14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools

Lol, I had one teacher, such as yourself, terminated from employment just last year. Fact is, the "our schools" quite frankly just isn't how it works. Perhaps some study into the rapid increase of children being home schooled would be in order for you, and some preparations made into a more "stable" field of employment wouldn't hurt either. :clap2:

Fakey is no teacher. Fakey is a paid DNC operative.

Interesting that you claimed you had a teacher fired. Out here in California, that simply isn't possible. If a teacher is bad enough, they will remove them from the classroom, but the teacher will still receive full pay.

In all fairness though, I think the majority of teachers want to do a good job, but the deck is stacked against them. We force every child into school, despite the fact that many of them and their parents, don't want the child in school. School need to be a privilege. Behave or be gone. If the state worries about warehousing the rest and preparing them for prison, then be honest and open work camps for those who refuse to engage in the educational system.

Too many teachers are reduced to the status of prison guards, and denied even basic disciplinary options. We have a broken system, blaming teachers won't fix anything.
This has already been discussed.

UncensoredFascist has no idea what he is talking about as a teacher, because he is a mere adjunct at a vo-tech school teaching welding.
This has already been discussed.

UncensoredFascist has no idea what he is talking about as a teacher, because he is a mere adjunct at a vo-tech school teaching welding.


You make me laugh Fakey - but not for the reasons you imagine.
Simply not true.
ALBERT LEA, Minn. -- An Albert Lea High School English teacher and girls' basketball coach has been dismissed for what the district called immoral conduct.

Read more here: Albert Lea teacher fired for 'immoral conduct' - AP State Wire News - The Sacramento Bee

Minnesota is California? When did that happen?

{Districts are also hamstrung by the dismissal process, forced to complete 10 complex steps that can last years. Once a district moves to terminate, appeals may be filed to a review panel and the courts.

Commissions on Professional Competence are often difficult to convene and can hinder the termination process altogether. They are comprised of an administrative law judge, and 2 educators, 1 appointed by the district and 1 appointed by the accused. It is often tough even to find panelists to serve. Even when there is merit, these panels can overturn findings of wrongdoing and termination orders. Violations of notification requirements and technicalities can also lead to a case being dismissed.5}

California Fact Check

It is virtually impossible to fire a teacher in California.
OODA is right, UncensoredFascist is wrong about teachers unable to be fired in California.

But since he made the affirmation, he can offer proof for it.
OODA is right, UncensoredFascist is wrong about teachers unable to be fired in California.

But since he made the affirmation, he can offer proof for it.

It is not impossible to fire a teacher in California. It is exeedingly difficult and costs thousands of dollars.

Firing teachers can be a costly and tortuous task - Los Angeles Times

This child predator was never actually fired! He had to be arrested.

Mark Berndt, Ex-California Teacher, Faces Charges For Child Molesting 23 Students (VIDEO)
Here is some advice for UncensoredFascist from Augustine of Hippo to start avoiding the bad company of the far fascist right.

Bad company is like a nail driven into a post, which, after the first and second blow, may be drawn out with little difficulty; but being once driven up to the head, the pincers cannot take hold to draw it out, but which can only be done by the destruction of the wood.
Read more at Augustine of Hippo Quotes - BrainyQuote

Stop, little fascist, or you will be forever corrupted and lost.

OODA is right, UncensoredFascist is wrong about teachers unable to be fired in California.


Well, that's a convincing argument...

But since he made the affirmation, he can offer proof for it.

The underlined words, you lying cocksucker. It's called a "hyperlink."
Thank you for bring balance to this discussion.

OODA is right, UncensoredFascist is wrong about teachers unable to be fired in California.

But since he made the affirmation, he can offer proof for it.

It is not impossible to fire a teacher in California. It is exeedingly difficult and costs thousands of dollars.

Firing teachers can be a costly and tortuous task - Los Angeles Times

This child predator was never actually fired! He had to be arrested.

Mark Berndt, Ex-California Teacher, Faces Charges For Child Molesting 23 Students (VIDEO)
Fakey Jake Starkey, you've eaten enough paint chips, chasing them with rubbing alcohol, for one day.

Grow up, UncensoredFascist, and join the normal pace and pattern of your normal fellow human beings.

