going to die regardless even those wearing bullet proof vests and armed with the Colt LE AR-15s. Thank what ever God or Gods you pray to that he did not have easy access to an AR-15 and 30 round mags or the body count would have topped more than 100 with his skill set.
How do you know what he had access to?
He doesn’t, The shooter probably figured that and was probably right he would the drop on people quicker with a pistol than a rifle. All of that shooting was done in very close quarters which suits a pistol better than A rifle.
Please show what I have written is anywhere near what the NRA will tell it members to say because my bet is I am too liberal minded for the NRA.
Ignore the dead, ignore the mass shootings because Cain killed Abel. Ignore the dead because I want my gun (I never said I would take your gun away -- I said the right for every single citizen in this country to own guns in order to protect us from a government that goes wild and wants to put its boot on our necks is insane.
I shouldn't have opened this. I forgot how chillingly depressing the replies would be.
There was a time I lioved with in walking distance of this bar. I do not remember any bar being in that plaza when I lived there. while I do not have the names of the victomes I likely knew some. There is no way to end killings in total. This will never happen. I personally would rather be able to shoot back in this situation. I would like to quit naming the perp after word. Killing the right to bear arms will not stop this. I do not have solutions currently but I am thinking about it.
I'm sorry, evenflow.

I don't think we will ever end all killings, either, but we can end mass shootings, at least make them "rare" again--once a decade instead of once a week. I agree with you about notoriety for the shooter, but you had to want to know who it was and why, didn't you? Now that we know, sink him into infamy.
1% of all murders occur in mass shootings


if anything else caused 1% of something anyone with a brain would say it's pretty rare and wouldn't obsess about it

MSM told her guns are bad, so she refuses to look at the actual stats about mass shootings.

She refuses to take into account America population size and that we are Fifty States and some States population are larger than most countries in the World.

She believe that making more laws will finally convince criminals that breaking them will stop killings.

What she has yet to learn is Cain and Able story tell me at least humans never learn and their lust for blood and death can never be taught out of them...
No, it's not that.

She thinks none of that is really the issue, she doesn't see the need for the 2nd Amendment. We are not having a conversation. She is comparing our nation with other nation's that don't have a 2nd Amendment. She wants our right to bear arms gone, that is what the media is telling folks, that we don't need it.

All I want her to address is these two videos, as the world authority on history has written, an armed people is a free people;

Breaking News - 12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

. .. . and there is no denying, America has more free speech, and more liberty than any other nation.
Yep, Other countries do not have the right to firearm ownership, or the right to freedom of speech
I shouldn't have opened this. I forgot how chillingly depressing the replies would be.
There was a time I lioved with in walking distance of this bar. I do not remember any bar being in that plaza when I lived there. while I do not have the names of the victomes I likely knew some. There is no way to end killings in total. This will never happen. I personally would rather be able to shoot back in this situation. I would like to quit naming the perp after word. Killing the right to bear arms will not stop this. I do not have solutions currently but I am thinking about it.
I'm sorry, evenflow.

I don't think we will ever end all killings, either, but we can end mass shootings, at least make them "rare" again--once a decade instead of once a week. I agree with you about notoriety for the shooter, but you had to want to know who it was and why, didn't you? Now that we know, sink him into infamy.
1% of all murders occur in mass shootings


if anything else caused 1% of something anyone with a brain would say it's pretty rare and wouldn't obsess about it

MSM told her guns are bad, so she refuses to look at the actual stats about mass shootings.

She refuses to take into account America population size and that we are Fifty States and some States population are larger than most countries in the World.

She believe that making more laws will finally convince criminals that breaking them will stop killings.

What she has yet to learn is Cain and Able story tell me at least humans never learn and their lust for blood and death can never be taught out of them...
No, it's not that.

She thinks none of that is really the issue, she doesn't see the need for the 2nd Amendment. We are not having a conversation. She is comparing our nation with other nation's that don't have a 2nd Amendment. She wants our right to bear arms gone, that is what the media is telling folks, that we don't need it.

All I want her to address is these two videos, as the world authority on history has written, an armed people is a free people;

Breaking News - 12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

. .. . and there is no denying, America has more free speech, and more liberty than any other nation.

Well then if she feel that way then why should she have the right to vote or freedom of speech?

Speech causes more hatred and voting allow the ignorant to vote themselves into a dictatorship, so maybe we should just get rid of those two things first...
Please show what I have written is anywhere near what the NRA will tell it members to say because my bet is I am too liberal minded for the NRA.
Ignore the dead, ignore the mass shootings because Cain killed Abel. Ignore the dead because I want my gun (I never said I would take your gun away -- I said the right for every single citizen in this country to own guns in order to protect us from a government that goes wild and wants to put its boot on our necks is insane.
you don't even want people to own guns for self defense
Three things will happen.

1) We will find out everyone in this person's life knew he was crazy.
2) We will find he was able to amass a lot of firepower with little or no trouble.
3) 2AGuy and other NRA shills will be on here spamming the thread with their gun "Facts" that are anything but.
We won't find out that Big Pharma and his doctor filled him with synthetic drugs that likely are the cause. As is the case with most mass shooters.

Great point there!

