16 facts that prove America is in deep, deep trouble

We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................
Not living within its means, is what banana republics do.
The well is dry first
Reports of our demise are grossly exaggerated
Imagine what a wonderful world it would be...without Leftism.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Wrong, being under the thumb of the government is liberalism
Wrong, progressives are the party of slavery... and it has nothing to do with skin color
Wrong, they only want women to vote if they agree with progressive veiws
Wrong, Manbearpig has been lying to you

Most intolerant people on the planet, second only to Muslims Are progressives like yourself... fact
If we didn't have the world's reserve currency we'd already be toast..........

Lose that and we are done..................

Our military ensures that we remain the reserve currency of the world..................

6 major players in history controlled most of the world's currency..............History shows them fall.

Of that list, which countries are you saying "fell?"

Sio be it...................they fell down but got back up.............without having the reserve currency for their power.

But they are no longer the super power they were during their time.

Does the SPANISH ARMADA STILL EXIST? Do they rule the seas anymore.
If we didn't have the world's reserve currency we'd already be toast..........

Lose that and we are done..................

Our military ensures that we remain the reserve currency of the world..................

6 major players in history controlled most of the world's currency..............History shows them fall.

Of that list, which countries are you saying "fell?"

Sio be it...................they fell down but got back up.............without having the reserve currency for their power.

But they are no longer the super power they were during their time.

Does the SPANISH ARMADA STILL EXIST? Do they rule the seas anymore.
World domination is the measure of a countries greatness?
If we didn't have the world's reserve currency we'd already be toast..........

Lose that and we are done..................

Our military ensures that we remain the reserve currency of the world..................

6 major players in history controlled most of the world's currency..............History shows them fall.

Of that list, which countries are you saying "fell?"

Sio be it...................they fell down but got back up.............without having the reserve currency for their power.

But they are no longer the super power they were during their time.

Does the SPANISH ARMADA STILL EXIST? Do they rule the seas anymore.
World domination is the measure of a countries greatness?
To those being DOMINATED...................ABSOLUTELY
Here is a condensed list of worries:

1. Debt
2. Unwed mothers
3. shrinking of the middle class
4. 32 million can not afford the house they live in
5. Educational system is a mess. US is last in Math
6. Men not getting married and living with parents
7. Number one in illegal and legal drug abuse
8. 1/3 of the nation have STDs
9. Unchecked immigration has lead to an explosion in criminal gangs
10. Access to adult websites and no one is doing anything.
11. Complicated tax code
12. US military waste, (42 million for Viagra)
13. The US is unhappy because doctors write so many scripts for anti-depressants
14. Increase in support for gay marriage.
15. Weak economic growth that mimics the growth in 1930
16. High abortion rates.
You left off the 2.5 million we have in prison
Growing disparity between workers and the rich
Loss of the American Dream
No upward mobility

Some on your list are just silly. Nobody cares about porn, gay marriage, military getting Viagra,
Here is a condensed list of worries:

1. Debt
2. Unwed mothers
3. shrinking of the middle class
4. 32 million can not afford the house they live in
5. Educational system is a mess. US is last in Math
6. Men not getting married and living with parents
7. Number one in illegal and legal drug abuse
8. 1/3 of the nation have STDs
9. Unchecked immigration has lead to an explosion in criminal gangs
10. Access to adult websites and no one is doing anything.
11. Complicated tax code
12. US military waste, (42 million for Viagra)
13. The US is unhappy because doctors write so many scripts for anti-depressants
14. Increase in support for gay marriage.
15. Weak economic growth that mimics the growth in 1930
16. High abortion rates.
You left off the 2.5 million we have in prison
Growing disparity between workers and the rich
Loss of the American Dream
No upward mobility

Some on your list are just silly. Nobody cares about porn, gay marriage, military getting Viagra,

The list is from the OP article, not me.

