16 Bombshells in the Nunes Memo

Instead of posting an excerpt, I'm, going to post all of this to see if our Snowflake protesters have the wherewith-all to refute - logically and with facts - a single one of them.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.

To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a “Constitutional Crisis” has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the “constitutional crisis” in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the “constitutional crisis” is that government wrongdoing was uncovered.

One way the media are hoping to shield the federal government from accountability for its indefensible lies, cover-ups, and civil rights violations is to muddy the waters; to distract us with nonsense so that we lose focus on the sins committed by an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) that abused its power and public trust in unprecedented ways.

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.

  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.

  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.

  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.

  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.

  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.

  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”

  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.

  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.

  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.

  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.

  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.

  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.

Yes, there was collusion with the Russians, and those in our government currently investigating Trump in the hopes of overturning a presidential election are the colluders.

Now, refute the above and PROVE IT with valid links - if you can.

Well, there's a really big hole to poke in your theory, right out the gate.

Carter Page was no longer working for the Trump campaign at the time the FISA warrant was issued.
Cold hard fact of the matter is that the Clinton’s with the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.
Instead of posting an excerpt, I'm, going to post all of this to see if our Snowflake protesters have the wherewith-all to refute - logically and with facts - a single one of them.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.

To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a “Constitutional Crisis” has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the “constitutional crisis” in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the “constitutional crisis” is that government wrongdoing was uncovered.

One way the media are hoping to shield the federal government from accountability for its indefensible lies, cover-ups, and civil rights violations is to muddy the waters; to distract us with nonsense so that we lose focus on the sins committed by an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) that abused its power and public trust in unprecedented ways.

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.

  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.

  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.

  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.

  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.

  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.

  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”

  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.

  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.

  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.

  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.

  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.

  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.

Yes, there was collusion with the Russians, and those in our government currently investigating Trump in the hopes of overturning a presidential election are the colluders.

Now, refute the above and PROVE IT with valid links - if you can.

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.
  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.
Hell, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. But before I start rebuttal point by point let's just put some things on the table right out of the gate.

This is some piss poor writing. I meet it's not even very good freshman English 101 material. John Nolte, I am not impressed. But it's Breitbart, so it is no surprise. And hell, it's about that damn memo, written by Nune's staff. Two great examples of the inability of our college system to turn out graduates with even basic writing skills.

It is sensationalistic, doesn't make even an attempt at being close to rational, and is absolutely polluted with errors of omissions along with and an impressively diverse group of fallacies.

I group the first two points together, mostly because they are the same thing. The use of the Steele Dossier in regards to a FISA warrant to initiate a wiretap on Carter Page, an American citizen.

The OP author uses his first point to "define" the Dossier. He claims it is opposition research funding by Fusion GPS, the Democratic party, and the Clinton campaign and obtained by a former British intelligence officer.

First point. Big damn deal. FISA courts use all kinds of "documents" every single day. It doesn't make a rat's ass who paid for the "research". What matters is the content. Each "paper", or "dossier", or scrap of evidence is scrutinized, verified when possible, and corroborated with other evidence. And honestly, the whole damn thing is quite a liberal favor to an American citizen.

Because here is the thing. They were speaking with a foreign agent. Hello. The government don't need no stinkin warrant. Especially if it is from some unfriendly country, or worse, an enemy.

The glaring omission here is the details of the dossier. It was those details that helped secure the warrant, or not. Because that is the second omission. What other "evidence" was provided to secure those warrants. What other evidence was used to obtain the renewals. The OP writer makes a feeble effort to blow past all that with number two, which mentions, again, that the research was funded by the Clinton campaign. Big dam whoop."Using what they knew was opposition research". So damn what, it was not the only thing used to obtain the warrant. Probably was not the biggest thing. The biggest thing was that the dude was talking to a foreign agent. Du Huh.

Which brings us to the second point. By Trumps own admission, Page was not even part of the Trump campaign at the time the warrant was issued. It is a flat out falsehood that the warrant was to "spy on Hillary Clinton's opponent". The writer commits an amateurish fallacy of assumption here that destroys his entire argument. Like I said, not even English 101 material.