Your stupidity has painted you as one of the most weirdo posters here.
Simply not true.
ALBERT LEA, Minn. -- An Albert Lea High School English teacher and girls' basketball coach has been dismissed for what the district called immoral conduct.

Read more here: Albert Lea teacher fired for 'immoral conduct' - AP State Wire News - The Sacramento Bee

Minnesota is California? When did that happen?

{Districts are also hamstrung by the dismissal process, forced to complete 10 complex steps that can last years. Once a district moves to terminate, appeals may be filed to a review panel and the courts.

Commissions on Professional Competence are often difficult to convene and can hinder the termination process altogether. They are comprised of an administrative law judge, and 2 educators, 1 appointed by the district and 1 appointed by the accused. It is often tough even to find panelists to serve. Even when there is merit, these panels can overturn findings of wrongdoing and termination orders. Violations of notification requirements and technicalities can also lead to a case being dismissed.5}

California Fact Check

It is virtually impossible to fire a teacher in California.

I thought you just said it wasn't possible to fire a teacher in California. Why would they convene a commission to determine whether or not to fire a teacher when firing them isn't allowed?
story about a teacher firing

an administrator confiscated a cell phone from a boy that refused to put the thing away when asked.

What the administrator did not know is that the cell phone had pics on it of the boy's GF in scanty attire

The parents complained and the administrator was accused of possessing child pornography. Remember, this was the kid's phone.

Administrator was fired.

Then there was the criminal trial. Administrator was cleared of all charges.

Sounds to me like it's too easy to fire a teacher. Just make false accusations.
squeez, please give us the whole story. Give us a link. Any administrator immediately would have had the police on the boy for possessing child pornography and had the parents in court for slander and damaging his good name.
story about a teacher firing

an administrator confiscated a cell phone from a boy that refused to put the thing away when asked.

What the administrator did not know is that the cell phone had pics on it of the boy's GF in scanty attire

The parents complained and the administrator was accused of possessing child pornography. Remember, this was the kid's phone.

Administrator was fired.

Then there was the criminal trial. Administrator was cleared of all charges.

Sounds to me like it's too easy to fire a teacher. Just make false accusations.

Happens all the time. Stuff like this makes me want to beat the shit out somebody.
The guarantee to due process gets thrown out of the window.
I HATE political correctness. This is one of the examples of why.
Political correctness is destroying the very fabric of this nation.
The administrator should have sued the local school board jointly and severally. Sued the parents of the rotten son of a bitch that made the stink about the confiscated phone.
If it were me ( the administrator) I would have made these people want to wish they were never born.
Yes, there are far too many incidents of teachers taking advantage of students. Of sexual misconduct. However that is no reason to throw common sense out of the window.
Today, with our highly litigious and risk averse society, the mere accusation of misconduct can ruin a career. There is no balance.
In states where teachers belong to unions, they are virtually untouchable. In states where there are few protections, there is no due process, no review, no one to stand with the accused.
The whole system is garbage.Thing is most times when teachers are wrongly accused, they refuse to fight back.
Simply not true.

Minnesota is California? When did that happen?

{Districts are also hamstrung by the dismissal process, forced to complete 10 complex steps that can last years. Once a district moves to terminate, appeals may be filed to a review panel and the courts.

Commissions on Professional Competence are often difficult to convene and can hinder the termination process altogether. They are comprised of an administrative law judge, and 2 educators, 1 appointed by the district and 1 appointed by the accused. It is often tough even to find panelists to serve. Even when there is merit, these panels can overturn findings of wrongdoing and termination orders. Violations of notification requirements and technicalities can also lead to a case being dismissed.5}

California Fact Check

It is virtually impossible to fire a teacher in California.

I thought you just said it wasn't possible to fire a teacher in California. Why would they convene a commission to determine whether or not to fire a teacher when firing them isn't allowed?
As in New York, the teacher is dismissed from their teaching position. They are paid their salary and benefits and do not lose their pension if vested.
Google "rubber room". In New York City this is where "fired" or otherwise disciplined teachers go so that they can continue to paid their salary and assure their benefits.
In other words, bad teachers can not teach but the taxpayers are still paying them. What a deal!!!!

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