12 year old, 15 year old shot in London, where guns are banned and confiscated

If only gun nuts put as much effort into bettering themselves and their families as they did into caring and protecting their precious guns.

I swear, if a gun nut had to choose between his guns and his children...he would actually hesitate before answering.
What exactly do you mean by the term, "gun nut?"

What is a "gun nut?"
Lets do a gun ban in the Democrat states and see if it works.

You don't even need statewide bans! Just thee few Democratic cities:

View attachment 192188
Why do you post this tripe? You have something going on with a sex worker with a gun who is willing to lay you for money? I hope that she makes a lot of money out of you stupid whores.

TRIPE: What a bat-shit crazy, leftist, conservative hating fag-cow calls it when you shoot down his every leftist-loving McCain-kissing, Never-Trumper argument.

You're funny. Say some more dumb shit.

Don't need to. Just have to follow you.
DUMB-SHIT: That label the left always uses when you are so spot on they no longer have any clever deflections left.

Well, are you fucking chickee-boom-boom and her gun or not?
Thanks for this thread. It’s important that we know about every gun death that happens in Britain. Very important.
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
That's 2.

You do realize there are something like 300 shootings a day here right?

But according to YOUR logic, "if only guns were banned none of this terrible gun violence would be happening". Turns out you are wrong. So why should we listen to you again?

No. Only gun nuts expect reasonable gun regulation to solve all gun problems. Sane people know it will just reduce the probem to a less horrible number. Why do you keep repeating such goofy crap? The NRA can't supply you with less ignorant talking points?

And only unreasonable people think that attacking tens of millions of people for the criminal misdeeds of less than 200,000 is somehow OK. Ignoring the fact that those same 200,000 are continuously let out of prison by those who DEMAND GUN CONTROL!

Do you see the problem with your so called "logic"?
Gun control doesn't work worth a damn, unless it's Federal Law. State gun-control is meaningless, when any gun-toting fool can get in his car and drive clear across the country to shoot someone.
Australia has Federal gun control, and, like Britain, when there's a shooting, it's national news.
In our sorry country, it's 'Meh, so what?', unless at least 5 people are shot down in one incident.
Thanks for this thread. It’s important that we know about every gun death that happens in Britain. Very important.

I agree. It shows how completely bankrupt your position on gun control is. It ain't the tool, it's the person using it. You let those people out of prison,and into the country in vast numbers, and then you demand that we non violent people give up our guns. You're a moron.
Gun control doesn't work worth a damn, unless it's Federal Law. State gun-control is meaningless, when any gun-toting fool can get in his car and drive clear across the country to shoot someone.
Australia has Federal gun control, and, like Britain, when there's a shooting, it's national news.
In our sorry country, it's 'Meh, so what?', unless at least 5 people are shot down in one incident.

Gun violence was ALWAYS uncommon in Australia. Until now. Now that the country is allowing refugees in from violent third world countries guess what's happening?

Yup, gun violence is skyrocketing. Funny how that works.
If only gun nuts put as much effort into bettering themselves and their families as they did into caring and protecting their precious guns.

I swear, if a gun nut had to choose between his guns and his children...he would actually hesitate before answering.
What exactly do you mean by the term, "gun nut?"

What is a "gun nut?"

A gun nut is NOT someone who merely owns guns. There are lots of gun enthusaists who are not gun nuts. I own and use guns myself. Some of the identifying charactoristics of a gun nut include, but aren't limited to
1. A person who feels he should be armed any time he is in public. Some do it because they are cowards and fear interaction with the real world, or they use it as compensation for lack of masculine charactoristics they wish they had, or to try to make others believe they are as masculine as they want the world to believe they are. Some just do it as a fashion statement. Nobody has a need to be armed 24/7 nless they are a member of the military, and deployed in a combat area.
2. Someone who cares more about enjoying their gun fettish than they do about the safety of others around them. (see #1)
3. Someone who uses guns to make a political statement. "I'm a right winger. Right wingers are gun nuts, so I'll adopt the accepted gun nut strategy to show unity with my political party."
4. Some just want to feel like they are part of a movement. Doesn't really matter what that movement might be, but it helps them to not feel so alone.

Lots of other behaviors could classify someone as a gun nut, but those seem to be the top identifying charactoristics I notice when dealing with gun nuts.
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
So, what are you getting at? Just how insidious guns are? Or how ineffective and incompetent British law enforcement is?
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
So, what are you getting at? Just how insidious guns are? Or how ineffective and incompetent British law enforcement is?

I will leave it to a certified genius to explain it to you...

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
That's 2.

You do realize there are something like 300 shootings a day here right?

But according to YOUR logic, "if only guns were banned none of this terrible gun violence would be happening". Turns out you are wrong. So why should we listen to you again?

No. Only gun nuts expect reasonable gun regulation to solve all gun problems. Sane people know it will just reduce the probem to a less horrible number. Why do you keep repeating such goofy crap? The NRA can't supply you with less ignorant talking points?