Point Three. The damn opposition research was initiated by Republican opponents of Trump. It was picked up later by the Democrats. So what if the information provided to the court was obtained when the Republicans were financing it? Would it make a happy damn?

Hell, I don't see the need to even address the remainder because all of them hinge on the first two which now have been revealed to be worth less than bullshit.
Instead of posting an excerpt, I'm, going to post all of this to see if our Snowflake protesters have the wherewith-all to refute - logically and with facts - a single one of them.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.

To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a “Constitutional Crisis” has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the “constitutional crisis” in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the “constitutional crisis” is that government wrongdoing was uncovered.

One way the media are hoping to shield the federal government from accountability for its indefensible lies, cover-ups, and civil rights violations is to muddy the waters; to distract us with nonsense so that we lose focus on the sins committed by an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) that abused its power and public trust in unprecedented ways.

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.

  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.

  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.

  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.

  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.

  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.

  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”

  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.

  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.

  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.

  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.

  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.

  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.

Yes, there was collusion with the Russians, and those in our government currently investigating Trump in the hopes of overturning a presidential election are the colluders.

Now, refute the above and PROVE IT with valid links - if you can.

1&2. The memo itself proves that the FBI did not monitor Trump's campaign. According to the memo, the FISA warrant was obtained in October. Page left the campaign in September. Also Trump says he does not remember meeting Page.
Here’s Who Introduced Carter Page To The Trump Campaign

3. That is speculation unless you have seen the FISA warrant. The fact that we were dealing with Page's connections to Russia showed the FISA court was the right court.

4. More speculation on which there is no proof.

5. The Nunes memo is a interpretation of facts. Unless we see all of the documentation, that is speculation.

6. That is unsupported. The documentation needs to be released. Considering the fact that they got public testimony wrong, this is dubious.

7. The memo gave a false impression of what Comey said in PUBLIC testimony.

COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

He clearly said parts had been verified. The head of Fusion GPS also said that he thought the FBI already had some of the information.

8. The reason why Steele was concerned about Trump being President was that Trump had been compromised by Russians. We are seeing that in Russian twitter bots helping Trump and the Republicans. Wonder why?

9. Ohr had dealings with Steele as late as 2006. Nellie Ohr Apparently she was recruited because of that.

10. They did not obtain a warrant to spy on Trump. Page had left the campaign by then. October comes after September with October being when the warrant was obtained and September being when Page left. The warrant was obtained on Page so they would have needed information pertaining to Page not Trump.

11. Meaningless as there was no attempt to spy on Trump.

12. Again you rely on the memo which lacks documentation. Also you again lie about Comey's comments. He testified that parts were verified.

13. Again you rely on the memo. Provide the documentation. The dossier was not phony.

14. You rely on biased news sources as your documentation. The WSJ is not honest.

16. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Steele used his contacts in the Russian government. I am sure that we do the same thing. It was "The verified — unverified and salacious parts."

John Kelly has called this memo underwhelming. That is damning as he fought to release it. I suppose he is a Russian plant.

Only one thing missing from this long ass post.


That being said, nobody said that anyone tried to spy on Trump. They try to spy on Page, an American citizen and known member of the Trump campaign.
Yes, with damned good reason. You don't seem to remember that the first time that Page was under FISA surveillance was in 2013, for meeting with known Russian intel agents. And that the recent FISA surveillance was renewed three times. You have to present new evidence every time to get that renewed. Time for you Trumpanzees to realize that you are backing a traitor.
Instead of posting an excerpt, I'm, going to post all of this to see if our Snowflake protesters have the wherewith-all to refute - logically and with facts - a single one of them.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.

To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a “Constitutional Crisis” has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the “constitutional crisis” in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the “constitutional crisis” is that government wrongdoing was uncovered.

One way the media are hoping to shield the federal government from accountability for its indefensible lies, cover-ups, and civil rights violations is to muddy the waters; to distract us with nonsense so that we lose focus on the sins committed by an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) that abused its power and public trust in unprecedented ways.

