15 percent of Californians have Covid-19 so the risk of death there is 0.03%


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2020
2.2 million Americans were NEVER at risk of dying, less will die of covid than die from the flu in a bad flu year. Now please do not argue with me but rather ask yourself why have we allowed our country to be destroyed and why should the people who overstated this disaster not be charged with terrorism and aiding the enemy that wanted us to behave this way

2.2 million Americans were NEVER at risk of dying, less will die of covid than die from the flu in a bad flu year. Now please do not argue with me but rather ask yourself why have we allowed our country to be destroyed and why should the people who overstated this disaster not be charged with terrorism and aiding the enemy that wanted us to behave this way

Well ... we do have a right to overstate this disaster ... we have the right to claim Covid-19 will kill 2.2 million people ... free exercise of one's constitutionally guarantied rights typically isn't a crime ... this sort of reporting sells newspapers, it's up to the General Public to filter out the nonsense ... and punish the advertisers who are driving this trend ...

We had a bad flu year a couple years ago ... 61,000 deaths ... and it took a year to decide on that number, after the CDC verified all the data that was submitted ... and that was with a vaccine available, typically 50% effective and given to at-risk people ... it will be a difficult thing comparing the two numbers, there are some differences in the virology ... not to mention the publicity SARS gets makes folks more aware of their filthy habits and they tend to clean up some ... "WASH YOUR HANDS you animals" signs pop up everywhere ... and we shut down the hospitals for non-emergency procedures, just keeping people out of those disgusting places cuts the death toll in half, you'd be surprised how many people die in hospitals ...

Did we panic? ... absolutely ... was that wise? ... hell no ... we need to elect better public officials ...
2.2 million Americans were NEVER at risk of dying, less will die of covid than die from the flu in a bad flu year. Now please do not argue with me but rather ask yourself why have we allowed our country to be destroyed and why should the people who overstated this disaster not be charged with terrorism and aiding the enemy that wanted us to behave this way

Well ... we do have a right to overstate this disaster ... we have the right to claim Covid-19 will kill 2.2 million people ... free exercise of one's constitutionally guarantied rights typically isn't a crime ... this sort of reporting sells newspapers, it's up to the General Public to filter out the nonsense ... and punish the advertisers who are driving this trend ...

We had a bad flu year a couple years ago ... 61,000 deaths ... and it took a year to decide on that number, after the CDC verified all the data that was submitted ... and that was with a vaccine available, typically 50% effective and given to at-risk people ... it will be a difficult thing comparing the two numbers, there are some differences in the virology ... not to mention the publicity SARS gets makes folks more aware of their filthy habits and they tend to clean up some ... "WASH YOUR HANDS you animals" signs pop up everywhere ... and we shut down the hospitals for non-emergency procedures, just keeping people out of those disgusting places cuts the death toll in half, you'd be surprised how many people die in hospitals ...

Did we panic? ... absolutely ... was that wise? ... hell no ... we need to elect better public officials ...

The general public was not afforded the right to sort anything out. Not sure if you noticed but they are refusing to say wash your hands anymore as washing ones hands in the middle of an airborne biological attack is actually a sign of mental illness.

I wonder if you consider a man wearing a diaper who does not know what state he is in would make an acceptable president?

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