I guess I should add to the list the problem of the left wing not paying attention.
Reports of our demise are grossly exaggerated
Imagine what a wonderful world it would be...without Leftism.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Wrong, being under the thumb of the government is liberalism
Wrong, progressives are the party of slavery... and it has nothing to do with skin color
Wrong, they only want women to vote if they agree with progressive veiws
Wrong, Manbearpig has been lying to you

Most intolerant people on the planet, second only to Muslims Are progressives like yourself... fact
Progressive....I don't think that word means what you think it does
Here is a condensed list of worries:

1. Debt
2. Unwed mothers
3. shrinking of the middle class
4. 32 million can not afford the house they live in
5. Educational system is a mess. US is last in Math
6. Men not getting married and living with parents
7. Number one in illegal and legal drug abuse
8. 1/3 of the nation have STDs
9. Unchecked immigration has lead to an explosion in criminal gangs
10. Access to adult websites and no one is doing anything.
11. Complicated tax code
12. US military waste, (42 million for Viagra)
13. The US is unhappy because doctors write so many scripts for anti-depressants
14. Increase in support for gay marriage.
15. Weak economic growth that mimics the growth in 1930
16. High abortion rates.
You left off the 2.5 million we have in prison
Growing disparity between workers and the rich
Loss of the American Dream
No upward mobility

Some on your list are just silly. Nobody cares about porn, gay marriage, military getting Viagra,

The list is from the OP article, not me.

I guess I should add to the list the problem of the left wing not paying attention.
Very few will destroy our nation
Most are social issues that we have already compensated for

The biggest issue is the growing gulf between the rich and the working class. That could bring down the nation
The issue conservatives refuse to address is the impact of global warming on world economies as the food supply is jeopardized and population increases
Here is a condensed list of worries:

1. Debt
2. Unwed mothers
3. shrinking of the middle class
4. 32 million can not afford the house they live in
5. Educational system is a mess. US is last in Math
6. Men not getting married and living with parents
7. Number one in illegal and legal drug abuse
8. 1/3 of the nation have STDs
9. Unchecked immigration has lead to an explosion in criminal gangs
10. Access to adult websites and no one is doing anything.
11. Complicated tax code
12. US military waste, (42 million for Viagra)
13. The US is unhappy because doctors write so many scripts for anti-depressants
14. Increase in support for gay marriage.
15. Weak economic growth that mimics the growth in 1930
16. High abortion rates.
You left off the 2.5 million we have in prison
Growing disparity between workers and the rich
Loss of the American Dream
No upward mobility

Some on your list are just silly. Nobody cares about porn, gay marriage, military getting Viagra,

The list is from the OP article, not me.

I guess I should add to the list the problem of the left wing not paying attention.
Very few will destroy our nation
Most are social issues that we have already compensated for

The biggest issue is the growing gulf between the rich and the working class. That could bring down the nation
The issue conservatives refuse to address is the impact of global warming on world economies as the food supply is jeopardized and population increases
The two problems you listed are merely talking points, so far.

Wage differential, let's say you make 1000/wk and I make 500 a week for a difference of 500/week. Let's give each of us a 10 percent raise. That means you are now making 1100 and I am making 550 for a difference of 550 dollars. So the wage gap is naturally occurring. Other then getting an education and working hard I am not sure how the gap can be lessened.

Climate change, I personally have not seen anything detrimental. I am not convinced that a few degrees rise will be all that bad for the world. Places that can't grow food will be replaced by ones that can. Maybe it will even not snow in Canada in June.
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

As someone who travels a lot, Obama was liked around the world. Trump not so much. I recently came back from traveling through East Asia ( I went to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand). Any locals I encountered would joke around and ask me about Trump. I also work with a lot of people from UK, Australia and South Africa. They also think Trump is a joke.

Actually travel outside of America and you will see Trump is either disliked or seen as a joke to the rest of the world. The only people that might like Trump are Eastern Europeans. But you see what state their countries are in.
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

I don't know where you get your news but Obama was immensely popular around the world....a Rock Star
Trump is mocked and distrusted

The problem is many of these Trump supporters haven't even traveled outside their own state. They dont have a clue about what goes on in the world.

Trump is the laughing stock of the world and they think majority of Americans were dumb enough to vote for him.
Here is a condensed list of worries:

1. Debt
2. Unwed mothers
3. shrinking of the middle class
4. 32 million can not afford the house they live in
5. Educational system is a mess. US is last in Math
6. Men not getting married and living with parents
7. Number one in illegal and legal drug abuse
8. 1/3 of the nation have STDs
9. Unchecked immigration has lead to an explosion in criminal gangs
10. Access to adult websites and no one is doing anything.
11. Complicated tax code
12. US military waste, (42 million for Viagra)
13. The US is unhappy because doctors write so many scripts for anti-depressants
14. Increase in support for gay marriage.
15. Weak economic growth that mimics the growth in 1930
16. High abortion rates.
You left off the 2.5 million we have in prison
Growing disparity between workers and the rich
Loss of the American Dream
No upward mobility

Some on your list are just silly. Nobody cares about porn, gay marriage, military getting Viagra,

The list is from the OP article, not me.