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.

  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.

  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.

  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.

  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.

  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.

  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”

  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.

  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.

  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.

  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.

  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.

  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.

Yes, there was collusion with the Russians, and those in our government currently investigating Trump in the hopes of overturning a presidential election are the colluders.

Now, refute the above and PROVE IT with valid links - if you can.

1&2. The memo itself proves that the FBI did not monitor Trump's campaign. According to the memo, the FISA warrant was obtained in October. Page left the campaign in September. Also Trump says he does not remember meeting Page.
Here’s Who Introduced Carter Page To The Trump Campaign

3. That is speculation unless you have seen the FISA warrant. The fact that we were dealing with Page's connections to Russia showed the FISA court was the right court.

4. More speculation on which there is no proof.

5. The Nunes memo is a interpretation of facts. Unless we see all of the documentation, that is speculation.

6. That is unsupported. The documentation needs to be released. Considering the fact that they got public testimony wrong, this is dubious.

7. The memo gave a false impression of what Comey said in PUBLIC testimony.

COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

He clearly said parts had been verified. The head of Fusion GPS also said that he thought the FBI already had some of the information.

8. The reason why Steele was concerned about Trump being President was that Trump had been compromised by Russians. We are seeing that in Russian twitter bots helping Trump and the Republicans. Wonder why?

9. Ohr had dealings with Steele as late as 2006. Nellie Ohr Apparently she was recruited because of that.

10. They did not obtain a warrant to spy on Trump. Page had left the campaign by then. October comes after September with October being when the warrant was obtained and September being when Page left. The warrant was obtained on Page so they would have needed information pertaining to Page not Trump.

11. Meaningless as there was no attempt to spy on Trump.

12. Again you rely on the memo which lacks documentation. Also you again lie about Comey's comments. He testified that parts were verified.

13. Again you rely on the memo. Provide the documentation. The dossier was not phony.

14. You rely on biased news sources as your documentation. The WSJ is not honest.

16. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Steele used his contacts in the Russian government. I am sure that we do the same thing. It was "The verified — unverified and salacious parts."

John Kelly has called this memo underwhelming. That is damning as he fought to release it. I suppose he is a Russian plant.

Only one thing missing from this long ass post.


That being said, nobody said that anyone tried to spy on Trump. They try to spy on Page, an American citizen and known member of the Trump campaign.

if they wanted to spy on trump's campaign via page they probably should have started before he left the campaign, not after.



motto- we give flatliners a bad name
You have a serious reading comprehension problem.
Instead of posting an excerpt, I'm, going to post all of this to see if our Snowflake protesters have the wherewith-all to refute - logically and with facts - a single one of them.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.

To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a “Constitutional Crisis” has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the “constitutional crisis” in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the “constitutional crisis” is that government wrongdoing was uncovered.

One way the media are hoping to shield the federal government from accountability for its indefensible lies, cover-ups, and civil rights violations is to muddy the waters; to distract us with nonsense so that we lose focus on the sins committed by an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) that abused its power and public trust in unprecedented ways.

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.

  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.

  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.

  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.

  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.

  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.

  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”

  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.

  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.

  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.

  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.

  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.

  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.

Yes, there was collusion with the Russians, and those in our government currently investigating Trump in the hopes of overturning a presidential election are the colluders.

Now, refute the above and PROVE IT with valid links - if you can.
I only got as far as your first item to see you're full of shit. The dossier was not created for the DNC or Hillary Clinton.

I can only assume everything else you posted was bullshit too.
Instead of posting an excerpt, I'm, going to post all of this to see if our Snowflake protesters have the wherewith-all to refute - logically and with facts - a single one of them.

In its partisan zeal to protect the ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, our Nixonian media went into hyper-drive last week to ensure that the unethical and un-American behavior of President Obama’s FBI and Justice Department remained covered up from the public.
After this cynical effort failed with the release of the Nunes memo Friday, the media quickly switched tactics and is now working feverishly to muddy the waters about the horror show revealed in the memo.

