12 year old, 15 year old shot in London, where guns are banned and confiscated

Let me RE-POST this.....

Gun control doesn't work worth a damn, unless it's Federal Law. State gun-control is meaningless, when any gun-toting fool can get in his car and drive clear across the country to shoot someone.
Australia has Federal gun control, and, like Britain, when there's a shooting, it's national news.
In our sorry country, it's 'Meh, so what?', unless at least 5 people are shot down in one incident.
Because we have no criminal control in this country, firearms have never been the issue when it comes to violence.
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
That's 2.

You do realize there are something like 300 shootings a day here right?

But according to YOUR logic, "if only guns were banned none of this terrible gun violence would be happening". Turns out you are wrong. So why should we listen to you again?

No. Only gun nuts expect reasonable gun regulation to solve all gun problems. Sane people know it will just reduce the probem to a less horrible number. Why do you keep repeating such goofy crap? The NRA can't supply you with less ignorant talking points?

And only unreasonable people think that attacking tens of millions of people for the criminal misdeeds of less than 200,000 is somehow OK. Ignoring the fact that those same 200,000 are continuously let out of prison by those who DEMAND GUN CONTROL!

Do you see the problem with your so called "logic"?

You seem to think reasonable gun control is a personal attack on you. How childish of you.
They all do that.
Let me RE-POST this.....


What a moronic set of statistics.

First, it is FAR easier to get a gun illegally in a city than in the country (it is far easier to get almost anything in a city - legal or otherwise). It does not matter how strict city laws supposedly are...it is INCREDIBLY easy to buy a gun illegally in a city. And the bigger the city - with the more crime - the easier it is.
So the 'fact' that the above cities (supposedly) are strict on gun ownership is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.

Second - and the really obvious part - you are comparing apples and oranges. The '189'th' stat obviously does not include countries whose murder rate is minus their top 5 cities for murder rates....it's just their total murder rate.

The stats above are total nonsense.
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When it comes to "fright factor", guns can't touch the horror and holocaust caused by liberal/Regressive snowflake policies.
Let me RE-POST this.....


What a moronic set of statistics.

First, it is FAR easier to get a gun illegally in a city than in the country (it is far easier to get almost anything in a city - legal or otherwise). It does not matter how strict city laws supposedly are...it is INCREDIBLY easy to buy a gun illegally in a city. And the bigger the city - with the more crime - the easier it is.
So the 'fact' that the above cities (supposedly) are strict on gun ownership is COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.

Second - and the really obvious part - you are comparing apples and oranges. The '189'th' stat obviously does not include countries whose murder rate is minus their top 5 cities for murder rates....it's just their total murder rate.


The stats above are total nonsense.

What idiot came up with it?

Spin Spin Spin.
Why don't you stop making a fool of yourself and look up the murder rates for the cities listed and admit that, yeah, we have a Democrat/Liberal/Regressive problem.

Spin it anyway you like space cadet....FACT is....take out your cities and the gun violence rate drops SIGNIFICANTLY. THAT's the point. Try and keep up.

DUH...there's more truth there than ALL your posts this week combined.

What's that Snowflake? You can't handle the truth? Then melt.

By the way...the girl isn't bad looking either .
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Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
So, what are you getting at? Just how insidious guns are? Or how ineffective and incompetent British law enforcement is?

I will leave it to a certified genius to explain it to you...

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
I am no genious. But, here's a "What if" scenario: Totally banning guns across the board? You can't ban anyone being abusive, but you can limit them to what tools they use.

No, you can't. Provably so. France has all the gun laws you want and more and four scumbags managed to get machineguns (smuggled across an ocean, and a whole continent) into Paris where they murdered 130 people. Gun bans don't work.
Thanks for this thread. It’s important that we know about every gun death that happens in Britain. Very important.

I agree. It shows how completely bankrupt your position on gun control is. It ain't the tool, it's the person using it. You let those people out of prison,and into the country in vast numbers, and then you demand that we non violent people give up our guns. You're a moron.