I guess I should add to the list the problem of the left wing not paying attention.
Very few will destroy our nation
Most are social issues that we have already compensated for

The biggest issue is the growing gulf between the rich and the working class. That could bring down the nation
The issue conservatives refuse to address is the impact of global warming on world economies as the food supply is jeopardized and population increases
The two problems you listed are merely talking points, so far.

Wage differential, let's say you make 1000/wk and I make 500 a week for a difference of 500/week. Let's give each of us a 10 percent raise. That means you are now making 1100 and I am making 550 for a difference of 550 dollars. So the wage gap is naturally occurring. Other then getting an education and working hard I am not sure how the gap can be lessened.

Climate change, I personally have not seen anything detrimental. I am not convinced that a few degrees rise will be all that bad for the world. Places that can't grow food will be replaced by ones that can. Maybe it will even not snow in Canada in June.
The wage (wealth really) differential is most evident in the amount of profit that manages to trickle down to the workers. That amount has decreased dramatically and the gap between the haves and have nots has increased. Upward mobility is stagnant. It used to be each generation strived to earn more than their parents.....it is no longer true
Climate change is a silent killer. Who cares about a few degrees when you have an air conditioner. But those few degrees change climate. Crops no longer grow where they used to. Droughts last longer and cover larger regions. Food chain is disrupted. Man has built his civilization on the waterfront, rising water levels will disrupt those cities and the commerce they create
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

As someone who travels a lot, Obama was liked around the world. Trump not so much. I recently came back from traveling through East Asia ( I went to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand). Any locals I encountered would joke around and ask me about Trump. I also work with a lot of people from UK, Australia and South Africa. They also think Trump is a joke.

Actually travel outside of America and you will see Trump is either disliked or seen as a joke to the rest of the world. The only people that might like Trump are Eastern Europeans. But you see what state their countries are in.
Trump is a joke to most of the world. A sign that the great U.S. Has finally lost its mind
But Trump scares them. They rely on the leadership of the U.S. To maintain stability throughout the world. Stability leads to peace and prosperity. They do not trust Trumps judgment and they don't believe what he says. It is impacting our once rock solid alliances
Making Russia great again
Reports of our demise are grossly exaggerated
Imagine what a wonderful world it would be...without Leftism.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Wrong, being under the thumb of the government is liberalism
Wrong, progressives are the party of slavery... and it has nothing to do with skin color
Wrong, they only want women to vote if they agree with progressive veiws
Wrong, Manbearpig has been lying to you

Most intolerant people on the planet, second only to Muslims Are progressives like yourself... fact
Progressive....I don't think that word means what you think it does
You can define it anyway you like, but at the end of the day, it is merely another form of tyranny. Sorry you are too stupid to understand this.

Stop being a dupe for the billionaire class. You have nothing in common with them.
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America survived a Civil War and was victorious in two World Wars. The Trump administration is barely a half a year old and survived window smashing and car torching on inauguration day and threats by rich crazy Hollywood celebs and even a crazy democrat Sanders supporter trying to take out Republicans with a semi-automatic rifle during a baseball practice. Angry Hollywood idiots and angry kid editorialist opinions aside, the greatest Country and the world' and the last Super Power ain't in nearly as much trouble as the criminal conspiracy between the MSM and the DNC in the age of information.

The United States will always have challenges- and always have doomsayers.

But we will survive the Trump era- the United States is bigger than any President.
True we survived that America hating dipshit Obama you morons elected.

Funny- for 8 years you dipshits predicted that Obama would take away all of your guns, would install a Muslim government, would create death panels, etc, etc.

And none of that happened- and the United States survived just fine.

Yes- we are bigger than any one President.

We survived George Bush and we will survive President Snowflake.
From that link:

#14 In 2007, 54 percent of all Americans were opposed to gay marriage and only 37 percent wanted it to be legalized. Today, 62 percent of all Americans support gay marriage and only 32 percent are still against it.

I have #17: In 1865, 54 percent of all Americans were opposed to freeing the slaves, and only 37 percent wanted them freed. Today, 62 percent of all Americans support civil rights for blacks, and only 32 percent want them to get the hell off the porch and back to pickin cotton where they were happier. ITS THE END OF MERKA I TELL YA!

Perfect examples of they we're screwed, hence the OP


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