14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character

Skin color is not race...There is no "If so" about it. You're being silly
Page 2 Bucs was the first and only person that came in to the thread complaining about how everything is about race with liberals.

By page 3 he was saying liberals are the ones who brought race into it

Then why did you include "skin color" in your title????
If this kid had been white and sporting a rebel flag t-shirt you idiot liberals would be singing a different tune.

As stupid as you people are, you're also predictable.

Its a lovely demonstration that many conservative complains about 'rights', 'freedoms' and 'persecution' is just hypocritical noise. As what they're actually arguing for is white Christian 'rights', 'freedoms' and 'persecution'.

If the kid is brown and Muslim.......they couldn't give a fiddler's fuck.
Skin color is not race...There is no "If so" about it. You're being silly

OK GOOD. I will remember you cleared this up. THAT said....how is it possible for cops to commit "racial profiling" of drivers or pedestrians....if the only thing they can see is skin color? You lefties accuse cops of this. But if skin color isn't race....then a LOT of liberals owe some cops apologies for accusing them of "racial profiling". See.....by your definition....that would be nearly impossible to do. Right?
Why would bucs bring up Race if he knew all along Muslim isnt a race?

Check his hands, I bet their red :lol:

Because it was the root of your thread. Skin color.

BUT THEN....you said "skin color isn't race". Ok. Nice backtracking. But....if that's true....as you said....then isn't it true that cops CAN'T target African American people....because since skin color isn't race...there's no way to know what race a driver is by observation alone. Right? Oh no....that's different I bet.

The root of your thread was to make Texas teachers and cops look racist because of this teens skin color. I called that silly....and then brought up Islam/Muslims. You then knocked it....and no said of course race matters "it's always Muslims fault". But Muslim isn't a race.

So....since you say skin color also IS NOT race....it's assume you'll apologize for calling cops racist for stopping dark skinned people...because after all....skin color isn't race. Right?

No one has said that Muslim is a race but you. Citing you. Post after post of the same silly strawman.

But not a blip about a 14 year old kid being dragged away in cuffs for making a clock. Though I am curious...if this kid were white, would you be as reluctant to discuss it? Or would you have started the thread yourself?

Bucs came into the thread about a 14 year old being falsely arrested to cry about race...only to then say that Muslim is not a race. Never said one word about the kids rights. Or him being suspended for nothing or the cops still investigating a clock because in their words "It looks like a movie bomb"

Thats how Bucs maneuvers through threads...by not addressing them at all or picking a small piece of it like his classic "Is a Glocks grip smooth or Rough?" Thread

Of course not. The kid is brown and Muslim. What possible reason would someone like Buc have to be concerned about the kid's rights?

The only thing he manages to do day after day is to go "OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS" mocking people as if requests for rights is a burden on him.

Thats really all he has to complain about. This kid gets suspended and arrested for nothing and the kid should deal with it. But what Bucs shouldnt have to deal with is hearing about it...goddam thats the last straw!
Why would bucs bring up Race if he knew all along Muslim isnt a race?

Check his hands, I bet their red :lol:

Because it was the root of your thread. Skin color.

BUT THEN....you said "skin color isn't race". Ok. Nice backtracking. But....if that's true....as you said....then isn't it true that cops CAN'T target African American people....because since skin color isn't race...there's no way to know what race a driver is by observation alone. Right? Oh no....that's different I bet.

The root of your thread was to make Texas teachers and cops look racist because of this teens skin color. I called that silly....and then brought up Islam/Muslims. You then knocked it....and no said of course race matters "it's always Muslims fault". But Muslim isn't a race.

So....since you say skin color also IS NOT race....it's assume you'll apologize for calling cops racist for stopping dark skinned people...because after all....skin color isn't race. Right?

No one has said that Muslim is a race but you. Citing you. Post after post of the same silly strawman.

But not a blip about a 14 year old kid being dragged away in cuffs for making a clock. Though I am curious...if this kid were white, would you be as reluctant to discuss it? Or would you have started the thread yourself?