Great post. You love to hear about gun deaths in Britain. Makes you feel all smart and shit.

If you want to pick a personal fight - take it to the FZ please. Otherwise try to discuss the topic not the member, ok?
Could someone start posting about every gun death the doesn't happen in London?
Let me RE-POST this.....


You're meme, as is typical of memes - is faulty. Cities can't legislate stricter gun control laws then the state has - in fact Florida is in a court battle with several cities over this. Did you know Louisiana and Missouri have some of the laxest gun control laws? That means St. Louis and New Orleans do not have strict gun control laws. In fact those two states are among the ten least restrictive gun law states. Oops.
Thanks for this thread. It’s important that we know about every gun death that happens in Britain. Very important.

I agree. It shows how completely bankrupt your position on gun control is. It ain't the tool, it's the person using it. You let those people out of prison,and into the country in vast numbers, and then you demand that we non violent people give up our guns. You're a moron.

Great post. You love to hear about gun deaths in Britain. Makes you feel all smart and shit.

If you want to pick a personal fight - take it to the FZ please. Otherwise try to discuss the topic not the member, ok?

I was called a moron. I responded. I picked no fight.
Thanks for this thread. It’s important that we know about every gun death that happens in Britain. Very important.

I agree. It shows how completely bankrupt your position on gun control is. It ain't the tool, it's the person using it. You let those people out of prison,and into the country in vast numbers, and then you demand that we non violent people give up our guns. You're a moron.

Great post. You love to hear about gun deaths in Britain. Makes you feel all smart and shit.

If you want to pick a personal fight - take it to the FZ please. Otherwise try to discuss the topic not the member, ok?

I was called a moron. I responded. I picked no fight.

After an entire paragraph of content on the topic...you can flame, just include content, otherwise it's just a personal fight.
Thanks for this thread. It’s important that we know about every gun death that happens in Britain. Very important.

I agree. It shows how completely bankrupt your position on gun control is. It ain't the tool, it's the person using it. You let those people out of prison,and into the country in vast numbers, and then you demand that we non violent people give up our guns. You're a moron.

Great post. You love to hear about gun deaths in Britain. Makes you feel all smart and shit.

If you want to pick a personal fight - take it to the FZ please. Otherwise try to discuss the topic not the member, ok?

I was called a moron. I responded. I picked no fight.

After an entire paragraph of content on the topic...you can flame, just include content, otherwise it's just a personal fight.

Yeah. I know. As long as I say something about the topic I can say whatever I want at the end. Excuse me for forgetting the protocol after being called a moron. My bad.
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
That's 2.

You do realize there are something like 300 shootings a day here right?

But according to YOUR logic, "if only guns were banned none of this terrible gun violence would be happening". Turns out you are wrong. So why should we listen to you again?

No. Only gun nuts expect reasonable gun regulation to solve all gun problems. Sane people know it will just reduce the probem to a less horrible number. Why do you keep repeating such goofy crap? The NRA can't supply you with less ignorant talking points?

And only unreasonable people think that attacking tens of millions of people for the criminal misdeeds of less than 200,000 is somehow OK. Ignoring the fact that those same 200,000 are continuously let out of prison by those who DEMAND GUN CONTROL!

Do you see the problem with your so called "logic"?
Nope. I see you and your buddies endangering the rest of us so you can feel tough.

Law abiding gun owners aren't shooting anyone.....the criminals that democrats let out of jail over and over again, the ones with multiple felony convictions and gun convictions are the ones shooting people in democrat controlled voting districts...the problem is, again, the democrat party and their cozy relationship with violent criminals.
England's gun problem is nonexistant compared to ours. We should do what they are doing. You don't get that?

The British gun problem is getting worse, not better and it isn't going to improve since they are following the left wing guide book for increasing violent crime, cutting police resources, destroying families through the welfare state and importing violent criminals who use guns to protect their drug turf.

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