To begin with, it is obvious that a hysterical talking point about declaring the release of the memo a “Constitutional Crisis” has been spread far and wide… Naturally, the “constitutional crisis” in question is not the wrongdoing committed by federal law enforcement. Instead, because we are now deep within the head of the media’s fabricated reality where wrong is right and up is down, the “constitutional crisis” is that government wrongdoing was uncovered.

One way the media are hoping to shield the federal government from accountability for its indefensible lies, cover-ups, and civil rights violations is to muddy the waters; to distract us with nonsense so that we lose focus on the sins committed by an FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) that abused its power and public trust in unprecedented ways.

Here are 16 things the media do not want you to know about the Nunes memo:

  1. The so-called Russian Dossier, the creation of Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, is a political document — namely, opposition research, created for the Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

  2. Using what it knew was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign, in October of 2016, the FBI and DOJ obtained a FISA warrant from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to install a “wiretap” to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent — the Trump campaign, specifically Carter Page. This spying would last for a year.

  3. It should be noted that the FISA court was set up to stop foreign terrorists. The fact that the FBI and DOJ would use this court to not only wiretap an American but to monitor a presidential campaign belies belief. Why Obama’s FBI and DOJ used this court as opposed to a normal court is obvious. As you will see below, a normal court probably would have denied the application.

  4. Worse still, in the summer of 2016, Obama’s DOJ had already opened a counter-intelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. The fact that nothing from that months-old partisan investigation was used to obtain the Page wiretap is revealing.

  5. According to the Nunes memo, an “essential” part of the FISA application was the Steele dossier, which again is a partisan political document created for the Clinton campaign.

  6. So essential was this partisan dossier, Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former-Deputy Director of the FBI, admitted in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” without the dossier.

  7. Not only did the FBI knowingly use a document from a partisan campaign to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the competing campaign, the FBI knew the dossier was mostly “salacious and unverified.” We know this because disgraced former-FBI Director James Comey told us so in June of 2017.

  8. According to the Nunes memo, “Steele told [demoted DOJ official Bruce] Ohr, he ‘was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.'”

  9. Ohr, who was part of the FBI’s anti-Trump Russian investigation, was not only friendly with Steele, Ohr’s own wife worked at Fusion GPS doing opposition research (the dossier) against Trump for the Clinton campaign.

  10. Despite a) knowing the dossier was opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign b) knowing the dossier was “salacious and unverified” c) knowing Steele was desperate to destroy Trump d) the breathtaking conflict of interest in having an investigator’s own wife working on the dossier, the FBI still went to the FISA court to obtain permission to spy on Hillary Clinton’s opponent.

  11. In order to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, all of the conflicts of interest above were withheld from the FISA court — an indefensible (and possibly illegal) lie of omission.

  12. Even worse, in order to legitimize a warrant request based on a piece of partisan opposition research they knew was “salacious and unverified,” the FBI and DOJ used a media report to bolster the findings in the phony dossier. The FBI and DOJ told the court that the media report was independent verification of the dossier. But this was not true, and, according to the Nunes memo, the FBI and DOJ knew this was not true. The truth is that the phony dossier was the source of this media report.

  13. Also hidden from the FISA court was the fact that the FBI obtained Steele as a source but had to fire him in October of 2016 when, in a bid to use his phony dossier to derail the Trump campaign, he leaked his information to the far-left Mother Jones.

  14. Although the FBI and DOJ were willing participants in pushing a “salacious and unverified” narrative against a presidential candidate (primarily through media leaks), this was all hidden from congressional investigators. To begin with, for months, while under oath, Comey said he did not know where the dossier came from — meaning from the Clinton campaign. The Wall Street Journal explains:
We also know the FBI wasn’t straight with Congress, as it hid most of these facts from investigators in a briefing on the dossier in January 2017. The FBI did not tell Congress about Mr. Steele’s connection to the Clinton campaign, and the House had to issue subpoenas for Fusion bank records to discover the truth. Nor did the FBI tell investigators that it continued receiving information from Mr. Steele and Fusion even after it had terminated him. The memo says the bureau’s intermediary was Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, whose wife, incredibly, worked for Fusion.

