If Hills ever hooked up to a lie detector, I think atoms would split and the world would implode.
Hillary should not be allowed to run for president. She is a law breaker and a liar. She will not win no matter whom she is running against in the general election.
Hillary should not be allowed to run for president. She is a law breaker and a liar. She will not win no matter whom she is running against in the general election.
unless she is indicted/convicted, she has every right to run her campaigns, aspire to achieve lofty goals,
and she will not win no matter whom she is running against in the general election
poor pat smith, as if she hadn't been through enough, now the clinton machine is giving her the monica lewinsky treatment.

there are going to be more emails about this. this isn't just hillary. it was an organized political strategy, the reason i know this is stephanie cutter's remarks at the last debatet.

this is a political scandal of the highest order.

that means axelrod, gibbs, carney, jarrett, et al. chicago.

let's see how much bullying hillary engages in to escape scrutiny.

i believe Pat Smith and Mr. Woods and the others. this has been public knowledge since the day they received their fallen, America's fallen. also panetta held Pat Smith's face and promised her he was find answers. i can remember her telling the story, and about hillary going to jail the video maker. i remember Pat telling that story, like it was yesterday.
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FOX news is repeating a show Bret Baier did with the contractors who wrote the book right now.

I saw that segment and those men said they were ready to go but were told to stand down by their CIA bosses.

One of them was badly wounded on the roof where Woods and Doherty were killed.

Those men were there and saw exactly what was happening and heard those still at the annex yelling for help.

The three of them disobeyed their orders and took off to help.

I'm sure that Michael Bay will be as authentic as he can with this film. Its already has loads of action without Hollywood adding any.

You can bet your ass I'll be seeing this movie
FOX news is repeating a show Bret Baier did with the contractors who wrote the book right now.

I saw that segment and those men said they were ready to go but were told to stand down by their CIA bosses.

One of them was badly wounded on the roof where Woods and Doherty were killed.

Those men were there and saw exactly what was happening and heard those still at the annex yelling for help.

The three of them disobeyed their orders and took off to help.

I'm sure that Michael Bay will be as authentic as he can with this film. Its already has loads of action without Hollywood adding any.

You can bet your ass I'll be seeing this movie
the libs cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened. . now, the line has been drawn by hillary when she said about who was lying "not me". This what the clintons do, they will try to make these families seem crazy and pathological, hysterical.

then they will go out and campaign against demagoguery and bullying.

we can do better than the clintons.

i'd vote for bernie over hillary any day, and he's a socialist.
the libs cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened.
Bad calls were made, by Stevens and others, and four men were murdered 600 miles away from our actual embassy (where no one was harmed). Your circus act of the dead to smear Hillary is just that, an act.
the libs cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened.
Bad calls were made, by Stevens and others, and four men were murdered 600 miles away from our actual embassy (where no one was harmed). Your circus act of the dead to smear Hillary is just that, an act.

Hilary took care of that all by herself.

Her State Departments incompetence got those men killed.

Your circus act defending her is just that. An act.
the libs cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened.
Bad calls were made, by Stevens and others, and four men were murdered 600 miles away from our actual embassy (where no one was harmed). Your circus act of the dead to smear Hillary is just that, an act.

Hilary took care of that all by herself.

Her State Departments incompetence got those men killed.

Your circus act defending her is just that. An act.
No, Stevens and his team's decision to be there, as well as the terrorist's guns of course, got them killed. Stevens made his own calls, he wasn't Hillary's errand boy.
They had months of warnings and did nothing.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those warnings seriously and pulled their people out.

We should have done the same.

You can blame Stevens, a dead Stevens, all you want but State should have pulled our people out. Just like they did years later when Libya went to hell.

Had they done that there would have been no Benghazi.
They had months of warnings and did nothing.

The Brits and the Red Cross took those warnings seriously and pulled their people out.

We should have done the same.

You can blame Stevens, a dead Stevens, all you want but State should have pulled our people out. Just like they did years later when Libya went to hell.

Had they done that there would have been no Benghazi.
Notice the "Stevens" part, it was his call. If a man falls off a cliff and dies, by his own actions, should I not "blame" him because he's dead? There is plenty of blame to go around in this case but it was Stevens who put himself there, no one else.
I am both eager and hesitant to watch the film. I wonder how realistically they will portray the events, warnings, errors, mistakes, details 'WE' (a specific 'some of us') know to be fact know. I am apprehensive knowing how politically biased Hollywood is if they will show a true 'documentary' format or gloss over / ignore facts to protect Liberals / Hillary and Obama while 'spicing it up' to make it more 'Hollywood glitz, glamour, and B$'...