And only unreasonable people think that attacking tens of millions of people for the criminal misdeeds of less than 200,000 is somehow OK. Ignoring the fact that those same 200,000 are continuously let out of prison by those who DEMAND GUN CONTROL!

Do you see the problem with your so called "logic"?

You seem to think reasonable gun control is a personal attack on you. How childish of you.
A gun nut is NOT someone who merely owns guns. There are lots of gun enthusaists who are not gun nuts. I own and use guns myself. Some of the identifying charactoristics of a gun nut include, but aren't limited to
1. A person who feels he should be armed any time he is in public. Some do it because they are cowards and fear interaction with the real world, or they use it as compensation for lack of masculine charactoristics they wish they had, or to try to make others believe they are as masculine as they want the world to believe they are. Some just do it as a fashion statement. Nobody has a need to be armed 24/7 nless they are a member of the military, and deployed in a combat area.
2. Someone who cares more about enjoying their gun fettish than they do about the safety of others around them. (see #1)
3. Someone who uses guns to make a political statement. "I'm a right winger. Right wingers are gun nuts, so I'll adopt the accepted gun nut strategy to show unity with my political party."
4. Some just want to feel like they are part of a movement. Doesn't really matter what that movement might be, but it helps them to not feel so alone.

Lots of other behaviors could classify someone as a gun nut, but those seem to be the top identifying charactoristics I notice when dealing with gun nuts.

You didn't say that people who own AR15's are "Gun nuts". Why?
You seem to think reasonable gun control is a personal attack on you. How childish of you.

We had very reasonable "gun control" laws 100 years ago.

What's changed? The PEOPLE and liberal policies that have created a society full of criminals.

Maybe not you, but there are plenty of people who do want a repeal of the 2nd and do actually want civilians disarmed.

Broward County Florida Sheriff Scott Israel has openly stated on many morning talk shows that he is all for disarming civilians and that the public does not need to own firearms because that's what the Police are for. Bet ya $100 he keeps firearms at HIS home to protect HIS family.
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
So, what are you getting at? Just how insidious guns are? Or how ineffective and incompetent British law enforcement is?

I will leave it to a certified genius to explain it to you...

"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
I am no genious. But, here's a "What if" scenario: Totally banning guns across the board? You can't ban anyone being abusive, but you can limit them to what tools they use.
Gun control doesn't work worth a damn, unless it's Federal Law. State gun-control is meaningless, when any gun-toting fool can get in his car and drive clear across the country to shoot someone.
Australia has Federal gun control, and, like Britain, when there's a shooting, it's national news.
In our sorry country, it's 'Meh, so what?', unless at least 5 people are shot down in one incident.

Gun violence was ALWAYS uncommon in Australia. Until now. Now that the country is allowing refugees in from violent third world countries guess what's happening?

Yup, gun violence is skyrocketing. Funny how that works.

Need I point out that the rise in gun violence has only been proportional to liberal policy implemented world-wide? It is almost as if people on some unconscious biological level are revolting as a mass organism to the forced increase in socialism, fascism and big government regulating our lives.

HERE's A THOUGHT: I'd be willing to bet good money that the world gets by and along a LOT better with just people dealing with people and no big governments dictating anything!
If only gun nuts put as much effort into bettering themselves and their families as they did into caring and protecting their precious guns.

I swear, if a gun nut had to choose between his guns and his children...he would actually hesitate before answering.
What exactly do you mean by the term, "gun nut?"

What is a "gun nut?"

That is for you to figure out.

But Bulldog's answer is a good start.
Last edited:
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?


Math is hard for you, isn't it?
Two more shootings this week.....a 12 year old and a 15 year old, both boys, in London, in a country, an island, that banned and confiscated guns.....

They were shot, but not killed, so anti gunners will come here and say...but....but.... the murder rate in Britain is lower than the U.S....... in an attempt to hide the fact that gun crime in Britain is going up..... 20 years after they banned and confiscated guns........and it has been going up ever since the ban...and it is accelerating...

Two children aged 12 and 15 shot in Harrow, northwest London

Two boys have been shot minutes apart from each other in Harrow, northwest London.

Police were called just minutes apart, at 1.17pm, to the shootings at two locations in close proximity in High Street, Wealdstone.

A 15-year-old boy was found with a gun shot wound.

Two minutes later at a different but nearby location in High Street, a 12-year-old boy was also treated for gunshot wounds.

Both boys were taken to hospital and police said they await details of their condition.

Hey....anti gunners......which British gun control law has stopped this shooter from walking into a school and murdering children?
That's 2.

You do realize there are something like 300 shootings a day here right?
Mostly done by repeat offenders, this country has no criminal control...
Progressive controlled urban areas, is where the violence is. All by the way with overly strict gun control laws...
Jack weed

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