Bucs came into the thread about a 14 year old being falsely arrested to cry about race...only to then say that Muslim is not a race. Never said one word about the kids rights. Or him being suspended for nothing or the cops still investigating a clock because in their words "It looks like a movie bomb"

Thats how Bucs maneuvers through threads...by not addressing them at all or picking a small piece of it like his classic "Is a Glocks grip smooth or Rough?" Thread

Of course not. The kid is brown and Muslim. What possible reason would someone like Buc have to be concerned about the kid's rights?

The only thing he manages to do day after day is to go "OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS" mocking people as if requests for rights is a burden on him.

Thats really all he has to complain about. This kid gets suspended and arrested for nothing and the kid should deal with it. But what Bucs shouldnt have to deal with is hearing about it...goddam thats the last straw!

Again you run from my question.

You say skin color is not race. Ok. I'll agree.

So....how can you ever accuse cops of racial profiling...if all they can see is skin color...and as you said...that's not race.
Because it was the root of your thread. Skin color.

BUT THEN....you said "skin color isn't race". Ok. Nice backtracking. But....if that's true....as you said....then isn't it true that cops CAN'T target African American people....because since skin color isn't race...there's no way to know what race a driver is by observation alone. Right? Oh no....that's different I bet.

The root of your thread was to make Texas teachers and cops look racist because of this teens skin color. I called that silly....and then brought up Islam/Muslims. You then knocked it....and no said of course race matters "it's always Muslims fault". But Muslim isn't a race.

So....since you say skin color also IS NOT race....it's assume you'll apologize for calling cops racist for stopping dark skinned people...because after all....skin color isn't race. Right?

No one has said that Muslim is a race but you. Citing you. Post after post of the same silly strawman.

But not a blip about a 14 year old kid being dragged away in cuffs for making a clock. Though I am curious...if this kid were white, would you be as reluctant to discuss it? Or would you have started the thread yourself?

Bucs came into the thread about a 14 year old being falsely arrested to cry about race...only to then say that Muslim is not a race. Never said one word about the kids rights. Or him being suspended for nothing or the cops still investigating a clock because in their words "It looks like a movie bomb"

Thats how Bucs maneuvers through threads...by not addressing them at all or picking a small piece of it like his classic "Is a Glocks grip smooth or Rough?" Thread

Of course not. The kid is brown and Muslim. What possible reason would someone like Buc have to be concerned about the kid's rights?

The only thing he manages to do day after day is to go "OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS" mocking people as if requests for rights is a burden on him.

Thats really all he has to complain about. This kid gets suspended and arrested for nothing and the kid should deal with it. But what Bucs shouldnt have to deal with is hearing about it...goddam thats the last straw!

Again you run from my question.

You say skin color is not race. Ok. I'll agree.

So....how can you ever accuse cops of racial profiling...if all they can see is skin color...and as you said...that's not race.

No one has claimed that Muslim is a race. Its just you. Ending your entire argument.

Keep running from the thread topic. You're merely demonstrating the pervasive hypocrisy that runs through the conservative movement like a fat through a juicy roast; when the kid having his rights trampled is brown and Muslim....

.....conservatives don't say shit.
No teacher in the school was able to verify it was a clock?
The expert police department is unable to verify it as a clock?

Don't bombs need explosives attached?

It didn't have any explosives attached that day. Probably a dry run.

Show it to my teacher, carry it around.

School gets used to seeing me with devices of this kind.

Wait for the message from Hussein..........
If this kid had been white and sporting a rebel flag t-shirt you idiot liberals would be singing a different tune.

As stupid as you people are, you're also predictable.

Its a lovely demonstration that many conservative complains about 'rights', 'freedoms' and 'persecution' is just hypocritical noise. As what they're actually arguing for is white Christian 'rights', 'freedoms' and 'persecution'.

If the kid is brown and Muslim.......they couldn't give a fiddler's fuck.

The kid made a poor decision by bring something to school without first asking if it was ok. A zero-tolerance policy in schools is a policy of punishing any infraction of a rule, regardless of accidental mistakes, ignorance, or extenuating circumstances. In schools, common zero-tolerance policies concern possession or use of illicit drugs or weapons.
So from what I've gathered from reading this thread, according to conservatives if you're brown and your rights and freedoms are violated you had it coming.

