150 Years Ago today at the McLean family farm in Appomattox

150 years ago, April 9, 1865, General Ulysses S. Grant and General Robert E. Lee met at the McLean family farm house in Appomattox, Virginia. It was at this location where General Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to the Union forces, commanded by General Grant. This signaled the end of the Confederacy.

A sad day in history? A great victory for the union? An affirmation of President Lincoln's views that the union was and is inviolate? And if Pickett's charge at Gettysburg had succeeded, what would have been different?

Being a student of the American Civil War, I cannot help but feel the great sadness felt by many on the side of the south at this defeat. Yet at the same time, I understand and feel the great jubilation felt by the north. A sense of relief felt by all that this massacre and long nightmare was finally over. Or was it?

Please try and refrain from making this an ignorant commentary on some political point that you want to make like in the previous thread by Ravi. Ignorance of the time, the reasons for and the situations of the combatants and participants show only your sad state of intelligence.

One wonders if Lee had taken a different course, and instead of surrendering and urging his men to accept the loss, urged his men to continue the fight in any way possible.
Lee's and the South's big mistake was not fighting a guerrilla war from the beginning. ?

The South's big mistakes were:
a) seceding and
b) firing on Fort Sumter

A guerrilla war doesn't work well if no one invades you.
Apparently you are unaware that the North invaded the South....which is why the proper name for the war is Lincoln's War of Aggression.


Apparently you are unaware that prior to the 'invasion'

a) The South seceded and
b) The South fired on Federal Troops

Which is why the proper name for the War is the Tragedy of Southern Passive Aggression.
^^^proof debating a statist dupe is impossible.
One wonders if Lee had taken a different course, and instead of surrendering and urging his men to accept the loss, urged his men to continue the fight in any way possible.
Lee's and the South's big mistake was not fighting a guerrilla war from the beginning. ?

The South's big mistakes were:
a) seceding and
b) firing on Fort Sumter

A guerrilla war doesn't work well if no one invades you.
Apparently you are unaware that the North invaded the South....which is why the proper name for the war is Lincoln's War of Aggression.


Apparently you are unaware that prior to the 'invasion'

a) The South seceded and
b) The South fired on Federal Troops

Which is why the proper name for the War is the Tragedy of Southern Passive Aggression.
^^^proof debating a statist dupe is impossible.

^^^^ proof that debating you is debating an idiot.
The great day that the two US nations shook hands and made the best reconciliation deal they could....Long live the USA.....The only thing left was the capture of the coward Davis...
Yeah- why am I not surprised that you applaud murder.

If someone were to steal my property, livelihood and lifestyle without cause or legitimate legal power to do so I think I'd kill them too.
Abraham Lincoln was and is one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Personally, I have never read anything more enlightened, humble, logical and insightful than when I have read his writings. I believe that the United States was absolutely ROBBED of someone who could have healed this nation. When I have walked into the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, I feel that I am in the presence of one of the greatest men in history. To revel in his demise is simply ridiculous and reminds me of the student who creates a disturbance in class so he can be the center of attention.
Yeah- why am I not surprised that you applaud murder.

If someone were to steal my property, livelihood and lifestyle without cause or legitimate legal power to do so I think I'd kill them too.

Lincoln proposed no such thing when he was elected. The sole platform of the Republicans was preventing spread of Slavery into the territories. There was no official push for uncompensated emancipation before the South rebelled.
Abraham Lincoln was and is one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Personally, I have never read anything more enlightened, humble, logical and insightful than when I have read his writings. I believe that the United States was absolutely ROBBED of someone who could have healed this nation. When I have walked into the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, I feel that I am in the presence of one of the greatest men in history. To revel in his demise is simply ridiculous and reminds me of the student who creates a disturbance in class so he can be the center of attention.

The worst thing that could have happened to the south was to have Lincoln killed
Abraham Lincoln was and is one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Personally, I have never read anything more enlightened, humble, logical and insightful than when I have read his writings. I believe that the United States was absolutely ROBBED of someone who could have healed this nation. When I have walked into the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, I feel that I am in the presence of one of the greatest men in history. To revel in his demise is simply ridiculous and reminds me of the student who creates a disturbance in class so he can be the center of attention.

See my post to Rightwinger. To Anarcho-libertarians, Lincoln is the devil because they believe contracts can broken unilaterally for any reason, and without consequences.
Abraham Lincoln was and is one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Personally, I have never read anything more enlightened, humble, logical and insightful than when I have read his writings. I believe that the United States was absolutely ROBBED of someone who could have healed this nation. When I have walked into the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, I feel that I am in the presence of one of the greatest men in history. To revel in his demise is simply ridiculous and reminds me of the student who creates a disturbance in class so he can be the center of attention.

The worst thing that could have happened to the south was to have Lincoln killed
"have Lincoln killed"

I don't think "the South" "had" Lincoln killed.

I don't think any of the conspirators ever served the South.

Do you know something we don't know?

JWB was a sociopathic maniac, not an agent of "the South".
The original union was formed as being perpetual, therefore of course no provision existed for leaving. There was no question of it.

As for slavery being ended, the exact way it was done may be debatable, but it was certainly unconstitutional. That is was immoral and reprehensible was obvious to all enlightened people.

It is a profound tragedy that the war was fought and that the common soldier on both sides fought for 'freedom'.
I don't think that a rational, sane person could justify the evils of slavery, although at the time of the civil war, many tried. To look upon another human being as property to me is one of the most unforgivable sins imaginable. Course, most of those fighting for the south were not slave owners, but the poor, uneducated who only knew that someone from Washington DC should not have the ability to tell them what to do. We are still fighting that war of ideas today and in that realm, I would agree with the confederacy. Mandates from Washington, except for the most basic of fundamental rights, is an assault on freedom. It should be the states that has the primary jurisdiction, EXCEPT for those specified in the constitution.
I don't think that a rational, sane person could justify the evils of slavery, although at the time of the civil war, many tried. To look upon another human being as property to me is one of the most unforgivable sins imaginable. Course, most of those fighting for the south were not slave owners, but the poor, uneducated who only knew that someone from Washington DC should not have the ability to tell them what to do. We are still fighting that war of ideas today and in that realm, I would agree with the confederacy. Mandates from Washington, except for the most basic of fundamental rights, is an assault on freedom. It should be the states that has the primary jurisdiction, EXCEPT for those specified in the constitution.

Well we are unique in human history in our views on slavery (at least in the west, in some third world countries, forms of it are still acceptable socially).

To be fair chattel slavery doesn't have much comparison to slavery in antiquity, where slaves were indentured, but still part of the social contract. Chattel slavery placed people outside of the contract.
Abraham Lincoln was and is one of the greatest Presidents in the history of the United States. Personally, I have never read anything more enlightened, humble, logical and insightful than when I have read his writings. I believe that the United States was absolutely ROBBED of someone who could have healed this nation. When I have walked into the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, I feel that I am in the presence of one of the greatest men in history. To revel in his demise is simply ridiculous and reminds me of the student who creates a disturbance in class so he can be the center of attention.

The worst thing that could have happened to the south was to have Lincoln killed
"have Lincoln killed"

I don't think "the South" "had" Lincoln killed.

I don't think any of the conspirators ever served the South.

Do you know something we don't know?

JWB was a sociopathic maniac, not an agent of "the South".

He was born and lived in Maryland and was a blatant southern sympathizer as were many in Maryland. He killed Lincoln (and attacked the others) in an attempt to disrupt the United States Government. There is no evidence the Confederacy was involved in the conspiracy, but it was done on their behalf
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