There is no way anyone can accurately tell this story without exposing how Hillary, Obama, and his administration F*ed this whole thing up from the word 'Go' and got 4 Americans needlessly killed while running guns to terrorists from Benghazi.

I am sure it will pull on the heart-strings and that it will be action-packed, but I am curtailing my expectations until I see it. No way the entire truth comes out on the screen, because this administration and Hillary would be F*ed.

If they show Obama in the War Room or actively engaged during the 13 hours I will get up and walk out, as we KNOW that was not the case. I predict we will not see the HW and State Department altering the CIA's initial report 13 times to strip all references to 'terrorism' out of it, them formulating the 'video' lie, Hillary telling the foreign PM that she KNEW it was a terrorist attack in which the video played NO part...

If they show what really happened, the ex-SEALS fighting they will see 3 men trying to protect American lives, trying to hold out until help arrived, one on the roof lazing mortar targets so that an AC-130 Gun ship or an armed Drone he EXPECTED to be there / show up could take out the hostile targets...fighting, waiting for help that would NEVER come. (No man left behind, right Barry / Hillary?!)

Hopefully ENOUGH of the truth will come out to matter.

As much as I would like this to destroy Mrs. Clinton, as were the 4 lives at Benghazi, we all should be careful in what we call truth. I certainly think they screwed up royally but do I know the facts? I don't think so. What I believe is that there was serious gun running being done at Benghazi and the compounds were being used as CIA "prisons." No one in their right mind could think that the coordinated attacks were because of a movie, no one.

Since then, I believe, the WH, State Department and the Congress are all complicit in keeping the truth from the world. I believe they think it is for national security reasons, or they don't want to face war crimes.

All I am saying is we need to be careful in what we believe to be facts when everyone appears to be not telling the truth.
i don't know if there were improprieties about the battle, but afterwards there was an orchestrated conspiracy to cover it all up just before obama's reelection. a political scandal, that cannot stand unaddressed.

yeah, it's the same blue dress and jewelry, in the benghazi hearing, and the new campaign ad warning how dangerous the republicans are. the nerve

We need more investigations.
Stevens worked for the State Department and they could have heeded the warnings and ordered him home.

They ignored the warnings and did nothing. That nothing got four good men killed.

Stevens and all staff should have been brought home. Had that happened there would have been no Benghazi.
Stevens worked for the State Department and they could have heeded the warnings and ordered him home.

They ignored the warnings and did nothing. That nothing got four good men killed.

Stevens and all staff should have been brought home. Had that happened there would have been no Benghazi.
Steven was a big boy and got to make his own damn calls, including staying at the Embassy or sending the whole damn thing back home if necessary. Blaming the State Department (or HC) for his calls is simply dishonest. Monday-morning quarterbacking...
the libs cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened.
Bad calls were made, by Stevens and others, and four men were murdered 600 miles away from our actual embassy (where no one was harmed). Your circus act of the dead to smear Hillary is just that, an act.

Hilary took care of that all by herself.

Her State Departments incompetence got those men killed.

Your circus act defending her is just that. An act.
No, Stevens and his team's decision to be there, as well as the terrorist's guns of course, got them killed. Stevens made his own calls, he wasn't Hillary's errand boy.

You're right, Stevens made the call for help, but didn't get it. Was that because he wasn't Clinton's errand boy?
the libs cannot continue to pretend nothing has happened.
Bad calls were made, by Stevens and others, and four men were murdered 600 miles away from our actual embassy (where no one was harmed). Your circus act of the dead to smear Hillary is just that, an act.

Hilary took care of that all by herself.

Her State Departments incompetence got those men killed.

Your circus act defending her is just that. An act.
No, Stevens and his team's decision to be there, as well as the terrorist's guns of course, got them killed. Stevens made his own calls, he wasn't Hillary's errand boy.

You're right, Stevens made the call for help, but didn't get it. Was that because he wasn't Clinton's errand boy?
Stevens turned down extra security, twice, and knew the place was dangerous as hell. Do try and remember, no one died that day, at the Embassy, 600 miles away.

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