  1. All of this dishonesty occurred under Comey, the man our media now hold up as a living saint, a man so desperate to destroy Trump, he not only oversaw some of those committing the above abuses, he leaked potentially classified information to the news media in order to see a Special Prosecutor appointed against Trump, which his pal, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, immediately did.
And finally…

16. Much of the “salacious and unverified” material in the dossier came from the Russians. In other words, those disgusting dossier lies about Trump’s personal behavior came from Russian operatives. So there is no question that it was the Clinton campaign, Democrats, Steele, the FBI, and DOJ who colluded with the Russians to rig a presidential election.

Yes, there was collusion with the Russians, and those in our government currently investigating Trump in the hopes of overturning a presidential election are the colluders.

Now, refute the above and PROVE IT with valid links - if you can.

1&2. The memo itself proves that the FBI did not monitor Trump's campaign. According to the memo, the FISA warrant was obtained in October. Page left the campaign in September. Also Trump says he does not remember meeting Page.
Here’s Who Introduced Carter Page To The Trump Campaign

3. That is speculation unless you have seen the FISA warrant. The fact that we were dealing with Page's connections to Russia showed the FISA court was the right court.

4. More speculation on which there is no proof.

5. The Nunes memo is a interpretation of facts. Unless we see all of the documentation, that is speculation.

6. That is unsupported. The documentation needs to be released. Considering the fact that they got public testimony wrong, this is dubious.

7. The memo gave a false impression of what Comey said in PUBLIC testimony.

COMEY: The president called me I believe shortly before he was inaugurated as a follow-up to our conversation, private conversation on January the 6th. He just wanted to reiterate his rejection of that allegation and talk about—- he’d thought about it more. And why he thought it wasn’t true. The verified — unverified and salacious parts.

He clearly said parts had been verified. The head of Fusion GPS also said that he thought the FBI already had some of the information.

8. The reason why Steele was concerned about Trump being President was that Trump had been compromised by Russians. We are seeing that in Russian twitter bots helping Trump and the Republicans. Wonder why?

9. Ohr had dealings with Steele as late as 2006. Nellie Ohr Apparently she was recruited because of that.

10. They did not obtain a warrant to spy on Trump. Page had left the campaign by then. October comes after September with October being when the warrant was obtained and September being when Page left. The warrant was obtained on Page so they would have needed information pertaining to Page not Trump.

11. Meaningless as there was no attempt to spy on Trump.

12. Again you rely on the memo which lacks documentation. Also you again lie about Comey's comments. He testified that parts were verified.

13. Again you rely on the memo. Provide the documentation. The dossier was not phony.

14. You rely on biased news sources as your documentation. The WSJ is not honest.

16. That is why the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Steele used his contacts in the Russian government. I am sure that we do the same thing. It was "The verified — unverified and salacious parts."

John Kelly has called this memo underwhelming. That is damning as he fought to release it. I suppose he is a Russian plant.

Only one thing missing from this long ass post.


That being said, nobody said that anyone tried to spy on Trump. They try to spy on Page, an American citizen and known member of the Trump campaign.
He wasn't a member of the Trump campaign when they sought a warrant to eavesdrop on him. In fact, a Trump lawyer said the following of Page...

"You were merely one of the many people named to a foreign policy advisory committee in March of 2016 -- a committee that met one time. You never met Mr. Trump, nor did you ever ‘advise’ Mr. Trump about anything. You are thus not an ‘advisor’ to Mr. Trump in any sense of the word.”
Proof they started after he left? Cuz I sure can't find any reliable source because the information is based on classified documents that have not been released.

So how you come up with this information is beyond me. You have access to classified information?
The proof is in the memo. Page left the campaign in September, 2016...

Trump’s Russia adviser speaks out, calls accusations ‘complete garbage’

In a long interview, Carter Page also told me he is taking a leave of absence from his work with the Trump campaign due to the controversy.


Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has been distancing itself from Page. Although Page was one of Trump’s originally announced foreign policy advisers, campaign manager KellyAnne Conway told CNN on Sunday that Page is not really involved at with the campaign at this point.

“I have not spoken with him at all, in fact, meaning he’s not part of our national security or foreign policy briefings that we do now at all, certainly not since I have become campaign manager,” she said. “And I also will say, if he’s doing that, he’s certainly not doing it with the permission or knowledge of the campaign, the activities that you described.”

Other Trump campaign sources told me that Page was never really part of Trump’s inner circle, although he was an early member of the team who was working with Sam Clovis, one of Trump’s first campaign policy advisers. Page has never met with Trump one on one and hasn’t been deeply involved in Trump foreign policy speeches or events, they said.

.... and Nunes' memo states the warrant was sought a month later in October, 2016...

Read the Full Text of the Nunes Memo

On October 21, 2016, DOJ and FBI sought and received a FISA probable cause order (not under Title VII) authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC. Page is a U.S. citizen who served as a volunteer advisor to the Trump presidential campaign.

It would behoove you to start paying attention to topics you choose to discuss.
Cold hard fact of the matter is that the Clinton’s were the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.
Dayam, you rightards are completely fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In the summer of 2016, the FBI was performing two relevant investigations. One into Trump’s Russian connections and another into Hillary’s email server.

Prior to the election, the FBI only discloses Hillary’s investigation to the public. The public never hears about Trump’s investigation.

Then during the week of early voting while Americans where picking their next president, the FBI very publicly announces the re-opening of Hillary’s investigation, still mum on Trump’s.

To the brain-dead right, that is evidence of the government trying to steal the election from Trump to ensure a Hillary victory.

Cold hard fact of the matter is that the Clinton’s were the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.
Dayam, you rightards are completely fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In the summer of 2016, the FBI was performing two relevant investigations. One into Trump’s Russian connections and another into Hillary’s email server.

Prior to the election, the FBI only discloses Hillary’s investigation to the public. The public never hears about Trump’s investigation.

Then during the week of early voting while Americans where picking their next president, the FBI very publicly announces the re-opening of Hillary’s investigation, still mum on Trump’s.

To the brain-dead right, that is evidence of the government trying to steal the election from Trump to ensure a Hillary victory.

Why did they reopen investigation? Carlos Danger had his hands on Huma’s lap top and he was under investigation for child porn. Hence FBI had to reopen and see if files were compromised by a Russian agent posing as a teenager and getting Carlos to open computer files for hacking in effort to send pictures of his “wiener” (pun intended) to the fake teeny bopper.
Cold hard fact of the matter is that the Clinton’s were the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.
Dayam, you rightards are completely fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In the summer of 2016, the FBI was performing two relevant investigations. One into Trump’s Russian connections and another into Hillary’s email server.

Prior to the election, the FBI only discloses Hillary’s investigation to the public. The public never hears about Trump’s investigation.

Then during the week of early voting while Americans where picking their next president, the FBI very publicly announces the re-opening of Hillary’s investigation, still mum on Trump’s.

To the brain-dead right, that is evidence of the government trying to steal the election from Trump to ensure a Hillary victory.

Why did they reopen investigation? Carlos Danger had his hands on Huma’s lap top and he was under investigation for child porn. Hence FBI had to reopen and see if files were compromised by a Russian agent posing as a teenager and getting Carlos to open computer files for hacking in effort to send pictures of his “wiener” (pun intended) to the fake teeny bopper.
Brain-dead rightard... reopening the investigation isn’t at issue. Publicly announcing it while America was voting is.

You know... what you idiotically refer to as the Clinton’s being the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.

#31: Yes, the distraction was choreographed to settle into the prisoners' unconscious as a non-photo of Christopher Steele: salacious is the clue, because it's none other than the traditional FBI-CIA rivalry as a sexual tryst before Trump's Russian probeheads arrive to complexify the fairy tale. Clinton mafia is CIA, not FBI.
Cold hard fact of the matter is that the Clinton’s were the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.
Dayam, you rightards are completely fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In the summer of 2016, the FBI was performing two relevant investigations. One into Trump’s Russian connections and another into Hillary’s email server.