How many of these nutters are on medication that has alter their perception in life and if the person stop taking them they go full nutter?

What should be looked at is the pill pushing industry and their peddlers!

I notice that too.

Like clock work, the corporate media ALWAYS harps on the guns, but because of HIPAA laws, no one ever questions what mood altering drugs these killers are on.

Ever since the passage of the ACA, these shootings have sky rocketed by poor, uneducated, mentally unstable desperate folks, but the corporate press hasn't been telling the brain dead public anything about that.

. . . and I suspect it has to do with the drugs that the community mental health providers are putting them on.

And BIG PHARMA wants the profits and wants THAT kept quiet.
I'm sure my husband would join in that watering, but what about me. Problem with CW 2.0 is the government is lost so it's a moot point :/

Yeah. I talk a lot of shit about fighting back against they tyrants just on principle alone, but you're right, we're too far gone. Our government has been lost for a long time. We're 22 trillion in debt, our dollar is worth 4 cents, the market is gonna collapse by default any year now, and given the dependence on the massive welfare state we run, when the government runs out of money to steal and when they've totally devalued the dollar to the point that they cant print any more, when the people have nothing else to lose, they'll lose it in the streets. Notwithstanding the fact that we've drifted into a true police state. I wanna be as far away from that as possible. Personally, I plan on being out of the country before they finally tank it. I'm prepared to make the move, and I will. Though, I was hoping they'd get their wall up sooner to keep the zombies and the jackboots contained.

There's too many other nice countries in the world to want to hang around this powder keg. And it's all manufactured from the top down. The more I think on it, the more I believe they want to use the media to create unrest and to go after the guns because they know they can't keep patching that bubble. It's literally the biggest bubbe in the history if mankind. There will be civil unrrest, the likes this country has never known.

I plan to be on the outside and watching the smoke rise from afar. Maybe sipping on those blue fruity things with the little pink umbrellas in em.
Last edited:
Please show what I have written is anywhere near what the NRA will tell it members to say because my bet is I am too liberal minded for the NRA.
Ignore the dead, ignore the mass shootings because Cain killed Abel. Ignore the dead because I want my gun (I never said I would take your gun away -- I said the right for every single citizen in this country to own guns in order to protect us from a government that goes wild and wants to put its boot on our necks is insane.
Progressives do not get to determine what the laws on firearm ownership are... because they are not qualified.
Please show what I have written is anywhere near what the NRA will tell it members to say because my bet is I am too liberal minded for the NRA.
Ignore the dead, ignore the mass shootings because Cain killed Abel. Ignore the dead because I want my gun (I never said I would take your gun away -- I said the right for every single citizen in this country to own guns in order to protect us from a government that goes wild and wants to put its boot on our necks is insane.

Again, show where I am spewing what the NRA said and you did say fuck the second amendment, so fuck your freedom of speech and right to vote!

Also you are too ignorant to know that even with the best damn equipment our military and even Russia military have and had a hell of a time in Afghanistan, so learn something and yes a shotgun can do wonders in a fire fight...
point number 2 and 4 are the important points to me , especially point number 2 as its true that people die everyday all day long of many different causes and we do not attempt to take away their Government Granted PERMISSIONS to drive , ride motorcycles , over eat , over drink but a few thousand gun deaths per year and THEY , the ENEMY libs and 'dems' tries to reduce Americans God Given RIGHT and Constitutional RIGHT to Effective Self Defense and Gun use and ownership for other Constitutional purposes Basic .

A person that can defend themselves is the greatest threat to tyranny.

Old Lady made the damn mistake claiming she can defeat tyranny with education and her intellect but when I pointed out Trotsky stupidity by thinking he was smarter than Stalin, well noticed she went silent quickly.

Also notice when it is pointed out the guy disobeyed the laws the progressive left want us to be silent and not discuss the possible failures because if any failure then it ruins their argument that more laws will help.

As I pointed out the progressive left want to do away with our rights from owning firearms to what we say and in this thread there are great examples!
I went silent yesterday because as usual you are spouting your right wing bullshit tapes instead of listening to what I said. I don't expect anyone to agree, but if you want to talk, at least address what I said. I told you why the second amendment is a useless and counterproductive measure.

I also tried to suggest other options for getting our violence problem under control, but you have been conveniently dismissing all that because the NRA has apparently not given you sound bytes for those.

You just go on calling me stupid in as many ways as you can and then you start pulling in Stalin and Trotsky? WTF? C'mon Bruce. Put your feet on the ground and focus if you want to have a discussion.

I addressed your false perception about the uselessness of the 2nd Amendment.

Perhaps you need to revisit it? It was by the authority on world history, by that guy, Carroll Quigley, that is telling you the truth behind the corporate media conditioning you to the reason why you really want to get rid of it?

Did you watch that video? Breaking News - 12 Dead in Mass Shooting at So.Cal Bar

Minute 8:00, remember? You never addressed it. Why not? That is the authority on world history, he told us, remember, crucial to a nation's liberty?

Who are you to dispute that? Some professor at Harvard now?
I tried watching it, Mr. Beale, but I listened to quite a bit of it and did not see that it was addressing the second amendment. I don't agree with how you view the world's affairs. Sorry.

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