If that's what you gathered, then you are an idiot.
Thank God Texas hasn't mandated that teachers be armed. The pants-wetting racist teacher might've blasted this poor kid away and you'd be on here defending that too.
So from what I've gathered from reading this thread, according to conservatives if you're brown and your rights and freedoms are violated you had it coming.

If that's what you gathered, then you are an idiot.
Thank God Texas hasn't mandated that teachers be armed. The pants-wetting racist teacher might've blasted this poor kid away and you'd be on here defending that too.

When shown to be full of shit, you double down with more shit. Your concession is noted.
So from what I've gathered from reading this thread, according to conservatives if you're brown and your rights and freedoms are violated you had it coming.

Well...brown is irrelevant.

See...the OP ClosedCaption said skin color is NOT race. Ok

So then...I said if skin color is NOT race....how can the left keep accusing cops of "racial profiling"....if all they can see before the stop is skin color??? I've been waiting on his answer. All he offered is "Skin color is not a race. There is not "so if...".

So...skin color isn't a race. Unless you're a cop. Then the skin color you see is race. See? Liberal logic.
14 year old learns the color of his skin is more important than the content of his character...

...and they say our education system is broken...

After taking a homemade clock to school, Irving MacArthur High student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention. Police say they may charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Detective Dipshit!

I stand with Ahmed

Heres the best part.....They are STILL INVESTIGATING THE CLOCK!!

LMAO Nope a fourteen year old learns he shouldn't bring something that looks like a fucking bomb to school.

The color of his skin has nothing to do with it. If he were white, black or yellow he would have gotten the same treatment.

Try pushing your racist bullshit somewhere else idiot.
So from what I've gathered from reading this thread, according to conservatives if you're brown and your rights and freedoms are violated you had it coming.

If that's what you gathered, then you are an idiot.
Thank God Texas hasn't mandated that teachers be armed. The pants-wetting racist teacher might've blasted this poor kid away and you'd be on here defending that too.

When shown to be full of shit, you double down with more shit. Your concession is noted.
Your willingness to surrender freedom for security is noted.

After taking a homemade clock to school, Irving MacArthur High student Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was taken in handcuffs to juvenile detention. Police say they may charge him with making a hoax bomb — though they acknowledge he told everyone who would listen that it’s a clock.


He showed it to his engineering teacher first thing Monday morning and didn’t get quite the reaction he’d hoped for.

“He was like, ‘That’s really nice,’” Ahmed said. “‘I would advise you not to show any other teachers.’”

He kept the clock inside his school bag in English class, but the teacher complained when the alarm beeped in the middle of a lesson. Ahmed brought his invention up to show her afterward.

“She was like, it looks like a bomb,” he said.

“I told her, ‘It doesn’t look like a bomb to me.’”

The teacher kept the clock. When the principal and a police officer pulled Ahmed out of sixth period, he suspected he wouldn’t get it back.

They led Ahmed into a room where four other police officers waited. He said an officer he’d never seen before leaned back in his chair and remarked: “Yup. That’s who I thought it was.”

Ahmed felt suddenly conscious of his brown skin and his name — one of the most common in the Muslim religion. But the police kept him busy with questions.

The bell rang at least twice, he said, while the officers searched his belongings and questioned his intentions. The principal threatened to expel him if he didn’t make a written statement, he said.

“They were like, ‘So you tried to make a bomb?’” Ahmed said.

“I told them no, I was trying to make a clock.”

“He said, ‘It looks like a movie bomb to me.’”

Detective Dipshit!

I stand with Ahmed

Heres the best part.....They are STILL INVESTIGATING THE CLOCK!!

LMAO Nope a fourteen year old learns he shouldn't bring something that looks like a fucking bomb to school.

The color of his skin has nothing to do with it. If he were white, black or yellow he would have gotten the same treatment.

Try pushing your racist bullshit somewhere else idiot.

No wait...you see its not racist. ClosedCaption said so. Skin color isn't a race.

Now...he hasn't answered yet about my confusion. Because for a year now the left has been in a fit over "racial profiling" by cops. You know...stopping people based on skin color. But...if skin color isnt race...not sure how they can "racial" profile.

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