Prior to the election, the FBI only discloses Hillary’s investigation to the public. The public never hears about Trump’s investigation.

Then during the week of early voting while Americans where picking their next president, the FBI very publicly announces the re-opening of Hillary’s investigation, still mum on Trump’s.

To the brain-dead right, that is evidence of the government trying to steal the election from Trump to ensure a Hillary victory.

Why did they reopen investigation? Carlos Danger had his hands on Huma’s lap top and he was under investigation for child porn. Hence FBI had to reopen and see if files were compromised by a Russian agent posing as a teenager and getting Carlos to open computer files for hacking in effort to send pictures of his “wiener” (pun intended) to the fake teeny bopper.
Brain-dead rightard... reopening the investigation isn’t at issue. Publicly announcing it while America was voting is.

You know... what you idiotically refer to as the Clinton’s being the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.

Absolutely did. Her ass should have been prosecuted but Lynch wouldn’t do that. Your a fucking idiot if you think the Obama administration did not run block for Hillary. That sorry assed bitch lost because she was more concerned with social justice issues and less on jobs.
Cold hard fact of the matter is that the Clinton’s were the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.
Dayam, you rightards are completely fucking brain-dead. :cuckoo:

In the summer of 2016, the FBI was performing two relevant investigations. One into Trump’s Russian connections and another into Hillary’s email server.

Prior to the election, the FBI only discloses Hillary’s investigation to the public. The public never hears about Trump’s investigation.

Then during the week of early voting while Americans where picking their next president, the FBI very publicly announces the re-opening of Hillary’s investigation, still mum on Trump’s.

To the brain-dead right, that is evidence of the government trying to steal the election from Trump to ensure a Hillary victory.

Why did they reopen investigation? Carlos Danger had his hands on Huma’s lap top and he was under investigation for child porn. Hence FBI had to reopen and see if files were compromised by a Russian agent posing as a teenager and getting Carlos to open computer files for hacking in effort to send pictures of his “wiener” (pun intended) to the fake teeny bopper.
Brain-dead rightard... reopening the investigation isn’t at issue. Publicly announcing it while America was voting is.

You know... what you idiotically refer to as the Clinton’s being the recipients of campaign help from Obama administration.

Absolutely did. Her ass should have been prosecuted but Lynch wouldn’t do that. Your a fucking idiot if you think the Obama administration did not run block for Hillary. That sorry assed bitch lost because she was more concerned with social justice issues and less on jobs.
I can’t help you’re too rightarded to comprehend the FBI cost her the election by publicly announcing the reopening what turned out to be a bogus investigation into her email server while Americans were voting. It takes a special kind of imbecile to be unable to grasp that, but you seem to have no issues filling that bill.
Yes, distraction by the FBI, CIA's traditional rival. Clinton crime family is CIA, and there's an FBI thread at USMB about that. Mamie Isham Lincoln is one interesting familial link to the CIA.
Well, there's a really big hole to poke in your theory, right out the gate.

Carter Page was no longer working for the Trump campaign at the time the FISA warrant was issued.

Then why would they investigate Page?

Because he's really shady, and has been for years?

The FISA warrant against Page doesn't appear to have anything to do with Trump at all.
Because he's really shady, and has been for years?

You're missing the point or trying to ignore it, why would they use the dossier when he had left the Trump campaign to obtain the warrant, this was your big hole...

The FISA warrant against Page doesn't appear to have anything to do with Trump at all.

Yet they used it to obtain the warrant, so where is this big hole?
Because he's really shady, and has been for years?

You're missing the point or trying to ignore it, why would they use the dossier when he had left the Trump campaign to obtain the warrant, this was your big hole...

The FISA warrant against Page doesn't appear to have anything to do with Trump at all.

Yet they used it to obtain the warrant, so where is this big hole?
They used it because it showed Page had connections to Russia, which is why the FBI was interested in him.

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